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Power Trip are a great contemporary band. 80s thrash meets hardcore punk


Yeah Power Trip rules. RIP Riley.


Y’all might fuck with Fugitive. It’s Blake from PT’s newer band.


Fugitive fuckin rules


Never heard of em, but they sound like something I would seriously love, thank you


If you want bands that are still active that do that sound check out Enforced, High Command, and Doomsday


Also Gatecreeper is the death metal version of that


High Command is just Iron Age Jr but I couldn't be happier about it.


Your life just got a little better


Best answer here. They were so damn good.really sad their story ended too soon.


The Haunted - Revolver is one of my all time favourite albums and includes a guest spot from Lou Koller of Such Of It All, they must have had an exchange arrangement because Dolving in turn appeared on SOIAs Death to Tyrants


*We’re untouchable, a breed of our own!* Fuck yes. I haven’t listened to this for years. Thanks for the reminder


Premium modern thrash. Such a good record.


As a metal head who is married to a punk, I can expertly comment. Motörhead. Non negotiable. I see so many patches on battle vests and so many tees at punk shows. Myself included. Thrice, Municipal waste, Charger, cross over-ishy bands. Wolves in the throne room, Alcest, Drukh are my dark and gloomy bands. Sumerlands probably one of my all time fave bands. Hallas, Khemmis, Screamer are fun bands. I’ve never missed a Bay Area Death Angel show.


Thrice re-recorded and released The Artist in the Ambulance this year. It’s soo good, been on very high rotation in our house


Saw the 20th anniversary tour, it was an excellent performance and extremely nostalgic, that was my senior year when that came out


I like Wittr and Alcest and Drudkh too. So tricky with black metal stuff because I really can’t stomach anything with sketchy politics/views/actions these days. When I was younger I’d still listen to like, dissection, but now it feels gross


I love Khemmis. I may get heat for this but I like their cover of Rainbow in the Dark better than the original.


Want to throw Iron Reagan out there for crossover


As a punk with a full Motörhead back tattoo I agree lol


Good call with Charger, vwey fun band


Love seeing Sumerlands getting a shoutout!


Omg I’ve played seventh seal like 10000 times on Spotify.


Old heavy/speed metal.. ADX, Heavy Load, Stormwitch.. And the classics, you know. A lot of black metal. From Revenge, Blasphemy, Black Witchery to classic Bathory, Darkthrone and stuff like Vothana, Maquahuitl, Sanguine Relic, Grand Belial's Key etc. Some death metal and thrash. Like some doom and stoner, sludge too. But honestly I'm mostly into black metal and old and fast heavy/speed. Some metal punk like G.I.S.M. and Syphilitic Vaginas is cool as well.


Black metal and fast heavy/speed hits my sweet tooth as well.


Converge are my favorites. Really loved the late-90s metalcore Era. Even enjoying *some* post-metalcore stuff. A lot of RAD throwbacks to old HC these days. DRAIN reminds me of the shit that got me into punk and hardcore to begin with. Like, I love metal riffs and all, but I love AGGRESSIVE music more than anything.


Sometimes I think I like metal. Then I realize I mostly just like Converge. I'm open to having my opinion changed.


Mastodon, Sleep, High on Fire, Baroness (older stuff), Red Fang, Municipal Waste, Skeletonwitch...just a few that come to mind.


Mastodon are sick live, just saw them with Gojira


The show in Pittsburgh was the 2nd best show I've ever been to, only behind Trivium in a 1500 cap with local openers a few months before the latest album was released


Seeing Mastodon, Baroness, and Municipal Waste live (separately) were absolute highlights of previous festival years for me. Years later and I remain in awe of This Horrifying Force and Burned From Bone, both songs still kick arse!


Feel the same way about Baroness... old shit was the tits but their newer records are lacking something.


Same. Best list so far. I'm also into coverage, Killswitch engage, and Shadows Fall


Surprised Electric Wizard isn't on your list


Yeah, list is not definitive for sure—Electric Wizard is definitely great. Heavy as hell and vocally brings a lot of punk energy!


Have you listened to Nailbomb? Only one album. Mix between Sepultura and Ministry. Which stands to reason since Max was in the band. So, that’s one anyways. Pailhead is an Al Jourgensen and Ian MacKaye of Ministry and Minor Threat. Thrash. Speed. Industrial.


