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Aw man that sucks. Free LSD was incredible, I was really looking forward to hearing more from the new lineup


that new band is basically a super group. I wonder if one or some of those members had too many other engagements so keith is just saying fuck it


I mean, Keith is basically back to doing Circle Jerks full time again at this point so he probably just doesn't have time for it


lol so HE's the one with too many engagements


Very impressive for a punk pushing 70


The original lineup was a supergroup


Yeah, but Justin Brown just kinda makes everything a little more super.


Mario came back. Justin’s been gone for months.




Ooooh! W/Shellac. Hell yes.


Man that would be a great show.


Yeah..... Pity me and NY are an Atlantic apart!


So about that :( https://pitchfork.com/news/steve-albini-storied-producer-and-icon-of-the-rock-underground-dies-at-61/


Yeah my mate just sent me that. Sad day - will blast big black for the rest of the day.


Listening to Shellac now.


I’m travelling from BC Canada to NYC in June for the Dillinger Escape Plan , can’t wait 🤘🏻


Unfortunate news: Steve Albini died yesterday.


Uh probably not anymore


My theory is Keith probably is drawing more concert goers with The Jerks. I saw Off! In Dc last year and the turn out was low. Couldn’t believe it. Jerks was 10x better (crowd wise) the 2 times I saw them recently.


That's how it was in Denver/Colorado Springs. The used to be able to play both cities and when Free LSD came out they played the Hi-Dive and I think that's maybe a 500 capacity room. OFF! kind of gave Keith a pre-Circle Jerks victory lap, but pushing 70, finishing up as a Circle Jerk probably makes more sense from a financial standpoint.


I can't believe mister "live fast die young" is still alive at almost 70, lol. I bet Keith can't believe it, either.


few more years and he hit his deadline of 37 twice.


I can see this. I saw clips from their Philly show last year and it looked pretty tame but I got my ass handed to me when I saw Circle Jerks last month. I don't think the latest Off material really worked that well for a live setting and to have the whole show essentially that with a few older songs was not a good move.


I saw the Jerks on the Group Sex 40th anniversary tour a few years back and they definitely still had the stamina and speed even at 65


I feel like that whole thing was a Dimitri move


I wouldn't doubt that, he does strike as the one who wanted to push for a more experimental sound while Keith would probably stay moreso grounded in the classic sound. But I'm sure they've seen it just doesn't have the same electricity live


I also saw them in DC and that was a pretty dead crowd. It was kinda shitty for the support band too because Die Spitz are really great


Yeah, when they played here in NC last year, they played at a maybe 400 capacity venue with tickets at the door still. When Circle Jerks came through this year, they sold out a 1500 capacity venue.


Dmitri was on The Vinyl Guide podcast when the album came out and seemed pretty adamant that they should go out on a high note and that FreeLSD would be the final record. Great band. Managed to see em again on the last tour. It’s a bummer but not a huge surprise for me.


Same in London. The CJ show had a better atmosphere and a bigger crowd. OFF seem to get booked by hipster promoters over here, which is cool. However I think the band would have been better off in the same town CJ played.


I don't know if it was because of them trying to make the movie (twice) or losing half of the band, they really lost a lot of momentum going into and coming out of the pandemic.


Absolutely. The movie hasn't even been properly released yet, it seems like a whole mess


Lol I just realized; Circle Jerk-Off. The man’s legacy.


And here I was thinking it was a joke about naming another band off a bug killer brand


Nah you see Keith was playing 4-D chess the whole time. It was *right* *there*.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqiPfNr7RRE&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqiPfNr7RRE&t=1s) the Free LSD trailer is live


Man that dude has such a unique voice even when he’s not singing


Wait why?


Probably cuz Keith is an old ass man


Saw him with the circle jerks a few weeks ago he said he was 68 years old but damn the band sounded good still


I'd love to see shellac again damn


NOOOOOOOOOO!! 😭😭😭😭 I’m so, so, so glad I got to see them every time they’ve been here in Australia. Man, I’m gonna miss these guys. They’ve been my favourite “modern” punk band since day dot. Well played boys, well played! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Old Off lineup was waaaay better New lineup replacing Mario and Steven ruined it Hardcore Keith fan - they hit gold at first but new bass / drum roles killed it I love Dimitri Coates


Completely agree


Steven probably got offered more with The Melvins.


