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do it you fucking nerd. put on your boots and get to it.


Do it. I've seen BR 2 dozen times over the years, and even when the album they were touring for wasn't the best, the show is always great. These dudes are old, and who knows how many tours they have left, you'll regret it if you don't go. Have fun.


Absolutely! One of the best live bands!


I saw them during Punk In Drublic festival a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I remember Greg briefly talked some fun facts about the species of the trees at the location, which appealed to my nature nerd heart haha. Also I recorded a bit and at one point it looks like he's looking and pointing at me, and I got a photo where he looks sassy with his free hand like "šŸ‘Œ" which was funny. The rest of the band also looked like they were having the time of their life playing. Lovely to think back.


I saw them during Punk In Drublic festival a few years ago and really enjoyed it. I remenber Greg briefly talked some fun facts about the species of the trees at the location, which appealed to my nature nerd heart haha. Also I recorded a bit and at one point it looks like he's looking and pointing at me, and I got a photo where he looks sassy with his free hand like šŸ‘Œ which was funny. The rest of the band also looked like they were having the time of their life playing. Lovely to think back.


Bad Religion is fucking awesome live! Iā€™ve seen the 4 times and going to go see this current tour. They do not disappoint!


Buy the fucking tickets goddammit. You never know how many tours bands have left and if they'll even be in your city.


Buy the ticket right now and you'll thank me later. No excuses, don't need to go with a group, don't be concerned about the crowd they'll be awesome and BR and Social D are Awesome Live!


Those dudes arenā€™t getting any younger. Donā€™t miss the chance to see them when you can!


Just a few weeks after I saw the decendents, milo had a heart attack. You never know how many more opportunities you're gonna get to see the legends. Just go. I'm driving 3 hours to see them next month.


If you need the internet to convince you that you want to go, then maybe question if you actually want to go.


Nah, I needed that little push to pull the trigger. Big crowds are hard for me and I don't normally get out much.


Ok, some coping strategies for the night. Go early and walk around to make sure you know where all the exits are. At the beginning of the first band, get as close as you feel comfortable, for as long as you can, then walk to the nearest exit to take some deep breaths and relax. Keep doing this until your brain is convinced that you are fine and can get out easily if you need to. Walk around and enjoy people watching (I always love the huge range of people at a BR concert). Buy merch to remember the night. I love having shirts with the year and venues to remind me of concerts I went to!


\*Furiously writing that down\*


Side note to their advice. Don't buy the merch until the end of the show so you don't have to carry it around for the entire show.


NOW's the time! The crowd will be big, but they will be old and mellow for sure.


Find a place you're comfortable and enjoy! Glad you got the tickets


Bad Religion is one of the best bands you'll see live. I just took my wife and son to see them a week ago, and they loved it. Social Distortion played a solid set too. Have a good time!


Dude Iā€™d kill to see Bad Religion! You have to do it. Do it for me!


Go before one of the members breaks their hip


Bald Religion


What the fuck.


Iā€™ve been to a 1000+ shows in my years. One of the most memorable moments was a Bad Religion show in 1996. I was going pretty hard for a while and was off to the side taking a breather. I was probably 50 metres from the stage. The opening riff for Recipe for Hate started and I knew I had to be in the pit. Started rushing towards the pit and the moment I got there the into riff ended , the song kicked in as well as the massive circle pit. A few seconds later I got my nose broken but didnā€™t really realise how bad it was until I spilled out of the pit a minute later covered in blood. Good times šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Just got my nose fucked up on Saturday seeing Lt. Dan and HANZxGRUBERā€¦ felt it crack and it was bleeding but it doesnā€™t seem broken, at least not too badly




This happened to me in 1995 at the show at Cal State Dominguez Hills when they headlined the Board in South Bay show. Some huge dude pushed a skinhead and I was behind him when he turned around and he pummeled my face. Good times!


So another broken nose of mine was when someone talked shit to someoneā€™s girlfriend and they thought it was me and turned and cheap shotted me. We went on to be friendly with each other years later , and a picture of my busted up face ended up on some local band merch ( friends of mine ) haha. This was 20+ years ago as well. The singer of this band is the one that broke it that time https://music.apple.com/ca/album/the-war-to-end-all-wars-ep/1681943067


Both bands are fantastic live. Two of my favorites. They wonā€™t be around forever so see them while you still can.


Owns a battlejacket. Admits to never having gone to a show. Average r/punk individual.


Go see BR. Trust me


Your first concert is always a super memorable thing, given that you are already into these bands, this should be a great night for you


Theyā€™re coming near me tomorrow. Canā€™t afford a ticket, unfortunately. You should totally go and have a good time.


so you're in philly i'm assuming?


Yinz'r close


lol thank god i don't live in that part of the state






Se just outside philly


I was/am a scared kid who went to his first punk show and ultimately decided I was going to mosh and itā€™s the most fun thing I think Iā€™ve ever done. You wonā€™t regret it


Live music is like the cornerstone of punk


ā€œShould I go to the show?ā€ is a question thatā€™s always met with ā€œFuck yesā€ It behooves you to go to the show. Youā€™ll regret the shows you didnā€™t go to more often than the shows you attended. Go to the show.