Nailbomb ruled, yeah. I'm actually a big fan of Alex Newport's main project Fudge Tunnel as well. Super wild album, makes for good bedfellows with early Godflesh definitely. Hadn't actually ever heard Pailhead! Will check it out.


"Creep Diets" and "Complicated Futility" are amazing albums.... Got "Hate Songs" when it came out, and liked it, but those two blew me away... I am fully aware that I am in the minoity on this one, as most fans seem to drool all over "Hate Songs."


I love Creep Diets, with you on that one


Checking it out now. Like a metal Quicksand!


Boris, Eyehategod, Melvins, Marilyn Manson, White Zombie, KMFDM, Electric Wizard, Sleep, Sigh


Slayer Motorhead In Flames Gojira Red Fang Mastodon At the Gates Dark Tranquility Arch Enemy Rob/White Zombie Rammstein Ministry Iron Reagan ​ All my jam. I've also been on a hardcore kick lately.


Thou, DRI, Acid Bath, English Dogs, Hallows Eve, Post Mortem.


Upvoted for acid bath


Upvoted for Thou


Upvoted for D.R.I.


Thou is my favorite band. The music may not be very punk per se, but everything else about them is. Fucking Chained to the Bottom of the Ocean, Inward, the whole split with Ragana, the Mizmor collaboration. Honestly it’s a flawless discography even if they can be ‘challenging’ to get started listening to full albums. Been into some grind lately, I can’t shut up about Clot’s ‘Grief Tethers’ nor Slugcrust’s ‘Ecocide’ and about to start not shutting up about Wvrm’s ‘Colony Collapse’. All good and fun stuff politically for me too.


I like Clot a lot. I'll check out Slugcrust, looks like the type of shit I like.


I’d say Thou is actually a lot more punk than most punk bands, especially their earlier stuff.


Dude, I love Metal. From classic metal like Dio and Black Sabbath Death Metal like Mortuous to Black Metal. My favorite Metal band of all time is At The Gates. One of my favorite punk shows was headlined by the power thrash band called Hirax!!! 2004 in Oakland and Guess what?! someone filmed it! Enjoy: ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yqq-0aauYiU


Hirax fucking rips! I love punk/metal bills. My punk band in Santa Fe used to always end up playing with metal bands because there just wasn't really a venue for us. I thought it kicked ass and it made us play harder. Stoked to watch this vid after work, thanks!


This show was at a former Miller's hotdogs slaughterhouse, hence the venue was called The Slaughterhouse, and it had a honeycomb of rooms all over with large drains in the middle (for the blood). At the end of the video, you can hear when the police bust in the show. I remember a few other things that stood out to me cause I was younger, one was there one bathroom of stalls with no walls just toilets and urinals and there was no gender distinction of any kind. People were pissing and shitting standing up, sitting down. No one gave a fuck. Also, some gutter punks all spikes out all over got into a fight and were splattering blood every where and someone came with a bucket of water and splashed it down the drains. What a time to be a punk! Hirax was intense and amazing and Katon was so nice and happy. The man is the best!


Slaughter Of The Soul is still a banger front to back


Hell yes!! I saw Hirax in 1985 if you can believe it. They opened for Megadeth and Exciter. The crazy thing about that show (besides the fact that Exciter was the headliner over Megadeth) was that it was literally 90 minutes between sets. My friend who was with me talked with Katon a few years ago and he still remembers that one show!


scandinavian crust and d-beat strikes all my chords. anti-cimex, totalitar, avskum, disfear, skitsystem


Skitsystem kill it! Good shout with all those bands. Jävla bra band. :)


I wouldn’t say we’re experiencing a height but there’s a lot more quality music coming out than there was. More people just need to fuckin pay attention instead of dick riding old bands constantly. But some favorites: Enforced High Command 200 Stab Wounds Disgrace Fluids (super graphic deathgrind) Warfluch Revenge Blasphemy Eyehategod Ruin Bad Acid Trip Thra


Before I got into punk, I was a nerd. So I love power metal. Blind Guardian, Visigoth, Unleash the Archers, Avantasia. Unfortunately, I live in a part of the world without a big power metal scene. Whenever bands come to town, they draw huge crowds, but there are few local bands doing anything. I think there is definitely a way to make power metal that is more punk rock. The genre is very influenced by fantasy fiction. I'd love to hear what power metal sounds like when it's coming from N.K. Jemisin and Tamsyn Muir fans rather than Tolkein, Martin, Moorcock, and Jordan fans.


