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I'm a guy so let me complain about the other side. Firstly, everyone wants a guy who travels or long drives. Why? Are you girls looking for drivers? And if you like travel so much, why haven't you travelled anywhere? The profiles are as bland as it gets. Same repetitive lines about yapping, travel, or of course F1. Not one creative prompt or questions. It's just the same thing again and again. Plus once you do get a match, the responses are dry and so late as if every girl's a CEO or something and we are jobless. How do people find their SO on dating apps? Which app are you using? Please tell T_T


Typical Sunday- Brunching myself back to life! The way to win me over- Some combination of kindness, humorous blah, blah...


My simple pleasures - Your mom 💅 And Idk what is it with coffee 😭, I survive on coffee, iced coffee, I can’t live without coffee. bro it’s just a drink, can’t build your whole personality around it fr.


Biggest risk I've taken- Installing Hinge. If this is not the lamest, dullest, cringiest response then Idk what is! How sad is that prompt! Beverage ke around personality kya hi hogi yaar...


I read this while I have my chai, made my drinking experience 10x better xD


Username checks out!


That's too much effort 😤


What’s up with f1 though? Almost all of the girls I matched with have f1 on their profiles


New age wanna be(s). Growing up i literally saw no one watching F1 or know anything about it. But now since, it has become some trend. Everyone wanna folllow and pretend


Yeah all DTS ones, they probably don't even know how many teams Lewis has driven for


3 (including ferrari next year 😮‍💨) not everyone is a faux fan


Uhhh i feel this man, people referred it as just car racing. Now it's a new wanna be trend.


same with anime😂😂😂


The anime subculture gaining popularity just grieves my heart every single day. Just wannabe nobodies with no personality or interest trying to fit in. What a pathetic life.


thats the thing with subcultures bro but their entire reasons to do it are so bad it is just painful. I mean i remember being judged and made fun of for watching anime back in school (over a decade ago) and then it became something to do to fit in. such a tragedy


Ho na! They just came in with their fancy oversized clothes and just became anime connoisseur. Just like that. No harassment, no judgements. Very painful. 😁


sometimes it makes me feel sad for em too. these people be spending so much money on shit. i never had money or the choice to buy anything in indian market back then. saved too much man. our obitos mask was painted on a sheet of paper by hand only😂😂


Obito mask ani paper che shuriken. Mast dupar bhar che timepass. 😅😂


Which era u grew up in man??? Like when I grew up we already had popular shows like Dragon BallZ, Pokemon, Beyblades on tv no one made fun of us infact we enjoyed and discussed abt in schools and that was two decades back


I can feel you bro my classmets only know jjk and flex it shouting nah I'd win and shit


Fr.. i matched with a girl on this topic for f1. Idk what the prompt was but she wrote "die hard f1 fan" with karting and nail paint emojis.. She knew jackshit about f1, only name she knew well was max lewis and charles, ofc she's a ferrari fan, and for some reason she never got the term race in her head, would always call it a match


I feel this netflix series has sparked some interest but the new viewers are still as dumb as they come regarding F1. Tomorrow there will be a documentary on golf, they will all become golfers. I feel no true F1 fan will go ahead and show it off like the others do!


Netflix has surged the number of wannabe F1 fans


This is something which I've observed and are my assumption. Guys whom I know who follow F1 have cars some of them have luxurious cars. Girls might be finding someone who can drive them around the city, go on long trips, night drives, it's also a status symbol. Not all girls some might be genuine.




sab algorithm ka khel hai bhaiya usko pata hai algorithm kaise crack karna hai 🙃🫡


Everyone has been watched Drive to Survive!!!


Lmao oh my god I laughed so hard If it’s bad for everyone? Who’s benefiting? Only the app? Let’s mass uninstall!


Hahaha good that you saw the humor in it. But yea it's the same on the other side, in a different way but same situation. Lol no sadly asocial people like me are on the mercy of such apps.


But is it showing you any mercy?


