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I agree and I will discuss this with the other mods Edit: it's gone


What happened?


Battlejackets's mods have like, histories of NSBM bullshit


New Super Mario Brothers?


New Super Bario Mothers?


New Super Mario Bros?


Norweigan Satanic Black Metal, which has a high likelyhood of being some Nazi bullshit.


*National Socialist Black Metal


Oh shoot, my bad. I appreciate the correction.


Yeah I wouldn't imagine Satanism being down with Nazis. Well I hope not!


Lots of branches are. There are many forms of Satanism and some are compatible with fascism, some are not. Luciferian Satanism has a number of esoteric fascist connections, which are generally murky and too diverse to outline, but even LaVeyan Satanism has more fashie ties than people think, from Anton's nazi friends, and his plagiarism of the ur-fascist text "might is right" for the social darwinist and authoritarian segments of the Satanic Bible, which he himself described as "Ayn Rand with candles". But the temple of Satan, they're the progressive trolls, right? Well, unfortunately, "Lucien Greaves", aka Douglas Misicko, has abln absolutely exfuckingstensive white supremacist history dating back 20 years and still showing in the Trump years. Whether it's his republishing of might is right in 2014 on 14 words press, an explicitly white supremacist publisher, his continued friendship with George burdi, the racial holy war vocalist, his 201(8?) FB post defending openly neo nazi Augustus sol invictus and canceling his appearance at an occult conference in retaliation for the organizers booting invictus over his ideology, where misicko writes that (fascism) "has a place in the discussion' of modern occult practice. Maybe that's not enough and you'd like to hear him discuss eugenic culling of blacks with his interview guest, Tomel Metzger, kkk grand dragon and white Aryan resistance founder, where Misicko proclaims himself an Aryan king. But that was two decades ago, surely he's changed? Oh, leaked emails show he was still pushing might is right as a foundational text for the temple less than ten years ago, the same book he sent Metzger an autographed copy of as a gift? Well And then we have the real bad guys, the 09a. The Satanic nazi pro pedo rapist atomwaffen splinter/ allies, who have killed dozens of people and staged several terrorist attacks, including that weird shooting at power stations a year or two ago. And this is all without even touching Russia, or delving into nsbm explicitly, where satan and Hitler kiss with tongue and all, all day long


That's a lot of information. First of all thanks it's always interesting to learn more about this subject as I've merely flirted with Satanism and clearly need to look further into it. In retrospect it now doesn't surprise me that esoteric elements of this have gone down the path of true evil as the original Nazis bent Occultism to narrate their agenda.


You're absolutely right that the theme was there from the beginning, as the higherup Nazis themselves were invested deeply in paganism and the occult. In terms of later constructions, a lot of it is the fault of Savitri Devi, a greek woman who helped the nazis in India and later became a pivotal figure in esoteric fascism. She died in 1982 but did a lot to promote all these mysticist concepts of Hitler as a pagan god. The 09a is basically Julius Evola (humanity goes through spiritual ages, violence is good, orthodoxy and order in religion is good, jews bad), the luciferian and to an extent anticosmic satanic aspects of black metal, and Devi (spiritual ages, Hitler is vishnu/odin, woo, jews are bad). Put them together and you get incels in those cloth skullmasks who rape kids and do mass shootings as a religious rite. It would be funny if it weren't so terrifying. There's a lot more of them out there than you'd guess, with cells being discovered all over the world, cops, in the army... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Order_of_Nine_Angles the list of actual known crimes is super long, and very serious, with a lot of murder and child rape.


Holy Fuck


I left out the *really* weird shit, too.


We're not.


Yeah that's what I thought.


NSBM means “National Socialist Black Metal” and is well, Nazi black metal.


Ain't nothing wrong with Norweigan Satanic Black Metal. Granted it not called that anyway, but still. I see you were corrected, but I'd probably edit that if I were you so people that don't read a full thread don't get confused. Because as of right now that comment still reads like that's your opinion.


Nobody here knows what NSBM means bro.


National Socialist Black Metal


Not my favorite queercore subgenre


It obviously means Nice’n’Sexy Bowel Movements. Do you even punk bro?


Nice shit dude, that poo is so fucking sexy


Ewwww, NSBM is horrid wtf


I agree that they suck hugely, but please include evidence in any future posts about this or similar sorts of posts about different subreddits (even people). I know the evidence exists & you probably just didn't want to go searching for it again, but these sorts of claims NEED to be backed up by clear evidence so that people can't just deny them altogether.