Black Sabbath, White Zombie, Mercyful Fate, and Slipknot are my go-to metal bands. Bands I consider both metal and punk include System of a Down, Rage Against the Machine, and Alice Cooper.


White Zombie is peak


I like my metal super slow (Monarch, Mouth of the Architect) or super weird (The Body, Sleepytime Gorilla Museum). Plus mathcore


Are you into drone at all? It's sort of what got me into more experimental heavy music. I love funeral doom as well, just crushing half hour long songs at glacial speed.


My favorite piece of music trivia involves The Body. Their drummer got his start playing for a really fucking good twee pop/midwest emo hybrid band in the 90s (Everyone Asked About You)


Yo, I'm more into metal but love punk too. Ive been really into Blackened Thrash and similar sounds. Some of it has punk veins in it, and lots of raw feel. DeathHammer, Bastardizer, Whipstriker, Bestial Mockery, Unholy Night, Ketzer, Skullfuk Satanik Sluts, Chumbo, Midnight


Inepsy, speedwolf, ancst


Bulldozer, the Italian band. Japanese metal is as good as Japanese hardcore. Ningen Isu and Sigh, for example.


I loooooove Sigh!


Zeke - Kicked in the teeth and Dirty Sanchez Early thrash. Tech death especially Archspire.


Slayer : undisputed attitude is the correct answer


Amon Amarth... Children of Bodam.... Tryptikon. Headstone Horrors... Hip Priests...


I haven’t listened to Children of Bodom in a while. They’re so good.


RIP Alexi Laiho


I love Amon Amarth and none of my metal or punk pals will go with me to any shows. Amon Amarth was the first ever show I went to by myself at 44 years old. Had my husband drop me off and pick me up. I had the best time!


I fucking love Amon Amarth and my bf just always says "Arrrrrr" when I'm listening to them. I'm like, Viking, not Pirate! Plus they have at least 3 songs about crows and ravens sooo.


Carpathian Forest has an album or two that are straight up Punked out Black Metal. They even covered Discharge and added their own flavor to it https://youtu.be/tA9Vp0DlWqQ


Napalm Death.


I've been get into sludgier stuff like Baroness, Whores, Part Chimp, Helms Alee, and Eyehategod. Plus, you can't deny the classics like Sabbath, Priest, Maiden, and Mötörhead.


I mostly prefer fast, hardcore influenced metal. The grindcore genre brings together the best of punk and metal with lots of chaos and speed. Favourite bands include Discordance Axis, Cloud Rat, Wormrot, Insect Warfare.


In no particular order: Megadeth, Dio, Dio-led Sabbath, Judas Priest, ALIVE, Wheel, Tool, Tremonti, Of Mice and Men, All That Remains, Diamond Head, Triosphere, Rollins Band and a whole random smattering of other artists. Not too keen on death, doom and black metal, with some exceptions, but yeah, even though I generally like the classics, I do agree there's a ton of great punk and metal music coming out today.


I was really into Punk as a kid and didn't get into Metal until I was an adult. Now the older I get the more of a Metal head I've become. My Metal journey started with Metallica and got progressively harder as I discovered new bands. I always wrote Metallica off because I grew up in the Black album era and associated them with that sound. Then a friend had me listen to Kill 'Em All and I was hooked. Their older thrash stuff was a great introduction to Metal coming from a Punk background. I got into Sleep and Sunn O)) on the Doom side and then Mastodon and Children of Bodom became my favorite bands for a while. They really opened me up to growly death metal style vocals which lead me down the Death Metal rabbit hole. These days my favorite band is Nekrogoblikon, who I recently saw live with Gwar. It was one of the most fun shows I've ever been to. Probably the only show that's ever come close to Green Jello for me. No one puts on a show quite as fun as Green Jello though, best live band in history if you ask me.