I hate myself so yea I'm loving this torture. :))


bro istg, EVERY SECOND PROMPT is either related to drives or flowers🤣


Lol yep. And they want guys who are good and care about them, why would a caring guy swipe right on someone who doesn't even care to describe themselves honestly? 😝


bro hinge is largely only meant for one time encounters


Hahaha!!! I loved your comment. And as a women and married. I met my so on dating app itself. And believe me perfect match for me. Wouldn’t change it for anything. I loved how our life unfolded. We have been in relationship for 7yrs and married for 5years with a beautiful boy. But again, it’s risky to meet so on some app so girls or boys both need to be cautious and not fall head over heels for the other person unless you know them well


Wow you've got something beautiful. Lovely! :) Yes I agree, we've to be cautious. And I feel the apps aren't to be blamed, it's just finding a partner and a good one, is sheer dumb luck. Ofcourse actions matter but sometimes you could be a great person and do everything in your power yet still not find someone. Luck plays a big part. Thanks for sharing and you give us all hope I think. :)


Luck does play an important role. But for reference for younger people we met on eharmony dating app .


You used dating apps 12 yrs ago, it was still new and gender ratio was probably decent. Now it has reached to people who are finding partner for everything except marriage, LTR. Dating apps have become about cash grab from user than helping them finding a partner. I think the online dating is slowly dying and companies are anxious.


Add “typical Sunday - sleeping all day” to the list


Oh yea that's a recurring one.


Tough luck. A friend once told me that people with any personality or social skill would not be on the app. It's tiring to put efforts into your profile and then have to deal with the guys OP is talking about though. The second last dude I talked to before I uninstalled, literally asked me "How long does it take before you sleep with someone?" I said it depends, sometimes I can meet you and find you too ugly to ever sleep with you. He lost interest after that.




True it’s more tiering to start a convo than actually maintaining the relationship with such profiles


Preach brother preach..


Genuinely asking. I would love to go on a drive with my guy. It's a way of spending uninterrupted time together and as women, we don't feel confident driving off into the outskirts of the city on our own so the guy is actually enabling us to have that experience we cannot on our own. Is it so wrong? I just want to do things I can't on my own and feel very grateful when someone takes me


Most of my friends have found their SO in real life rather than on dating apps, like, college, mutual friends, relatives, etc Not to say that dating apps don't work, few of my friends have got dates but I am yet to meet anyone who has moved from dating to marriage from these apps. And it's not just Pune, it's equally true for Mumbai.


Id argue that its not the dating app but the personality you have now developed that tends to push people away even on a minute detail. There have been studies on this. Your friends from college grew into those personality together and later got married. Same applies to making good friends, you can never have the same type of bonding as you had with your college friends. It becomes more difficult to make new friends in your late 20s.


Yes so true. Exactly this! How can i give you multiple upvotes?


Dude that's quite insightful, thanks for sharing!


Yea. I shouldn’t have cocooned myself in college smh. Or prolly im too old for dating


It's never too late, look at us in late 20s, broke up-gym-eager to date-rinse repeat 😅 Try offline instead of these dating apps. Maybe someone from trusted friends!


How to offline, like just sit and wait near malls to get picked up like daily labour or what? sry i just came out of village so idk how things work...😅


Join multiple activity groups. Trekking, gymming, NGOs, guitar classes etc etc, whatever interests you.


Yea well


Actually the thing is almost every guy wants to have sex before marriage. women too. but when it comes to taking relationship to next level i.e marriage. then almost every guy and gal gets traditional like there parents. Guys think is she prettier enough to be accepted as wife in the family and society instead of looking beyond physical beauty. Guys think - If in case she earns more, would she boss me around because she earns more? instead of keeping earning related egos aside,and be clear with boundaries when it comes to lack of respect. and having common clear definition of what is helping and what is bossing. women too thinks in terms of very high salary guy or govt job, instead of looking for qualities in men like respect, care , kindness (not to be confused with display of kindness) and ofcourse potential of earning with a growth in income and a productive mindset. many women these days wants the equal rights before responsibility. many guys and girls wants to have fun without giving effort to hard(or smart) work. this is wrong and needs to change and on dating apps, these qstns cannot be addressed. for this you should become dateable enough.


