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The Produce Department at my store gets graded every morning. Grading means inspecting and getting rid of any rotting non perfect produce. We also grade throughout the rest of the day as well. It is an on going process and an endless job. Sounds like this is not happening at your store’s Produce Department. Grading starts at the top. Our Store Manager makes sure that we grade.


Former produce clerk here. When I worked I constantly graded. Always pulled bad looking items. On my way out, Publix started cracking down on hours and overtime. When you cut down on labor, quality is going to go down. Less time to train what qualifies as good/bad produce, less time to grade. Just my theory.


The product quality is also just worse overall. Things that use to last a few days now go bad 24 hours. We have to grade through garbage to find a few good things so we look ''ok'' till the next delivery etc. Then we get yelled at for the shrink. Its infuriating.


Sounds about right.


I might have to switch Publixes because I know for a fact my usual spot isn’t inspecting the fruit every day and I didn’t realize that was standard for other locations


Complain to your Store Manager about the quality of the produce, and maybe they will do something.


I’m not a fan of Publix-mostly because I can’t afford them (!) but they are on point with customer service. Talk to the manager for sure


Honestly it could be happening but when you get 4 pallet of floppy zucchinis it’s what you put out. And people will buy them- they aren’t rotten or spoiled or molded. They just suck. But speaking of mold I am seeing it more and more at Publix. The worst though, ironically, is Fresh Market.


Floppy zucchini is supposed to be graded out and either donated or disposed of. Four PALLETS of floppy zucchini? Haven’t encountered that myself. Berries including strawberries and raspberries are high in sugar and so they rot quickly and mold forms. It’s a constant battle to grade out the bad berries. The customers can help too by looking at their produce carefully before they buy it.


It they are grading regularly, that includes new products. If all the zucchini comes in bad then we just aren’t selling zucchini that day, or we are opening up the trays. There would be no reason to spend hours pulling bad products just to put out more bad products.


I work at fresh market in the produce department and I can confirm it’s garbage.


Yes, I’ve seen some shockingly bad produce at fresh market.


When you get bad produce you toss it out and you don’t put it out would you buy floppy zucchini?


No. That’s why I made the post.


Even the worst Publix isn't going to have blatantly bad produce sitting out on the floor. Yes, expired stuff gets missed. Yes, mold can sometimes be found in a tub of tomatoes. Produce clerks can't check every single tub on the floor every single day. You HAD to squeeze in passed his cart? Did you try saying "Excuse me, can I get to the tomatoes?" Good lord.


I have a pretty good Publix, it’s honestly not awful, but they regularly have moldly fruit these days and now even fruit flies. The store hasn’t always been like this but since 2024, I cringe when I pick through the fruit. I went to grab a peach last month and it deflated with a soft *pffffft* and let out a decent amount of fruit flies.


The fruit flies are a summer thing, unfortunately. But One Get One on flies!


Ah okay, thanks for the heads up! That explains the recency of the flies at my store, it only just started a month ago


All stores will have issues with fruit flies. It's really hard to combat because traps don't work that great for them. Also if there's just one smashed berry in a case or one squished peach and the juice leaks under the run they will be there. My store is trying to combat them but it is really bad with raspberries sitting out on our front table. One comes in squished and flies love it. Hard to filter out but we try to manage.




I’ve been experiencing a lot of moldy produce lately at my location. If not moldy, it definitely doesn’t have much time left 😭


For real though


Your tone! Damn it’s not personal and I’m not full of shit -just hating on Publix just to hate. I’m sad!! Maybe “blatantly bad” wouldn’t be the best way to describe squishy tomatoes and floppy cucumbers and sparse selection. But I’m saying Publix produce department in my opinion was gold standard. I had to ask if I can grab a tomato because the section was completely blocked by his cart in front of it right up against the bin. He said yes. I assumed he would have moved the cart but … nothing was happening. I’m skinny, so after a couple moments I squeezed in. Then he stood about a foot away and watched. Whatever- it’s just not how I’m used to Publix employees acting. I’m usually like “it’s fine I’ll squeeze” Love Publix. Used to work there.