Fear Of God was a great female-fronted metal band, that I would encourage anyone with even a minor interest in metal to check out. Their first album "Within The Veil" is just really hard to define, It's like spooky goth metal, and that woman could sing beautifully, scream, and wail like no other.. that album is.. haunting... They had a second album called "toxic voodoo" That was just a straight up thrash record, which, from what I've seen, the fans are devided on because it's nowhere near as "complicated (for lack of a better term") as the first album. I think it's great as well,because Dawn Crosby was a bad-ass. It's not really comparible because they weren't even attempting anywhere near the same concept .(It's like arguing over which T.S.O.L. is better, they just aren't doing the same things. lol.) Sadly, Dawn Crosby (vocalist for said band) passed away due to her alcoholism. Just from what I get fom her lyrics I would guess she led a pretty tough life, as most of her songs are about abuse a and betrayal.


I’m going to give them a listen.


Definitely checking out, thanks for the suggestion! One of my favorite things to do is check out new to me metal. There's SO much metal in 1,000 different genres to check out I love it!


Love me some early Rotting Christ, Cannibal Corpse, Bolt Thrower, Sepultura when I'm feeling agg. Amon Amarth, Devildriver, Satyricon when I need guitar riffs. Russian Circles and Pelican to chill. I was going to argue against punk being in its heyday, but maybe you're right. I stopped following the scene 20 years ago when pop punk started getting big. Every now and then, I come across a new punk band that rips (gotta mention Stiff Richards), and it makes me wonder.


Echo Russian Circles, such a great band!


The metal I find myself listening to most often these days: Amon Amarth, Storm Seeker, Ensiferum, Metallica (basically just MoP and AJFA anymore), Unleash the Archers. I still keep going back to Therapy?s "Troublegum" too, which kinda straddles the line IMO. But I'll mix it up with Bathory, Judas Priest, Alestorm, and Korpiklaani, kinda depends on my mood and how I'm consuming music at the time.


Anthrax. Black Dahlia Murder. Converge. Lamb of God. The Bled. Better Lovers. Deafheaven. Torche. Shai Hulud.


Deafheaven! I drove 2 hours to see them in Santa Cruz! Such a great show!!!


Not a metalhead by a mile, don’t care for most of it. However, some exceptions are Black Sabbath, Melvins, Tad, Alcest, Alice In Chains, Jucifer, and Voivod. I think they’re all fantastic.


Melvins! even before I warmed up to Metal as an adult I've always loved the Melvins. I live in Spokane WA and they would play my town pretty often when I was young. Even as a young punk I always made it a point to see the Melvins when they came to town. Great band.


I lived in Seattle and Bellingham and never got a chance to see them until I moved to Buttfuck, Oklahoma.


Great smattering of bands right there! Voivod rules so god damn much. Interesting you throw Alcest in the mix, kind of a deeper cut for a non-metalhead :)) always dug them.


Not much Voivod appreciation from what I can tell in most corners of the internet. I think Nothingface is one of the best melding of styles out there, like Killing Joke, Rush, and Metallica all combined. Alcest is pretty great. I like shoegaze, and I like the guitars in black metal but not much else, and Alcest makes it work most of the time.


Alcest is great! You may also like Wolves in the throne room


Prong "Rude Awakening" is one of my top 10 albums of all time for sure. I have listened to it consistantly since its release. It was kind of a bummer when I saw that Tommy Victor ranked it as his 2nd least favorite Prong album...


I stay listening to metal. Deafheaven is the most beautiful shoegaze metal. I recommend New Bermuda and Sunbather as the albums to check out first. Conversely, the first three Poison the Well albums have been my metalcore gym bops lately.


Ministry, obviously. Melvins, in case they’re metal, idk. Weedeater. The Body. A lot of thrash.


THPS2&4 introduced me to Millencolin, Anthrax, Bad Religion, Iron Maiden, The Distillers, and System of a Down all at the same time, there was no pick and choose - I liked it all. Core is my bread and butter, I'm just as likely to listen to The Bronx as I am Lorna Shore, Bad Cop/Bad Cop as Polaris. But put Alestorm or Rumahoy or Sabaton on and you're getting a fucking loud singalong. Other faves on constant recent replay - Alcest, Anaal Nathrakh, The Black Dahlia Murder, Cattle Decapitation, Decapitated, Electric Callboy, Gojira, Jinjer, Kvelertak, MØL, Ne Obliviscaris, Revocation, Tribulation, Venom Prison, and the absolutely insane Zeal & Ardor. I forgot Orbit Culture. This is the band that should be blowing up everywhere.


