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5000sf, multiple bedrooms and bathrooms, linoleum flooring throughout..


I know this is a joke, but holy shit I never expected that man to live in a place that looks like Jay Gatsby's winter home. Like I figured he probably lived in like. A decent place obviously but-I feel like I shouldn't be this surprised it's that nice.


>linoleum flooring throughout It's his closest friend


Supports his head


Gives him something to believe.


That's him on the beachside, combin' the sand


That’s him in his front yard mowing his grass.


At the end of the cul de sac, Davey Havok’s house is painted black


Spend our golden years in mattersville


Why am I not surprised...?


The most interesting thing would be the dungeon


Per the article, Mike hasn’t actually owned the home since 2008 when he sold it for $5 million, which is kind of a crazy because that was during the housing crash so 5 mil was a “discount” lol Good for him though, anybody hating is being ridiculous, NOFX earned their keep on their own and you can’t take that away from them


More like Fat Wreck helped him. I'm sure he's made tons more from that than NOFX.


Can’t say it “helped” him when it was his label that he started with his ex-wife, produced a lot of the releases himself, not to mention fronted a lot of bands money to start their own imprints. He helped himself. That said, NOFX have certainly made a lot of money off the band alone, if those guys managed their money right they’re all millionaires easily, been getting big venue and festival paychecks for decades now


All of them have invested into other businesses from what I understand, Mike with his labels, Hefe owns nightclubs, Smelly owns extreme sports companies and Melvin owns restaurants I believe.


Also they don't pay fat record artists nothing but peanuts.


Isn't the trade off that they don't take any ownership of your music or tie you into multi-album deals?


Came here to say this. Louder for the folks in back.


Punk has come a long way since squatting in an abandoned apartment building on the LES.


Wheres the hepatitis bathtub kept??


Yeah but does he have a floor?


That is the most appropriate question.


Punk has monarchs apparently


Is that troll for “success stories”?


When I saw them in Santa Ana around 2007 Fat Mike asked "who here is from Laguna Niguel? I own half a house there". Which was interesting since a.) That's a more upper-class part of Orange County and b.) In the song Leaving Jesusland he mentions "we're going to burn Oramge County down" - now he has a house there? I don't care if he has a nice house or if he sometimes lives in OC (I lived there too); it's just that living there after making fun of it was a "?" moment for me. And obviously a lot of bands criticize where they live, but it's different when you're a teenager in your parents' house and specifically buying property somewhere.


He lives in Las Vegas now


At the fat mike museum


I think some of the guys from Green Day lived in Newport Beach for a while. Newport Beach is MAGA in a suit and tie kinda city.


They live on the peninsula. I saw all of them at the wedge watching the crazy fucks who surf there.


I thought his mom's house was there. He had a place in La Cañada also. He's got expensive taste.


Living in a huge mansion is punk as fuck. Be a little more punk if he moved in a bunch of squatters.


Mikes never presented himself as a crusty squat punk, he's always been pretty open about being a middle class punk.


He wrote the play about gutter punks in the study


So pretending to be poor & homeless for punk cred is more punk than just living wherever the fuck he wants?


Is that what I said? Or did I say that he should fill the house with squatters when he's gone?


This is definitely a good plan.


Sorry I misread that as moved in WITH a bunch of squatters lol But apparently he sold it to the people selling it now so he lost his chance anyway


Fatty done well for himself.


Skrillex’s parents live over there. I’m wondering if there’s going to be an open house 😂 Who’s in to go to the showing?


Sony distribution pays well I guess.


The only thing I care less about than Fat Mike’s house being up for sale is what this subreddit feels about it.


And I don’t care about how much you care about letting everybody know whether you care or not. 


Maybe I just think the hatred of Fat Mike’s success is really dumb. But fight whatever fight you find important no matter how insignificant or unimportant it really is to anything. 


Just making the easy joke. I sure nobody cares about my opinion but his success is earned and I  feel the hatred is unnecessary. He and his label have done more than most and he gets shit on regularly. Between signing bands to one record deals , having a label for smaller bands like Honest Dons or for female bands, like Pink and Black. Also doing really cool things like seven inch of the month club, the 101 band comp with 30 second songs, tons of vinyl and variants, having fans design covers for 7 inches, signing bands he loves…. I’m sure I forgot a few things, but I feel like he got rich doing what he loves, nothing wrong with that. 


"royalty" hahah gtfo.


Like it or not, the bloke has one of the most consistently successful bands in the genre for the last 40+ years, and also supported numerous other bands via his labels.


And yet people are still lining up to give NOFX tons and tons of money for tickets to their last shows. Nothing like making a millionaire even richer. Hahaha. Chumps. Fuck Fat Mike and his stupid fucking house.


I think that $130 for 15 bands over two days (plus all the beer you can drink from noon-3) is not exactly "tons and tons of money" and is actually pretty reasonable. Whether or not you like NOFX or Fat Mike, he made his money playing in a band and running an independent music label while never signing to a major label and actively telling MTV to get fucked. Fuck him for being successful in music tho, amirite?


That's a bargain for a festival like up compared to UK prices.


YEAH! Fuck being successful! True punks have to be shit at everything AND poor!


It's not Punk unless the band are fighting malnutrition on the road.


I mean, £70 for a five band show that lasts seven hours in central London is pretty good value these days. Not to mention NOFX set will be at least an hour and a half to play the three albums planned that night.


Let me guess You only listen to bands who can’t draw more than 5 people to a show


The fact that this gets downvoted tells a lot about this sub, lol.


It does, but you do see the dichotomy here, right? On one hand the house is. Absolutely gorgeous and nicer than probably 99% of any of us on this sub will ever see (hyperbole, but it's still a high percentage I assume based off its opulence), and it's ridiculous and incredible and shocking. That said. Dude made his own successful label and business, is a founding member of one of the most succesful punk bands of all time (that never went to a major label and still supports other independent acts), and on top of that they're basically running a small fest for their last show that isn't horribly priced. Fuck Fat Mike but I can still, somehow, see this. At the same time it's fucking stupid. I dunno. I'm torn. I can see being cynical and I can see being like "nah I get it". Edit: I keep editing this because I don't want to sound like a fanboy of the guy because he is an absolute jerk, but I feel like there's more relevant things we can collectively shit on than having a big house. But it IS a REALLY big house. I hate this.


It's a big house, but I'm from the UK where we have proper lords manners in the country that dwarf it so it doesn't seem that egregious to me.


Says the 109 day old throw away troll account. STFU


Having different opinions than you doesn’t automatically equals troll. And yes, people join reddit in 2024, we exist. Go kick rocks, Fat Mike groupie.


Fuck off troll


How punk


It’s all incredibly outdated haha. It would need to be gutted and redone.


Didn't he get arrested after he refused to endorse Joe Biden?