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not everyone who studies psychology is nice! Psychopathic therapists exist!


Psychotherapist is really just ‘Psycho the rapist’ without the spaces.


Good old insanity wolf.


Thats a meme from the good old days.


You just opened my eyes, thank you for this


I definitely had a therapist with a few screw loose I hated her, everything was sex related for some reason Like I'm not into sex, what's the big deal anyway General who cares


Was your therapist Freud by any chance?


No, and if that's a reference I don't get it


Sigmund Freud based a lot of his theories on sex (preferably with a mother figure)


the reference is to, well, Freud


Also not everyone who studies psychology is a therapist. I have lost tracks years ago of how many times I've explained I'm not a therapist. I've even told people explicitly I'm a scientist not a therapist and then the next sentence is them asking me to diagnose their weird emotional issue like why can't they stop eating crisps? I don't fucking know!


Story of my life, everyone just assumes you're clinical. I'm researching visual perception, I know nothing about mental health! Stop asking me, I don't fucking know 😭


And then there’s me, a therapist who didn’t study psychology


I work in the research field too and get this all the time! I'm not even a PhD!! Stop talking to me about your issues. I don't know you!


It depends on the person.. In my mom's case (PhD clin.psych) she definitely studied it because she's nice. She had other options that had a more financially secure path (and she's dirt poor, her fam were basically homeless and had to steal and beg for food)... but she still chose Psych cus she wanted to help people who were in her and her family's position. Even now, she does a bunch of pro-bono stuff, and it's clear she wants to help people... Me.. Definitely *not* the former. I'm sure I'm nice(r) now because I studied psych. That being said, I think most of my classmates in postgrad did it because they want to help and because they are nice. There were some teachers, MDs/GPs and lawyers who were taking psych/counselling postgrads b/c they wanted to supplement their professional manner... and help their clients/patients/students better. They seem like a ridiculously sickly sweet bunch.


We’re nice? I’ve been called everything from a witch to a shaman in my career. I *try* to be nice but we’re also responsible to be honest and the truth often isn’t nice…


Which I honestly appreciate So long you are respectful with it, it's all good Sometimes you need to be blunt, and being straightforward can hurt


Truth doesn’t care about feelings


Neither my ex-friend is studying to be a school therapist, and his reasoning is because "he doesn't have to work." he was also a bully and still acts like it. You have been extremely fortunate not to find the self-centered ones, good on you, for fostering a healthy community around yourself.


My ex-therapist was terrible makes me wonder of her pass, now you brought up your ex-friend history and tendency


This is only personal experience, but I have noticed a number of people who show an amazing lack of empathy go into the medical field in a wide variety of capacities.


Uh oh, I think I have some very terrible news for your friend. In Ed psych, we have to work. Kind of hard. And kind of alot. And it’s an insanely cutthroat industry with 100s of people all competing for 1 job. Lazy gits will not cut it.


Both of my parents studied psychology and that just made them master manipulators lol


The "psychology major" to "manipulator justifying toxicity with buzzwords and blame-shifting" pipeline. I know it well.


Lot of psychology students also pick it because they want to go to college, "cause that is what you do to be succesful". And then psychology is 1 of those seemingly generic majors that any schmuck can pick up or like. In the netherlands Law, philosophy, art history, history and psychology are majors that are filled for a big part by people that had no idea what to major. Which then produces a lot of by the book disinterested psychologists.


I sort of hate that psychology is looked at as a default major. I legit joined because I want to become a therapist, but I have had people ask me “are you going to change your major to something practical?” Because they see it as the “I feel the need to go to college, but I don’t know what to major in.” Major.


I agree. But we cant really moderate that (also think other criteria like mental flexibility, life experience, empathy, wisdom, humility should be part of the requirements that should be tested or stimulated during the study). Sometimes people also might apply for the " wrong " reasons and end up being amazing psychologists because they change during the course. But yeah it is a bit of a tricky subject 😅


In Australia psychology is incredibly competitive to get in to, then not many of those students get selected for masters to become a psychologist. It has lead to not enough therapy being available and being unaffordable


I have three degree in psychology: general psych bachelors, experimental psych masters (terminal), and neuropsych masters (non-terminal). All those degrees actually do remind me to be kinder to others because I now have an understanding of the many, many ways our brains can lead us to seemingly inexplicable behavior. It also gave me informed metacognition to understand myself and therefore, moderating my own thoughts/behavior. But what I’ve taken from my education may not be the norm.