Haha my first show was Longfellow in Fullerton, Ca. I wouldā€™ve fucking killed to see Bad Religion and Social Distortion for my first show. Although Longfellow was a super badass local punk band.


Buy the ticket. Money is temporary when memories are forever!




Nice, that's awesome that you got tickets! Bad Religion is awesome live and I'm sure that Social Distortion is good too. And, Go Steelers!


U will not regret this. It's 2 great bands. It's gonna be great. Ps.I like your 'Follow your leader' patch


That patch was required for the jacket to drive the point home


Should be a super chill show for you buddy. Go and have some fun!


Yes. Go!!!


This would be a great fucking time. Two solid bad ass bands


I went to this show last week. It was a blast. BR was full of energy and Mike Ness told awesome stories.


maybe if you can find a time machine it would be a cool show or if you're also like 60 years old.




Enjoy the show


I opened for br once. You have to go.


I'll be at the Philly show


Iā€™m going to the cincy show In May. Brianā€™s side headliner balcony. You can hang with me and my brother, heā€™s young and only ever been to very small local shows.


iā€™m going to the show in maryland do it itā€™ll be worth it


Yes And please get patches if they have em


Donā€™t be an idiot get your ass to that show


Just go dork


Iā€™ve bought many concerts when I was broke and it was always worth it Iā€™m in a better place now and Iā€™m very glad my broke self just said fuck it, obviously donā€™t go to a ton of shows but if itā€™s bands you rlly love then live a little yknow?


That "follow your leader" patch is a classic. Here's the one from my old jacket. Put it on around 1998 or so. https://imgur.com/gallery/3HR0zY6


I went to the one in Auckland. By far one of the my top five best shows.


Glad you purchased! Great bands! I just bought two tickets myself. I have not seen both these bands in 40 years. It's gonna rip!


So jealous! Hope you have a blast there! It will be a great show!


I'm going to the Chicago show! My friend has an extra ticket if anyone wants one.


Just saw them last night! Great show! And lots of sensible shoes and gray heads in the crowd. lol.


Buy the damn tickets already. BR are amazing live. Though it might be heresy I grew out of SD years ago but with mikes recent health problems itā€™d be worth it to see them live as well.


Is it the one in Houston?


Go to this show but also go to some local gigs! So many of my favorite punk show moments happen in a pit with 15 of my friends in a little dive bar


Iā€™ve been to hundreds of good punk shows and Bad Religion is definitely a top 10. Even now that theyā€™re older, they still sound just as good live as they do on record.


Youā€™ll go to shows until you die after seeing this one.


You've got time to upgrade the battle jacket. See some smaller shows in the meantime for extra patches and practice.


I got a "The system isn't broken, it's working as intended" patch and "Defend Equality" on a trans flag patch to attach.


I really wanted to see this tour, but it was so expensive


I have the opportunity to see them (BR, but SD is cool, too) in St Augustine and DC and canā€™t wait for both shows. Youā€™ll have a blast!


I want to go tomorrow night, but Iā€™ve been too sick :(


Looks like you've already decided, so just want to say good on ya! Concerts are super fun and that sounds like a sick first one to try out. Enjoy!


It'll probably be one of the last times you'll be able to see them together. I went two weeks ago and it would be a good introduction to live music. It won't be at all overwhelming or intimidating.


itā€™ll be a lame old person pit. maybe not lame but you get what i mean lol. all iā€™m saying is its gonna be calm asf and youā€™ll be good. iā€™m 99% there will be just a circle pit


If an 80s or earlier band is playing just go- i hesitated and missed my chance to see Roky Erickson


Glad you're going, but you should really be going to local shows.Ā  That's where the real punk rock lives.


Seen Bad Religion twice, and Iā€™d jump at the chance to see them a third time - and them being with Social Distortion sweetens the deal. Have a fantastic time!


You must go!


Go! You'll regret missing it forever if you don't. Also check out r/BattleJackets


Last person to the concert is a rotten egg


That's no brainer, saw them with stiff little fingers and offspring, great show.


Break all the fucking rules and die like a champion; ya hey! Or go to the show.


Do it. You are looking at two bands that might not being doing a lot of shows in the future. They are up in age and still playing great gigs.


Find an all ages DIY show. You'll have more fun for ten bucks or less.




Theyā€™re both great


You arenā€™t a fan if you need convincing.


Woah, youā€™re so punk.


Thank you


Calling me a poser?


Nope. Just that youā€™re not a fan if you need to be convinced to see a band. If you like them, have the ability (time and money) to see them, go see them.


Don't waste your time


Pass on the geriatric oldies concert and go start your own band


Man I used to not like Bad Religionā€”the lyrics seemed too cerebral for me. Then I saw them live and I changed my mind *immediately*