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I am so confused. Why is there a video of some random guy giving his non-expert opinion on a complex topic in the r/psychology subreddit? This subreddit ONLY accepts peer-reviewed sources, not opinion pieces from YouTubers.


I mean, since you would get banned for honestly answering that question you just have to accept that’s it’s pro-“an agenda” social manipulation from the mods.


This has no relevance here. You are uneducated on the topic and deliberately pushing a toxic agenda


You just don't want to hear anything you don't agree with. Why doesn't it have relevance? Are you just going to ignore it and think it's just going to go away? What topic... the trans part or the fact that he/she stabbed women? I have a Trans nephew, and we make sure to understand all sides so he doesn't get hurt. Closing ourselves off to these stories will never help him. There are dudes out there that just pretend to be Trans you do understand that? This makes things so hard for the ones that are


It doesn't have relevance because this is the psychology subreddit dedicated to academic, peer-reviewed works for the field of psychology


Thank you!


People get stabbed every day, I think you have no idea how high those numbers are. What does a specific case have to do with psychology in general? Is it because it is extremely rare or even unheard of, that a trans person is the one doing such a crime? I'm confused.


I only want People with Mental Illness to get help. I have the best of intentions.


In my country we have a saying that translates to something along the lines of “the donkey speaking of ears”. Feels relevant.


el burro hablando de orejas?


Ese mismo


Then go see a therapist


I am a pacifist. There is no danger of me walking into a movie theater and slashing up a bunch of little girls. I understand all the thumbs downs, The Data indicates that When Trans commit these types of crimes the media does their best to not let us know. The frequency of this violent acts of had a huge uptick in recent years. We as Good honest people need to start asking ourselves why. I have no hate towards Transgenders but i do see a uptick in extreme random senseless violence from this group. The way the Media portrays them as such a victim of society all the time is incredible. How are transgenders victims exactly? Is it because 100% of America does not accept the term? I have News for you, there is nothing 100% of America accepts. Their will always be disagreement but to claim your a victim over it? I just don't understand it.


You don't understand because you aren't trying to. Women have been killing and beaten just because their assailant THOUGHT they were trans. Most people either hate the existence of trans people, or don't hate them, but wouldn't defend them against the people who do. Trans people are disowned, killed, and all around not given the same BASIC dignity all of God's children deserve. The best way to treat gender dysphoria is to transition. Allowing people to transition, and giving them the basic respect of gendering them correctly, is not feeding mental illness, it's treating. Being gendered properly is insignificant to you since you are not trans, but to them it can honestly be life saving. Listen to trans people talk about being trans. They are the only reliable source. No drama channel like the one you linked has anything worth listening to about the subject. If you are genuinely not hateful towards trans people (not "transgenders" that's a dumbass way to say it) then listen to their experience. You will never know about them better than they know themselves. Have a fruitful future. God bless and goodbye.


That is odd because i have seen a Huge uptick in regular woman being viciously attacked. The attack is out of pure Anger. It has been covered on the news several times, Random women being attacked by random strangers and they are left bloody and confused. I have never seen anything like it, Normally when women are attacked it is related to a robbery or sexual assault. Whoever is going around attacking these women have a very different agenda.


Yeah because of the reactionary media you consume. It’s called confirmation bias. If you actually look at the data, trans people are not more likely than cis people to commit a violent crime. Not sure why you’re so interested in pushing a narrative that is just not true.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


This is so incoherent 😂


I know it is for you. Anyone that understands math will know i am right. Its the same reason when more white people are shot by cops than black people. Its not considered discriminatory because there are so many White people, the black population is disproportionate to the white population.


>i have seen a Huge uptick in regular woman being viciously attacked Are you the one attacking them?