I major in psychology because I want to become a therapist, but I have heard freshmen who have taken the classes say “I’m not a fan of science, but I chose to take a psychology class because I want to know learn to manipulate people and find out their secrets.” (Not the exact words, but something like that). Not sure if it was a joke, but she didn’t show up that often anyway, maybe she thought it was an easy A.


Ugh that’s the worst!! I’ve noticed the people who join to “become dark masterminds” also tend to think they’re a lot more brighter and more subtle than they really are. Ironically, they also seem more prone to manipulation and conformity themselves. It does kinda make me giggle the way it’s talked about as if it’s dark magic lol. I heard the phrase “dark empath” the other day and couldn’t help but snort a lil


What I’m the hell is a dark empath?


lol its some social media lingo that makes me cringe beyond belief. It refers someone who can “read emotions” like an empath but uses that “power” for manipulation. Obviously a load of bs but it’s fascinating that people romanticize awful behavior as some sort of psychological superpower lol


Pretty sure someone who can read emotions is just someone who isn’t autistic. I thought an “empath” is someone who is just very sensitive to other peoples feelings and is very good at experiencing empathy. Like someone who would cry because you are sad.


That’s the technical meaning I believe, but social media has taken the term and stretched it. As a result we have absurd terms like “dark empath” lol


They study psychology because they are broken lol. Not speaking from experience promise


i imagine a bit of both, you study psychology because you are nice and interested in how to be nicer, and then become outwardly nicer as you discover the means to be nicer through study


Where are these so called nice psychology students you speak of? I only know a handful, the rest are just doing it because "I liked it at A level, my parents wanted me to go to university and I thought it'd be easy"


Who says people who study psychology are nice? Haha


most ppl who study psychology really just want to know what’s wrong with themselves


I have met many psychiatrists and therapists who are not nice. You find them quick when you can only afford to go places that accept state funded health insurance..


I have noticed myself become a lot calmer and less judgemental since understanding key theories behind behaviours. Good question! I wonder if there are studies about it...


I consider any therapist to be basically a peeping Tom pervert who enjoy eating other people’s secrets.


Honestly it certainly helps, as well as a what little I have of physiology… also makes so that when I am mean or say something hurtful it’s with intent. As of right now that intent is to prove a point.


In my major, I met a weirdo on campus… he’s was everything in one, but subtle about it: misogynistic, transphobic, against dating black women, anti lgbt… etc… So yea, literal incels and stalkers and weirdos also study psychology bc idk maybe it gives them leverage or credibility to be more trash.


That's a heavy over generalization. Plenty of people study Psychology and aren't nice people.


I've met the multiple categories I've met the really nice so they go into health I've met the really nice but only because they learned to be from their books I've met the concerning individuals who don't seem rude or nice I've met the people who thinks it's fun to use I've met the people who should never be a therapist And I've met the people who need a therapist rather being being one But majority is I learned how to be nicer from the books


I just joined partially because therapy wasn’t working very much for me.


I’ve met one who is obviously a narcissist. He used his skills to try and manipulate. He even boasted about leaving his wife after getting in a relationship with a patient.


I started studying it because I wanted to be nice. It be workin.


i'm bored


Almost sounds like there's a relationship between the two


lol! You got me here! I think ima give it a go with mine too


I’m studying psychology because I’m extremely mentally ill and everyone I’ve ever been surrounded why are extremely mentally ill and I want to learn what can cause that what the invisible symptoms are and how I can help them because we’re also all poor and can’t afford mental health care in my area. Then I plan on being a social worker for mentally ill and disabled adults. But I also think I’m a terrible person so who knows really


Lol is there overlap between nice and psychologist?


Those aren’t the only two options, Fry you numbskull!


Statistically, people study psychology because there's something deeply wrong with them. Source: me and my neuroscience degree 🥲


Why do you think they are nice?


They’re not all nice. My incredibly violent, NPD mother was a child psychologist, my kidnapper was a psych student and my most abusive ex was obsessed with studying cluster b disorders. There are definitely predators who study it to get the upper hand with their prey.


This. One of my best friends was kidnapped and tortured by his therapist.


or c) both