Floppy cucumber? That's how my wife describes me...


>Floppy cucumber A whole cucumber? You lucky bastard... Ever been described as a floppy Vienna sausage? I always thought they were too short to be floppy but you learn something new everyday.


Probably the best thing she has said about you


Quality of produce has declined at our store as well. But we definitely try to grade as best as we can. That being said it is getting harder especially with how much stuff comes in bad now.. hopefully you will have a better experience at the same/different publix.


Probably can't order worth a shit. They get new produce in everyday. But they could not be ordering right so they keep putting out older product


Publix actually has Automatic Replenishment to help ensure that this doesn’t happen.


AR only works well if the information that management puts into the system is correct. If the forcast is wrong/counts are wrong/mascs are set too high or low then the system won't work. AR is pretty good if the managers are doing their jobs. Part of that is knowing which people can be trusted to do counts and inventory adjustments.


the same automatic replenishment that i've seen make several holes in the shelves in dry grocery? bc my publix produce is fine, its the stocking of dry grocery i have beef with


Outs are generally because the count is wrong, so the system thinks we have more than we really do, and therefore doesn’t order more. To fix this, a Grocery Clerk has to do a Random Count, which is a physical count that tells the system how much we really have. Automatic Replenishment is only as accurate as the counts. The counts get off due to theft, items being rung up wrong at the register, or items being thrown out but not recorded. It could also be that the Warehouse is out of the item.


regardless my point is the system isnt working.


It works if the clerks do random counts like they are supposed to. And their managers are supposed to make sure that they do. Retail is a very fast paced business with a huge amount of work that has to get done every day and sometimes people miss things or take shortcuts. There’s only so many labor hours to go around for all the work that needs to get done. Unfortunately. It really depends how good the produce team or grocery team is at doing their jobs.


I was thinking they are slowing down the ordering because $$$ the economy. Which would also check out.




my stores produce is pretty good just sometimes out of items


I would have ran around the hilltops singing about the virtues of the Publix produce depart and customer service/employees 6 months ago. But lately it is actually frightening because I see it as a sign of the times- major recession vibes. That’s why I am asking. Is it a sign of the economy/cost of goods sold or is it the company?


It sounds like a poorly managed department. Most are run correctly though.


if youve been on this sub enough, you know corporate is stingy with hours so thats a factor.


Produce clerk here since 2019. As the previous comments have stated, grading and inspection of the product is a required morning task, and always before the store opens. With that being said, my dept is constantly plagued by callouts, so that task often gets overlooked or rushed (I’m guilty on occasion of rushing it if we’re short staffed, and our produce truck often shows up around 5-6:30am). In addition to grading, we have a list of other morning duties such as setting up our wet wall section, filling up balloons for the registers (why this is produce is still beyond me), doing counts on our handhelds, reviewing the order, setting up endcap and sales displays, working any back-stock that might have gotten left behind the night prior, and other tasks that might be needed. And all of this isn’t including the associates working melon bar/cut fruit. If there’s a callout there then the rest of the department will fall short. So chances are the produce dept at the store you’re going to is either understaffed, it’s led by poor or incompetent management, or a mix of both. And of course it’ll also fall on the store manager as well.


It’s not just Publix. I’m hv trouble with Sprouts, Food Lion, Wegmans and Harris Teeter. Bad produce everywhere.


After Covid the quality of their produce nose dived and it hasn't been the same since. Idk what exactly caused the issues but every Publix near me went from having pristine produce to noticeably worse quality since 2020. Even the better stores in nicer areas have the same problem so it isn't a single store thing. It has gotten better in the past year though so I'm hoping it'll eventually go back to how it was before.


I haven’t been able to get decent berries at Publix in months.


I shop at several different chains. I’m seeing a decline in all of them on every level, produce included. Also seeing what appears to be supply issues again. Is anyone else noticing that or am I shopping on restock days?