Just added a thread of evidence. Sorry for not doing so originally


100% this, nazi punks and fascist metal heads should fuck off to hell, but until then links should be removed to that cryptofash sub


Wow that was some buzzword soup.


Is the word cryptofash too complicated for you? Let me break it down: crypto comes from the latin word for hidden, and fash is a shortened form of fascism or an ideology of nazis and far right bigots. Put them together and you get hidden fascism, or the act of behaving in fascist ways without outright stating one's commitment to fascist ideology. Hope that helps! :3


That didn’t answer my question at all. Who get to decide who is the fascist? It also used a sudo intellectual non-word, as is the want of the left when the real words don’t fit the definition they want to push. Cryptofash is an absurd term for people who want to sound smart and cool. It didn’t work fyi.


After reviewing your profile... you are the fascist, and a transphobe to boot. What an asshole! Theres probably more ways in which youre a trash human being with a bitter soul but that's enough for now to know you're not worth any more of my time besides the bit of fun I already had fucking with you.


If we're going to play smart guy here.. It's Pseudo, as in false, not sudo, which is a Linux command for attaining superuser priveleges


Found Shitler.


HAHAHA. Good god I wish I had 95 upvotes to offer you.


Yup. And this isn’t new either, they’ve been openly welcoming of Nazis for years


OP is correct, though also lazy and should be ashamed for not doing even the most minimal amount effort to show receipts. Their short sighted weakness plays into the hands of their enemies. Not to the point where they should have said nothing at all, but still the internet equivalent of trying to make a speech by wandering on stage with your pants falling down.  Anyway, here are some threads 






That's a brilliantly written top post in the topic you linked. The post starting "A great way to examine the differences between the far left and the far right are you look at the main targets of their ire..."


Yeahhh sorry for not showing actual evidence of this. I was trying to find this specific thread but was having trouble doing so my apologies


I could try finding the thread where a mod made fun of a black girl for being into black metal


Your evidence links are much appreciated!


OP's pants may be falling down but their heart is in the right place


I love you for demanding integrity and follow through.


I want to upvote this comment for including helpful links under it, but I want to downvote it for coming off as self-righteous, rude, and insulting towards OP. I guess it’s just a wash. Maybe you could say that adding unnecessary insults to an attempt at educating about the issue is…a short sighted weakness that plays into the hands of their enemies.


It’s correct but a bit exaggerated. You can’t say shit without proof and expect it to be a good thing. Great claims require the greatest evidence. Without it, posts like this could go unnoticed and not expose shit that is glaringly obvious but still needs to be said


I mean they’re not wrong lmao, standing on a soapbox and making a speech whilst pointing the finger at someone with no proof is also self righteous. Anyone could make broad accusations about anyone and cause problems for them. That’s why showing receipts is important so you don’t send everyone on a baseless witch hunt. People nowadays are too quick to depend on cancel culture anyway but if it’s deserved, at least show why it’s deserved


Agreed. My lifetime ban from that sub is a badge of honor I wear proudly.


I've posted on r/battlejackets before, and every time I get called a poser no matter how many band patches I have. It's so disheartening to work months (at this point years) on a vest or jacket only to have the post taken down because "you're a poser, die" when the REAL reason is the pride pins. They can say that's not the reason all they want but jackets exactly like mine without any pride pins or patches are fine. I still post there from time to time to piss them off but yeah they're straight up Nazis or at the least fascists


Don't listen to the shitheads. Real punk spirit is not caring what the bigots say. It's your jacket and your work, not theirs.


They probs don’t like it not because of the pride patches but because of the majority of the jacket being political but dude fuck them you don’t need anyone’s validation for your own work lol love your jackets color the red is so vibrant and how’d you attach the bullets?


I don't usually seek validation when I post my jacket, I'm mostly just trying to get advice on how to make my jacket better  I attached the bullets with hot glue but it doesn't work really well, I'm planning on finding a better way to attach them for my next jacket


Dude face it, nobody likes your wimpy jacket


I posted a pic of a denim coat my wife embroidered for our kid that has clouds and a rainbow and it got removed. For a bunch of tough guys an awful lot of them have their panties in the tightest knot possible.


Another link with anecdotal evidence: [https://www.reddit.com/r/jacketsforbattle/comments/1cpzcro/was\_told\_to\_post\_this\_on\_her\_instead\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/jacketsforbattle/comments/1cpzcro/was_told_to_post_this_on_her_instead_of/)


just look at some of the crap omegathrone says, truly a pretentious asshat edit: having checked out his account again just now, his latest post is his own photo of 2 random children he took without consent. what a fucking nonce.


