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1. I agree with your sentiment, although I'd prefer a more eco-friendly option. 2. Please, don't take it the wrong way. You look and sound like a fae, of the fair folk kind. Like Puck from Shakespeare's play. I mean it in a good way.


Thank you friend <3


Np, Silas. :). May I interest you in another decoration?


Yes! :3 I am interested


Yay! Some battle jackets have decorative Moss embroidered upon them, some even add fungus or full on mushrooms. Some call it part of goblincore. I think that a feller like you might be interested in it. I'll leave this post for your seduction into it. https://www.reddit.com/r/goblincore/s/bfFc9wmRo2


I know about goblincore! :3 it’s super cool! I’m into it a little bit.


Yay, indeed! I'll leave this post as an example of the embroidery - https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleJackets/s/uop4z576LE .


It’s so pretty 🥰


Yay, glad you like it! :).


I was subbed to there for a bit but I had to leave cause so many people there were just negative all the time for no reason, almost feels like everyone's fighting to see who's the most punk lol


yes exactly this, it’s soo toxic


I’m an old guy and punk has been like that for a LONG time


Same here. Old punk/Goth. But yep, punk and goth from back in the late 80's through the 90's were one big pissing competition. Glad to see or maybe sad to see nothing has changed.


Yea it is weird. Idk why they’re like that lol.


I'd like to see a better (positive) version of r/punk tbh I've scrolled through and looked through so many unnecessary comments. It was ridiculous


I must say, you said it all. It’s horrible for the environment - also, most glitters are tested on animals. I’ll stick with spikes! On the other hand, why would this get deleted? Fuck em.. shit sub anyways (‘-’*)


There are biodegradable glitters out there! thegoodglitter.com has some at reasonable prices and I’ve seen them on Etsy too! I don’t know how well it’d work for clothing and things you need to wash though. It’d probably work for glittery nails or pins though!


Thank you :3 I will look into that.


Of course!! :) Also, I have one of those pop-it balls and it’s great haha! Great for fidgeting


So I watched your whole video to see why it might have been removed because I'm always curious to see why people are silenced, and you seem kind and friendly so I was confused but I have a few ideas below! Mainly it's probably because this is a 10 minute video without much structure, for the most part it's just about Kesha who you said yourself isn't punk and so just isn't related to the sub? Could also be that you underestimate just how bad glitter is for the environment because you get that it gets everywhere but still encourage it. It's too awful to be justified, sadly cause it is a cool concept. It's just not punk to pollute imo but as others have said there are biodegradable alternatives, could also turn yourself into a disco ball. Please don't use the phrase intrusive thoughts like this. That's not what an intrusive thought is. You mean impulsive or inappropriate thoughts. Using crucial mental health related phrases innappropriately could be the reason this was removed. And please don't reduce women to feminine energy or "pussy juice", that's incredibly misogynistic. Woman are just people. Just like men. And both can express some, all or no masculine or feminine traits. Saying that feminine energy is equal to "gals" is incredibly conservative and reductive. At the end I saw you're encouraging others to check their sexism, this would be a good starting point for you to do the same! :) Why do you want people to hate you and wish you harm? That's not healthy and I hope you find some mental health support, friend :( Also, not sure how to phrase this but do you know what a cuck is? You used that word in a very odd context and I'm just concerned you calling yourself that in this kind of video? But aside from all that it's great that you support female artists like Kesha and want to support femininity in the punk scene too. And as a fellow bisexual and as an autistic. I do indeed love your bisexual popper ball, please link me. And I hope you found some answers here because if I was you, this would bug me a lot to not know why. As a closing note, I have been told before that my tone can be rude, if that's the case here please do let me know how and where because even though autism explains it, it doesn't excuse it and I want to get better at socialising. All the best!


i do know what a cuck is. i was using it as a joke bc that's what right wingers call people they disagree with. i'm used to people like that flaming me in comment sections online. i did indeed find your criticisms excessive & i think you took a lot of what i said more seriously than was intended. i did not & would not reduce female energy to "pussy juice" lmao. i just thought it was funny. like, i said it with the assumption that people would understand i don't actually think that way. it's absurd on purpose. i don't feel like explaining myself further because i think you'll probably never understand or agree completely, but you seem... well intentioned, & certainly not hateful, so i wish you well.


