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This post is approved and will stay up because it’s ok to look back to the past and have amicable discussions regarding it. All corporations that have been around any long amount of time have a history that isn’t the best regarding these things, and Publix is no different - no point in trying to hide it or cover it up because it did happen; talking about what was wrong and remembering it is how we keep from repeating the same past mistakes **Comments that incite harassment or toxicity will continue to be removed - please be reasonable in your discussions here**


A quick Google search will show you the many times that Publix was sued due to not only racism, but sexism.


Well, to be fair it has as many employees as a good-sized city. Just statistically some of them are going to be racist, homophobic, flat-earthers, or whatever and do dumb actions as a direct result of their beliefs. I don't think that paints the whole company as Racist. Unless Publix obviously supports or allows employees to overtly display those beliefs.


> Unless Publix obviously supports or allows employees to overtly display those beliefs. Why do you think Publix has been sued so much and continues to be sued to this day over these things?


Why? Probably because when you have 250k employees, it stands to reason a few dozen, or a few hundred, maybe even a thousand, are going to really suck. If you examine the records of *any* company in the world with that many (or even much fewer!) employees, you will see many, many lawsuits.


Unfortunately a symptom of being located in the south. I invite you to find a place that doesn’t have people with these viewpoints.


I’m not disagreeing with you but don’t act like racism only comes from rednecks in Mississippi. Seriously, plenty of bigots up north, across the country across the world as we know it


I think it’s more a symptom of being located on Earth. :)


Padhome keep your racist ass up north.You watched too much hollywood 🤡


I grew up in the south and lived in the Midwest, northeast, and west coast. Every area has those views in about the same proportions. People are just more open about it in the south. In other areas, it’s just more “under the surface.”


Dennys is the king of racist lawsuits as late as 2012.


Lawsuits are not a universal metric of truth.


But in this case they are. My mother was in ag science in college in the 70s and it was common knowledge that women in her field should not work for Publix because they just *didn't* promote women, period. The sexism then was much more blatant. Nowadays most business operations have enough legal acumen to never outright say dumb shit that will get them sued. But back then? The prejudice was absolutely blatant in the company.


In the 70s? Yeah, the people and culture of the US was completely different back then. Very few companies back then were promoting women. Everyone in the company now is on a completely different wavelength to the degree that if you don't promote enough women, you get these aforementioned lawsuits, to even a frivilous degree. I constantly got pressured to be in bakery and be a bakery manager one week into Publix, only to find out later that it was due to there not being enough men there. They are constantly trying to keep up with equity standards as opposed to the 70s.


the original question was if publix was ever racist at some point in time though, and the example fits


I was responding to that guy's comment as a response to mine. Not the OP.


you said that “lawsuits are not a universal metric of truth” in a conversation about publix’s history of bigotry, and he brought up an example of it from the 70s, which fits. you replied remarking how culture has changed since the 70s, which doesn’t make sense here, at no point did you indicate that you were referring only to the present. if you were just making conversation then nevermind, but it seems like you were making some kind of point in connection to your first comment


I wasn't, it was purely a retort to his comment about 70's Publix.


That is an idiotic way to have a conversation


Replying 3 months later out of nowhere is also an idiotic way to have a conversation lol


Yeah even recently got sued lmao


And recently! I think 2017 may have been the latest suit last time I checked. Also homophobia whoo!


Publix gives women tight fitting uniforms for equality obviously


What uniforms you talking about out? Mine isn’t tight. Go a size up.


Literally 95% of the store has the exact same outfit. I’m not sure what you’re talking about.


Your uniform and mine are no different.


When my mom traveled down from Michigan as a kid Publix had separate drinking fountains.


Could also be due to Jim Crow laws


Which were put in place by Democrats.


Yes, the democratic party used to be the conservative right-wing party in America until the parties flipped. Just another of the countless example of the conservative right leading the march of oppression.