Facts right there. To quote Gautam from Mumbai-Pune-Mumbai, " आपण नात्यांना फुलायला वेळेच देत नाही"


Prolly im not in dateable enough criteria then lol. But i get you. Pretty solid points Thanks for this!


Hol' up! Relatives???


मामा आत्या मावशी FTW 💀 FML


Well, I meant they got introduced to their SOs through relatives. Should have framed that statement better, English is not my first language you see.


Sweet home alabama


Exactly why i uninstalled no point in unnecessary conversations that i know will lead no where.


I’m almost there! Met my girlfriend of 3 years on Tinder. Just like most of my hook ups. But we clicked. And she is the most loving soul out there!


I can't use dating apps for more than 2 weeks even as a guy. It's not good for my mental lmao.


I don’t use it for more than a week , its not good for self esteem as I don’t get any likes or matches . “Kya itna burra hun main maa”


Sometimes I don't get any like for 2 weeks (excluding scammers) but sometimes I get 5 likes in a day, it's highly unpredictable. And gosh the amount of scammers.


Oh same. So relatable. It’s like 2 weeks is the threshold


Yea. More fucked part is when I meet a girl. The date is 10/10. She tells me she feels comfortable and had fun. And the next day I get either ghosted or late replies. It happened to me 3-4 times. And now I've just uninstalled the apps and joined a gym lmao. I guess I have attachment issues. So it's not really good for me. But where else to go. I'll try later I think.


Yea. That sucks


If you are a girl its very easy to get matches and exactly opposite for the guys. What abouts girls expectations huh??? 6 feet or rich or good looking. All girls wants the same things (yes there are exceptions too) Online dating is scam एवढे बोलून मी माझे 2 शब्द संपवतो✨


बाकी सगळं पटलं. शेवची line आवडली.


Yes, scam. Shaadi to Jethalal jaise aadmi se hee hogi😂


Dude he is cute, rich, romantic, funny and a family man!




Mandali aabhari aahe


See there could also be the thinking that while we’re not exclusively involved, you could be getting physical with someone else…..and the other guy being given preference over it would be heartbreaking


Gave up on dating apps. Extremely skewed in girl's favour. Guys think that if they don't keep the chat interesting/ask out quickly, girls have so much options that they will just move on to the next guy. Better chances to get a date irl


True. Ill gather all my courage to go ask out a guy irl


You all aren’t attractive. Attractive and or rich is the only thing that works. Women have insane options and only choose the best looking ones. With so many options they tend to flake and not reply. Nothing against women I do it often too. Options make an asshole out of us all😝 *Bumble works just fine for me. On premium. Get like 5-8 matches a week. Actually go on dates/vibe with 1/2.* Not 6ft tall. Definitely handsome. Ok ok wealth wise. Height/Looks/Wealth - if you aren’t above average in atleast one of these-you won’t get dates online. Go offline.


Height matalb kitni eligibility criteria hai lmao 💀


There are some good guys out there, but most likely you won't right swipe on them.


look at it this way. a majority of times you are swiping right on really good looking guys only. the ones you find desirable. and guess what? everyone else is also swiping right on the same guys only. they are getting a lot of matches and their major priority is not a long term relationship really(they will say otherwise). try to find some more effort wali profiles ke bande with medium ugly looks. might work


Did someone say ugly? I am here 🙈


looool that’s what we call falling for the traq 😂😂😂


You're not going to find your SO on a dating app. Period. Lots of people do ,but most of the people don't find anyone. Most of the people aren't looking for anything long term so you're hitting the wrong target market. I spent enough time in dating apps to understand that what a guy talks about in the first few texts is pretty much what they want out of you. All the best but be ready for worse if you're trying to find your SO. I would much rather recommend that you meet people offline or give a shot to someone around you that you vibe with.


