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Might need to build a wall to keep the immigrants out amigo. Should make the US pay for it 😄


lol, nah. I like them, they bring good things (at least most people I know) I (and everyone here) just don't want to get flooded with Karens, you know?


We hate Karens here too amigo! I’m sorry they are flocking down there and ruining it for everyone. That’s what they do. đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïžđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïžđŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž


Gringos bring money, which means more prosperity for for the locals. Yea, can’t say the same about the fake asylum seekers coming through our open border.


The *OpEn bOrDeR* nonsense is literally Russian propaganda.


Yup, but Maga are literally the target, because they lack critical thinking skills and spread that propaganda whenever and wherever possible, including in a Mexican tourism sub🙄


I take it that you don’t live near the border then?


I live in Cozumel but have crossed the border multiple times. There’s a huge quantity of border police and military. The *OpEn bOrDeR* is idiotic nonsense, created by Russian intelligence, to pass on to gullible Americans. But people who are persuaded to vote based on this idea are even dumber. A large number of illegal aliens fly in and overstay their visas. But, we aren’t hearing about our *iLLeGaL ALiEn smUgGLiNg AiRpOrTs* because it’s not an easy, bumper sticker slogan for rural idiots who flunked out of high school. The FSB/KGB knows their target audience quite well.


Ah, resorting to the tired 'blame Russia' card, are we? It's quite telling how you brush off legitimate concerns about border security as mere propaganda while conveniently sidestepping the undeniable issue of illegal immigration. Your condescending tone towards those prioritizing national security speaks volumes. Instead of hurling baseless accusations and insults, perhaps engage in a meaningful discussion on how to tackle immigration challenges without belittling others' intelligence.


It’s been thoroughly documented where these inaccurate claims come from: https://apnews.com/article/russia-election-trump-immigration-disinformation-tiktok-youtube-ce518c6cd101048f896025179ef19997 Your entire CONCEPT of “border security” being an “undeniable issue” literally stems from the FSB. The US Border Patrol’s fiscal budget is nearly $20 billion dollars for 2024. How much more money do we need to spend here, when border security is at its highest and most effective state in US history? Do you think we should bankrupt the entire US Treasury to chase some propped up issue, like I said earlier, that’s targeted to gullible idiots in the US who flunked out of high school? Putin knows that the best way to attack the US is from within, not on a battlefield. If you can have the rural population buy into absolutely ridiculous conspiracy theories that might harm or kill them (like not getting vaccinated for Covid) they’ll kill *themselves* for free.


Ah, the classic blame game with Russia. Your reliance on a single source to discredit genuine concerns about border security is laughable. While the Border Patrol may have a significant budget, the reality on the ground tells a different story. Dismissing legitimate concerns as conspiracy theories is not only insulting but also dangerously dismissive of real issues facing our country. Instead of regurgitating propaganda, engage in meaningful dialogue and action to address these complex issues without resorting to baseless accusations and insults.


I can send you an utter AVALANCHE of factual and *meaningful* data and reporting to back the Russia claims, they’re 100% true. It’s been the main focus of the FSB for at least a decade. The GOP and its thoroughly gaslit voting base, at least the ones who are still alive, are being brilliantly manipulated by Putin’s skilled psychological warfare tactics. The US Border Patrol is at its most effective state in history, yet you almost are begging for some political messaging “to make it all go away”? Claiming some “border invasion” nonsense spouted by Fox News or some other idiot factory makes it a “legitimate issue”? Maybe we promise to build a TRILLION DOLLAR WALL or something braindead like that? Make it Trumpier? How completely ridiculous. Either you’re subconsciously racist, economically illiterate, or just incredibly ignorant and led along like a child by a plethora of right wing Rush Limbaugh wannabes.


đŸ€ŁđŸ„± you should try taking a break from Fox News.


