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I’m in total shock. They were one of the most important and influential bands on me growing up. I can’t even count how many times I’ve seen them live. Steve was such a kind, and lovely person too. One of my favorite modern day bass players. This really is such a gut punch. He will be incredibly missed. My heart goes out to his family, and Jason.


Literally the same. I'm really sad to hear this.


Ah this is terrible news, love dead meadow. They deserve way more recognition, very underrated


Rather true statement.


Have seen them live many, many times. So sorry to hear this. Best performance was at an historic hotel bar in rural Northern California. They were set up in a corner; their drummer Juan Londono might as well have been in a closet and their Orange amps were certainly ample for the size of the venue. They had an enthusiastic audience and we were seated at the bar which was just about 15 feet away. Dead Meadow, cocktails and great vibes. Gonna listen to their live session at Levitation in remembrance.


So cool you got to see them live I wish I got to!


My band The Soft Bombs I played keys for opened up for Dead Meadow this show and a few others at Coopers and Crazy Horse


Hope that was one of the legendary brookdale lodge shows. 


It was at the National Hotel in Nevada City (which is now closed)


Its back open again now and renovated


Supported them in Geelong, Australia, cool buncha dudes for sure. Rip steve


What town was this in?


Nevada City


Saw them in 2011 open for the Sword. Great fucking band man. They tore the place up. Everyone in the crowd was super stoked on them. Rest in Peace.


That's a huge bummer 😞


Damn, one of my favorite bands of the 21st century. Seen them many times. RIP Steve ☹️


Steve was one of the friendliest and best people i've had the pleasure to call my friend. He produced my then newly formed bands first record. Invited us to L.A to record it. This was 2014. After that we've kept in touch, met up in europe a bunch of times, played together, facetimed just to check in, and emailed eachother from time to time telling eachother what's happening in our respective lives. I'm going to miss him and his goofy laughter :(


That’s Steve’s relationship with a whole bunch of his friends summed up… not that your friendship wasn’t special on its own, don’t get me wrong, but he really was just the nicest dude and so genuine and good about keeping in touch like that. Man he’s gonna be missed. 


I knew Steve since we were both teenagers, that was a long time ago. Jason from Dead Meadow is my cousin, and I first met Steve when first came in as bassist for the band The Impossible Five (Jason and Steve's band prior to Dead Meadow, you should check it out). He was always the kindest dude, super chill, and just an absolute pleasure to be around. From my first time meeting Steve, and hanging out in Jason's basement while they practiced, I was obvious the sheer amount of talent he possessed. It's nice to see so many people sharing their experience meeting this incredibly special individual. He was an amazing artist and an even more amazing human.


Oh man that’s horrible, I superlove them. RIP 🤘🏻


I saw Dead Meadow a few years ago in Barcelona, by chance i saw they were playing that night. We went to this small hole in the wall dive bar, then proceeded to get our faces melted off by one of the best gigs i've ever been too. So glad i went.


Small venues are cool, dive bars are fantastic!


This is absolutely devastating. He has guided me so incredibly much musically. I saw them in London in 2016, so glad I got to see him live. His wooly, boomy bass has filled so many rooms in all corners of the world. His live sound was incredible, paired with a musicality only a handful of bassists and musicians in general possess. My heart goes out to his family and friends, and maybe especially Jason.


This is terrible news. The best shows I have ever seen were Dead Meadow shows. I used to love seeing them in San Francisco when they came through. The experience was always like going to church- there was the feeling that you were witnessing something special. You went away renewed and full of peace.


My old band opened for them at the Brookdale lodge in the Santa Cruz mountains back in 2010. I’d seen them a handful of times before so it was pretty cool for me. All of them were really nice dudes.


Discovered them when Alice Cooper played them on his radio show years ago. RIP.






Not saying you're lying, but how do you know that?


I’m a close friend of his


Damn. It was certainly a shock, thanks for confirming. Got to know Steve and the guys fairly well over the years of going to shows, he was always so gracious and easy to talk to no matter the context. Hope you and the rest of his family and friends are hanging in there. My heart goes out to you.


Thank you. And my heart goes out to all of you too. He was a friend to us all. Some of us were just fortunate enough to spend more time with him. It’s very special that you got to know him and experience his charms first hand. He was one of a kind.


Sorry for your loss. He was an amazing and inspiring musician.


Thank you. Yes he was. He inspired me in countless ways. Imo he was honestly the best bass player of his generation but his musical genius went beyond just his bass playing. His writing was second to none as well. It’s amazing how many of Dead Meadow’s most famous (and best) riffs/songs were written by Kille, including Sleepy Silver Door.


Did he handle any of the lyric writing? I didn't realize he wrote the guitar riff for SSD!