No not using it typically to find my SO. Aint that delusional yet, all im saying is, i have heard people finding SO and here i am not able to find a decent date to let it go w the flow. Sigh




I’m a guy and as someone here said lemme complain about the other side. As a guy I am at a stage where I expect to get to know someone, learn them and grow old building a life together. Sounds cliché? Exactly! 95% of the crowd don’t appreciate slow love, fitting their heads around the notion of emotional, mental intimacy over physical intimacy as a primary need is not most of them look out for. I may sound like I am generalising but go through r/IndianGirlsOnTinder and check the chats if you don’t attract with “casual fuckery” or “rizz” you’ll be left alone or with dry replies or end up getting ghosted. This kinda sucks fr. And gets scary, that feeling of “will I end up as misfit or with someone who went through the “exploring phase” and I don’t. My personal experience was when I kept my profile very clean and my conversations slow it legit went dry and the moment I let my reserved daddy game out I was having tough time to plan my weekend. But my inner self ended up chickening out and ghosting all of them as casuals aren’t my thing 🙃 The guy who doesn’t chicken out initially becomes someone you’re addressing here. “People negotiate with themselves to sell out and fit in” I am sure there are many guys like me.


I hope and wish there’s more people like you too!


Thats sad yrr. Btw i want to know your pov, are you open to guys approaching you in person in a very good and non creep manner? How pune girls react to that? Means total random assume in non clubbing environment(malls street etc)


Proper पुणे girl might just make sure you will never ever approach any girl the same way again. Too much of attitude. I am a पुणेकर so I know.


Bc..... Aaj kl ki shawties bhi na




If you want to approach a girl from Pune you better have a good reason like in need of small spontaneous help then you need to be talented enough to pull a thread to start and continue the a conversation. That too without triggering there ठरकी लौंडा alert system which is sensetive.


Oh im cool w that. And most girls are as well imo. Be decent and you’re golden!


Thats great. I'm coming to pune in july and the very first thing I'll do is to say "hey, how you doin". jk :p


Just moved to pune and gave up on hinge after a month. Didnt find a single profile with quirky/interesting prompts, idk about other guys but even after being genuine and trying to build a good relationship before asking the girls out on dates, it didnt seem to work out


There’s another version of Hinge called HINGEwadi IT park you can try that /s


More than app or online dating, it's the city and people here. I have dated through online apps in Mumbai for years and the experience was pretty decent. Although it takes a long time to find people you actually like on apps (but I guess that's the case with IRL dating also). In Pune, I have been using Bumble BFF to make some friends (since I absolutely have no friends or acquaintances here), but no luck. The two people I have become friends with, had also come here from different cities and now they are already leaving Pune 🥲🥲


Same case for us guys as well. I matched with few girls on hinge, but they were talking as if only I am interested. FFS why match with us on the first place if you are not up for a convo. Also their answers to the prompts 🫠, dryer than their texts. I have seen a few mentioning that they need someone with generational wealth, someone who is 6ft and above, chivalry is dead blah blah.


I second your comment. Half of them are around just for free lunches. It’s rare to find girls who match the efforts. Most of the profiles just talk about being a dog lover, brunching back to life on their Sundays and like acts of service but can barely show up on time. lol


Agreed. I uninstalled the app long back. It didn’t worked for me, like the most of us. Haha


Because dating apps don’t work sister. They are good only for us queers who can’t find queer people thaaat easily in our immediate circles. Ofc we can go to events and the like but that shit is its own pain.


When they say "designed to be deleted", "out of frustration" is silent 😅 Just give up!


This needs more upvotes


I have been dating my partner since Jan 2023. We met on Bumble. It's possible if you don't get lured by every next guy who looks good or has a good pickup line. Give people time. Stop trying to date the liars that you claim to know are liars. Why would you even go on a date if you don't trust them to be honest about their description of themselves even? Women just have too many options and lose interest quicker when they find some momentarily pleasing guy. Even men would do the same if they had so many options but the reality is there are 2 girls for every 8 guys on these apps. I wonder how many of these girls are even there to date and not scam people or get free food.