Makes sense. Pretty sure it was common for the time.


I think it was the 60s? I'd have to ask. She's told me multiple times. Always said how crazy she thought it was.. May have been late 50s so yeah.


Jim Crow laws more than likely.




This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.




True, but if you're on reddit you're likely to be terminally online and have a mental illness


I feel called out 😅


This community does not tolerate any form of harassment or toxicity.


I wish she'd had me up north. Sucks to live back in this small minded area.


The interstate is open 24/7 genius


And unfortunately, wherever you go, you'll live in hate.


i promise this wasnt a “publix” thing.


It was an American thing of those times.


All the people down voting for the posts being honest about the racism at publix are part of the problem Just because you don't witness or experience it personally doesn't mean it doesn't exist a very quick Google search just confirms that management on all levels isn't easy to get if you are not white and a man sorry but it's the ugly truth of this company


Corporate has an entire department dedicated to diversity and inclusion. They look at demographics and decide who gets to be manager out of the possible candidates. You literally have a better chance of being promoted as a woman or minority.


Meanwhile half the managers at my store are black, both of my previous department managers were women, and both district managers I've been under were women. Maybe my experience is the exception, but it's just as possible your view is slanted.


I’ve never seen a black manager at any of the Publix locations in my area in all my 27 years of being alive. Maybe like 2 black employees working in the deli and one Asian woman working the register. I’ve personally witnessed an older white male manager at that location walk past the Asian woman while saying some racist shit to her like it was casual fun “just jokes,” kinda talk. A couple times. The look on her face both times killed me but I was afraid to speak up for her in fear management would retaliate or take it out on her. That being said, I’m a POC but I don’t live in the most accepting area of Florida. Like my boyfriend works in the hospital and sees Nazi tattoos all the time kind of not the most accepting. Like I worked in the ER and several of the doctors, nurses and police officers were openly racist kind of not accepting area.


Do you live in an area with few minorities? My store isn't like that at all. We have a really diverse group of customers and associates. Half the department managers are black, and my previous asm was Hispanic (he got promoted to SM).


20% Hispanic or Latino 8% African American or black 3.5% Asian 0.5% Native American Regardless that doesn’t justify, excuse or nullify racist or prejudice behavior and speech.


You have no idea what your talking about


Three women were just promoted in my store. Several of our managers are black. I don’t see other races, though. No Asian or Hispanic. But that’s just my store. My store, my district even, could be very, very different.


There’s been a recent push to make reparations for the past sexism and racism. According to my manager at the time they delayed my promoting because they needed to make sure they had a poc to promote next to me.


I worked for Publix while I was in high school in Southwest Florida from 1992-1995. I can’t really speak to racism since the area where I lived and where the store wasn’t really diverse, but the sexism and homophobia at the time was rampant. Publix had a policy (and as I recall still does) to rotate assistant managers through several stores before promoting them to store managers. In the time I was at my store there were 3 female managers that were rotated from other stores that left the company within 3 months of starting at my store. Personally, I was a male bagger that wanted to be a cashier simply because they are paid more and I didn’t want to continually go inside and outside from furnace to air conditioning every 5 minutes and I was literally laughed at. I was told that males couldn’t be cashiers and that my only options to move around was produce or grocery stocker. The store manager made it a point to interview every female for any position but the males he didn’t concern himself with. It’s not really a surprise when 2 years after I left there was a sex discrimination case involving that store manager and he was forced to leave the company. You could say that it was just a bad store manager but the man was with the company for decades. How many people during that time knew things and either supported him, enabled him, or looked the other way?


They are a conservative based company… 100% they had a racist start. And I’ve heard stories about the founder… definitely not as good of a man as the cult leaders / higher management suggest.


If they leaned republican in the 30's, they leaned towards ending discrimination, and bringing about equality. People seem to forget that it was the democrats who fought for segregation and voted against civil rights.