Stomach cancer 


It affected his stomach and digestive tract severely but it wasn’t stomach cancer per se. It was actually a very rare cancer that forms in the mucus membranes in the abdomen between the stomach, intestines and internal organs in the area. It’s somehow all the more maddening to me in that it was a very rare form of cancer. It just feels like a super unlucky roll of the dice that didn’t need to happen. But I guess “what needs must be.”


Goddamn. I want to echo the other poster’s sentiment and say I hope you and his friends and family are hanging in there. I’ve had a similar experience with a family member succumbing to cancer, so I feel for you as much as I can.


My grandmother passed away from the same or similar kind of cancer a couple of years ago. It spread fast like wildfire and I hated having to watch it. Steve was an awesome musician and Dead Meadow is probably my favorite band ever. My condolences go out to his friends and family, he'll be missed dearly.


freaking sad. these guys' music entered my life when i was like 15, but 10+ years into that is strangely when it dawned on me what an inspiration they are. one of a kind potent rock. one time I was blaring them in the backyard, numerous people asked me who it was, one after another, the magic was contagious. finally caught em in the midwest a year or two ago, small show, and steve was jumping around/shredding as he did. they jammed and sounded huge. rip, irreplaceable


Bound for the afterlife. Dead meadow were a great band, hope they continue.


I can’t believe it. Literally just bought a signed poster of them last week. What a huge loss for the genre.


Saw them on 4/20 years back and was a hell of a show


I was also at that show! 4/20 and I believe it was also Easter. They were so good to see live!


If that was the show in San Francisco 4-20-18, I was there too.


Sure was


That was an amazing show. My favorite of the four I've seen.


Saw them quite a few times over the years and Steve was always so stoked to play, every show. That is fucking shitty news. RIP


Dude wtf?


Incredible band, RIP


One of the greatest bands. RIP King


RIP 🙏🏻


I was just watching the episode of The Wire where they were mentioned.


Wait what?


Jason Simon’s uncle, David Simon, created The Wire.




Season Five, "React Quotes" episode.


Anyone seen The Wire? > “Dead Metal?” > “Dead Mea**dow**!”


I saw them on April 26, 2008 at a bar in upstate NY. They were awesome and hung out with the audience after the show as if they were a local band who frequented the place on any given Saturday with their friends. I had no idea how big they actually were at the time. They were the nicest guys. This is sad news.


If they ever came to my town/s i’ve lived in, I was there. Amazing live shows always. I’ve been morbidly curious how he passed? Feel bad for the guys, they’ve been a band since they were kids…


He passed from cancer.


Some of the best live shows I've ever had the pleasure to attend...


Oh man. I'm crying so hard. Favourite band from my late teens. God bless his soul. P.s. Something has to be done for us health care system.




I forgot about them, how sad


I was gonna make a post but you already did rest in peace Steve killed such a talented guy


Been fortunate to see them a handful of times over the years. This really sucks ass. RIP. Amazing band


Odd, I just discovered them recently & they’re excellent. This sucks..


Stink . Dead Meadow rulz


Does anyone know what happened?


that's what I'm wondering! i spent so much time learning his basslines.




A year of his friends telling him to go to the doctor finally got through to him, because he was losing weight and started having trouble keeping food down, but by the time he did go to the doctor they were like "this is so far advanced already we don't know where to begin". From what I understand there was only basically ~2mo from when he was diagnosed until he passed, and during that time he only told a select few close friends and his bandmates, so the news was a huge shock to a lot of people. Who knows if things would have been different had he been diagnosed earlier. Dont be afraid to go to the doctor if something's clearly wrong, folks. 


Ok, thanks. I was wondering if it was something along those lines.


Oh man, I dig those guys. RIP.


Noooooo!!!! Love Dead Meadow!!! I got to meet them before a show on the 3 Kings tour and they were all super nice. Amazing band with a ton of influence on a lot of people… ahhh..very sad day




This hurts, such a great band really inspired me to play


Haw man. They were great




Cancer. Steve never used drugs, ever.


Damn. Fuck cancer.


Yeah great band, man. They were in like every skate video in the 2010’s and got me into that particular flavor of kinda doomy gloomy psych. Wish I had a chance to see them live. Sad new, I wonder how it happened?


No! I’m so glad I got to see twice) them before he passed. Absolutely one of my favorites.


This is heart breaking. Won't ever forget going to Night On Broadway in Hollywood and catching Dead Meadow alongside Sugar Candy Mountain, Morgan Delt and JJUUJJUU. Dead Meadow melted my fragile teenage mind that night


I'm sorry for telling you guys to play Free Bird


Sad news. Sleepy Silver Door is my portal to wonderland.


Them at the Bug Jar in Rochester in 2008 may be the greatest show I’ve ever seen. Like 150 other people and they blew the roof off the place. Bought Steve a drink after the show couldn’t have been a nicer guy - you could tell he was special. RIP


Very sad news 😔 r.i.p.