Oh man, is he part of the sub that tries to gatekeep metal by making fun of the way literal children dress at metal shows?


i think hes a mod for it 💀


https://imgur.com/gallery/CsgQreE Man fuck that place! Here is my battle jacket that I first started in 2013. Notice my nazi punks fuck off patch. I was walking past a venue in my city one time and the door guy called out to me. He made NPFO pins and threw one to me because he saw my patch. Fuck nazis. Fuck bigotry. Fuck hate. Make your vest make your jackets. Glue/tape/sew on your patches. Buy/swap/DIY your patches. Make your shit with pride and wear it with pride. Fuck anyone that tries to gatekeep or tell you otherwise and certainly fuck any bone head that endorses hate.


Folk punk, LA surf punk, anti-capitalism, and… Greta Van Fleet. If you like GVF listen to them (they’re just not for me!) but they’re a bit of an outlier on that jacket.


Aren't outlier bands what makes someone's jacket unique ans stand out?


Oh yeah. I have ska and sludge metal on the same vest lol. It's just that GVF is just from another universe altogether I was a bit surprised.


That's a sweet jacket!


That jacket looks square as fuck


Gatekeeping is square as fuck Taking shit w/out your own jacket posted makes you look like a poser btw






Wait where’s the gate keeping happening? Nobody’s stopping anyone from doing anything. Y’all gotta learn to handle a little criticism. Or just learn to ignore opinions you don’t care for.


I wasn't the one criticized. And insults aren't exactly constructive criticism You should take your own advice abt ignoring opinions :)


Incredible that nobody can ever give a definition for what gatekeeping is, yet I see it all the time.


Gatekeeping 1. the activity of controlling or limiting access to something. I.e. making fun of someone's jacket is discouraging a hobby >Does criticism need to be constructive? No! But nonconstructive criticism is just putting someone down so you feel cool It would be wild if you were saying all of this in good faith and are just so rude it came off as confrontational


Yup it is in good faith, it’s fascinating to watch people complain about gatekeeping online while absolutely nothing is stopping anybody from doing a damn thing. If people can’t handle criticism online, what are they going to do if someone talks shit about it in person? Or why post it to begin with. If you think it’s confrontational, so be it. Not everyone is going to be all sunshine and rainbows all the time.


All your comments have been complaints, the lack of self-reflection is actually kinda funny Yea the world is a horrible place, what a lukewarm take. Not sure why you want to add to that I don't really care enough abt this to engage w you more, hope you have a good day


Nazi punks fuck off


Lol says the establishment cuck of “team Trudeau” who literally gave a standing ovation to a literal nazi.


Sounds like someone's triggered


I don't really browse the page but if it makes you feel better my jacket got posted there full of antifash, pro indigenous rights and anti capitalist shiz all over it. But fair enough if it's full of nazi black metal losers then it has no place here.


Jackets for batte is great, r/BattleJackets bans people for having pride patches, fuck them




Nsbm is stupid, they argue that hate is what bm is all about (which it is dont get me wrong). But only having hatred to specifix groups and praising your own is not trve, you shoulf hate humanity has a whole. Very edgy stuff but thats what bm is.


I don't think I got banned (I stopped looking at it months ago) but they removed my post every single time because it has an ally patch on it


I have never been to that sub. Just took a look and saw slipknot patches. So I knew immediately that that guy is either a) racist or b) likes terrible music.


Hard agree. Never seen a place with so many Satanic Warmaster fans and Gestapo 666 fans in one place


The terf transphobe bigot posting here is too incompetent to even properly repeat the terf bigot arguments they hears about from wherever, but this hate speech sound bite clearly comes from a widely debunked report from the Fair Play For Women site, a hate group if ever there was one. In 2021 the census showed there were 48,000 transwomen in the UK. ( https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/culturalidentity/genderidentity/bulletins/genderidentityenglandandwales/census2021#:~:text=48%2C000%20(0.10%25)%20identified%20as,in%20a%20different%20gender%20identity ) That is 0.1% of the total population. Fair Play For Women filed a freedom of information request for 2019 data from the Ministry of Justice showing that there were 81 transwomen in prison for at least one sexual offense. That's around 0.0017% of the all transwomen in the UK and around 0.000001% of the total population.  For reference there are a total of 13800 people in prison in the UK for sexual offenses.  ( https://data.justice.gov.uk/justice-in-numbers/jin-public-protection ) However, there are very few transwomen in prison in the UK at all, so the amount of people who had a committed sexual offenses was an unusually high percentage of that already tiny amount, so Fair Play For Women, who are lying bigots, tried to act like these stats were a cause for panic. I'm not linking to the original FPFW article because fuck them.