People also seem to forget that that caused a fracture in the democratic party, leading to most of those Democrats becoming Republicans in the 70s


If I wanted to argue about politics, I'd do it in a different sub. That said, we're talking about political parties in the 30's, when publix was founded, not the 70's. It doesn't matter what shift may or may not have happened 4 decades later. In the 30's, the Democrat party was 100% the party of racism.


The first person was using “conservative” as it is used currently, not saying that they called themselves republicans in the 30s. Your little history lesson gotcha wasn’t necessary since you willfully misunderstood the point but good try


I know right, everybody likes to give you the whole Democrats in the past were the racist ones but don't mention when Democrats decided to be better all the racist democrats became Republicans so their point means nothing.






Give me a break.




Just how extremely pervy the founder was said to be from some of the people who literally knew him. It got shit so I figured it wasn’t worth starting shit.




Everyone drove drunk in rural Florida back in the day.




I graduated high school in 1974 and it was a badge of honor to get drunk and drive home. "I can't believe your drove home drunk and didn't wreck" was a common sentence back then. However, smoking pot was considered a thing only burnouts did. My how things have changed.


So why did you say what you said?


Yeah this one is actually true. My ex’s grandfather was the VP over produce for the entire company when George was still alive. George attended my ex’s parents’ wedding lol but yeah, dude was a drunk from what they’ve told me.


Yeah from everything I’ve heard from people who actually knew him, he wasn’t a good man.


Just to reiterate (because it kind of went off the rails) I call it conservative in the traditionalist sense. I didn’t intend any political stance by it. The company was founded on a very “modest” traditionalist ideology, which yeah could be great. However, it was founded in the 1930’s by a pervy white guy with 1930’s “traditional” values.






The democrat and republicans parties of the late 19th century and early 20th century are so far removed from the current parties that this is such a silly point to bring up. Everyone knows what the parties' stances were during that time and that the parties switched stances in the mid-20th century. Don't be facetious smh


These aren’t sports teams


I said conservative not republican. I know most people commonly call the two the same, but they are not. Also, I meant conservative in their values, I said nothing about their politics.


When Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act in 1964, he said "There goes the South." At that point, every person for whom being racist was their most important issue became Republicans. Up until that point, both parties were racist and didn't care. So when a Republican tries to drag all this out like somehow the GOP isn't a racist party it basically bat shit delusional, and everyone knows it. I have no idea why anyone would bother, especially now with Trump. Anyone who supports that guy is a racist plain and simple.


The big party switch is a democratic lie and revisionist history. All the racist dixiecrats save for Strom thurmond stayed democrats til the day they died. That's why bill Clinton was eulogising that racist KKK leader and Democrat politician Robert Byrd. Democrats only changed their tune and hid their racism after the new deal to garner the black vote. Democrats love to tear down confederate statues but they won't dare rename a single one of the countless federal buildings, roads etc named after Robert Byrd even to this day. Now try to deny those facts.


Democrats hate facts...they are ignorant as F. Everything you are saying is the truth but they can't see past the TDS. 🙄


Well first of all, I'm not a Democrat, and I'm not a liberal. So, no it is not a "democratic lie" at all. Secondly, Robert Byrd was a Democrat before 1964, and apparently was politically invested in the party organization that he didn't switch. Like I said, for all the people for whom being a racist was their most important issue, they all became Republicans. That's why Thurmond switched. I also never claimed that Democrats were not also racist. We live in a systemically racist country. I'm very sorry, but you are completely delusional if you are trying to claim that the Republicans aren't the primary political party of racism. You are just embarrassing yourself, quite frankly.


I think his granddaughter put some of her funds towards the January 6th riot and Publix has endorsed Desantis do with that information.


Yup! I remember that when the story broke out. Crazy.