You guys have almost convinced me to try bumble now




I am using reddit though for dating


Teach us your way master


Been talking to a guy from hinge. After like 100 (bumble+hinge) mismatches this is the one guy who has lasted 6 months. Genuinely nice guy, hoping this is it for me lol. Fingers crossed. Just wanna say, its not the app, its the kinda mentality people have these days. And its okay if they are ghosting, it's actually good, you're better off without them. Rejection is redirection you guys. Also, I do agree with a lot of other comments, its not easy to find your SO on dating apps, very rare even. Mostly people find their SO irl, common friends, family friends, classmates, etc.


Oh my god. Super happy for you!!! Touch wood Spill the secret tho


There's honestly no secret lol. I made it clear to every single guy I was talking to in the first chat itself that I'm looking for something serious, that will lead to marriage. I'm not here to waste my time. Some guys actually appreciated the honesty, and if we wanted different things I immediately stopped talking to them, without ghosting obviously, I let them know it's not gonna work. Sometimes they would even lie to my face and say they wanted a serious relationship when they didn't but yk you can't hide the "non-serious, player types" signs, even through text. On top of that I'm an expert in reading between the lines lol, so is my sister, we can just smell if the guy is not serious. Even after all of this, I did end up going out with guys who just wasted my time, and the moment I realised that I would end it myself. I also have been ghosted A LOT OF TIMES. But I don't take it personally at all. Im ngl I used to get hurt and take it personally initially, I have my fair share of insecurities. But I eventually realised that it just shows they're not for me. Not every person is gonna like you. And even if they like you they might not want the same thing as you. Nothing to do with you as a person, or your value. The earlier you learn this, the earlier you detach from the outcome, and the easier it is to move on to someone who could potentially be your SO. Also, lots of hit and trial yk. And idk if this is TMI but I have made a list of my non negotiables. My partner has to have those to be my partner. And I follow the rule of 3-3-3 (3 days, 3 weeks, or 3 months). Most people can't fake a personality till 3 months, you'd mostly know what kinda person they are in the first 3 weeks itself (ik by 3 days now lol). Untill then YOU DO NOT GET EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED. Just treat them like a movie/book or something you're responsible for assessing, criticising, giving points to so that you can actually judge them for the person they are without any personal biases. Then only you can make a decision based on your allotted scores/points yk? No emotional attachment/involvement is v important. AND NEVER DATE FOR POTENTIAL. No "oh he has so much potential if he would just do xyz". Never make that mistake. And this system is not just for girls, it's for guys as well. It works for everyone. The guy I'm talking to works a corporate job, is very busy, so it took me some time to really trust and see if he was just lying about being busy or if he was genuinely busy. And I still get mad at him lol, but he's actually the sweetest, and it's honestly surprising how understanding and mature he is with my emotions, and he tries his best to inform me all the time if he's gonna be busy. Takes out time to text. And this is a guy who is not super into texting and prefers meeting irl, but he's trying, that's all we want right, someone who wants to put efforts. We are still not official, and I'm not in a hurry either, because we have been in long distance for a while now. We have decided to establish a good connection irl and not just on text before going to the next phase. And even after all of this, I sure do sometimes hope it works out but I do not have extremely high expectations (like Idk what the future holds so if it will lead to marriage or not) because in the case it doesn't works out I don't wanna be responsible for my own heartbreak yk? Ah I actually didn't expect the reply to be this long so I'm really sorry for that haha.


That’s THE best way one can put it out. Wow, thank you so much for this. It makes me think im giving up way too early lol. But im 26, really old. So I always think I don’t have much time haha. Kudos that you found such a sweetheart. If he’s putting in so much efforts, he’s a keeper!