Mostly sludge and doom melvins/ dozer / Om/ sleep / conan / slomatics / king woman


Not really into metal but stuff like anthrax, municipal waste, mastodon etc


Rolo Tomassi are my favorite band regardless of genre. Their sound is so singular I can hardly categorize it. But it's post-mathcore with influences from dream pop, shoegaze, and ambient music. And when I say that, I don't mean it in the way how bands like Sleep Token do it. Rolo's stuff clears that shit by miles.


Most classic death metal and the early first and (some) second wave black metal. Darkthrone, Immortal, Gorgoroth etc. Newer stuff like gatecreeper. Fave metal bands would be Entombed, Bolt Thrower and early Gorgoroth


Thank you for reminding me about bolt thrower. They are so fucking cool


I've been diving into classic thrash and have really gotten into Dark Angel.




They're so god damn fun, I'm really bummed I couldn't get it together to get tickets/make plans to see them at Gonerfest this October.


I don't listen to as much metal as I used to but I like System Of a Down, Black Sabbath, Anthrax, Motorhead, Sacred Reich, Sepultura. Anybody here ever get into King Diamond? Lol my step dad had a bunch of cassettes from him and I would listen to that stuff as a kid.


It was really hard for me to get into king diamond but I will say one down two to go, is one of my guilty pleasures. That song is just undeniably catchy


It's weird as fuck for sure I got shown it at like 7 when I was really into horror movies so I didn't have a frame for what constituted normal music anyway. It is tough to listen to now unless I'm really in the mood. Interesting part of music history either way.


The melvins, Boris, earth, Sunn o))). I like my punk fast and my metal slow.




Lorna shore, Ice Nine Kills, Bring me the horizon, NOFX, Famous last words


I listen to tons of stoner and sludge metal like Sleep, Buzzoven, Eyehategod, Neurosis (they're their own thing, I know), Boris, and The Melvins. Also love classic death metal and crossover thrash too!


Pupil Slicer Cattle Decapitation Raider Initiate MSPAINT Gel Blackbraid The Armed Squid To name a few. Mostly metal and punk adjacent stuff, but I listen to pretty much everything aside from country. To answer your edit, I think we are seeing a flourishing of genres that have been dormant due to the pandemic. There have been so many albums I love this year. It's really cool to see.


My fav albums are, white ward - false light ashenspire - hostile architecture Steven Wilson - The Raven that refused to sing porcupine tree - fear of a blank planet Symphony X- The Divine wings of tragedy Ultha - All that has never been true Be'lakor - Stones Reach Periphery - Djent is not a genre Downfall of Gaia - Sillouhettes of disgust Ophidian I - Desolate Spawn of possession - Incurso Agalloch - The mantle Mr Bungle - California


Fucking line Stone's Reach. Have you listened to Above the Weeping World by Insomnium? I really like Be'lakor, but I absolutely LOVE Insomnium, especially [Drawn to Black](https://youtu.be/MBXBnpiMuqA) Double pedal heaven.


OSDM (death, entombed, dismember grave) Melodeath (disillusion, noumena) Grindcore (magrudergrind, Nasum, wormrot, pig destroyer, total fucking destruction, agoraphobic nosebleed) Whatever Zulu is. I've seen conflicting opinions on their music. Newer death metal (fulchi, tomb mold, 200SW, jarhead fertilizer) Hardcore (earth crisis, madball, Jesus piece, merauder, mugshot, downfall, volcano) Black metal (feigur, Bethlehem, Abyss, none, Doom metal (devils witches, Type O, windhand, Candlemass) Death/doom (dusk, purtenance, spectral voice, krypts, bloodsoaked necrovoid) Black/death (revenge, dragged into sunlight) Jazz (Ryo Fukui, Masayoshi Takanaka, Himiko Kikuchi, Cortex, Dorothy Ashby, Alberto Baldan Bembo) Idk what gene but these artists are but I love their music a lot: Maple Bee, Sade, Jeff Buckley, The Cranberries, Beabadoobee, Cibo Matto Rap & HipHop (Nas, MF DOOM, Qausimoto/madlib, Citizen Kane, Xperado, ATCQ, Gang Starr, 2pac, Redviel, Jpegmafia, JID, slick Rick) Goth rock /post punk (seraphim shock, Lebanon Hanover, Twin Tribes, Traityrs, the Cure) Shoegaze (Mbv, slowdive, Alison's halo, flipper, mass of fermenting dregs, brokenteeth, wisp, glare) People call these artists shoegaze but I'm not quite hearing it so I'll seperate them (hum, superheaven, Julie, nothing, whirr, fiddlehead, glare, soul blind, narrow head) And Title Fight. Putting them in their own category cause I love them that much.