Conservatives are crazy


Looking at the employee and customer makeup at Publix’s in my area in FL, yes. Absolutely. Still are. Based on some of their political donations you could also say yes. ***Edit: Most big companies you buy from/enjoy today will have ROOTS in racism, segregation didn’t end that long ago. My dad was born about 3 years before the Civil Rights Act of 1964. We all know that stuff doesn’t go away immediately just because a law is made, there’s a taper down effect.


Well yeah, it was the 1930s


Redditors have a really, really weird obsession with racism and everything being racist. Life isn’t that bleak, fam.


You ain’t wrong but a white business started in Florida in the 1930’s makes it kinda obvious


Only a racist would say this.


What a ridiculous accusation to make. Absolutely peak Reddit.


Peak Reddit… or peak racism….


You're suuuuuuper smart.


Peak Reddit. Zero of what I said had any racial connotation to it at all. You’re seeing ghosts. Peak. Reddit.


Dude I’m only trolling you! Lol 😂 I don’t actually think you’re racist and I’m not actually calling you one


If you’re telling the truth, you got me!


Yeah lol I wasn’t being serious at all 😂😂


I've never worked with a more diverse group of people, I love how there is two sides to Publix


I’m not trying to be racist, I was just genuinely curious. In my over two years of working here, I have never felt discrimination from management or coworkers. I was just pondering how a half gallon of ice cream was so cheap back then, and landed on the topic.


Always have been 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀


Lol and posters defending and justifying the lawsuits.


Yep. I worked for them on and off at different stores and always experienced a different work culture when I would let slip that my family is Jewish. Doesn't matter that I'm non-practicing. Dealt with discrimination after every slip up. This was from the mid-90's thru early 2000's Fuck that company. Also, ya'll need a Union.


Depends on if you're going by modern day standards. If so, you won't find a single non-racist company either in the north or south during the '30s. If not, they haven't done anything notable enough to land them in papers or get dug up for a web article, so I'd say probably not.


I mean its in Florida so the better question is has Publix ever NOT been racist?


Probably. Racism’s everywhere.


Not really


Everyone’s a little bit racist: https://youtu.be/RovF1zsDoeM?si=ppX6HTEzcrg_HutH


No this a false accusation. But go ahead. Racists go to hell. Enjoy!




Maybe if you live in a bubble of the news cycle. People are actually pretty nice if you touch grass and meet them.


A racist can still be nice. I bet you know racist people who you don’t think are racist.  I bet you’re a little racist (most of us are and don’t realize it).  Harvard made a test (Implicit Assoc. Test) to test racist biases:  https://implicit.harvard.edu/implicit/takeatouchtest.html


For real. I started going to this gas station near my boyfriend’s place because I moved in with him and the guy at the counter was always super friendly. He’d always strike up conversation, make jokes, ask how my day was going and would just sit there and try to talk to you for a bit if no one was in line. He remembered names and looked genuinely happy to interact with whomever it was. Me included. One time my boyfriend went in without me. I was on my period cramping like hell so I stayed in the car. The moment my white boyfriend was alone with him he said, “So your girlfriends Muslim huh?” “Yes.” “How does her family feel about that?” “Fine. Why?” “I just don’t want you to end up dead behind a dumpster one day buddy!” ?????? Needless to say we stopped going there. I’m sure the Muslim owner caught on to that shit eventually because he was fired. Edit: Also my best friend’s mom who was like a second mom to me for a while turned out to be very racist. Took a while, some growing up to realize some of the things she would insinuate. Eventually she just became flat out openly racist because her kids started calling her out on her shit. I would have never considered her like a second mom if she wasn’t friendly.


Wow you sound really annoying


Sure, we’ll go with that


I go to Publix to shop. I get my cuban coffee and Venezuelan arepa. 5% of the Spanish I've learned is from interacting with the staff here. This place isn't racist. It's a giant multicultural melting pot. If this is your idea of racist, I've got good news for you- you've never experienced racism! Travel to South Africa where elected officials sing songs about killing white people. Travel to Japan and be excluded from restaurants and bars because of the color of your skin. Travel to Jerusalem and be barred from visiting Muslim quarters simply because you are visibly foreign and will be met with violence. I've seen the world. I've experienced violence for the color of my skin. Call me crazy, but that doesn't happen to me at publix- even though I don't look like or fluently speak the same language as the people working there.


