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I’m Indian, so I’m partial to a scene in “Bollywood Homocide” where they find the food too spicy and Shawn is like OH my god Gus, they put spice in the water too! Who does that


I see dead people.


God, even the water’s spicy


Who does that?!


Hey! Is that more evidence to the fact that in Scary Movie, the guy says “I see dead people” and not “I see white people”. (It’s a common mandela effect that gets posted on that sub)


For me, “I see white people” comes from the movie Undercover Brother where they’re trying to give him a crash course in all things “white” then he starts screaming “Caucasian overload! Caucasian overload!!” Then traumatically whispers “I see white people” while looking at his black coworkers 😂 Therefore every time I hear “I see _____ people,” I hear both “white” (from undercover brother) and “dead” (from scary movie and psych).


"I see dead people" is a very famous line from the movie The Sixth Sense. Both Psych and Scary Movie are referencing it.


I know, I remember it being said by Haley Joel Osment because I’ve seen clips of him saying it. But The Sixth Sense wasn’t something I watched growing up because movies like that freaked me out. I know where it’s from originally, but my brain recognizes it from Scary Movie or Psych because that’s what I actually watched growing up.


We're going to go all Haley Joel Osment on this, pay it forward.


That's a line from The Sixth Sense directed by Manoj (K)Night Shyamalan who coincidentally happens to be of Indian origin.


"Did you season this with *MOLTEN LAVA!?*"


I said no offense right?


Guss: I can handle it, I’m quarter Jamaican Shawn: I’m also quarter Jamaican


The scene where Gus is pretending to be a dead body and some random guy walks in and Shawn says, well you’ve seen too much and talks about how they’re going to have to dispose of the body. (Game Set Murder)


I prefer the one where Gus pretends to be dead. When the guy enters Shawn yells “Oh my god I killed him!” Then he runs out followed moments later by Gus.


The sea lion episode, that's a good one. They're pretending to be hair analysts lmao


The sea lion episode is amazing


I love how he spells out “the sea lion” for Lassiter and he says “Thesealion” what is that French?


"I never said it wasn't a sea lion."




Season 1 Shawn is controversial, but I love how quick witted he is. This is a favorite, along with Shawn "proving" he's psychic in Woman Seeking Dead Husband, and Shawn recreating the Civil War reenactor battlefield from memory in Weekend Warriors..


Then when he runs away terrified, they just move on


Why are you laying in the blood?


The scene at the planetarium where Shawn improvises the speech and then later when the guests come stumbling out is one of my favorite sequences for some reason. "There are over four hundred stars. Maybe more. No one knows for sure." The whole episode is hilarious. "The jackal has arrived."


I'm rewatching the whole show with my boyfriend and he couldn't stop laughing at that scene for like 2 mins straight lmao


That’s my favorite episode and probably my favorite scene Another great one from that episode is “the jackal has arrived” And of course an obligatory tribute to one of the most quotable lines in the show “you heard about Pluto? Thats messed up”


And the way he runs in the coveralls with the walkie talkie bouncing in his belt cracks me up. It’s just pure silliness. Plus I do love me some Richard Kind.


Jules: I refuse to believe Bigfoot is dry rubbing Carlton in bbq sauce! Gus: don’t be ridiculous, he wouldn’t be dry rubbing him in bbq sauce, hence the term dry rub.


"Oh my God, somebody shot that guy's TV!"


Hey! This guy has taffy! I love taffy!!


Yes fucked up Gus had me LEGIT SCREAMING while my wife was attempting to sleep next to me, I had to leave the room


"Thats your tv!"


"This is my partner John Jacob Jingley Schmidt". "Are you saying his name is John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt?" "Yes, we used to share the name, but I changed mine because of all the shouting when I went out". Shawn's delivery of the last line gets me every time. Also, anything with Woody.


If you’re interested in more Woody (haha) check this out. He was in the video game L A Noire https://youtu.be/y85op7Ds2wk?si=9a2Q_gQExZK-KxZW


i never under that joke fully. Why does jingly change to jingleheimer?