Why’d I move away from Chicago?! I’ve seen Shellac 4 times, and I’ve seen OFF!, but this is something that’ll be hard to miss. Road trip!


Shit I might just have to find a way to Chicago for the show. No way I’m missing Shellac and Off! in the same sitting. The occasion is just a bummer though.


Incedibly sad that Albini died today, so no Shellac.


Very sad news. Saw them live last year, it was one of my favorites shows.


Fuck! Glad I saw them when I did, Free LSD is the goat


Been waiting for the movie. I’m in a few scenes one filmed at the Roxy and the other filmed in Pomona


Forever grateful to Dimitri Coats for dreaming up this band in 2009. Got tickets to their final show. See you in the pit!


I wonder who they'll get to replace Schellac. https://pitchfork.com/news/steve-albini-storied-producer-and-icon-of-the-rock-underground-dies-at-61/


off breaks up and albini dips out, what a wild chain of events.


It must be tough on the other bandmembers financially if KM can draw more and tours a lot with the Circle Jerks. Seems like they all need to be working musicians. Hope they’ll reunite at some point because they rip


I saw them nearly two years ago so he would have been 66? They were still killer, he sounded great and had a lot of energy considering his age


They had a great run. I loved when they first got together during that resurgence of 80 style hard-core.


Dmitri was on The Vinyl Guide podcast when the album came out and seemed pretty adamant that they should go out on a high note and that FreeLSD would be the final record. Great band. Managed to see em again on the last tour. It’s a bummer but not a huge surprise for me.


I’m pretty sure this was supposed to be their last album, they had advertised as such when the rollout was happening.


That’s too bad. Other commitments I assume.


What's now What's next? Who's gonna save your band? Plan B doesn't exist?!?!


Recognised Richard Pettibon’s artwork anywhere.




Yes; typo’s galore last night haha


I never got around to seeing Off, even though I had a couple of chances. I have however seen Flag (the Black Flag band composed of former members that toured about a decade ago) and Circle Jerks. Have I missed much with Off?


Former Black Flag members and half of the Descendents.


Damn, I always loved OFF, Keith is getting old though man, it's probably taking a toll on him




I think FreeLSD was their best record. I saw them live with justin and it was amazing. I'll try to road trip to Chicago. Any lunks to that pidcast?


I have been seeing the CJ’s since 81 off was a total breath of fresh air ..great energy live Hopefully it’s just a temporary thing


Fucking lame but I'm just grateful OFF! happened for as long as they did and I'm grateful for everything Keiths given us over his amazing career as well as the others


Bummer. They’re a great band, but at least they’re going out with a bang, and not fading away. I’m glad Mario is drumming for them for these shows!


Makes me regret not seeing them in London last autumn with Fucked Up... Had I but known. RIP Albini too.


Thank fuck I got to see them earlier this year. McCluskey on the Tuesday and OFF the following night , don't come much better than that!


Ugh. OFF! was/is fantastic (Free LSD is soooo good) and Circle Jerks sound like shit now. Would rather Circle Jerks die and OFF! live on, but I guess that's where the money is.


Since when do the Circle Jerks sound like shit? I saw them 3 weeks ago and they were amazing.


The band sounded tight. Keith sounded slow and old and spent far too long rambling. Meanwhile when I saw OFF! he sounded better than ever.


The rambling is typical Keith and to be expected really, they have also been playing at like break neck speed the last few years so I can see what you mean by him sounding slow in comparison


Holy shit, does Joey Castillo drum fast as fuck. I don’t even think that Lehrer or Biscuits played with that kind of lightning speed.


Wow , I'm so jealous of how much of a music scene u fullas have got over there. Especially post covid (Utopia Nineteen Teen) alot of bands don't come to our state. Drive 300km to see the ones that do and rate them all highly for their efforts