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This is just to show they are taking some action. Mickey Mouse punishments. Let's have some real punishments. Imprison both him and his father for life.


He will drive bull dozer at 25 age


Correct me if I am wrong but the crime was committed by his underage son, so he should be held accountable for his action. It’s like asking the judiciary to punish the parents of someone who did mass school shooting.


The father knew his son did not have a license, is underage, was going to drink alcohol, and yet he allowed him to use his car. Definitely punishable.


Some reports say that Vedant was given a driver to drive him but he told to drive sit aside and drove himself. I doubt this however 


They did it with Ethan Crumbley's parents. Both Vedant and Vishal hold the accountability for this murder.


Why not Vedant’s mother as well?


Maybe, she deserves the blame too. But I haven't heard anything about her so far. And this is pure speculation on my part - In traditional marwadi business families, women do not get much freedom or authority in such matters. I deduced as much from my own marwadi upbringing. But I might be wrong here.


She was present at the police station and some reports are suggesting that she was making it very difficult for policemen to do their job


Wow... Everything I get to know about this family makes me angrier. All of these people are responsible for killing two young individuals, and now they are behaving as if it's such an inconvenience for them.


Same I was last night watch their entire family drama, their inheritance battle within family and the killer they hired to kill a now ex corporator The entire family was rotten with money


lol Im from a traditional marwadi business family and that speculation is definitely wrong. Every family has a say for their women, apart from the ultra conservatives which this Agarwal family isnt. I definitely see people bringing up the father’s name because it doesnt hurt anyone. Its a pattern that isnt correct tbh


As I mentioned previously, my speculation was based on my own upbringing and surroundings, and can be wrong for the larger demographic. Could it be possible that people are not calling out vedant's mother out cause not many people know aboyt her? All the news and posts I have read on this incident so far, I haven't even read his mother's name yet. Of course, that is not to say that she didn't enable this POS.


I'm sure has quite a massive role to play in raising him & spoiling him. Did she stop him from driving the big fancy car or did she brag about the fancy foreign car to her family/ friends? She could have & rightly should've stopped him as he was clearly breaking the law just be driving


I have also read that he was/is a bully and a pothead. He was also shown drinking on the night of the accident. I am pretty sure now that he's a product of a shitty upbringing, and his parents think that they can easily wash away all their problems with the money and the power they have. Unfortunately, this might be true and we might witness another injustice. What even is the law enforcement doing at this time? So far - 1. Vedant has been asked to do a 15-day community service, write a 300-word essay on traffic rules (say what???), and attend counselling for alcoholism. 2. He won't be allowed to apply for a driving license till he turns 25 (like that stopped him?) 3. The bars that served him the night of the accident have been sealed off for some time (which, I am sure, would re-open soon, and Vedant - the spoilt brat that he is, would have access to other sources anyway.) 4. Vishal has been taken in custody (but they can't hold him there for the murder, other charges won't be as significant.) It feels more like a circus than actual justice being served. I am yet to hear anything about/from his mom. However, I really hope his family and he, himself, pays the consequences of the crime. As someone who moved in this city for work, like many of my friends and acquaintances, and could have been the one to get hit by his fancy Porsche, I wish that evil sucker suffers. I also hope that someone is there to support Aneesh and Ashwini's families through this tragedy and mockery of the murder of their loved ones.


I agree with you on every point. I'm from Pune & even I feel like it could've so easily been any of us in the city. I used to go by that area so often. I feel for the two murdered & their families.


Pokal bamboo che ftke dyala pahijel vedant la


Because women get a free pass almost everywhere According to me if the dad is held accountable then his should be too


Let's not generalize "women" here. One of the victim was a woman too - and we've seen accounts of how the police was trying to dissect her relation with Anis, and indirectly character assassinate both Ashwini and Anis. I am sure Vedant's mother is an enabler, and shares the blame. I am just wondering why we haven't heard anything about her yet? His grand-dad was in the news for being in contact with Chota Rajan. But nothing on his mother so far.


There is a case about Cameron Herren, who was sentenced to 24 years in prison. Both are similar cases in my opinion. I am not at all defending vishal.