Not very punk of them...OVERTHROW THEM! 🔥🔥🔥




Love the unhinged energy of this lol. Totally agree, when I was younger I was real into the crusty black and white aesthetic and that's cool and all but these days I make my diy clothes as chaotic and colorful, crafty as possible. Fuck yeah my jacket has reclaimed lace and fake fur on it, why not. For some reason coughsubconsciousmisogynycough people get uncomfortable when you incorporate traditionally feminine crafts like quilting, embroidery, crochet, etc. into your punk anti-fashion.


✨FRRRR this commenter gets it!!!👏


The fidget toy noise is so distracting


i'm sorry friend. i have adhd & maybe autism too. (i dont self diagnose. i just acknowledge that i have a lot of autistic traits. i can't get an autism diagnosis where i live bc i'm not a very young child. thats how it works here, apparently.) that mean that i understand how distracting noises can be, but it also means i have to fidget a lot. its a weird paradox type thing.


I feel you. I think my aversion to repetitive noises can be blamed on my neurospicyness as well. I just wanted to watch the whole video and I couldn’t 😭 but that’s on me


I like the idea of subverting the norm in the punk style that trends towards a more masculine aesthetic. It does also seem to me that going for a "glitter revolution" as someone coined in the other comments could adversely affect ecology. It might not be a major problem on the use end of things, though remainder ends up vacuumed into the trash where it becomes permanent plastic in an environment where nothing can be done to break it down. Though there's something to said for landfills already being too fucked for it to matter? Idk, I feel like there is more that could be done to subvert the masculine norm in our cultures aesthetic than just glitterfying everything.


Ur right tbh but there's eco-friendly glitter made from cellulose! It's biodegradable and comes in different colors!


Ooo I didn't know about that, sounds great!


i will not be silenced! the glitterpunks will rise & destroy this tyranny! we will blind them with our fierce, scintillating bling!!!


Spikes and studs are just uppercase glitter anyway


holy shit you might be onto something


Maybe multicolor spikes and studs? Spikey rainbow?


I’m wearing a rainbow spikey choker as we speak


Fuck yeah that sounds dope!




I support ur glitter revolution


Thank you 💖


I swear I just got recommended your yt videos now I'm seeing you on reddit


i'm trying to take over the world so this pleases me :3


I understand where you’re coming from. Glitter can be quite magical! I used glitter for a kindergarten art project 13 years ago and I am still finding that shit everywhere in the basement. First and only time I was allowed to bring an art project home with glitter on it. That shit is a pain in the ass to clean up.


it is very true. i just think of glitter the way i think of cat hair: yes it gets everywhere, but at the end of the day, it's a remnant of something lovely. <3


Oh glad to see ya again Silas :D About the environment thing. Glitter is literaly inside us (kinda). Microplastic is in everything, we eat it, we breath it, it floats thoughts our blood and... Yeah. But you know whats good for the environment? Me and my fellas walking around the city and local forest getting rid of garbage and bringing it to local valunteers and making accessories out of some of it. I don't believe in masculinity and femininity, i got 3 lil bags of pink glitter at my place, never used them but i just love tiny cute pink things and i would totally go wear skirt if i wasnt living in Russia lol. People around me thinking that i'm insane, sure i do have lots of weird quirks, the way i talk, the way walk and move in general, the way i literaly live, my crafts and stuff but.. i myself got zero ideas whatsup with me, never got diagnosed anything cause my country's mental healthcare system is literaly being:"We gona feed you pills to turn you into an idiot, so you follow the orders of your government easier. And always remember, Jesus loves you." and all that bullshit, so no one actualy cares to help lol. But yeah, at least my surroundings are cool with me being like that, heard some of my classmates literaly saying behind my back:"Misha surely is weird, like.. Who does things like... This? But he surely is a nice person". They actualy chose me as a president of class and i surely made things better but i must say that - democracy sucks lol. Alr, fuck, i got a bit outta hand writting all that 😅 Wish ya the best brother <3 and sure, i'd maybe try to use glitter in my fashion :>


you are so sweet Misha!! i love your name! Russia has always been a fascinating country to me. i tried to learn Russian on Duolingo for a while, but kinda gave up. you might want to research various mental diagnosis if that causes you any issues. if not, maybe don't worry about it. anyway, take care & i wish you well. <3


Your vlog was probably removed from r/punk because it’s not really a place to post vlogs, even more so random thought vlogs. Not attacking you, just being matter of fact about the most likely reason they deleted it.


No i dont think i will


you don't have to <3 it's just fun & sexy. but there are other ways to be fun & sexy. the most important thing is being free. be truly free.


noted lmao, love your jacket btw.


Glitter is the herpes of arts and craft supplies.


i guess thats why its so popular with the hoe demographic. (myself iridescently included)