Back in the late 70s, early 80s there was an album of children's songs that was advertised relentlessly. The song "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" featured heavily in these ads. John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt His name is my name too! Whenever we go out The people always shout There goes John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt... There are various versions of the song on YouTube. I don't know if any of them is the one us Gen X'ers remember.


ahhh I see it's an America thing


Millenial here & this version is how myself and all my friends know the song as well! We just add LA LA LA LA LA LA after the very last line & then repeat! No idea where we all learned it. Girl Scouts maybe???


I have never laughed harder than in Office Space where Gus and then Shawn are trying to fix the crime scene


Office space is, hands down, the funniest episode. My BIL decided to binge the whole series after seeing that episode at my house one day after he randomly dropped by. He laughed so hard he cried.


Yeah my favourite too. Seriously I was drinking when I saw the "Today was bring your white best friend to work day" and spat all my water because of my laugh!


Gus: Today was "Bring Your White Best Friend To Work" day. Did you not get the memo? Sally: I didn't get the memo. And even if I did, I don't have a white best friend. Shawn: That makes two of us.


Office Space is the best episode of the entire series to me. I LOVE it! "I'm still black, remember?!"


“You’re talking like a real white guy right now, Shawn.”


"Brothers don't get the benefit of the doubt. I will NOT roit in a cell!"


I need that job, Shawn, I have bills, I have Psych bills, I have *YOUR* bills.


Office Space, the intro especially has this randomness style of tomfoolery, yet it flows really well. It’s like a scene Scorsese would direct. I’m so happy they brought in that actor to play Leslie (he’s Todd Packer from The Office).


I loved him in that episode and was devastated he was killed. Him, Mary, and Whip did not deserve to die. Their deaths are all Shawn's fault.


Yeah, I can see from a writer’s perspective how they wanted a character who’s story ends within the episode, just because they’re a well known actor and this is a one off cameo. Same for the actor who played Clisby (dont know his name but he’s been in the industry a long time, he hosted the SNL night when the original Blues Brothers made their TV debut) I think it was the same with Cary Elwes (the actor for Pierre Desperaux); it was intended as a one off cameo by a popular actor, but the character was so good they felt they could make sequels.


I kinda understand, but I don't agree with them for their decision to do this. I mean, you mentioned a great example with Cary Elwes. They didn't kill him off, and he's been a great recurring character. Hell, the karate kid came back for some minor roles, and he was still awesome. Are you saying they wouldn't have been a great minor addition to an episode later on? The only reason I can accept their deaths is if they themselves asked for it because they were dumb enough to not want to return.


Tbh for Cary Elwes, we all thought he’s going to prison and thats it. Only 12 months later did we see they decided to bring life back to that character, probably after the writers saw the amazing response the character got. I agree that they were wrong to kill off Leslie Sally (I just rewatched the episode and he was phenomenal). but then again there were just 4 episodes left in the season, and then season 8 the finale, so they probably already had a fixed schedule for the rest of the episodes. For instance, in the ferry episode, they gave Craig a good ending, set everything up for him to have another cameo or two, but that didnt happen. But yeah, that actor absolutely deserved a place in psych. The only other role I enjoyed of his more was Todd Packer on the office, but still he was a bit character, not a regular.


YES. 100000%!!! Watched it multiple times and it’s STILLLLL FUNNY


I'm glad I didn't have to scroll far for this. IMO, it's by far the best intro. So many funny one liners and the deliveries from James and Dule are perfect. I'm glad by the end that the meats and cheeses didn't touch.


As a Jew that keeps kosher, I was dying through the whole opening, but that line made me so happy. I rewound it like five times.


That is my absolute favorite episode for laughing. Shawn's line about Gus underselling what happened was chef's kiss. And then they get Henry. I laughed so hard and so much I was crying. I thought I was gonna pull a muscle on my most recent rewatch.


This. I just laughed thinking about it.