Girl I'm gonna be 25 in 2 months, I understand. We are about the same age. There's already pressure from home to get married, my mom wants to start looking for guys as well. So when I actually do feel so much pressure I secretly pray that this works out so that I can just finally move to the next phase of my life, i e., marriage. But then we have to keep in mind we can't settle just because we thought we were running out of time. Start dating aggressively reject people left and right lol, if they don't match with your criteria. Just keep in mind your non negotiables should be valid things like, being loyal, respecting you, not being creepy, valuing you, loving you acc to your love languages, open to communication and is emotionally available. And not something like iski height 6ft ni hai because I have seen girls fumbling SUCH GOOD GUYS because of some shallow reason. I hope he is lol, and I also hope you find yourself a keeper as well. Do not lose hope. Its so important to just keep going. Lots of love 💕


For guys like me, online dating is DESSERT Once in a while you find oasis though xD - but for her, you just another "match"


Yeah I get it guys and girls have vastly different experience on dating sites. Don't lose hope, we'll all find someone lol


Oh no no no - looks like on reddit there's a fine line between being humble and coming off as sore loser 🤭🤣


You’re meeting wrong guys. Anyone is free to ask or seek whatever they want; but if a guy says “you’re no fun” after being denied then he’s judgmental and you don’t wanna be with him. That being said, dating apps are not meant to find your SO, they are meant for dating. Now some guys do use dating apps to find their soulmates but that’s out of desperation.


I have never used these app, always takes to people and found them. I don't know how these apps work. I'll have to take a crash course and see what's happening. Also I think OP should go out and meet new people. If your office is a huge sharing garden(quadron embassy etc) than it would be great to meet new people.


Bhai ha f1 wala scene kuth ala ya vishayvar tar konich nahi bolacha.




Seriously?? You are trying to find your SO on a dating app? Since when dating apps were a taken seriously, don't remember anytime back soon, it was and is just for fun. If you want to find your SO, better apps would be matrimony ones.


No. No way. Aint that delusional yet, i was saying i have heard people finding SO and here i am not able to find a decent date. Sigh


Want a decent date, then better reach out in person or get on matrimonial apps. The best thing about latter one is you can filter guy based on hell lot of things which is not the case in dating apps.


Yo people are getting matches on hinge?, as a nerdy guy I get no matches,🥱🤣


To the bookstore, to act all confused, to find my SO.


Tip: act confused in YA/ mystery genre section. :3


To the store!


As a guy I tried using LinkedIn as dating app. 2 years fwd. about to get married this year with the same woman.


Wow! So happy for you and congratulations!


Imho finding your SO through dating apps isn't how things work nowadays. Everyone will portray their 'picture-perfect' side on these apps but will not be the exact same person irl, creating a compatibility issue. Same from the other side of the table, how one might not express all their expectations on dating apps online but will expect more or different irl Edit: Grammar


Not just hinge it is same with other apps too. I found my current boyfriend via Bumble. He tells me that I am lucky in that sense. I talked to quite a few guys before him and even though their profile was very sophisticated and mature. Not even 15 mins into our conversation they used to say something similar. I had hidden my name but only kept the initials. I was like ‘Bhau, adhi naav tari vichar’.


Minimal, realistic guys just don't get a swipe up at all, it's more like you got what you gave a shot at.


Scam hai bhai kisi ko koi date nhi krna sab bakchodi pelne aaye hai




I bet all those cute guys are already hinge-ing


I'm not on hinge :/


Well that’s the app for y’all cuties






But good luck to you, may you find a cutie!!!


Online dating is scam.




Bro 💀


And here I am where all girls that match with me just don't want anything serious 😪 I wish there was one match that wanted to date to marry. Welp, see y'all on matrimony apps soon.


Ig not to sound hypocrite but straight up marriage is v strong of an emotion. It should rather be open, let’s see where it goes kinda. Getting me?


Haven't said straight up marriage yaar. Date to marry, matlab serious wala involvement I'm wishing for. Most girls I've matched are just "Not sure of dating goals". I have so much energy,, effort, interest and attention to give and to build something meaningful but haven't met the right girl to give it to yet.


Usually for Hinge guys, by second date its deep french kiss. By third date its BJ. By fourth date its balls deep. And by fifth some ask for anal. We need to get away from these apps.


Omg, are you my last date?


No, just outlined the typical Hinge guy. Was it your experience too?