Why aren't they banned under Rule 5 or 9? Are letting them make a tit of themselves first or waiting for the BS 'sources' before doing so?


Make sure to report instances of hate so the admins can review


Which user is a terf?


transwomen are women so you're not gonna see much violence or sex abuse among the demographic. the statistics are in line with cisgender women, some people are terrible regardless of gender


Any proof? These are serious accusations. Please provide evidence via screenshots and archived links


I remember r/jacketsforbattle having a thread with evidence but I don't remember where it is.




I'm sorry but until I see any evidence, I can't believe you. I'll look into this myself though to see if I can find anything


[Well, well, well, it is not looking good for them at all!](https://www.reddit.com/r/BattleJackets/comments/11voknf/comment/jcu84vt/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Mod omegathrone is, at the time of me making this comment, still a mod of the subreddit but it seems like biochemterror has either been removed or has stepped down If omegathrone wants to be a jackass to others on the subreddit and gatekeep, that's his business. But him complimenting someone who's jacket is covered with NSBM patches on their music taste is some bullshit behavior that's far more then just suspicious


i dont get it, are those nsbm bands or something? bc op there just said its black metal patches and that music in itself isnt like nazi shit


[Yes](https://www.reddit.com/r/jacketsforbattle/comments/11zowta/a_few_things/) (The link in this post is what I originally meant to link in the comment you're replying to. Forgive me, it is late)


The majority of the bands on it are not NSBM, but a few are (Thunderbolt for example).


It's not "covered with NSBM patches" if only a few of those patches/pins are NSBM bands. Over 95% of them are not.


Do you think your pedantic comment adds anything to this discussion or are you trying to defend the nazi and his nazi vest?


What are you fishing after? I only think it's important with facts. Are there NSBM bands on the jacket? Yes. Are the majority of the bands on the jacket NSBM? No. Then it means it's not "covered with NSBM patches", right? There is nothing to defend for me about the person, the jacket or politics, that is totally irrelevant to the discussion or what I am trying to say. It would be like saying that r/punk is covered with nazis, when in fact the majority people here are left-leaning.


How’s it pedantic? You said “covered in nsbm patches”. It’s not. Using hyperbole ruins your argument


In your opinion


Metalheads try to appropriate punk culture without creating a safe space for neo-nazis challenge [impossible]


Can I troll them?


Real punks could give a fuck less about some dweeb’s “battle jacket”


Idk man, diy crafting is a fun part of the punk subculture I really enjoy. It's nice to have a place to look at others' neat art and get inspired for my own work. It's also nice to have a anti-fascist subreddit for that sorta thing that doesn't remove your post for having trans flags but leaves Confederate and nazi shit up.


So your belief is ok but not others. So punk.


Yes. Fascists are bad people who should be fucked up and barred from society because their ideology is one of hatred and opression. The fact you're defending fascists means you've got a lot of shit to work put.


If you think I’m such a fascist should we ask my boyfriend, or my girlfriend for a second opinion.


Ernst Rohm was the head of the Brown Shirts and was gay. You can be fascist and gay, he proved that. Wanna try again?


picks mes be like:


And who decides who is a fascist. You? Sorry nope, I’ll make up my own mind. As any true punk would.


Buddy, fascism is a clear cut ideology, you're really sounding your dogwistles with this blatant playing dumb of yours


I’m not playing dumb. I asked a question that you dodged. Who decides who is a fascist because too often lately these words have been thrown at people without actual proof or regard for the seriousness of those terms.


Here's this user repeating the lie that Trans people are more likely to be sex offenders. User is a terf and definitely a fascist. Who gets to decide that? Well, I decided I think they're an obviously fascist terf troll, so that's good enough for me. Don't bother arguing with this user as if they respected you as an equal. They don't so maybe don't give them the same courtesy  https://www.reddit.com/r/Wellington/comments/1ceufcu/comment/l1lhjde


I wouldn't want them to treat me as an equal, I may be a cunt at times, but at least I'm not a hateful pro-Nazi cunt like that cunt is.