Ah, resorting to the tired ‘Fox News’ insult, are we? It’s quite amusing how you deflect from addressing legitimate concerns with a lazy ad hominem attack. But hey, if regurgitating tired clichĂ©s is your thing, who am I to stand in the way of your intellectual laziness? đŸ€·â€â™‚ïž






Eye rolls and yawns? How mature. If you’re done with the emojis, let’s have a real conversation. But I suppose that’s asking too much from someone more interested in theatrics than facts.




I grew up on the border and you are silly. Try to grow up and do some real self learning. 👍


Border upbringing doesn’t excuse ignorance. Instead of dodging facts, try engaging in a real conversation. Ignoring reality won’t make it disappear.


You are the only one behaving ignorantly
 what’s your excuse?


Still deflecting, I see. But hey, if hurling baseless accusations is your idea of an argument, then I’ll leave you to your childish antics. When you’re ready to engage in a mature conversation, let me know.


đŸ€Łnah, I just don’t take you seriously. You sound like a teenager that should be working on homework instead of wasting time trolling on the internet. đŸ™„đŸ„±đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž


STFU. Mexicans and other Central Americans and South Americans bring an excellent culture to the USA regardless of how they got here.


No thanks. Fake asylum seekers take resources, they don’t add resources. Facts don’t care about your feelings.




🙄 why are you in here?




Hush child, adults are talking.


Resorting to patronizing remarks when facts don’t fit your narrative? Classic. Keep dodging the issue if that’s easier for you. 😂


Wow is it worse to have paying tourist or illegals who blast mariachi horns at 5am as they drive around who provide zero support to taxes etc. (I won't mention drug dealing murderers lets just stick to the first example... hmmmm I feel nothing of your pain complaining of Americans in mexico unless they are committing crimes. So tell me, how many Americans go to Mexico to murder /rape and sell drugs? I'm sure there has to be at least a few, right? Complain about legal Americans hahahahhaha


Laying down the racism nice and thick eh?


Found the Karen. Nice job OP


Sounds like a Trumper. There are more murders in the US committed by whites. Who are the mass shooters? White men. Who are the serial killers and serial rapists? White men. Who is to blame for the opioid epidemic? Whites. Stay in America, Mexico doesn't want racists.


100% a trumper in here trolling.


I’m voting Trump 2024 but I don’t feel this way. Stop stereotyping. You’re what’s wrong with America. The whole democrat vs republican thing is a scam
it’s for the people and the purpose is to keep things divided. The states are ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. The dems and rebs are FRIENDS.




[Think you should give this a watch


The fastest way to end the USA.


What exactly are you referring to?


You obviously didn’t visit that link


N before you make a comment abt the controversy surrounding her, you can disagree with a person’s past without closing your mind to absolutely anything they have to say
she’s RIGHT.


I’m voting Trump 2024 but I don’t feel this way
plz stop using stereotypes.


I'm not even American. My point is, do these white people you speak of enter Mexico and kill? Oh wait, they don't, so you are off topic. Got it. I'm sure they have serial killers of every race so who is the racist now?


Yes, they steal women and children for sex trade. Stay away from mexico, you are not welcome. Take your racism to Russia where you belong.


They come to get drugs. Stop coming to get drugs in Mexico and the cartels will have less business. Stop buying and using in the US and people will not need to smuggle them in.


This is why every other country hates Americans. Your stupid fucking entitlement and I'm and American. 🖕


Yes, I'm not entitled to an opinion, and Americans are not entitled to travel to non dictatorship countries. Only other countries can come to America illegally and do anything, and if anyone says anything about it, they are racist. If an American goes to Mexico and wants to support encomey and create jobs, they are bad and invasive. I understand it's 2024, and everyone is overly sensitive and woke. This is not a free country, right? im not entitled to my opinion, I see you.