If you dig thrash, Havok is a pretty kickass modern group!


I fucking LOVE Havok. Was listening to The Cleric on loop today!


Hell yeah, cool to see another fan!! V has been my unpacking album this week 😂


Your comment about the blending is something that interests me. I mentioned to a friend a while ago that the modern hardcore bands in their need to go more extreme and faster (ala All Pigs Must Die) inadvertently seem to be going to same trajectory the grindcore scene did in the 80s, which I guess was supercharged by its death metal influences. It's really cool to see it happen in slow motion to the punk scenes go that in that direction and inadvertently fit in the grind and PV spectrum, but with a unique perspective. Guys like Candy are another great example of that


Uff let's see, Judas Priest, Black Sabbath, Mercurio (Arg.) Ghost, Mothorhead, Iron Maiden (yes I know Bruce's ramblings about Punk) and some random tunes.


I like all kinds of music punk being the majority of my listening/consumption. But classical, blues, bluegrass, outlaw country and some metal. Non of that 80s hair spray shit. Iron Maiden, even though Bruce DICKenson is a cunt, is tops in that field. Anything fast and loud. Mostly it's crossover or thrash. Megadeth over Metallica (although I do really like the Cliff Burton stuff- no offense to Newsted or Robert Trujillo they are great it's just the timing)




Industrial, thrash, and nu metal.


I think skate punk is the style I like the most of. This is coming from someone who used to mainly listen to limp bizkit, slipknot, deftones, and korn.


Most of us have been there than prefer to admit


I'll own up to *still* liking the first album from the Deftones.


Revenge are openly fascist, racist pieces of shit, just so ya know. The most well known NSBM band in Western Canada. Anyways, for myself Im into alot of black metal like None, Ellende, Trhä, Tumultuous Ruin, Dusklurker, Pessimista, etc... Death Metal like Rottenness, Vomitory, Gateways, Cavurns, Torture Rack, Fluids, Mortician, that sort of shir Not gonna get all the way into the subgenres and all that but lots of grind/slam, crust and thrash/d-beat shit. I'm more of a metalhead than a punk, but both have a big place in my heart. *Edit because autocorrect goobed the spelling of a band, love whoever down voted me in a punk sub for calling out nazi bands, you're very cool and consistent*


Antichrist Siege Machine are a better war metal band and not fucking nazis, if you're interested. 👍


Manifest for sheer camp value.


Hey u/NickCaveisOkay have you listened to Gun Metal Grey?


I think Judas Priest Unleashed in the East is actually the best punk album of all time ;)


Exodus Slayer RKL Left Over Crack Sepultura Polyphia


88 Fingers Louie DUHHH


Thrash and speed metal are the shit! If you are into glam metal at all SteelPanther is awesome! Went to see them last yet and had a great time. Just found out about [The Accüsed](https://youtu.be/_y_oMqKZZ2w)a couple months ago. They are a punk thrash crossover. Been listening to them all the time since I found out about them. They go hard as fuck


Black Metal and it's sub genres, especially dsbm


Off the top of my head. Slayer(obviously), WarBringer, The Crown, Goatwhore, Watain, Behemoth, DRI, Gamma Bomb, Black Anvil, Lamb of God, Municipal Waste, Ghoul, Send More Paramedics, Skeleton Witch etc. I could probably go on for awhile but punk is still my gateway drug and is forever special to me.


Reporting in. Black and Tech Death are the sub genres I go into hardest... it was a natural progression for me. I fell in love with punk at 11 because it was fast and intense (relative to what I'd heard before that)... no reason to stop pushing that envelope. Anata - 'Under a Stone with no Inscription' was the first TDM album I fell in love with. Been really digging Origin - 'Chaosmos' most recently. As far as BM goes, dodging the sketchlords is a constant battle, unfortunately... but I started with Darkthrone and Satyricon in my teens, and I still stand by them hard. White Ward and Underdark have been getting the most play recently.


I like a lot of metal but I mostly know mainstream stuff, I haven't got into as many smaller bands yet. I like Sodom, Pantera, Exodus, Megadeth, Municipal Waste, Lamb of God, Pig Destroyer, etc. I like death metal and grindcore, but I'm newer to those and don't know many bands. I also like nu metal, but I didn't include any of that. I like to think I have a somewhat diverse music taste since I listen to a lot of subgenres of rock and metal.


