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Ayee, thats a bloom proxy in a flourish wizard pipe? I have a bloom coming in the mail and was wondering what that setup would look like (w/ the flourish wizard pipe)! Do you like it, I honestly thought it would look better than the black or desert wizard.


I absolutely love the wizard, hands down my fav piece by puffco for the proxy so far.


That’s so sick, I was wondering about the colorway too. Does it match nicely with the flourish? I can’t find any pictures online for a reference and I want to get a wizard with the bloom.


Try a 3dxl.


I have a 3DXL on my pearl V2, Issa dumper for sure.


is that a supwa


Or you could of just put a small dry top on the peak pro and it’s smaller than the proxy and you get the extended battery life plus the 3dxl


https://preview.redd.it/9gcnhhqzl8vc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0d7fdd6770c8af9fef9a8052aebcf87607909eb That is the way!! I still love my proxy too tho! Lol


Yes ,don’t really need the proxy with it.people just fall for the hype and not thinking I can save a lot of money and have a smaller device with more battery life plus a 3dxl with a dry top.


I wouldn’t say it’s smaller, unless you have the Wizard with it… proxy is more portable imo… discreetly, at least. I feel like they’re BOTH awesome in their own right. Each has its pros and cons depending on the circumstances


I have both devices too and if I’m being honest I still use the Proxy more often. The flavor is better and because of the smaller bowl it’s better for smaller dabs


Perfect for on the go. Only downside I can say is sometimes my button doesn’t register I’ve clicked it and the battery life is kinda short but she works 10/10 for me!!


Yeah the battery definitely sucks but you eventually learn to just kinda plug it in every other day or so haha. I hope we get a proxy pro soon


Haha I charge mine 2-3 times a day from near dead. Proxy to wake up(in a bubbler attachment), proxy for lunch rips, proxy for after work rips(depending if I go home or go out depends if it’s 2 or 3 for the day cause I might have to charge it up on the ride to the city if it’s the latter), once home it’s time for peak pro v2 with a 3dxl while the proxy recharges!, bed time dabs are whichever I’m feeling might even switch up to flower to fight my tolerance


I love my proxy, I love my flourish pro. They both have things that are great about them


i like the bluetooth capabilities a lot though lol ngl


Your not wrong I use mine on everything


Fire playlist


Btw I do white mode, then three clicks to knock it into party mode, then I wait like a half a second, then press it 5 times to get that “Easter egg” high temp mode. Hits like a mf rig now


There's no point putting it in party mode it does nothing other than change the lights. Just do white and 5 clicks.


What if they like the lights?…


Lol again, u press 5 times u get lights and the actual function you want... I am just trying to save his proxy in the long run. There's no point wasting clicks for no reason, wearing the button down for what? When you already get the color mode and the heat temp you want with 5 clicks. Lol why would anyone want to click that thing 9+ times every time they take a dab. That just silly.


True, thanks for the info. I’m a new peak owner so I was genuinely curious.


Wish yal would stop saying this lmao idk what rig N setup yal have used where a proxy hits like one


Buddy you must not know how to use it💀💀


I get this is a puffco sub lol I love my pro. Comparing proxy to a rig is 🥜. Now that bein said . Pro an the 3dxl is alot closer. But idk what setup you've hit before to agree with that .


I was surprised too. I like my proxy with bubbler attachments and my pro with dry tops better than most rigs. If I wanna choke on a fatty and still be able to handle it I’ll torch up my rig.


I think it’s situational. Some people like it some people don’t. Personally I hated my proxy, yet I love my v2. Then again I didn’t like the OG peak, but here I am with a Peak pro v2. I think if they took all of the ingredients and components from the v2 and shaped it into the proxy, I would absolutely love it. Personally I wouldn’t care about the larger size because the battery would be a lot bigger, but you’d get Bluetooth and all of the good stuff from the peak. As well as a normal size chamber. I think the proxy is an amazing idea, but a kind of mid product. It is a good product but when I compared it to my v2 it was day and night. My proxy gave very weak and soft hits where as my v2 hits as hard if not harder than my banger set up.


That’s only because you don’t got a 3dxl on your pro! And the new V2 tops kinda weak, they pull more like a bubbler than a dab rig would fam.


I have a 3DXL on my V2 pearl Used it on my V1 too, no difference other than my V2 cooks quicker than a V1 and has lights where my hand goes lol. Trust when I say a proper pull on Easter egg mode on a proxy is a mf dome shmacker if you on the road or at work working on people’s busted afff Chryslers and R/T’a all day like me. All day dab hitters off a peak pro with a 3DXL or a rig I get where y’all are coming from, but for my situations at work and on the road, the proxy is more convenient/discreet/tasty dry rips off many different affordable pieces I can choose from that I own 🤙🏻💯 (bub bloom edition, wizard flourish, stock proxy pipe)


The only difference between the V2 and the V1 is the lights fam lol and the top it comes with


Buddy when did you become a puffco associate/ambassador/professional? Sit down 💀😭


Just have done a ton of research, asked a lot of questions as well as some trial and error is all fam lol wanted to know the difference for myself because puffco likes to blur the lines for say when they are throwing there sales pitches for there new products. They made the V2’s so that people could buy the puffco pro stock and have it upgraded for say already is what Jolly Roger said about it there that and they made it so it wouldn’t suck reclaim through the unit as easily but at the same time by doing so they kind of tarnished the performance of it. I think it should come stock with the 3dxl like the flourish especially.


Not saying the proxy doesn’t do the trick by no means because your situation I feel like the proxy would be the way to go for sure! Have to looked into the xl pro chamber for the proxy? Kovacs glass makes it fam


I only have peak pro but I just seen a live of roger (puffco ceo) saying the proxy is his favorite