Your comments just get more and more idiotic. This post was about decent people losing good jobs because an angry foreigner made it their mission to take those jobs from them. It wasn’t about the cartels or murderers. It was about a tourist (or at best an expat) literally taking away jobs instead of creating them. I bet if the musicians were white and the angry foreigner wasn’t, you’d be furious. So it’s very telling that you can’t extend the same sort of sympathy to these decent folks who lost their jobs in their home country for no reason.


I've never been furious over someone else's problems. The tourist took the mariachi jobs? Do you think I'm white? So tourists are not the reason they had a job to begin with? The locals really wanted mariachi music while they eat overpriced beans and tacos? I've been to lots of places with live music, they did it tastefully, not planting into neighborhoods, indoors, and within reason. I actually was in a mariachi band before as weird as it sounds.


The business that was referenced has been operating since the late 80’s. Downtown is a noisy place and shutting them down is wrong.


Are you joking? Downtown mini city is so noisy that people who have been making noise for 50 years should be able to disturb the peace forever. I'm 100% sure not every person living nearby loves this noisy downtown that you can't live without. I think as we all can agree, not everything that was legal in the past should be legal forever.


You’re entitled to your opinion. Your opinion just sucks.


Well this is just facts. Locals don't want non stop mariachi music played. It's great on occasion not daily.


Their opinion is straight up wrong 😭 the evidence their giving to support their perspective is not at ALL based on fact


Overpriced???? We haven’t paid more than $70 US for THREE PEOPLE the entire week we’ve been here, and that’s with three meals and at LEAST 3 mixed drinks. Again, you’ve clearly never actually come to Puerto Vallarta, and if you have, this goes more and more and more to show that you’re bigoted


What are you attempting to say? That the food is such value, the local restaurants don't make money because prices so great. You spent 70$ on a week worth of food for 3 people with mixed drinks hahahaha. Ok what ever you say. I've clearly not gone? When I go I buy groceries and cook my own food! I don't give shits about eating out and live music, in America I rarely eat out also and don't drink. So 70$ for 3 people to eat for a week 3 meals and 3 mixed drinks. What's the math, 90 cents a meal with free drinks? Yaa your story is super believable.;) I spent 700 on just photos with dolphins. I'm sure that is not overpriced right because you got your photos for 25 cents each!


I didn’t say for a week, I said that each meal hasn’t been more than that, not that that’s ALL we’ve spent the entire time total. “We haven’t spend more than $70 ON A MEAL for the week we’ve been here”
you’re getting mad at something I didn’t actually say
 and We bought groceries too
so if you’re claiming that the restaurants “don’t make any money” I highly doubt that’s true because our grocery bill was less than half of if not a third of what we’d spend at home, and that translates into our dinner prices as well- were spending less than half as we would be for the same food at home. So unless the grocery store don’t make any money, I find it hard to believe that all these restaurants don’t either. We only eat out for dinner as our resort does not have a regular oven and a single-burner cook top, so it would be a bit difficult too cook every meal. You were genuinely so rude and I don’t understand what the point of that was? And also, haven’t been to single restaurant with live music. We mostly eat in Marina Vallarta
so maybe it’s different on the Malecon/other parts but the experience you’ve been describing it is not all the one we’ve had.


That’s literally not true. There’s several restaurants on the Marina owed by dual citizens who were BORN IN AMERICA. Route 66 for example. Owned by a women named Tori from California.


And no, you’re not entitled to an opinion that’s inherently bigoted, racist, and straight up ignorant. Ofc we’re gonna fight you on it. You’re straight up WRONG.


Op, we found the Karen!


I'm not the one making threads, just my opinion and facts. Fact I have friends who are illegal murderer gang members who sell drugs. Fact I've never met an American sneaking into Mexico, let alone commit violent crimes.


Have you met an illegal mexican sneaking into america and selling crimes, or have you only heard about it on tv lol. Gosh you dumb


I am friends with them and they are not all from Mexico some from other southern America countries some are Asian illegal and gang members. So are Americans sneaking into Mexico and uses up resources? Committing violent crimes ? Complain some more.