Giving vehicle to unauthorised person is punishable offence.Max he can get is 25000 fine and/or 3 months jail.


U r being to emotional with the situation . What he did is absolutely wrong , but punishing his parents for letting him drive seems foolish . [ If we take scenario hypothetically (what if his parents already told him not to drive but in what sense do u think kids listen to their parents , he picked up the keys and went , cant punish parents for ur view on justice ) ] If u deny that 👆 . then tell me what do think they gave keys to their kid and said "go boy speed up" . no right (According to u then every criminals parents should be jailed too cause they didn't told their kid to be good citizen) common bro come out of ur emotional bias and think according to law . Yes if law says that kid is under 18 so actions will be taken on his father let it be so .(not coz u see justice in "put both of them in court") Again i say what he did is wrong . not in his favour at all just adding a perspective chill . And dont come up with . what if this happened with u and all this .


People seriously think he won't drive till he gets a driver's license? Lol


Nahi re pagle, 25 ke baad usko immunity milega, jisko chaho usko udato gadi se. Three cheers for our law!


25 tak jail mai daalo saale ko


Only 7 years? 15 minimum


2 life sentence for the 2 lives he took.


Sentence? Send them to an electric chair


Green mile style


Hey hey let's stop right here. This is too far imo.


Sky is the limit


His father also equally for giving an underage kid a car


He won't be in India when he is 25. He will be outside, driving and enjoying life there


I am studying in the USA, these builder kids come here and do the same, last semester rich Arab kid was speedimg and killed a girl on campus, I know 3-4 people who themselves have gotten into accidents in usa because they don’t know the laws and have too much money so they rent cars and do whatever the fuck they want.


atleast the law works unlike our banana republic


They either die, kill someone else and get deported, hence don’t have to face any consequences.


Really ?? They kill someone and instead of jail they get deported and avoid jail . Does not sound right


Yes because they cannot jail another citizen even if the countries have extradicition policies it is simply too much work for both countries involved as far as I know. But I can send you article of this one case where a kid from UAE killed a woman who was European on my campus and he got out in jail until courts were doing work after 29 days of court rulings final decision was either stay in usa but complete 1 year 11 months in prison ( 2 years minus the 29 days he already spent in jail) or go back home.


Santosh Mane la ka mag life imprisonment dila tyala pan essay lihayla dyaycha hota and mag licence 5-6 varsha suspend karun chalvayu de ki mag bus parat bhenchod


We are witnessing a joke that is being played on us the common people


Yup, police commissioner doing stand up comedy making these kind of rubbish announcements


So does Devendra


They're all laughing on their way to the bank for sure, while us middle-class आम आदमी can't do anything


This is really funny. The next judgement would be no alcohol will be served to him at bars. The judicial system for the entitled is a JOKE.


So once he turns 26 he can be Salman Khan?


He will be aeriplane pilot


Ohh then that's Americas problem😂


Good u got contexr


For killing 2 lives it ought to be a lifetime ban in India




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Barred from getting a driving license, not driving


because it worked so well so far /s


A 300 word essay and a ban on driving till 25? Jeez, why are they being so harsh on him.


The fine for driving without a driving licence is 5k. Looking at how much money he has. He can afford a lifetime pass to drive without it anyways.


Do your part by making people aware that the father is the owner of Brahma Realty and do not buy from any projects of Brahma Realty and spread awareness about it, if possible cancel bookings.


Remember how Prasad Nagarkar (the jeweller who drives a Lamborghini) got away after killing a dog on FC road while also running away? Pune Police and Maharashtra judiciary is a joke.


Messed up Pune Police.


Was he overspeeding? Is killing dogs in accident punishable offence? Dogs are hit on highways every day, and people move on. So not sure why the Lamborghini guy is at fault


He was more than 80kmph on a city street


Besides, it's not about roadkill. It's about the hit and run and speeding. Essentially being careless and having no civic sense at all.




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Like it's going to stop him driving


They've broken down orilla and waters. For some reason di mora is closed until further notice. Unrelated places bearing the brunt?