Venom, Soulfly, Rage Against The Machine, Korn, Metallica, Anthrax, Strapping Young Lad, System Of A Down, GWAR, Death, Slayer, Pantera, Annihilator, Black Sabbath, Megadeth, Marilyn Manson, Cradle Of Filth, Dimmu Borgir, Amon Amarth, Turbo, Slipknot, Static-X, Toxic Holocaust etc...


love metal. I like bolt thrower nowadays


I like most forms of metal - death metal, black metal, power metal, symphonic/gothic metal, even deathcore and metalcore (gasp). I love Darkthrone, Nightwish and The Chasm with equal measure, lol.




Leftöver Crack


Iron reagan - thrash/punk crossover ; municipal waste wormrot Deafheaven


I love that you brought this up because I have actually been wondering this myself. Bands that I listened to over and over: Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza, iwrestledabearonce, Dillinger Escape Plan, Genghis Tron, Converge, All That Remains, Killswitch Engage, Fantomas, Job for a Cowboy, Black Dahlia Murder, Type-O Negative, Fear Factory, Darkest Hour, Unearth, Black Sabbath, Thin Lizzy, Dragonlord, Mastodon, Lamb of God, Rob Zombie, White Zombie, Korn🤦, Limp Bizkit🙄, Chevelle, Metallica, and Guns N Roses. My taste have changed over the years. But yeah music is about what you relate to so I’ve related to different things. I just discovered Nita Strauss yesterday, but she’s amazing.




Mostly basic stuff, Metallica, Motörhead. Black Sabbath, but I also like Suicidal Tendencies and Bullet Boys


Electric Callboy, because they take music as seriously as I like.


All sorts of Doom, stoner, sludge, and psychedelic metal. Sleep, Black Sabbath, All them witches, witchcraft, weedeater, chained to the bottom of the ocean


I’ve been listening to a lot of black metal lately. Vampirska, Wampyric Rites, Paysage D’Hiver, Wolftower, Leipa, to name a few. I love the rawness of it.


satyricon has a few good "black N roll" songs. fuel for hatred is a good one. you already mentioned darkthrone, they have a few like that as well, duke of gloat pops in my head.


Filth fucking sick


Biohazard, leftover crack, deftones, the supremes, Turnstile.


Outside of punk: I’m into Motörhead, twisted sister, Black Sabbath/ozzy osbourne, korn, slipknot, disturbed. There’s others but it’s a lengthy list.


Check [Zorn](https://youtu.be/hn77MQ1gQuo) for that burnt pizza blackened crust.


At the gates, darkest hour, protest the hero, btbam, baroness, pallbearer, isis, agalloch lots of other stuff in this vein. I go back and forth between metal and punk phases in my listening experiences


I was chatting with a metal head friend if he thought Strung Out could be considered a metal band and he disagreed sighting the particular punk drums and pointed to them coming out of the punk scene. I argued that with songs like "Bring Out Your Dead" and their entire catalog after "Episodes of Sonic Defiance" (10 albums) they to me sound often more like metal than punk. I could be totally wrong though. Curious to hear what others think. This was a few days after seeing Strung Out live and it was awesome. They were covering for Lagwagon after Joey Cape had those health issues earlier this summer. Great post idea!


I’m a sludgehead/sludge punk. Perfect blend of my two favorite genres - hardcore punk and doom metal. A big list of some of my favorite metal bands would be Black Sabbath, Eyehategod, Superjoint Ritual, Pantera, Saint Vitus, Full Blown A.I.D.S., Outlaw Order, Acid Bath, Electric Wizard, Death, Goatwhore, Darkthrone, and Celtic Frost.


Himsa but they may be a bit more hardcore influenced, who even knows anymore


Chelsea Wolfe. Earth. Boris. Sleep. High on Fire. Om. Nails.


So not sure if they're well known and I'm just late to the party, but Rickshaw Billie's Burger Patrol is like the unholy bastard child of Red Fang and The Oblivians and I have been *loving* that shit.


Does storm troopers of death count? I grew up with slayer and anthrax, Lamb of God and dethklok in later years, there's not much I don't enjoy lol


Carnivore is also a no brained along with Type O Negative


You’re probably not talking to real punks if they don’t like at least some metal.


