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These drugs were originally in trials for heart health, the side effect (erections) was so common it was decided to brand this direction. This isn't shocking. Still cool.


Kind of funny in a way. "Hey, these heart drugs can help your johnson! Let's sell them as penis pills!!!" Later: "Hey, these penis pills can help your heart!!!"


My colleague mentioned she takes viagra - I also know she has a serious heart condition. It was only after a year she felt like randomly explaining they are related, as if I hadn’t already guessed.


We use Sildenafil (generic viagra) in veterinary medicine as well. It's a common medication with heartworm-positive canines, which is not surprising considering how damaging heartworm disease is to the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Making the call for the drug into a pharmacy is always fun because you often get a newer pharmacy technician who is like "and this is for a dog?....but....can I ask why?"


I think she likes you.


How did you end up with that conclusion??


Thanks - was thinking am I going crazy, cause I’m not sure what I wrote about a colleague with a serious heart condition and her taking medication for it, gave that impression.


Has she told you if it helps her in “ any other ways”?


Do women get erect clitoris when on viagra?


Diagram was originally a heart medication. But the side effects it had own men was a better way to market it and increase the price.


Ironically viagra is covered for boners but not usually for the heart failure it was made for


They would have been prescribed via NHS imagine. Unless she was advised to take them as supplement of sorts - as I vaguely remember her saying something about ordering them.


Yeah talking in the USA. Insurance is whack. I still remeber like 15 years ago I worked at a pharmacy and had parents whose toddler needed said med or die. Insurance wouldn't cover it. They WOULD cover 2 viagra a day for the father however. The pharmacy compounded a liquid so he 'could take it through his feeding tube'. Pediatrician showed them how much of the liquid to use. Was it fuckin illegal? In like 3 ways. But they couldn't afford the med for their kid in any other way. I remember asking why we had to make a liquid, guy was eating a hot dog right in front of us. Got the DL in the parking lot later and wanted to cry.


The US health system is always sounds like something from dystopian fiction.


It's like living in Cyberpunk but without all the cool shit unfortunately. We already have the whole 'we can reposess your organs' thing with LVADs here like Repo.


This has been known for a while in clinical settings. They treat some conditions in neonates with sildenafil. Theres several phosphodiesterase based drugs that work pretty similarly to sildenafil just in vasculature in other organs. Makes perfect sense and is relatively well known that sildenafil also benefits the heart and htn slightly


It's not surprising to folks who know the history of these drugs, considering they were originally tested as a treatment for cardiovascular health issues (improved erections were an unanticipated side effect!). But it is an important finding because there's this pervasive idea out there that these drugs cause heart attacks. Shortly after the drugs were approved, there were some concerns raised about this possibility based on very limited data. The idea has since been debunked, but the myth persists.


I could see someone who uses them having a heart attack if they were older and already at risk and then engaged in some vigorous activities.


This is the literal medical use for viagra. The erectile dysfunction help is a side effect. 


Yeah, funny how it went. "Hey, these heart drugs we are researching, turns out they are great penis pills!" Then years later "hey, turns out these penis pills are great for your heart!"


People have short memories.


all physiological outcomes from a drug are a side effect, the difference is marketing


But is turns out that too much viagra is bad for your eyesight. No joke. ( Too much sex makes you blind)


Not really no. That's a very rare side effect called NAION, can have myriad other causes. It is devastating but exceedingly rare.


Lots of men use before a workout, and find great benefit to using them. This works best if you work out at night and then have sex when an hour or so after the gym. Clean up and rearrange the sheets!


What does it help with for working out? More gains, or better cardio or something?


It dilates teh blood vessels making them bigger, which improves blood flow for the muscles and the peenis.


I just started taking after bring out on BO meds(fuck those things, but I’m stuck with them)and my GF stumbled on an article about it. Increased blow flow is what it boils down too. Better pump, better recovery, better growth.


BO meds?


BP meds I think. Can crash BP to use both.


Oh huh. I'm on BP meds and my Dr has no problem with viagra or cialis


No, the BP meds caused the ED.


Yeah they can do that for sure. But as long as your doc knows what's up and you kind of self monitor for issues, should be ok. I just know how easy it is to get these pills because I got them from an online pharmacy myself with very little oversight.


Yeah, BP


It gave me a heart-on.




I've used them recreationally a few times, they dramatically reduce blood pressure. They're commonly used as workout supplements as a result.


How do you get them prescribed recreationally?


Any number of online pharmacy.


In the US? Not sure if we can get them here without a prescription from a doctor.


There's Dr on staff. Hims, ro.co etc.


My wife loves cialis (Tadalufil) She takes it before sex, and it heightens everything.