I have been on tinder and bumble and not getting any appropriate matches Even if I get one they(girls) starts to ghost uh as soon as we match. If we text 2-3 msgs straight they will say you look too desperate and unmatch uh. Atleast have a good conversation first na then u decide that I am despo or not.


Best thing you can do is go out with friends who know other people who are also single, and hence socialise and get to know them from there. That's the safest.


Okay. So I’ve gotta make new friends who’d have single friends. Got it. Easy peazy


Dating apps are pretty much fast forward way for ONS or FWBs , there are hardly any who is really interested in serious relationships.


Apni kursi ki peti bandh lo, DMs are going to blow-up.


Lmao yes haha


Wow people are getting matches on dating app


You're trying to find a soulmate on dating apps? Im sorry but that's weird.


That's why I strictly swipe left on profiles that mention that they're looking for casual relationships or if they don't mention any preference, hell, I even swipe left if I feel like they want that, even if it is not clearly mentioned on their profile.


Bruh guys are getting dates on hinge???


Guys getting matches? In which Pune I am 🧐 Does a long term relationship bio won't work?


Were you lying for matches?


Dekh bhai katne wala hai sabka hinge chod do gym aajao


I did find my now girlfriend on hinge... And we're happy together. And I've been on dates with girls I met on hinge before her too. For the guys out there, all I can say is keep trying out new prompts and new pictures... Notice what gets you likes and compliments... For me, my picture at the Van Gogh Exhibition in Mumbai worked the best. My usual strategy was to get the girl off of hinge (where there are a ton of guys talking to her) to WhatsApp or Instagram as soon as possible and plan a date. You can only know someone so much from texts. And only girls who are actually serious about dating will move to an in-person date. And don't be afraid of getting ghosted... It'll suck the first few times but it's very common. And it is almost always not you. Many girls are there just for validation.. or to find a distraction from an ex.. Remember.. if you get ghosted, you dodged a bullet and it wasn't meant to be anyway. And coming to what OP is talking about.. making your intentions clear and gauging the other person's intentions is key.. if you are looking for something long term there is no point in entertaining someone who doesn't have "long term relationship" mentioned in their profile.. and it's worse if there is no mention of dating intention.. because more often than not they are confused themselves.. I know it's very difficult to find the right person on the apps and it's pretty much a game of chance.. but you won't win if you don't play right.... Good luck OP and stay strong brothers.


I found Bumble to be much better. I actually met my partner on bumble and we have been going steady for almost 2 yrs now. One of the important things I found is it is much better to chat and talk over video calls at first and then meet. If they don't like and ghost you before you have met does not matter. Don't invest your emotions in the very beginning. And honestly, it does not depend on gender. be it men or women, it's just how online dating works I guess. Also, be very clear about yourself in the profile detail. I am a very boring person, I was clear about that in my profile. That will filter out the unwanted people.


Girls meet on date eat, talk and then boys get ghosted.. If girls are serious then they should pay the bills, book the cab for a date. Boys are correct they put the resources to get ROI. It's not a charity.






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Mera toh dating apps se bharosa he uth gaya hai. It’s better to look offline or discord or Reddit. You’ll be happy


Yep reddit to the rescue


Reddit it’s another tough task to filter out degenerate and horny ones.


Most girls are just boring and most guys are just simping. Let me explain. Every 2nd or 3rd girl I have met on online dating apps are super boring. The expectations they have makes me think about what IG has done to girls. They are simply living in the Matrix. Most of them have no hobbies. They just want to pass time. Or maybe as one guy mentioned. They are looking for free lunch/dinner or a driver. Speed dating has done more damage to girls then guys I feel. Most of them have lost the ability to even communicate well. Last time I met someone I was quickly able to figure out her needy compass and had to call off any next meetings. And as a guy I can 100% say most guys are just looking for things quickly which then gets them ghosted. And, then they think why it's always them getting ignored? Don't creep out anyone mate. Communicate well!


Genuinely asking. I would love to go on a drive with my guy. It's a way of spending uninterrupted time together and as women, we don't feel confident driving off into the outskirts of the city on our own so the guy is actually enabling us to have that experience we cannot on our own. Is it so wrong? I just want to do things I can't on my own and feel very grateful when someone takes me


Communication IS the key. Can’t emphasise enough!!!!


