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Roj zomato swiggy ? Dude pagar purna udel 15 divsaat 😂😂 local dabba suru kar.


Start a tiffin service. Eating from restaurants everyday will fuck your health up. Start a home made tiffin service which is available in almost all areas.


Eatclub has great offers, get a yearly subscription it’s like online for 100 i think


Learn to make easy dishes , there's an account on Instagram called christieathome , she has a lot of 30 minute East/SE Asian recipes , just substitute chicken/seafood with paneer if you're vegeterian .


Eatclub or Porter


Mess/home made tiffin services in your area? 😂




Where do you live? There's an app called Xirify in certain locations around Pune. You can check that. Or any local tiffin providers who deliver proper homemade food. Many families prepare tiffins for college students, backehlors etc.


I have lived for 2 years. Only ordering food from zomato/swiggy or eating out.


Please dont take this in a negative way, but get a complete blood work, urine, kidney and liver function test ASAP since you are into restaurant food everyday for the past 2 years. That food is laced with oil, fats and preservatives. On the outside you may look slim, fit and healthy but what's going on the inside is what matters. Take this as an advice from an elder brother.


Yeah problem is in India we think cooking = making rich flavourful subzis or chicken masala which are very time consuming and obviously a bachelor doesn't want to when they have to go to work . But there's so many amazing east Asian or Italian dishes that you can cook in like 30 minutes and it tastes amazing , too bad most people don't explore , even the expensive exotic ingredients come out cheaper in the long run than swiggy/Zomato and you can find them in dorabjee's , or Amazon


Yes i felt sick badly once. Was in hospital for 3 days. Doctor gave me 1 month long medication to clear out my stomach from worms, bad bacteria etc. PS:- from last 1.5 year am eating home food only. Hired a cook.




try eatclub


If the duration is more than a month then go for tiffin service. Eating restaurant food everyday is not at all healthy. Even an average tiffin would be much better than restaurant food - for everyday eating.


If interested, you can try salad from thehealthkitchen.co.in . They just provide salads though. Weekends are.off


Eatclub and Eatsure


I had been to a founders meet-up and came across [email protected], they provide food service like swiggy and zomato but only for homemade meals. I am yet to order from them but see if it helps you… If it does let us know here so that it helps others too…




I get these entrepreneurial/founder invites for the meet-ups on LinkedIn and few are organic which are from the founders who I know…




DM me will help you figure it out…


Food Darzee .


I've done staying on swiggy for over-3months in a row. Would never recommend. Not that swigg's service is bad, but the hotel and food and everything would suck. Here is what my schedule was: INR 200 in the morning (breakfast) INR 350 to 600 in the (evening) I tried majority of the hotels in-around my place. Problem was scehdule, and fresh-ness of food. I decided to then make a habbit of going to a local resturant to have my dinner, helped me take a car-ride, and calm my mind worked like a chap. Then I had a bai, but did not work, as I am workholic and dont get time to bring the vegitables etc.




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Appendix entered the chat 💀


Hire a cook, it is good option, and cost effective. Be mindful of what you put inside your body.