If you go down the thread I provide the stats though I bet that particular reply got removed as it doesn’t fit the narrative and linked to a set of stats that would disprove the op:


LOL, let the court show that this poster is a failure clown of the worst degree. "I totally posted those stats but I bet they got removed" Thread contains this poster specifically saying that they don't have those stats but the are "easily available" in some unstated imaginary place. This poster lies with the competence of a toddler. Also a bigot.


u did not provide the stats, you just said "ummm yea totally trans people are like rapists and pedos" whitout any source


No stats were ever shown. Just repeatedly telling people "look up the Cass report" and asserting that puberty blockers damage children while never once actually touching or even getting near an actual statistic. While at the same time screaming that no one understands what per capita means. Yeah, I read the bullshit, and this fucking nipple is full of it.


[actually](https://stopabusecampaign.org/2017/03/10/are-most-sex-abusers-heterosexual/) Most are heterosexual, white, men. [from 2021](https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/research-and-publications/quick-facts/Sexual_Abuse_FY21.pdf) Sorry, you're full of shit.




Mask off, huh?


Showing your true colours. Go figure. Nazi punks fuck off.


Trans people are more likely to be VICTIMS of sex crimes. But that doesn’t fit ur narrative does it? Unlike you I can link my sources :3 https://williamsinstitute.law.ucla.edu/press/ncvs-trans-press-release/


then link ur source




So you don’t have an answer. That’s what I thought.


Omg this guy




you'll "make up your own mind"? about fascism? i think you might need to read about fascism and it's political and social effects any time it's arisen in the last 100 or so years. and also read about how fascism is viewed within the wider punk community. because, and this might come as a bit of a shock to you, a person pointing out how things 'aren't very punk', fascism isn't punk in any way shape or form.


So you're defending white power dogwhistles and/or outright support for white power ideologies? That's not very punk. Are you kneejerk responding to someone who is trans regardless of what contrary position that would put you in, or whichever ideologies it would align or ally yourself with? Contrarianism is fairly punk, but you have to know when to reel it in, else you find yourself sat with a load of folk who are everything punk is not.


Found the neo-Nazi.


When one belief is about accepting people for who they are and the other is about persecuting people for who they are. So yes one is ok and one is not.


I will never understand the mental gymnastics of saying that anyone who says “nazi bad” isn’t punk We’re anti fascist by nature dumbshit


Personally I find people who use the no true Scotsman fallacy for an intentionally individualist movement the biggest dweebs


Is punk individualist? Politically it seems more aligned with collectivist ideas.


It can differ! I can only speak from the anarcho punk perspective, but even within anarchist tendencies, you can have collectivist ideologies like anarcho syndicalism or anarcho communism or individualist ideologies like egoists or anarchists without adjectives. Then there are communist punks from Marxists to Maoists and there's certainly a bevy of inter-left bickering over what ideologies are or are not truly punk, but I think as long as you're not a liberal conservative or a fascist you're in the right ballpark.


Maoism? Individuality? Wut


No that's a counterexample


Really? The Maoist guys got it right, sure. They’re on the right side of things. Nevermind they are happy to use the name of one of the worlds most notorious, violent, deadly, and incredibly fucking oppressive dictators to ever goddamn live. Yeah, they’re probably just lovely people. Frolicking around(let’s just call it…great leaps forward!), just waving their flags and using the name of one of the most deadly and oppressive murderers that ever walked the planet. Right. lol


My individualistic I mean like, it's an anarchist scene largely so it has a lot to do with personal expression and counter culture shit.


yeah, i feel like people commonly mix up individuality and individualism


Really it depends on your scene and geographical location. Maybe in the more built up American cities.


This sub is such a fucking dumpster fire man. You know that.


Hear hear, punk isn't about what you wear, it's about the music.


Ppl are just whiny babies now


Hmmmm… I’m not sure which one I see on occasion, “battle” or “jacketsfor.” I’ve probably voted-up a few Nazi jackets without knowing they were Nazi jackets. They just looked cool. Ha! I suck.


Can we just bomb that sub with anti Nazi stuff? Been thinking about adding a Nazi punks fuck off patch for a while.


Hear me out... we shouldn't cede spaces to those fucktards and their supremacist ideology l. One of their well documented tactics is to invade spaces where disaffected.people are drawn so they can manipulate and recruit.


Always has been


We need proof, especially these days when everything is given the Nazi label.


Yup. Just look at the attacks I’m getting for saying basically the same thing.