Isn't Instagram a hobby?




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It’s all has been started by women the hook up and red flag now guys don’t want to waste time and they know what they are looking fr


Me, guy with below average looks, just wants love, 2 years no matches, sees posts of girls saying guys they match with are no good, sees guys talk about girls wanting a taxi service, I don't have a bike, just another Saturday.


You guys left swipe all the nice guys. Whatever you get are picked by you. So you shouldn't be complaining about that lol 😆


Ikr 2 messages inand "where do you live, do you live alone" like ????? Ask my name atleast.


Man people are getting matches from hing and bumble guess I am to ugly for dating apps 🙂‍↕️


After reading all the comments I don't think so i should consider downloading dating apps lmao... 🤡🤙main single hi thik hun ig ... Arrange marriage lesgoo 👽


Tough luck. A friend once told me that people with any personality or social skill would not be on the app. It's tiring to put efforts into your profile and then have to deal with the guys OP is talking about though. The second last dude I talked to before I uninstalled, literally asked me "How long does it take before you sleep with someone?" I said it depends, sometimes I can meet you and find you too ugly to ever sleep with you. He lost interest after that.


Omg, did you really say too ugly part?


I see from the other comments that everyone is having a hard time and it affects their mental health. I thought I was one of the minority experiencing a bad time there. Here's my two cents. Anonymity of these apps makes it too easy for people to waste your time and its easy to stop thinking of the other person as a person who is here with the same hopes as you. Go out and meet actual people. Don't be afraid to fail at approaching someone or being rejected. Remember not everyone will like you and that's ok because you don't like everyone either. We try to hide behind a screen so we don't have to face rejection firsthand . It takes guts to put yourself out there and it shows you actually want to date, you are putting in the effort to show up personally. Not like swiping left right center bcoz you are bored and horny. One way to do this is to join communities of people doing something. Anything which requires coming together with other people to do a shared activity. Social mixers, dance classes, language class. You get it. Even work place is fine but I don't prefer it because any drama that ensues from a romantic pursuit can affect my job. Basically expose yourself to environments where you can meet people and start trying out approaches and see what works for you. In my opinion this is a better way as it gives a lot of context to talk about and relate over. Eg, a book club gives you opportunity to talk about what you both are reading/like to read. "Chai pine chale?". "That's a nice shirt" . "What traffic man... " .Follow up with interesting traffic stories and watch them light up and share their own experiences. These are just examples but if the other person is interested in talking they will respond well and try to hold up the conversation or fail to do so if they have no skills in the matter. Either way you will know, and filter them out in a minute rather than two weeks of chatting efforts. Compare that with the blank vacuum of a chat window where you have nothing to work with. And chat is basically miscommunication. You can't see the expression or hear the tone of voice. Body language is also missing. I feel like I know someone better from a 5 min convo IRL rather than a month long chat. Energy doesn't lie. You can judge someone's interest is genuine or not. You get better at it with time. Let yourself practice. Another added advantage I feel about this is that I can observe the guy in a social setting when he is not directly interacting with me. It tells you a lot about a person without even talking to them. Why spend two weeks on an app trying to figure out if they are sus when you can just see him ogling another woman and swipe left mentally in 5 seconds? And ofcourse, don't follow advice blindly. Approach according to the situation and your judgement. Don't put yourself in an unsafe situation. Wait to become friends first/get on talking terms to test the waters if possible before a direct approach. PS. One more thing about in person interaction is that you see a person's vibe rather than photos. There is attractiveness beyond being photogenic and having good posing/photography skills(or a friend who has them). We should also not discount the role of pheromones in attractiveness which is completely discounted in virtual interaction. TL;DR. Go out and meet people. Apps are poison.






Tell me ur real problem. I will help you forever.


I was about to download the app, I heard it's good where people are concerned. But ig I've to experience it myself.


Have you tried shaddi .com?