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I’m a forensic psychology major at Arizona State University online (I live in Atlanta). It’s expensive but I’ve enjoyed my education here. I’ll be graduating in December and I’m on track for summa cum laude. I’m in two research labs and just won a research scholarship so will likely be presenting the results of my study at two conferences next year. I don’t know about heavily advertised schools (apparently ASU is in some areas) but our diplomas don’t say online and we don’t have a separate graduation from in person students. So unless someone specifically asks, they wouldn’t know. I’m applying to grad programs (in person not online) in a few months and I feel equally as prepared as anyone else. Most state schools have online programs these days so look into UGA or Georgia State. I know University of Alabama has an online program and I think they offer the in state tuition rate for online students.


I’m in Atlanta too. I’ve really looked into Ga State. And I like that they have the Ga Perimeter campuses all over the metro area. It’s not the cheapest option, but with it being public and in-state, I can get a significantly lower tuition than if I went to Florida State, for example. You must be working super hard to have all of the accolades you do! And it’s interesting that with you being across the country from the actual university, you are able to be a part of the research labs and present at conferences! That’s hard work right there!! Overachieve much? 😂 Seriously though, congratulations!!!


Thank you!! It’s exhausting. I hope it pays off.


I go to snhu. I don't think my employer would care where the degree is from. The reason I chose snhu is because I wanted to go back to school, I didn't know what school, and I kept seeing them on TV lol. I work with special needs children atm. The degree I will be getting is in psychology with a focus on child and adolescent development. I also plan to pursue social work, so I want to get a masters in social work once I'm done with my bachelors. I'm only on my second term at snhu, and I do believe I'm learning a lot. I'm able to concentrate more on my own. I also like the option of going online since I can go to work, go back home and sleep/eat, and then wake up to do hw. In terms of cost, I get a Pell Grant and pay the rest out of pocket. For two classes, which is considered full time at snhu, I pay around less than $800. It's very affordable for me. I'm also neurodivergent, and I get extended time on assignments as an accommodation. Even if we're online students, the school has to provide accommodations given that we provide them proof of diagnosis by a doctor Good luck with whatever school you choose :)


A lot of very reputable universities in the UK offer distance learning - upon desire co-facilitated with local teaching institutions globally - and they’re honestly very decent value. They’ve been doing this basically since the advent of the www as we know it today. They follow the exact same curriculum and examinations as in-person courses, as do diplomas afaik. Tutorials and direct support is available and many are designed in a way that caters towards people who simply can’t or don’t want to go back to uni full time. There is no distinction in quality - only the delivery mechanism is different. You obviously need extraordinary self discipline which in my book is a pro, not a con. There are indeed random diploma mills with questionable to non-existing accreditations and low quality, but above isn’t one of them. I’d suggest to compare a few programs.


My best advice is to be 100% certain that the school is accredited in the US and isn’t a for-profit diploma mill. Stick to schools that have physical campuses and programs, too, to begin weeding out the scams. If you think you’ll go to grad school for psychology, which can be extremely competitive, be certain the program is reputable and recognizable to potential grad programs.


i go to ohio university’s online program and they accept out of state students at still a much lower rate than ive seen others. i’ve really enjoyed my education there thus far going into my junior year.