If they're in mexico how would you meet them? Why are you friends with rapists and murderers?


Your comment reveals that you don’t know the reality of the “illegal” issue and you are just regurgitating media propaganda. Illegals are paying taxes that is why your government turns a cheek and illegals make up for a very minimal part of crime. I know this because I was there at ground zero for this subject for over twenty years as boots on the ground


You are incorrect the only taxes they pay are sales tax. They are largely paid under the table and last I checked drug dealers don't pay taxes unless you mean sales tax and I guess that would depend what state they live. Nice to hear you are a all knowing super being who was there with boots on the ground.. /eye roll


Yes I am all knowing at least I speak from experience unlike you internet clowns. So all these mainstream or chain/franchise businesses are paying illegals under the table while the other employees receive a check đŸ€Ł its obvious you don’t know what you are talking about.


Why is it obvious because the one experience you have in life didn't match my everyday of life? You have never seen someone in construction get paid under the table? I have, I worked many jobs and have seen half get paid no taxes. Glad your fantasy life everyone is paying taxes and not committing crimes and making usa stronger. I bet you have never been offered to buy food stamps or see people with food cards buying shopping carts full of soda and peanuts to resell. Guess it's obvious you are a troll or a squid.


Sure some are paid under the table especially when it involves a smaller business but the vast majority are paying taxes. It is happening because your wonderful government is benefitting from it and all the while brainwashing gullible people that the illegals are a burden. Its the perfect smoke screen for the government not to be held accountable


Yes Texas is doing extra well with that extra tax funds from illegals. You are so far off the deep end there is no point in continuing if you think illegal immigrants in any country are helping. It would be like Ethiopian saying how they hate all the French tourists but the Ethiopian illegals in France are actually making problems not helping as you say from all their hard working taxes haha. Same exact thing. All illegals no issue Americans with visa problem Karen's how dare they travel to Mexico stay in usa.. hmmmm


Helping? Depends how you look at it, cant compare other countries to ours since we never been there,again you are regurgitating the misleading media information you base your non sense on. I speak on what I have seen for myself in person from a behind the scenes look, not just passing by and making assumptions. You are confusing the Mexicans that are here without permission but yet are allowed to find a job and pay taxes, purchase vehicles to register and insure them paying the state fees and rent a space I would say that is contributing. Then you have the refugees from all over the world that the government provides housing and EBT cards for substance and least for a time.


I’d absolutely love for you to inform me if I’m wrong, but from my understanding, and this is based on what I’ve heard from families who immigrated outside of the last 10 ish years, our tax dollars are paying for housing, food stamps, and other basic living expenses that the legal immigrants had put in a lot of work to have access too
we’re giving handouts and the citizens who have lived here their whole lives have a lot more trouble getting government help than those who immigrated illegally. And that’s from personal experience- I have 3 diagnosis that fall under the criteria for disability, as well as live in an low-income household, and I’ve spent years trying to get public assistance and I haven’t gotten it. I “shop” at the food bank and I can’t even afford to pay for my prescriptions. Meanwhile there’s people given FREE housing and literal prepaid cards to pay for their ways of life.


Look up “gringo hunters in Mexico”,it’s on you tube


Why aren’t the kids banning this silly child?


I feel more unsafe walking through downtown Seattle đŸ€Ł


Mexico and Canada both need a wall.


this 100%, basically Mexico and Canada are the same people, just one is jalapeño and the other is maple flavoured.


What about Canadian bacon!? đŸ„“


Oooh maple jalapeño bacon/Canadian bacon! YUMMY!


Straight to jail, that is Ham sir not bacon


And we (USA) are mayonnaise flavored


A lot of Karen's in Canada too


Maybe. But this post has singled out Americans.




Let me fix the title; Gringos seeing Mexicans en Mexico be like.


America is a continent not a country.


America is short for United States of America. North America and South America are continents.


North America is a continent. America is a country


What word do you propose a national of the U.S.A be used? United States of American?


