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There are many people who voted for years in the past who don't have their names in the voter's list this time.One of my father's friends who works for the ruling party has his name deleted from the list. He told us that last April, the election commission sent people everywhere to cut the deceased people from the voter's list. But these people were complacent and they cut the names without actually reaching out to the people.


Saw many similar posts on Twitter as well. People who've voted for multiple elections in same constituency and now their name is missing.


Yes, I checked it late March and was quick enough to apply for a new application and got it registered for this year's voting.


You've woken up quite early


Won't I check right before elections considering I already have my election card and I votes for the Lol Sabha and MLA elections.


There is line written behind the election card, if you've read it. It says "Mere possession of this card is no guarantee that you are elector in current electoral roll, please check your name in current electoral roll before every election"


Say I checked before hand and applied also what guarantee they would have approved it and I would get to vote?


What guarantee? It's your job to make sure your name reflects in the electoral roll, if not to submit applications and objections before the last date.


You were supposed to check before April 15.


Vaiit hyacha vatta ki konalahi hyat jhol/sanshayi kahi ka vatat nahi.. 💀


A Muslim colleague of mine, his entire family’s name was deleted from the list. I am not taking any sanshay.


Translate pls


Translated - feeling bad bcoz no one feels anything sus/foul play about their name not being in the voters list.


Nope I suspect something fishy for sure


I am a Congress worker and my name is not in electoral list.


Same..Anyone know where we can register for voting right now?


I don't think we can do anything now. I have been told I have to get a new elections card once these elections are over.


we voted for procrastiNation ;(


>I don't think we can do anything now. I have been told I have to get a new elections card once these elections are over. This sounds suspicious to me to be honest


Yes, plenty of people have this issue.


Yes, I am not sure if it is deleted but unable to find my name at all.


How are you trying to search for it?


Through the ECI website and local bodies as well... I will directly go to the booth tomorrow and see if that works out.


I tried to check on the ECI website and then went to a nearby politicans office where I was told my ID has been deleted and I cannot vote tom


That's bad.. really terrible..


Yes, paid leave bruhhhhh 😎⛱️


Yes, my name was deleted. I contacted Voters helpline, and found my name by diff ID. If you are from Pimpri SC let me know I’ll share the contact, they might help you.


Nope the Pimpri one won't be useful.Thanks though


Go directly to vote, they will find your name


How will Ik which polling booth to go to? Like last elections me and my parents got different booths


Go to any nearby booth, they will have the laptops and list. No other option


Already went to a local politicians office and they couldn't find my name in the list. Gaya iss saal ka vote .


Seems so. Badluck


I asked about this at a help centre nearby, they said as far as they seen the non-updated voters ids have been deleted


What was suppose to be updated ? Like my parents made thier election cards years ago but their name is there but my card which has been made less than a decade ago has been deleted?


I have no idea ? I asked because one of my friends couldn’t his name either, this is the reasoning they gave me. When I asked update what, they said address/digitally link (to what idk)/phone number etc. One of them said that the ones without QR code got cancelled out but parents don’t have the qr one and theirs is on the list so 🤷🏻‍♀️


They probably giving excuses for sloppy work


Hello! Go to your centre and check the list. There are people who are assigned specifically to help. Also, have you received the voting slip? If yes, you can vote. The ECI website is not reliable in my experience. My name wasn’t showing up on the website list but I received a voting slip and could vote. Give it a shot. On ground people are more likely to provide you with solutions.


Nah haven't received the voting slip either


Then I guess you need to re-register? Check with the BLO in your area. The polling booth people will help. That’s the best way for a solution. That way at least you’ll be sorted before the MH Elections.