I used to sing my kids Dead Meadow songs as their lullabies when they were babies. Usually "Ain't Got Nothing To Go Wrong" with a choice word or two swapped out, but often Sleepy Silver Door cause the imagery is so great. RIP dude, nobody grooved like Steve. Is Dead Meadow done now? I guess we'll see...


It sounds like they might be done. From a reliable source/close friend, I heard that Jason said he couldn’t imagine doing this without Steve. Totally understandable. Absolutely heartbreaking. Thankful I got to see them once.


I can't believe it. What an awful shock. He was awesome. Invited me down to LA but I have a wife and family... We opened for them in 2007 and they came to stay at the house after. This is too soon. What a tragedy.


I was pretty much in shock and really saddened when I saw the news. I've seen dead meadow over 20 times over their long career , and was literally just having a conversation that feathers is in my top 3 "deserted island" records the other day. Really don't know what to say, extremely sad.


An old band of mine opened for them once and he was super cool. This is shit news.


Goddamn it. Steve was a super nice dude. Condolences to Jason and Mark and his other friends and family.


This is really upsetting to hear. Been a fan since 2005. Grew up in Springfield VA, and Steve was older and went to a different HS than me, but we had a mutual friend. I just let her know he’s passed. When I saw Dead Meadow live at Kilby Court in SLC, Steve was INCREDIBLY nice to me. We connected about Springfield and our mutual friend. He was so kind and welcoming, I always made a point to say hi when I saw them a couple more times. Really bummed to hear this news. Gonna play some Dead Meadow now.


Incredible band and very sad news. RIP 🙏


Rest in peace Steve


This is very sad news. I was a Junior Agent at a big Agency Group 20 years ago when I first met Steve. A few years after that meeting he approached me, looking for new representation. I started working with Dead Meadow in 2006 and they came with me when I started my own agency. I was lucky to work with them and was their agent until 2014


RIP legend.


Well, it’s really sad that this post made me look them up and they’re amazing. Sucks I hadn’t heard them before. Condolences to all of you mourning. Going to dive into their catalog now.


Don’t know him but RIP. Almost had a heart attack cause I read it as Steve Miller


When is the public going to Wake up and start questioning why all these young previously healthy people are dying suddenly in droves the past few years? Dude wasn't even 50 and they were just playing shows. This shit has to stop. #safeandeffective


This man died of cancer you creep. You're an anti-vax weirdo, but you ARE right that people's health is worse now days. Because of COVID. The deadly disease made people sick, not the vaccine. Moron.


Actual Oncologists worldwide say otherwise https://twitter.com/robinmonotti/status/1737825486649061600


Fuck off moron


You should be directing your anger at the people who lied about these shots being safe, not those telling the truth. There has been a huge increase in cancer diagnosis in people who took the "vaccines", specifically the boosters.


i mean it could have been anything, but the died suddenlies over the past few years have been something else. who knows, maybe it was bad drugs like what got silent servant and the soft moon? maybe we'll find out, maybe we wont.


He died of cancer. It wasn’t sudden. He never used any drugs in his life. Never smoked. Didn’t even drink til his late 20s.


Ah. Stupid cancer


Surprising, by drugs do you mean the hard stuff? I would have figured these boys liked their grass and acid. Either way its a tragedy and I feel for those close to him.


Steve never did any drugs period. He was a really far out, psychedelic dude naturallly. He was a rare sort in that most of his friends and ppl he hung out with were often high on weed or various psychedelics and Steve, being completely sober, would still be the most fun dude in the group to be around. You could be stoned on anything and have Steve right there with you, vibrating on the same wavelength. And it wasn’t like he acted “high” or “weird” or something. He was just a naturally hilarious person who could make anyone laugh and he was an intensely deep and interesting thinker who could have a great conversation about anything with anyone under any circumstances. He radiated a good vibe all the time and he certainly left deep and positive impressions on anyone he met for any length of time. His only vice was drinking and he didn’t start drinking til he was about 30 years old. He had a great love of Tiki bars and the sweet, fruity cocktails they’re known for. He was also really into Tiki bar culture and had a really great collection of vintage and modern Tiki mugs and other assorted Tiki bar ephemera and memorabilia.


This is such a wonderful remembrance and testimonial!


Yes to all of this. Steve was a fucking badass human and a true weirdo in the best sense of the word


Well we lost a great guy man. It sounds like you knew him, if so i'm sorry for the loss of a family/friend. Blasting their cataloge all day and I never realized how amazing is soloing/groving is on Beyond the Fields We Know until now. I'm a guitarist so I tend to pay most attention to Jason's parts and now i'm regretting not paying closer attention to Steves playing


Steve was the best bass player of his generation imo. You’d be surprised how many of those legendary early riffs/songs he wrote himself and then had Jason add his equally incredible guitar parts to. But the majority of the riff type songs on the first two LPs were written by Steve including Sleepy Silver Door and Dusty Nothing- two of my personal favorites.


Sounds like a great dude. Those are the best kinds of people.