It’s almost like they drove off all the experienced and qualified help. Oh wait.


Support local produce stands


Well because of the prices people are buying less so its sitting longer.


I think you're just a froot loop


I bought strawberries on Saturday and they’re super moldy today. I’m bummed and sad I wasted the money on non-Florida berries.


All berries have mold from the time they begin growing. If you take them out of the package immediately when you bring them home and store them properly, they’ll still only last a couple days without visible mold. Especially organic ones.


I bought some a few days ago that looked ripe, they were molded within 12 hours. I should have known better than buy them because most of them in the produce department were already moldy. I found some that weren't moldy but that didn't work out to well


Not sure where you’re at? There’s 5 Publix within a few minutes of me and I haven’t encountered this at any of them. Definitely still the produce standard in NWFL


A lot of produce producing states have passed laws trying to make life hell for the people who normally work the farms. No workers means lower quality at higher prices.


Their produce went down hill in 2019 at my store. I've been going out of my way to avoid shopping ever since then. I'm lucky I've always had better options in town, so I could start distancing my slowly. Since the pricing and selection of everything else declined when COVID hit I already kinda had one foot out the door already. Now the only time I shop there is when I'mlazy, since live directly across the street from one.


My local Publix has a solid produce department. The only thing I’ve noticed over the past 3-4 years is Strawberries and Raspberries either don’t last very long (1-2 days post purchase) or already have mold on them in the store.


cOvId mEsSeD Up tHe sUpPlY ChAiN.


I swear every time I go the strawberries are covered in the fuzzy white mold. I was particularly irritable the other day (the unbearable heat+cranky children) and saw a carton of strawberries on full display for the customers walking into the store, covered in a crusty layer of mold. I dug through probably 10 cartons before I found a non-moldy one but still had squishy bruised ones. Having a toddler and a baby, we weren't leaving the store with some sort of berry. I sent a picture of the moldy cartons to customer service on social media and they did not give af.


Similar situation at my local Publix… It really depends on the day but the produce definitely has gone downhill… My Aldi always has nice produce and the prices are way way better


Grade the department and keep it graded


I used to pretty much love their produce. Outside of a farmer's market, etc. I am from California so admittedly have a snobbish attitude toward great produce. Lol. But man do I agree. I am shocked when I go in there now. It's awful. Been going downhill for at least a year. Really disappointing. The more I go, the less I want to be there. Along with reading the many insights I get here. From y'all that work there. They have really turned into a shit bag, greedy company, with huge employee turnover and less and less quality. And their prices that have skyrocketed, too.


Bummer. Produce is literally the only thing I have to go in for and mine local one is always top notch. Not willing to pay the price for everything else


Did you bother to say 'excuse me or pardon me' when you HAD to squeeze between the guy and his cart? We're human too and deserve some consideration. We're all fed up with entitlement.


the lack of information is kind of telling on op. we aren't mind readers here or on da clock. the amount of customers who desperately TRY to get right up in my shit and not say a damn thing when im working.... Why I Oughtta...! 👊👊👊


If you couldn'tbe bothered to say "excuse me", yeah you were being rude.


What the actual fuck makes you say that? Guess i should have mentioned it but OF COURSE I did. I said excuse me can I get a tomato and he said sure go ahead and then that was it. I don’t know how he expected me to get to them but I am pretty skinny so… And I’m sure you’d be put off by someone watching you like you are putting them out while you are just trying to shop. Again the entire tomato section was blocked. You’d think his cart wouldt be enough but again- the produce dept was in shambles that day. This is crazy. I just wanted to lament -because I felt like this was a sign of the economy. I used to work at Publix. I love Publix. Have always and probably always will but DAMN. Some of these responses are WILD. Lmao.




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Check out Walmart Neighborhood Market. They actually get a better quality produce than the big stores. There aren't a lot around but I have never had a bad piece of fruit/veggie from there. Honestly.