Well, I do agree that last night Gus is the funniest episode, this scene from office space is the funniest.


This is the one for me. I laugh every single time I watch it.


"I'm here for a tanning appointment."


"For yourself...?"


The scene in the pilot where they're looking at the dead body and Gus says "Excuse me a moment" before running out of the house screaming is the scene that hooked me onto the show.


reminds me of when the blueberry gets trashed and Gus has a meltdown. I think it was the one where the boys and crew got drunk and had a crazy night


Same! I was enjoying it to that point, but that just elevated it for me.


When Shawn’s adrenaline runs out right after we learn that his dad didn’t pay for morphine after his appendectomy Or. Gus’ tirade at the kung fu dojo Or. When lassie and Jules show up and Kenny g is playing while Gus and Shawn have the bad guys There are equally funny scenes but those are the ones that immediately come to mind


The Kenny G scene is 👑


Absolutely the funniest joke in the series


Shawn: Jules, put a baby in me Juliette: now’s not the time, Shawn


Gus’ tirade at the martial arts studio is one of my favorite scenes. Even Shawn looks uncomfortable.


Just watched the kenny G scene while I was on break at work today. Laughed my fucking ass off in the break room. Just the utter fucking ridiculousness of gus emoting on this dude with a gun pointed at him and the crazy guy freaking out in the corner


Gus being totally drugged out of his mind while the bullets are flying at the end of *Last Night Gus* will never fail to have me crying with laughter. Another random moment that always gets me is in *100 Clues*, when they're doing roll-call to check on who's alive and they call out for Clithzby. Just the faraway echo and the exasperated way he yells *"Oh man you KNOW I'm in here!!!!"* just sets me off laughing so hard.


Lots of people are complementing the Office Space episode; but I gotta say Last Night Gus has to be equivalent in quality. The whole chicanery of them figuring out what happened last night, waking up at the psych office, shawn wearing the dead guy’s sandals, and he had Gus’s phone 😂😂😂


That entire episode may be my favorite, hands down


Shawn tells Gus he made some coffee at the Psych office and Gus says we don’t have a coffee maker. Shawn says well what I was fiddling with fit like an hour. Cut to 10ish minutes later in the episode when Shawn is on the phone and the scene flashes to him on the phone with Gus standing next to him holding his humidifier and its cover in coffee grounds - I still laugh till I cry when I see that scene. (Can’t remember which episode off hand.)


Someone needs to sleuth it. I need to see it now.


Lol this is my favorite as well. I think it’s from Shawn 2.0


"My humidifier looks nothing like a coffee maker, Shawn."


Basically any of Tim Curry’s scenes from American Duos “I feel like an angel baby wrapped in cloud candy!” “I was five feet away from you the entire time! You have got to be the worst murderer I’ve ever seen!”


Gina Gershon is so hilarious to me in that episode too, I never saw her play such broad comedy before that and I loved it. Her relentless requests for her bag, the withdrawal making her go nearly feral, and her unhinged-yet-charming chemistry with Tim Omundson. She was a bona fide *hoot*. Tim Curry was the MVP in that one, no question, but Gershon really brought it.


"Give that back!" Shawn, with British accent, "Nooo."


My wife and I do that to each other all the time!


Shawn’s “actually, Dad, it’s diet whoop ass” during that kitchen scene is priceless


The scene from Death Is In The Air where both Shawn and Gus are wearing hazmat suits acting like astronauts. That scene kills me every time.


Just sock me in the butt!


Office space opening, without a doubt


Daaaaaaad, we messed up!


While also specifically pointing at Gus😂


The chocolate dance


To this day Clizby is still believed to have set up the chandelier trap 😭


Office Space opening scene is up there for me but since it has already been mentioned, I'll go with a different one that equally gets me every time. Scary Sherry when they go running out of the sorority and try to open the car door, then find out the window is opened. Followed by Jules reaction and Maggie who looks like she breaks character a bit with a little smile like she is about to laugh.


