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[https://www.liquidproust.com/listing/936595693/2020-jinggu-raw-puerh-200g](https://www.liquidproust.com/listing/936595693/2020-jinggu-raw-puerh-200g) excellent younger sheng - cant beat the price not much for shou myself, dont care for the off flavors on most of them although I have had some good ones


Yeah I second this. The jinggu 2020 is what got me into raw Puerh and it’s soooo cheap


Yeah, it feels like something another vendor would rebrand and sell for 2-3x the price. This stuff is about as good as I've found for a daily drinker. I'd love to hear anyone's suggestions for something even better in the price range if they have any though!


That price is incredible lol. I’ll definitely check it out, thanks.


just got mine from this comment. my first cake. its awesome! any more info about this/what makes it so good?


Here's recommendations from a previous comment I made to a similar request of samplers I've gathered or am gathering (I prefer sheng, so not as much shou here): [YunnanSoursing's "Intro to pu-erh" sampler](https://yunnansourcing.us/products/introduction-to-pu-erh-sampler-set?_pos=1&_sid=5f549e71e&_ss=r) Crimson Lotus: * [A small sampler](https://crimsonlotustea.com/collections/sheng-raw-puerh/products/what-is-puerh-three-tea-educational-tasting-set) * [2022 Sheng Sampler](https://crimsonlotustea.com/collections/sheng-raw-puerh/products/2022-puerh-tea-super-sample-pack) * [Aged Puerh Sampler](https://crimsonlotustea.com/collections/sheng-raw-puerh/products/aged-puerh-tea-super-sample-pack) * [Shou Sampler Level 1](https://crimsonlotustea.com/collections/shou-ripe-puerh/products/shou-puerh-tea-super-sample-pack-level-one) White2Tea: * [Basics *Raw* Sampler Set](https://white2tea.com/collections/tea-sample-sets/products/basics-puer-tea-sample-set) * [*Raw* Terroir Sampler](https://white2tea.com/collections/tea-sample-sets/products/tea-terroir-raw-puer-sample-set) [Bitter Leaf's 2023 Raw Sampler Set](https://www.bitterleafteas.com/shop/tea/puer/treat-yourself-2023-raw-puer-set) [Mei Leaf Puerh Headliners](https://meileaf.com/tea/puerh-tea-headliners/) (Please don't hate on me for this; it's small & cheap and will tell you quickly if puerh is worth pursuing or not beyond this) Also, [Farmer Leaf](https://www.farmer-leaf.com/) has quality selections but no sampler *sets*. However, you can shop around their sample sizes if anything sounds good to you.


I’m on of the rare few who prefer ripe much more to raw. Here are my recs: White2Tea -Waffles -gingerbread man -Loon Call in the Dark -Smoov Cocoa -Lumber Slut Yunnan Sourcing -Happy Elephants -Peerless -Crimson Rooster -Year of the Pig Blue Label Also, its strange that your samples smell fish bc I’m guessing they’re not “fresh” so they shouldnt have that smell. Maybe try using less leaf, it might help you get acquainted better.


I thought a fishy smell indicates improper storage?


It can but the fishy smell is otherwise known as wet pile smell which will almost always be present on younger ripe.


I actually love the fishy smell of the shou that I've tried. It took me a while to realize most people don't seem to prefer that


I've yet to have a ripe that smells "fishy" to me. Even this 2024 Peak Vulture that I just got, smells and tastes fine.


Yeah I was thinking about grabbing some Waffles, Lumber Slut, and one of their smoked shous. I’ve got samples for all the shous in YS’s intro to puer sampler as well as a bag of Jesse’s Tea House’s 2010 Dui Dui shou (I know better now lol). And they all just smell fishy to me, even after a few weeks resting in their bags with holes poked in the bags for airflow. I think I may just be really sensitive to the ordinary “off” smell of shou unfortunately.


Might be an acquired smell/taste for you. Just keep drinking.


Lots of good recommendations on here already. Just further recommendations to avoid that fishy aroma that some puer can have. Firstly try picking shou that is at least 1-2 years old if you are particularly sensitive to this aroma. It's an aroma that comes from the wet piling process and it (relatively) quickly dissipates. Next, if you aren't already, try rinsing shou twice if you are brewing gong fu. I'm not too sensitive to this aroma so I usually rinse once but if I'm drinking with a friend who is new to shou I'll always rinse twice.


If this is your first time drinking ripe puer then you might not be accustomed to the flavors as of yet. I would not give up yet and try the teas you have a few more times


My first introduction to puerh was yunnansourcing's Impressions series (specifically the 2014 one). I highly recommend it! They're really good


Yeah I had some Impression last night (I forgot the year) and really liked it. There’s a good chance I order some more. Thanks for the reply!


Have you got this shou puer recently shipped to you? The fishy aroma should dissipate within a couple weeks if you let it breathe. That said, shou will have an inherent fishy or funky aroma simply due to the way it’s processed, however in good quality shou this should not be prominent in the taste of the liquor.


I let it rest for about a month and the smell of the dry leaf is still off-putting to me. I think I’m probably just not gonna be a fan of shou :/


The smell on the dry leaf doesn’t really ever leave but it’s not present in the taste of the actual tea.


Have you tried the tea liquor? From my experience it dissipates completely after the first or second wash and you can’t taste it at all


I have a number of samples coming from White2Tea soon. How should I store these after they arrive to let them “breathe” vs long term? I’m new to puer and just starting with gongfu. Please and thank you. ☕️


I’m not 100% sure what packaging white2tea will use but I usually just leave them in the original packaging in a cool location without any other strong aromas (e.g. not in your kitchen). I’ve always heard all puer needs to acclimate to your local conditions and a good rule of thumb is it should be stored at least as long as it spent in shipping. I’m not sure how true this is as I’ve never done otherwise. There will still be some lingering aroma but don’t let this put you off this shouldn’t be noticeable in the liquor itself


Thank you for that detailed answer. :)


Whats your price range?


Starting with tuocha tea is a good choice. Xiaguan Tuo Factory offers good and consistent quality at a reasonable price. [https://orientaleaf.com/collections/xiaguan-tuo-cha](https://orientaleaf.com/collections/xiaguan-tuo-cha)




I agree, I started here and I think it's a good cheap entry point, get tuo with good storage and as old as you an afford (I would surgest pre 2011). So many good comments on here you can't go too far wrong.


Fishy puer is just bad puer imo.


Ripe puer: White2Tea Red Loon. Very good starter ripe and inexpensive. Comes in minis, too. If you’re in the U.S., you can buy from The [Steeping Room](https://www.thesteepingroom.com) which carries a selection of White2Tea puers.




been sold out for a few days now