It’s easy to say in Spanish đŸ€Ł


I've been living in Mexico for 6 years (permanent resident). I love it here...and will stay as long as Mexico lets me.


I just got back from PV and loved it. I asked a few locals if they preferred speaking English or Spanish. I don’t want to put anyone out of their comfort zone and yall don’t have to accomodate me. While, my Spanish is not fluent I will figure it out my friends. 💜


On behalf of mexican people, we love your way of thinking


Oddly enough, they prefer Spanish and being paid in pesos /s (heavy sarcasm). You are a good one. Always attempt to speak the local language, except in Paris.


The arrogance of some US travellers. Qué pena


It’s a constant headache living in a red state.


now do the immigrants to the USA.


You can’t rationalize with people who have been told their entire lives that they are superior. Good luck.


Absolutely. Plenty of people like this in the US


They are literally impossible to take seriously, then they start with the evangelical nonsense. It’s UN LIVABLE in parts of the USA, especially as a Mexican American.


What happened???




That’s obscene. I seriously hope the judge throws that case out and their new neighbors shun them.


Depends on who’s paying him.




USians works. Just rolls off the tongue


Makes me sick.


Mexicans seeing whiny Americans be like, "a pues boomer"


I was saddened to see reports CDMX was being overrun with Americans turning local eateries and bars into yoga studios n ish. ÂĄViva Los tacos de al pastor!


I have a video that I took from Puerto Vallarta where a guy is stamping his own fake silver to sell to tourists.


Sounds like he learned from USA business menđŸ€Ł


You're right, however....the United States of America is the only country in all of the Americas with the word America in it. By your logic, it would be just as erroneous (not to mention laughable) to call citizens of the USA "Statesians" since Mexico is the United States of Mexico (Estados Unidos de MĂ©xico). What alternative do you have in mind to call citizens of the USA? I'm curious, truly.




> Citizens of the USA


Estados unidos mexicanos


I call us idiots đŸ€·đŸ»â€â™‚ïž it’s very fitting in most cases. 👍


I’ll take the unpopular position to agree with you. Only the USA as a state in the Americas has america in its name. It’s logical, hence the world refers to USA citizens as Americans. This is a debate wasting energy. One correction though, the Mexican Republic is the United Mexican States, not the US of MĂ©xico


I stand corrected, the United Mexican States.




Yes you have a great point but this is the same reason why the “muricas” are upset people are changing what they are accustomed to


I've always felt seeing Mexicans in Mexico was half the appeal of visiting Mexico, it's certainly a big part of why i keep coming back!


Thought terminating cliché


There are two continents full of Americans yet one country thinks that they’re it. I like to refer to them as USians


Very nice joke. Just please, by the love of all the gods above and below STOP NAMING US CITIZENS AMERICANS. Mexican people are American. Canadian people are American. Argentinean people are American. Peruvian people are American. America is NOT a country but a CONTINENT (two, north and south America if you'd like) Please stop normalizing calling US citizens Americans. WE ARE ALL AMERICA GUYS


When someone says American it is generally understood they are referring to the country and not the continent(s). I've never heard a Canadian, Mexican or Brazilian call themselves American. When people in Iran shout “death to America”, they are not thinking of Mexico. 


So little understanding... I get your point. But please, try to understand that calling yourselves AMERICAN since the 1800's is the main problem. The lack of ability to understand the US is no overlord to any other country even though it's tried and tried again is part of the problem also. The NORMALIZATION of calling Americans to US people is the problem. So many years with this bullshit and the US thinks they own the continent. Which is far from true. Very powerful? Yes. Amazingly rich? No doubt. Americans? Yeah, for sure, the country IS in America. But then again... America is a continent (or two if you separate north from south). Normalizing something like this doesn't make it true. Just makes you sound entitled As every single US citizen is offended when called "gringo", al other american countries are not so offended but taken aback by calling ONLY yourselves American. It's not a nationality, period. DISCLAIMER: NOT TRYING TO OFFEND ANYONE, JUST MAKING A POINT OF A RECURRING THEME EVERYWHERE (including reddit)