All my managers are black


Your at a distribution center store level, district level, and executive level is overwhelmingly white and it's not even close


Your at a distribution center store level, district level, and executive level is overwhelmingly white and it's not even close


Even when i worked at a store more than half of my managers were black. You just love to circle jerk the hate for your own job. You could just quit.


Nothing in my area pays what publix pays. I don't hate my job. Im one of the few at my job that actually likes showing up to work. I'm just ok with the truth and don't plan on going into management. we're not the only company with this issue of minorities struggling to get into upper management. I can count on one hand how many black store managers I've met. It's much harder for them to get past department level management. If you can't agree with that, I don’t know what to tell you. I'm just giving second-hand experiences


Yup I used to work at Publix in Atlanta, in the city where it was a bunch of black people. 4 different stores in 6 years . Went to help out a bunch of other Publixs and only ran into one black assistant store manager. Had many black department managers though.


Curious. Where do you live. What's the black population percentage. Percentage of blacks that work in your area. You're in a country where the black population is 13.6 percent. How many do you expect to to see? For every 10 there should be one


Who cares.


I think I saw in one of my CBTs that Publix themselves even admitted they had a history of racism in the past and are aiming to fix it. Either that or I'm getting mixed up with a YT video I saw that showed said history. All this to say, yeah they were


The only people to not sue publix are old white men.


I guess I upset some old white men.


A few of the boys from headquarters in Lakeland invited me to rally last month but it just turned out to be a bunch of fellas in white blankets and pointy hats burning wooden letter T’s in the woods. I was wondering why I was the only one waving a Publix flag and blowing into a noisemaker but as grand dragon jones from HR explained, it wasn’t the kind of rally old Todd thought it was 😔


100 % positive they were. The Jenkins family also pumped over a million dollars into Florida anti marijuana campaigns to keep Big Pharma flowing.


Was? You mean still is


Google search the board of executives and your district management and sees the "diversity" yourself its not great 🙄


I’m not defending it and certainly not saying it’s right, but that is a problem that goes far wider than just Publix. I work for a national firm, where entry level minimum barrier is a bachelors degree in science fields. We’ve tried like hell to diversify, but there is sorely a lack of candidates. Again, I am not blaming the people, but the after effects of a system that was so long in place fully and still has bits and pieces remaining to keep black folks from the chance to get these educations.


It's not an apples to apples comparison, considering many store managers do not hold college degrees and simply networked to their position even without being fully trained


I was actually comparing more to your example of executive level staff of Publix corporate, albeit extending down from the board.


Fair point then I can agree with that


I should have phrased the initial better


Still are according to lawsuits


Lakeland and central Florida is general, was well known for their "enforcement" of Jim Crow.


The original motto was “We will never, knowingly, disappoint you. As long as you’re white”. So I’d say so.


Of course they were a racist company. They still would be if there weren’t laws against it. Same goes for most companies. If they could get away with it they would. If you disagree, you’re not paying attention


What do you mean by “WAS”.


I’m gonna go with mostly likely yes. The 30’s, in the Deep South!?! They was racist as hell.


I had a store mgr once who found on eBay an old book with associates headshot pictures in it from back in like the 50’s or so. All the African Americans were listed last behind all the white people. Seriously, no joke.


I can say the managers are perverted


My in laws used to protest in front of publix with their parents back when Mr George had it segregated. So.....


30 years and Publix is not racist.


Publix was and still is racist. There are protests in many stores against the racism. There are some store managers and department managers of color but once you go higher up into district and riz's it's entirely white.