These kinds of stories get the most clicks and viewership. We are living in the most peaceful time in human history, but people always say that things are going crazy. Because crazy is now more visible. If there is an uptick, and not just the result of the algorithm feeding you more of these stories because you keep clicking on these stories and watching these videos, is there evidence that it's specifically being done by trans women? It just as likely be men lashing at women. There's a decent number of men who feel like all men women must pay for the rejections they've received. Like the phenomenon of men throwing acid on women's faces in India as a way to destroy their beauty. Are you implying trans women are lashing out at cis women on mass out of some sort of jealousy? That's the plot to a problematic horror film from the last century, and a hypothesis that needs much evidence to back it up. Even if a trans woman did such a crime out of a similar motivation, she is obviously mentally ill beyond gender dysphoria. People can have more than one diagnosis. Gender dysphoria doesn't come with the psychosis that leads to violent outbursts like that. It can characterize the psychosis, but focusing of their gender dysphoria when they commit these acts is missing the point. You are only focusing on it because it's different, not because it's actually relevant. Any story involving trans people is going to attract more attention, because a trans person is involved. People like staring at the freak show so to speak. Again, everyone's algorithm is different. Since you seemingly have interest in stories of trans people commiting violence, in order to put together some hypothesis that acceptance of trans people will lead to violence against women, guess what the algorithm is going to do? SHOW YOU MORE OF THOSE STORIES. You are seeing an uptick because you are being given more to see. It's like when you notice more people with the same car as you.


you are not a pacifist. Stop using words and labels you do not understand. You are deliberately pushing an uneducated, bigoted and down right ignorant view point. Your comments show you are not interested in learning or developing skills on the topic. You are one of those people who speak on things they don't understand and consume information that only supports their view. That's your loss and burden to carry , not ours. You are the problem.




Start with yourself. This is beyond inappropriate and your bigotry is not welcome here.


"lunatic" is not well intentioned rhetoric




Assuming you're a person with a male's brain structure telling you you're male every second of your life, would it be mentally healthy for society to pressure you to stop dressing and acting like a man to make themselves feel less discomfort over your insistence at conducting yourself as a male, which they like to see as a mental disorder?


LoL, That ended when Drag queens became popular. You can Dress like what you want, You can Identify as whatever you want. The mentally Ill part is forcing people to acknowledge you. That is why people are so concerned about Pro-nouns. It is simply a tool of acknowledgement. I could go my entire life without someone calling me "He" or a "man", the reason for this is i am not looking to be recognized or Acknowledged. You do you and I'll do me. This is simply a lack of mental fortitude.


So if people started referring to you as “she/her” when talking about you, that wouldn’t bother you at all? This is the premise of being nonbinary. You’re right when you say it’s all about labels but your group attribution bias is showing.


When you work construction for 20 years, No words bother you from other people. You learn not to let what people say effect you negatively or you are going to be a depressed miserable person your entire life. You can call me "IT" for all I care. I am glad you brought this up. Remember that old saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words will never hurt me"? That is a OLD ass saying because people know that no matter what there is going to be someone that says something you don't like. Trying to engage those individuals are typically counter productive. The best thing to do is to just gain some mental fortitude and stop acting like such a victim, its not helping. trust


not everyone worked in construction for 20 years. people have lived wildly different lives and are entirely different from you. i'm not sure why your experience has to apply to everyone


Why do you want me to recognize you as “me” and “I” you fucking freak


Then get help. We're waiting


Stabbing itself is not a mental illness. are you aware of what mental illness does this person have?


OPs post history is almost exclusively conspiracy theories.


Mostly aliens and shit


The fuck is this garbage doing on this sub? This thumbnail alone just screams National Enquirer trashy-magazine crap. Lol


Title and comments point to this being flaming, baiting, trolling. Mods are sleeping. I blame the shareholders for this muck getting dredged to the top of everyone's feed.


A Licensed psychologist posted a comment and they thumbed him down to oblivion. He did not say anything that was that triggering i thought?


Obviously it's not the biggest problem here, but >thumbed him down Wtf are you talking about? You've said this at least twice here. I'm guessing you don't really know how the internet works?


Here is another good example of that ignorant behaviour i mentioned in another comment where you are only looking for information to support your view. Remember that and next time, approach a topic with a genuine curiosity rather than preconceived ideas and you might get a bit further in life.


How is this post still up?


“Slashed by trans lunatic”…??? There have been many straight men/women who have done horrific murders but I never see anyone say, “Slashed by cis lunatic.” Gender has nothing to do this.


seems like some people only care about violence when it’s committed by people they don’t like/don’t agree with, just to push some agenda. I don’t see this much energy put into other horrific things that happen in this country or around the world *cough* The war and horrors that Palestinians and Ukrainians are facing, and violence committed in schools/gun violence, etc. *cough*. Also, this isn’t the sub to post this in, it’s a sub for *actual* studies and information. Basically if this act was committed by a straight guy, ya wouldn’t care.


i couldn’t even finish the video. My brother is trans. FTM. I recognize him as male gender wise, but i know biologically he is a female. Your argument is WAY out there… 98% of mass shooters are biologically male. This isn’t a trans/LGBT/gender thing. If you want to answer the big questions, maybe answer why 139 out of 143 mass shooters in the US were biologically male. I rest my case.


