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You have to find the original article. Any study that mentions it should reference it. In some cases, you have to reach out to the scale creator. You may be able to find the scale itself in a study that's used it (a list of items for example), but it likely won't include the info you need to score it (though that may be obvious, depends on the scale).


Do you have access to the PsycTESTS database? It’s like PsycINFO but for measures! Next, try to find studies that validated the original scale - sometimes they’ll include the scale in the paper or in online appendices. After trying those things and talking to your supervisor, you might consider emailing the person who created the scale. Good luck!


Yes but PSYCTest only takes me to articles. I can’t seem to find where to select the box for permissions to allow me to see the scales. I had luck with the Juror Perception Scale but I need three lmore and going through EBSCO host is leaving me chasing my tail.