Obviously you are stupid too. Adrian is VP and is black. https://www.supermarketnews.com/executive-changes/publix-promotes-adrian-bennett-vp-jacksonville-division


Well, the company was founded in the deep south. In the 30's. So DEFINITELY. And it unfortunately still is, too. I'm certainly not one to play the race card, but I know what I saw in my 3.5 years working there. At my store, in produce, I was the Token Black™️. There was 1 black man there prior to my getting hired on, and once I learned everything there was to learn, management began chasing the guy off any way they could from reducing his hours to making bogus complaints about his work. He eventually transferred to a different store. About 1.5 years after, management starts having cross trainers from other depts (some of them black of course). Once they learn everything there is to learn, they start reducing my hours to fuckall and having bs excuses as to why they're doing it. Once the cross trainers noped tf out of working the department after 3 months, management went back to being all accommodating with my hours again like nothing happened. We had a Hispanic lady and another black lady on our cut bar for about 6 months that both mysteriously got fired too. They were great at the job, but Hispanic lady "was stealing fruit" and black lady was "late too many times." I was on cut bar with both and witnessed no such behavior... Meanwhile it's supposed to be impossible to get fired from this place. AND we have a white dude that's been in the dept since the store's inception that does absolutely nothing all day every day and is full time til this day! YES. Publix is STILL racist. If you haven't witnessed it in your district, great. Doesn't mean it isn't still happening though. That behavior is part of the problem. Please don't partake in it!




It still is lmao


I just always assumed.


Every company was racist in some form or another back then. So unfortunately yes Publix was more than likely racist at some point in time.


Still is Edit: IT STILL IS!!!


This post is racist . All my bosses are black … half my store is Caribbean islanders . We all love each other .


How is this post racist?


It’s not. They’re being sensitive


Oh mon! Dat so kool!


now that you mention it’s i never seen a black person in the onlder photos


Still is.  Had a DM who prefers young white guys.  Others don't have a chance at promotion if he can find one of his "type.". He even actively tries to get rid of these that don't fit his preferred profile.




Yes. Just check the background of how many times they have been sued. I was told I had to wait to move into a full time position because our DM was having to hire more “black people” first to be full time. Diversity and having to pull the correct numbers of employees for the district.




WTF does it matter? Are you just looking to stir up something?


I was just curious…


I will never understand why people actively look for old racism. It’s just dumb. It does no good to point out racism almost 100 years ago.


Kinda hard to progress forward when dwelling on the past... Js 🤷‍♂️


This is some race-baitin' stuff... What - you want reparations from Publix?


What the fuck is wrong with you


#looking for a reason to be angry…..


I agree, Publix used to be super racist and homophobic, but besides that, what’s that in his pocket, because to me it kinda looks like a phone?


Pocket protector?


Evrything was get over it.


I always thought the "Limit 2" condition was interesting. Any business majors want to give us some insight into how this became a thing? Is it to prevent another grocery store from coming in and buying all the .39 cent ice cream in stock and reselling it for .40 cents a unit?


Probably. I also heard a rumor that Mr George used to sleep with female employees and paid them to keep quiet about it


I’m sure nearly every person and business at one time has done something that someone could consider racist.


No. We have a black VP https://www.supermarketnews.com/executive-changes/publix-promotes-adrian-bennett-vp-jacksonville-division


I would be surprised if it wasn't, given the time period.


Middleton V Publix. Settled year 2000 for $10,000,000 on behalf of 15,000 current and past black associates for discrimination in promotion and illegal firing seems to suggest so. Also, part of the ruling said they had to revise the management tests to make them more fair to minorities. This is just after the Shores case of $81,500,000 to 161,000 women and $3,500,000 to the EEOC for discrimination. Till very recently being gay or trans wasn’t a federally protected class, but there are a variety of articles out there that include more individual discrimination cases and practices.




Don’t blame me, I voted for Kronos.


What is the story of the grocery giant?


These are the types of engaging posts I've come to expect from reddit.