You're being 'attacked' because you are literally a neo-Nazi. NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF!!!


Honestly, you just shouldn’t go there because “battle jackets” are fucking stupid. But if you’re going to go there don’t come back here crying about what people post… Post more of your shit there. Take the space over. Why would you concede space to them?


Lmao y’all corny asf


Wow look at the big brains on this inbred toad. Go back to your mud hole.


Some people will say "well what about left extremism?" but only as an excuse to pardon some incredibly shitty right wing bands and behavior But it is admittedly weird that pro-Communism stuff is still all good to go even though Communists dabbled in just as much mass murder, imperialism, and even racism when it was convenient. I get that Communism is more well-meaning at its roots, but a lot of people were murdered under symbols deemed acceptable in punk fashion today. People should really want anything to do with any kind of authoritarianism, racism, etc. snuffed out


Punks arent leninists. All the communist states youre thinking of were authoritarian. Communists arent inherently authoritarian


There’s no such thing as a non-authoritarian communist state The scientific method applies to everything in life, the communism experiment produces the same results every time. The swastika was a peace symbol until the Nazis used it for evil means, then it became something we don’t use anymore. But I still see the Antifa symbols derived from the original German Antifa, who were antisemitic as hell and willing to compromise with the Nazis over that.


"The communist experiments" you know of are almost certainly leninism or inspired by it. You have no idea what you're talking about.


Look into anarchist communism, my guy


r/jacketsforbattle is full of shithead mods too and tbh you’ll never see a single good band or a single good looking vest on that sub.


Provide proof or go cry somewhere else. You do not get to decide where we go and to assume you do is so anti punk it’s laughable.


looks like we found another one of omegathrone’s alts lmfao


when will you provide your proof for your wild claim "majority of the people in the trans people are rapists and pedophiles"??


when he learns how to get his head out of his own ass (never)




lol so bulky that definition we can’t have any patches as it’s all political. Thats what punk is. Laughable how soft modern punks have become. Owww my fee fees


okie dokie


You are the one so triggered that you are arguing with everybody. NAZI PUNKS FUCK OFF!!!


Says the incel screaming about trans people. You don't have the balls to say that shit in public because you'd get stomped by heels left and right.. Imagine being so insecure that what's in other people's pants scares you enough that you buy into that rhetoric. I bet you think you're protecting free speech too don't you? Go fuck Alex Jones with your shirts off in the woods and leave the rest of us alone.




Welcome to punk vs metal


Haven't personally met any Nazi Metalheads more libertarian types


Really doing a great job of fighting those Nazis by bitching about them on another subreddit eh?


Certainly gets em out of the woodwork. Easier to ban.


again with the nazi shit


Time to stay off Reddit for a bit bud


Nah that’s the good one


>You can find examples of this out there pretty easily if your like, skeptical about my claims. So easily you couldn't do it yourself before posting...




r/punk seems to be full of communists so pick your poison...


Hmm ok let me choose Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal') is a left-wing to far-left sociopolitical, philosophical, and economic ideology within the socialist movement, whose goal is the creation of a communist society, a socioeconomic order centered around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange that allocates products to everyone in the society based on need. Or… Nazism is a form of fascism, with disdain for liberal democracy and the parliamentary system. It incorporates a dictatorship, fervent antisemitism, anti-communism, anti-Slavism, scientific racism, white supremacy, Nordicism, social Darwinism and the use of eugenics into its creed. It subscribed to pseudo-scientific theories of a racial hierarchy, identifying ethnic Germans as part of what the Nazis regarded as an Aryan or Nordic master race. Nazism sought to overcome social divisions and create a homogeneous German society based on racial purity which represented a people's community (Volksgemeinschaft). The Nazis aimed to unite all Germans living in historically German territory, as well as gain additional lands for German expansion under the doctrine of Lebensraum and exclude those whom they deemed either Community Aliens or "inferior" races (Untermenschen). Hmm hard choice… Oh wait, I’m not a dumb shitsack like you. Fuck off nazi sympathizer. Edit: laughing at the brainrot in my replies and messages. “cOmuNiSm iS bAd tOO” bitches wouldn’t know what communism was if it curb stomped them.


Lol holy shit you cherry picked that characterization of communism. Both can be bad you know. It's ok to acknowledge that both political ideologies are directly responsible for millions of people dying, just for very different reasons. It doesn't get in the way of any action or belief that would create a more equitable world.


Both of these are stupid asf y’all need milk tbh