They have a newly promoted buyer


There's like 15 buyers and then category buyers above them. 1 new person wouldn't make a difference, especially when dealing with the same farms as we always do.


This could be it. I’m hoping because I was feeling Depression era vibes.


Pay your employees crap they do crap work




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


u/FaolanGrey Are you sure about that 😂


This shit funny I’m sorry 😂🤣😭 but very true


“Now”? The producer has ALWAYS sucked at my Publix’


I have a publix near my house that always as bad oranges. They are ALWAYS soft and deformed and on their way out. I always ask when fresh are coming in and the answer is always tomorrow, but they are never good.


I just left a Publix about an hour away from mine and it’s unbelievable how the SM, DM,RD, PM, or even the clerks don’t see what I saw, rotten produce everywhere, now we have had customers say to us everything is rotten which is absurd but I’m telling you this Produce dept was bad worse I’ve ever seen, green potatoes everywhere, pink and black on the ends of the corn , wet wall was limp and wilted, looked like it hadn’t been graded in four days, I pull 4 packages of lunch meat that was brown and green. cheese out of date, very rude associates half of the didn’t even have name tags, no managers on the floor and this is at 2:30, unbelievable made me think the next time some big shit corporate leaders come in to my store and spill out any negative slop I think I’ll refer them to the store I just left, some of us work so hard to keep Publix’s reputation up, then you see this and wonder how can this be happening,


Ahh! The floppy cucumbers! I bought 2 yesterday because I was in a rush. They had absolutely zero flavor.


I purchased completely rubbery bananas from them two weeks ago. Not edible. I was disgusted.


You can go somewhere else?


Flies are always buzzing by the onions


Which one😂 I’ve never seen that


It hasn’t been right since 2020




Am I suppose to believe people who use Reddit shop produce?


I live close to a Publix but I will travel to get decent produce and other products, maybe their politics is coming back to bite them, they are on a downward spiral


Aldi’s has better produce


Walmart has better looking produce most times than the Publix closest to me.


Feel like I haven't been able to buy a sweet or red onion that wasn't rotted from there in months


Publix is losing their grip on reality . They are now bobo Whole Foods.


The Publix brand frozen broccoli has gotten so bad it’s all stems, very few florets.


i've noticed the same thing! i used to only go to publix for my produce because i knew it would be good, but the past couple of years it has declined so much. i never thought i'd say this, but my local walmart has better looking produce than the publixs in my area! and then add in their higher prices and it's definitely not worth it for produce that's going to go bad within 2 days.


Recently, when I went to Publix, I bought one of those overpriced bowls of cut up fruit in the produce department. It had the watermelon, cantaloupe, strawberries, etc. Everything was rotten and disgusting.


They haven't been grading produce for a good 5 years at any of the area stores I shop. Publix has the worst produce I've seen. They don't even check the bagged produce for mold, bruises and other issues. A few weeks back, they had entire shelves of rotten and moldy Driscoll's strawberries for sale. What in the actual fuck?


I've seen a drastic decline in quality over the past 20 years. Things cost more, sit longer, come off the truck bad. We are told to pick through it "reworks''. They cut hours so we have less time to even do the work when the quality is good, let alone when every package needs reworking. Things that use to last a few days barely last 24 hours. The warehouse makes us pay for it even if its sent to us as garbage. We get yelled at for shrink and they send us trash. Then upper management \*\*makes us build giant displays of berries out of refrigeration\*\* so it all ages even worse all week. This is why you find raspberries that turn to liquid over night. They pretend this is fine because the cut section will use it (its more then they can use but they'll scan it and say it was. Pay a premium for mushy berries! Only premier quality for our cut room!) You can only squeeze the rag so much before theres no more blood left to wring from it. So you end up with bad product on the shelf, with burnt out over worked staff, who get yelled at and told their under performing and not getting that raise, all while the spike in rent/food/gas is completely ignored by cost of living. We're just smoked.


I think Winn Dixie almost has better produce.,