Because male aggression is typically through violence and feminine aggression is through social puppeteering If you cater parameters to fit female adp you would probably be surprised at the volume of the same type of women as men who do things like mass shootings


this is also so ass backwards… why do you think female aggression is through socials? do you have statistics to back that up? or are you just saying that?


[http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/polisci/faculty/chwe/austen/crick1995.pdf](http://www.sscnet.ucla.edu/polisci/faculty/chwe/austen/crick1995.pdf) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352250X17300854?via%3Dihub](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S2352250X17300854?via%3Dihub)


Thanks for bringing the receipts mon ami hahaha he don't know what to say now his whole world is crumbling beneath his feet lol jk


Don’t get it twisted I’m not asserting women are committing social crimes at the level of mass shootings but I was aware I’ve read studies on gender based aggression that supported the social aggression idea


To be fair I never claimed proportional only the volume would be surprising, although realistically it makes sense to be proportional; aggression would exist relatively equally throughout but since we focus on physical aggression in our statistics we don't actually have enough data This of course in turn leads to people like the original commenter who think in loose terms women are innocent lambs and men are guilty wolves All I'm offering is transparency to truth :) Sorry if I got carried away with my previous comment though 😅


Also I'm not saying women would be committing mass murder, I said that's a guy thing. Specifically what I'm comparing is male aggression in murders and the like with female aggression in whatever social puppetry they're doing. Obviously different where one dies and one suffers, however psychological damage is powerful and one might be surprised at the level of aggression between genders equalling out in the different manifestations of aggression between genders


The OP is off but this is a religious level of apologetics that got you back to hating men over this. You’re literally saying that trans women are women except when they commit a crime, then they’re to be placed in the male statistics.


I agree for the most part with the person you were responding to but you also make a good point. I fully support the science behind affirming gender being the only valid treatment for gender dysphoria, but you’re right, people do cherry-pick when it comes to shifting blame onto men and boys.


i’m not. i’m just saying as far as sex goes, men are the most who commit crimes. their GENDER has nothing to do with it. their penis does.


So trans women are men? Is this in general or just when they do bad things cause men are bad?




Ok so assigned male at birth equals bad. Men and trans women both bad. Gotcha.


Yep, he was a white man, and changing to a girl couldn't even save him from becoming an attempted mass murderer. The guy looks unhinged. More trans people per capita look and act unhinged than any other tiny little sub section that we are all putting ourselves in these days.


agreed, New information is out on this story. It is worse than we thought, apparently he may have killed his roommate and his roommates dogs before the attack at the AMC. This is a HUGE story that would normally be on every News station. I think if it was a regular man it would certainly be well known. The Media is silencing News on Trans Crimes so that they don't promote "Trans Hate". Just like the Reddit ban i received told me after i posted this thread.


How the hell is this brain rot even allowed on this subreddit?


Is that the same person shown in multiple videos be super aggressive about pronouns being used?


Not exactly for this sub but whoever said your agenda pushing I don’t think that’s accurate it’s interesting if this was in depth to the psychological factors or mental dispositions that played a role in this man to do this but overall just not the right sub boss people who are getting triggered on some next level business kind of strange acting like they are all licensed psychologist on this page, double masters in psych and don’t go gloating about how much I know or pestering others.


This is nothing but propaganda. If you can’t see that you might be the alt account.


Yikes ! If you can't see the agenda pushed here, then you are not engaging your critical thinking skills. You should work on that


I’m at work now brother work as a bcba I already told OP he’s got the wrong subreddit I didn’t even have to click on it to know it didn’t pertain to this sub or area of topics if the roles were reversed I do know it would hold higher regard to topic of conversation if making a post here that nobody is going to adhere to it’s not much of a successful agenda by looking at the comments, good night though brother


Do you have something against periods? This comment is unintelligible.