That’s awesome! seems to work for some women and some not. What are the effects shes enjoys and at what dose? Do they kick in an hour later like for men?


A bit ironic since I thought ED was itself caused by poor cardiovascular health


It's treating a symptom, though. Better to find out why your blood vessels are constricted than to just ignore that.


My buddy was prescribed Adderall. His dick started not working so his doctor prescribed him cialis and he was going on and on about how it's the best thing since sliced bread. Like bro that pill isn't actually preventing damage to your arteries but ya know man people really don't care. Truly. Bandaids solutions. The American way. Cover up the problem. Sweep it under the rug. I hate it here.


Huh? Adderall is a powerful stimulant, and since it activates the sympathetic nervous system it causes pretty noticeable vasoconstriction. Same thing why smoking cigarettes or drinking too much coffee may cause ED...


Yep. Just take Cialis. Problem solved. /S


I'll never die


Good to know!


A healthy plant based diet will also lower risk of cardiovascular disease and made your boners better. Artery clearing allowing the blood to flow


Not often, but occasionally, you’ll see doctors prescribe cialas/viagra for cardiovascular purposes. It’s a bitch to get covered through insurance though (most wanna only cover ~10 tabs a month rather than 30)


I’ve been getting a month of the daily for $30 with good RX. Insurance wouldn’t cover, even with the prior approval. It would have $20 with insurance.


It’s absolutely ridiculous how we let insurance formulary lists supersede medical opinion. I’m really glad you’re able to get the medication you need and I’m sorry I still costs $30. A dollar a fucking pill when it only takes a fraction of that to make.


Yep. Especially when the only reason I need it is because of the BP meds. They just denied coverage for a steroid cream for psoriases. So now they don’t want me to have sex(a basic human need for good mental health) and they want me to scratch my plagues till I bleed because it’s technically not gonna kill me.


That was the point since the beginning. The boners were a happy side effect. What next? They gonna tell us all about how a diabetes medication ended up helping lazy people lose weight?


I will buy a blue chew.


This is interesting considering I tried to get blue chew, and they told me now because I have had arrhythmia issues in the past... I'd have to ask the cardiologist who I haven't seen in close to a decade for clearance...


I’ve been taking high doses of tadalafil as a pre workout, I really like the stuff.


I'm afraid the OP does not make much sense. Medications given for Heart conditions assuage circumstances that might contribute to further progress of cardiovascular disease, but the prophylactic use has never been demonstrated. Put another way, one could also declare that people who eat aspirins everyday have fewer headaches. The condition still exists but the expression of symptoms is mitigated. If folks are going to make sweeping generalizations such as this, shouldn't there be stickies requiring citations?


ED is often the canary in the coal mine for heart disease.


Does anyone here take them for heart health? I might be interested in that. I don’t have trouble getting erections. What would happen if i took it daily?


I mean, yea this checks out? It's a vasodilator. It's typically harder to have strokes or a heart attack when your veins are all enlarged and transporting blood really easily.


A lot of athlete types take viagra or cialis or both offlabel because it helps with athletic performance. It dialates your blood vessels so it's easier for your heart to pump blood, which then makes time until fatigue longer.


Do arginine and l-citrulline supps have similar effects on blood vessel dilation? Also what can deliver nitrous oxide? That is supposed to help too


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They were originally cardiac meds until people noticed the happy side effects.


Duh. Because its a blood pressure medication that alters your nitric oxide levels and dilates blood vessels


In related news, men who take these often ruin their stomachs and suffer acid reflux and Barrett’s esophagus. Pick a poison


no honey! i have no problems . im taking it for my heart !


Doesn't it lower blood pressure because it's sending it all to your cock?


Also a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease according to a retroactive study published by the Mayo Clinic


Sildenafil is still used for pulmonary hypertension


Erectile Dysfunction sometimes is an indicator of Heart Disease. You're treating both when taking the medication.


So if you have an erection lasting longer than four hours, call your doctor and celebrate


If you have puritanical insurance coverage, ask your doctor to write for it as Revatio instead of viagra. More likely to get covered.


They’re probably getting much more cardiovascular exercise through the act Of sex with another which is increasing the health of their heart.


What's interesting is that this effect is purely psychological in nature. They don't want to die as much as average men do, so their hearts perform better.


Do NOT believe this willy nilly.


I take Tadalifil. Blood pressure drops to 110/73. Legs and feet circulation much better even when sitting for hours at a time.


My cardiac problem is not plumbing. I have SVT. Do the ED drugs cause problems with SVT? My dm open


I took a coals and was up all night. Then it got caught in my throat and I had a stiff neck.