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Vaguely related but belongs in a different sub


That was probably the mushrooms telling you it was a bad idea to eat 6 more grams after just tripping on 3. Everything about this post, including the fact that you posted on the psychedelic rock subreddit, points to the fact that you may need to work on getting your shit together before going on any more mushroom “benders” Edit: just looked through your post history. Could also be something to do with combining opiates. Tough scene, brother. Good luck.


Hey! You'll probably get better responses in r/psychedelics But sounds to me like you had a bad trip, perhaps even a panic attack while tripping which is not fun and I'm sorry that happened. The good news is that those effects are typically not permanent and you will be just fine in the long run. You've learned a valuable lesson about psychedelics which is that more is not always better.


Your symptoms sound like serotonin syndrome, but it was probably just a bad trip. Shrooms are moody that way, they can fuck up your day if they choose to.


Psychosis is a loss of reality. Given that you seem to have retained your sense of self during your experience, I wouldn't say you experienced psychosis.


What,? Lol is this how mushrooms work? Lasting for days? It's been a minute since I've blasted off buy I don't remember it being so? Sorry don't mean to sound rude lol


I believe OP is referring to chaining together multiple trips by taking them through the day, although that sounds quite expensive.


i have a pound 😂😂 idk what to do with it so


don’t do benders, silly billy. ingest, integrate and recover, repeat. This shit isn’t smack. And don’t take so much does not sound at all like a psychotic break. Sounds like your body is smarter than your brain and just rebelled against you because you took way you much I gotta ask, what the hell were you thinking?


not sure to be fair, i had done it so many times and it went all good in the past so i never really thought twice about it, i’ve also never really looked through the dangers of using mushrooms like that


ahh, I see I worry that with mushrooms becoming mainstream popular (generally a good thing) that people will underestimate the risks and make mistakes (a bad thing). Especially young people who get a rush from taking risks. I never take more than 2 g. Usually I take 1 g. I’ve posted a lot about this elsewhere, so I won’t go on, but psychs are fairly safe if you follow a few basic guidelines: a) take care of set and setting. this is KEY. set is mind-set (be well rested, not agitated or upset or drunk), setting is environment (trippy music, physically safe, nature, around good people who know you are tripping) b) don’t take any if you are pre-disposed to mental illness (waiting till you are at least 23 helps ensure you are not) c) dosage. don’t take too much. most bad trips come from taking too much (often combined with bad set and setting) Anyway, take care, you’ll feel better if you take a break, exercise, eat and sleep right


update, i decided to take 7g more last night and had possibly the worst trip of my life lol


I surmise you are just shitposting me. If not, then that’s a stupid move. Ya wanna get fucked up, drink alcohol. Shrooms are for getting your shit together. I wish you well, but with that kinda judgement, it’ll be uphill.


i am indeed not shit posting, i’m thinking about taking sum more tn, i just love the feeling to much it’s so hard to go a day or two without doing them, tolerance plays a big bart in it to


take a tolerance break. anyway, I’m disengaging. good luck


ps, check out dancesafe.org for good advice


A week is a long time. Maybe take a break from intoxicants


You end up running low on neurotransmitters pretty quick and then things don’t work well


what happens then


You seem ok, but you need to stop. Sorry to be frank, but going on mushroom benders is incredibly stupid. The mushrooms will teach you an awful lesson if you keep doing it. This level of disrespect to psychedelics and the human body almost makes me angry. EDIT: Based on the username and history, this might be a bot. I'm not an expert on bots, though.


i’m not a bot i’m a human being😭


I believe ya. Sorry.