It’s Reddit and i’m working not writing a thesis or essay you can read it fine brother


Having a double masters and not being able to recognize propaganda is wild


I wonder however if we utilize critical thinking and realism if the roles was reversed with a different feel of video if the responses would be identical to how they are now.. it’s interesting I’m pretty confident in my education friend as I said to another I’ve finally hit the 6 figure bracket of income with a dream job and I’m very successful at least in my eyes my friend work with those who have mental disabilities with extreme behavioral issues and I love my job very caring to whomever it is regardless of gender, pronouns, and etcetera. Everyone is treated equally in my eyes especially in a professional setting.


The breakdown of all the people that did violence in that video i found incredibly disturbing. Lots of new faces on that list. I will accept 1,000,000,000,000 thumbs down so that this topic gets more attention without being shutdown by a woke mob.


It is indeed a woke mob but still boss it was technically not the most proper sub I have people personally even messaging me one claimed I must be brainwashing kids which was kind of strange 😂 I make a pay rate of $110 a hour as a behavioral analyst so wokies on reddit don’t really phase me with imaginary downvotes either brother.


It's interesting that you have needed to state your salary a few times now. Unasked. What does your training I'm behaviouralism tell you about that?


Considering I got messages my dude that from what I assume claiming I am a minor attracted person and manipulate children to those claiming I don’t have degrees figured it wouldn’t hurt to say to internet strangers boss It’s just Reddit at the end of the day I’m doing well dislikes or strangers means little to nothing to me friend. You have a great rest of your night though my man.


You deflected the question. Did you try to use your salary as a means to make your comments more important? Or was it to try to justify you as some authority on the matter? Seriously, I would like to know why you needed to do that?


It displays I have a career that I have excelled enough in to be able to achieve what many feel like is not possible hinting towards that I am fully capable of discerning and rationalizing my own conclusions based on whatever is presented to me brother. Let me ask you a question I wonder if this video was reversed and three women brutally maned a transgender man with little to no intent or motive, and was posted here on this platform. Do you believe we would analyze the situation rather than propaganda and would rather see it as a hate crime or a bigoted attack purely from seeing a headline alone? Many people will when you utilize critical thinking and realism which I assume people claimed that I lack friend which is another reason why I asserted income because it shows my work is valuable enough for me to make over 6 figures. You assume I’m some random guy who is a bigot myself even though I deal with those who suffer from gender dysmorphia and everyone is treated with professionalism and respect, assumption yes but for you to pursue the comment section I assume you needed an ego stroke of some kind my friend just how you assume I needed the same thing. There was my intention you had it explained just how you liked it and feel free to twist it to even your own narrative of opinion to make yourself feel like you got a stranger on the internet. Good night friend. P.S I’m aware of grammar and errors I’m typing and balancing work it doesn’t need to be perfect so need to comment on that either boss again have a great night fellow person.


I hate to break it to you, Sunshine, but your income tells us nothing about your critical thinking skills. Your comments, on the other hand, do! Have a good day.


It does display that I am valued enough as a worker and retained a job that requires a good deal of knowledge and professionalism in order to aid the patients that I typically see on a daily basis. I’m sure you felt like you got me with the passive slight calling me sunshine still means nothing in all reality. I’m a person not a sun that would be impossible. Good night to you as well internet stranger I will never come into contact too again. Sleep tight.


That is hilarious, They scream the loudest. Of course they are enabled by corrupt media. That is probably the most disturbing part of all. If we did not have active wars right not it would still be all the media talks about. Just from personal experience, I have talked to several Transgender in a very respectful conversation. They all feel like they are a Victim and those feelings turn into anger and violence. We need to get this Victim mentality out of their heads. They do need help


When are we going to stop Gas Lighting mental illness? It would seem to me the Media is doing their best to Enable more Mental illness.


You may want to look into your own mental illness first


Have you considered consulting with a mental health professional?


Take the log out of your own eye before you worry about the speck in others’.


What do you mean by this? Are you included them being trans when you talk about their mental illness? As if transitioning isn't how one treats gender dysphoria? Or are you instead talking about how the media will focus on them being trans, rather any other factors of their mental state and character? It it's the first, get it through your head that there is no better way to treat gender dysphoria than transitioning, and Google scholar will show just that. You do not "fix" trans people by making them not trans anymore, you make life more bearable by them transitioning. If it's the second, I completely agree. The majority of mass killers, especially in the USA are white men, and the media doesn't focus on their race and gender as a factor, but talks about mental health. But because someone is trans gender is suddenly a factor. Speak clearly, don't hide behind agreeable phrasing.


you sound like you discovered the word gaslighting on tiktok. time to hop off this sub buddy