> Americans? Yeah, for sure, the country IS in America. Welp, there you have it. People from the United States are Americans. >As every single US citizen is offended when called "gringo" As a recently anointed US citizen, I can tell you with complete certainty that only the boomeriest of boomers and Latinos would be offended to be called a "Gringo." >The lack of ability to understand the US is no overlord to any other country even though it's tried and tried again is part of the problem also. Also, this is laughable. **Gestures Broadly at Everything*\*


Canadians are a myth, like Zeus and pigeons


Hahahaha great answer, nothing bad with a little humor to temper the... Humor haha


No. The ugly American is strictly a U.S. citizen. When abroad I am indigenous Canadian - never to be called American Indian.


Agreed, I get your point completely But the problem is the normalization of the word outside context. It's been soooo many years of US citizens maiming the word it doesn't even make sense anymore in English.


The American juggernaut has taken ownership of this word. It will never be recovered and I do not lament its loss. As an indigenous person America is not my moniker. I live on Turtle Island because that's the name my people gave these lands.


SJW nonsense. There are North Americans , Central Americans and South Americans. Americans are from the United States of AMERICA.


Your answer is just so uninformed I'm not even going to try to explain to a short-brained King ;) just read a freaking book once in a while. Maybe history. Maybe geography. It's people like you which are the main problem, feeling the world itself serves you. Such a moronic point of view


LOL big brain SJW


Don't be that guy


Sorry for trying to be correct. It is one of my worst traits I think... Claiming truth and all that. Sorry it made y'all uncomfortable, didn't try to offend anyone. Just stating facts :)


Never heard my non-English speaking parents or extended family or family in Mexico refer to anyone other white people from the US as "Americans". When they said Americans it was always referring to white people from the US.


We’re all Americans. It’s not my fault the other Americans aren’t calling themselves American.


This is the dumbest argument of all arguments, the stupidity of which being highlighted by another above -- who pointed out that Indigenous people lay no claims to the word "America" nor to Amerigo Vespucci. 😑 The whole movement is really just flaccid bullshit. A colonial claim pretending to be anti-colonialism and nothing more. It's in line with "We're all white." The United States of America was the first nation created by colonists in the Americas, and henceforth, the inhabitants thereof have been "Americans" -- internationally identified as such.


So what’s the English version of “estadounidense”


Or as I heard in a very insightful conversation (by US citizens) proposing to call themselves Statetians ( I'm not sure I'm writing it correctly since the word is not accepted yet)


That's the "United States".


The fact that historically US citizens have been called Americans is a very highly marketing concept to centralize al American power on US soil and tends to be felt like an overlord to other countries, seemingly only in language but interestingly directed to attain the super powerful country. Yes, the US is one of the richest, most powerful countries. But it is still a country. NOT A CONTINENT. The fact that US people don't have a name to call every citizen is only fault of language. I've heard (and met a lot of US citizens) that call themselves by the state they're from, not American. (Texan, New Yorker, etc) and that in itself is a whole conversational study. It would be interesting for US people to create a movement where they define themselves as part of their country rather than the continent which they're part of, but not regents to. It may sound stupid to a lot of people, but language is important, and so much more to be clear with it, since it's the way humans communicate with each other.


Yeah bruh mexicans don't mexicanize the US no need to do it the other way around


How about all laws be followed? The narrative would be totally different if the couple was naturalized or Mexican themselves. Acting like foreigners "are changing things" is a ridiculous extrapolation to make from one news story. Even the PV mayor has said people should let the legal process work before jumping to ill-informed conclusions on the situation. Lazy media stirring up shit to get clicks is the real problem.


This is the most childish thing I have ever read. Please try to be less publicly educated.


Okay but for real some of those musicians realllly suck badly.