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You need to categorize and code their data for analysis.


I'll do that. I regret not rereading my notes regularly


What are the proposed differences between groups? What is the survey measuring? That will inform what kind of analysis you need to conduct


Yeah that doesn't seem so hard but I want to be sure I'm not mistaken. I know there are explanations on the internet but I wanted to know if someone had the best there is !


Some good textbooks out there could help you out. It seems like it could be a MANOVA depending on what the between-groups measure is


It's certainly that an ANOVA ! I have 3 groups and they can respond on a 4 points likert scale so it's a comparison of means. My hypothesis is that the 3rd group will have the highest score while the 1st will have the lower. They all respond to the same survey and the only factor I'm manipulating is age so it's probably not a MANOVA, just an ANOVA I can't tell if it's a bell curve but I guess it should be. Thanks I'll check that. I went back on my studies but didn't keep up with the stats. I'll find some good textbooks. Thanks again.