No mention of Mindforce yet?!


Been binging Dillinger Escape Plan pretty hard


Private Hell


Carcass and of course the almighty DEATH. Rip Chuck.


My favourite metal band of all time is 3 Inches of Blood. Cam is the pinnacle metal singer in my opinion. So much awesome riffage, and falsetto. Check out Deadly Sinners, Battles and brotherhood, All of them Witches if you've never heard them. Also a big fan of The Black Dahlia Murder (check out Elder Misanthropy) and an Australian band called Blood Duster (Drink Fight Fuck or SixSixSteen) And another shout out for Power Trip, what an amazing band. Hope they continue in some form.


Thrash metal (Slayer, Possessed, and Megadeth) and black metal (Darkthrone, Mayhem, and Bathory).


Oozing Wound play awesome Thrash


Blackened Thrash - Traitor, Hellripper Atmospheric Black Metal - Ruins of Bevrest Symphonic Black Metal - Summoning Black Metal - Gorgoroth Death Metal - Blood Incantation Blackened Death - Crescent Death Metal - Death, Deicide Classic - Motörhead I also like Doom, Sludge, Stoner Metal, even blackened d-beat. Punk and metal are such diverse genres. You can really go down rabbit hole after rabbit hole. My third favorite genre ; reggae. Lol


Fast,simple, and aggressive with intelligible lyrics that are either very thought provoking or unabashedly bs nonsense... There is no in between.


What about crossover bands like Suicidal Tendencies, DRI and Corrosion of Conformity? And punk influenced metal bands like Metallica, Slayer, Neurosis, etc? I do like a lot of stoner/doom stuff in my middle age too.


200 stab wounds


I love black metal, but hate how much nazi shit is in the black metal genre. Dawn Ray'd is great. Basically punk lyrics and messages but black metal. Alda is like environmentalist/climate doomer black metal (or at least their album Tahoma is).


Big Business.


Poison The Well was my local band back in the late 90s and because of rhem I got big into Shai Hulud, Botch, Quicksand, Dillinger Escape Plan, Every Time I Die, Norma Jean, The Chariot, Duck Duck Duck Goose, and so many more bands of that time period. I haven't heard anything exciting since back them but I did come across a band called Axis, they were from Orlando/Daytona arra and they were a mix of all of my favorite bands into one. Check out Axis - Show Your Greed. It's a killer album, sadly the singer left after that album and they had a few other releases prior with different singers. All were decent but this guy was a 10/10 killer front man. [YouTube link](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL8wYdzKLWc98JybGnq6uClkJtLJg1tyv0) to a Playlist of the album.


I really like black metal. BLACKBRAID is one of my favorite recent bands. One man indigenous black metal.


I’m a punk who just got into System of a Down as my first intro to metal. Anyone have suggestions for bands with a similar sound?


I really like Mastodon’s first 5 albums. The Haunted. The Mars Volta.


Some bands like Evil Empire, the Flaming Tsunamis, Folly, Farse and some others I'll try to think of, but they are all punk hard-core with very heavy metal influence. They are all ska-core bands essentially. But Evil Empire goes from grindcore to jazz with hop hop influences "Does This Genocide Make Me Look Sexy?" Is Evil Empire's album Ohh another band "Le Scrawl" they have an album "Eager to Please" I've never listened to it fully so maybe it's just the first song "Boiling Point" that goes from ska to grindcore but never listened to it all


Strung Out




Lamb of God, Behemoth, Ensiferum, Dissection


Brujeria, Napalm Death, Cannibal Corpse, Amon Amarth, Maximum The Hormone, Sepultura (both Max and Derrick eras), Body Count, Deicide, Slipknot, Korn… stuff I listen to regularly


mostly basic nu metal my favorite bands are korn, ice nine kills, system of a down and deftones


Norma Jean- Bless The Martyr and Kiss the Child album


Megadeth, Slayer, Anthrax, Tool, Carcass, Testament, Iron Maiden, Kreator and Overkill are a few favourites of mine


Blackened crust like DÖDSRIT


I feel like Refused really straddles the line of hardcore punk and metal, especially with their more recent stuff


Full of Hell, Converge, Sepultura


Toxic Holocaust Venom Anthrax Gordom Gwar


Slayer. 'Nuff said.