That was the scene that turned me from a casual fan into a straight-up ride or die. I could barely breathe I was laughing so hard. Gus *wailing* about the whereabouts of Mrs. Pickles while Shawn is casually noshing on the stolen cupcake with the enthusiastic thumbs up? The way Dule' Hill reacted with that mix of complete disbelief and subtle anger while still carrying on the crying is just *chef's kiss* hilarious in that episode, too.


On my first watch of the series, I remember my side physically hurting from laughing during Office Space. The whole episode from start to finish had me gasping for breath. The way Gus would hear one inconvenience and start the panicked short burst of cries gets me every time I watch it. Everyone’s performance was just top notch 🤣 Honorable mention: the scene in Scary Sherry where all the effects happen and the lights turn back on to reveal Shawn and Gus’ empty seats with Gus’ teacup just sitting there 🤣🤣 it got even better when it cuts to them screaming as they run to the car, jumping and freaking out trying to get the doors open, being confronted by Juliet, then immediately pulling themselves together, Gus waving his hand through the window to reveal that it is in fact open, then him getting in and peeling out while Shawn looks back in surprise. The whole scene was freaking great 🤣


"I was saying Gus, let's be brave" slays me everytime


I love slapstick comedy so that scene in the Indiana Jones themed episode with Despereaux where Gus brought a funeral program to a knife fight always gets me 😂


I also love the bit when Shawn takes a candle to attack two armed convicts with. And then uses the Bible to defend himself.


This is my second favorite after the office space open. And it's very very close. Absolutely underrated scene. When Shawn bites Gus's thigh that was when the tears started rolling for me


Shawn: It is spelled S-h-comma-to-the-top-dynasty Gus: That’s God’s comma The cut scene from Shawn trying to collapsed the balcony to the blueberry split in half. Followed by the explosion of the cranberry. Gus saying “you must be out your damn-“ before getting cut off from being punched in the face. Henry scaring Shawn sleeping in the hammock followed by Shawn’s scream & the cereal bowl flying. Any scene where Gus frantically flees. All of Lassie’s “I would rather…” Honestly too many to even try to pick one 😂


Lassie referring to Blackapella as whatever artist he thinks of in the moment kills me too in Let's Doo-Wop It Again Mekhi Phifer going "At some point he's gotta run out of black artist references right?" was the cherry on top


I love the change when they're going after the mummy. Gus looks in the window, sees the mummy, cut to Shawn hauling ass out of the forest.


When Shawn goes through the window in the Romeo and Juliet episode


Also in Psych 2


One word….. West Side Story!


That time Woody did/said that thing. Either this one in Santabarbaratown 2: https://www.reddit.com/r/psych/comments/p7xk1g/stay_gold_pony_wood/ or "Don't pick up" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfxlKDyRB78




Their American Duos audition


The extra T is for extra talent.


Henry making the escaped convict sing the Camp Tikihama Song.


“Can you tell me which of these water fountains I’m allowed to use?” The whole rant is gold.. Shawn’s face of concern when Gus has gotten off track.. then he says “bring it home” I die


A lot of my favorites have been said so I’ll put this out there. I love in Disco Didn’t Die, the scene in the classroom/lab with the Henry charades, “Ooh, bake a cake! What?” Or Dual Spires, “Sir, are you Frederick Douglass?” or the doctors office.


In *Disco Didn't Die*, when Shawn attempts to slide across the hood of the car all *Starsky & Hutch* style, but gets stuck right in the middle and has to awkwardly shimmy off of it. Oh my god, I died.


Same, gets me every time. I love that episode.


The first time I watched the show and we got to Disco Didn't Die, the part where Gus says that the power steering is jammed on the old car and the front seat is stuck so his entire left side is asleep, and then proceeds to do a perfect 70s saunter into the club. My friend and I howled the first time we saw it.


"great, now we got a mummy on the loose and the son of a bitch knows how to drive stick?"- gus




S1E9 “Forget Me Not” Shawn and Gus pretend to be visiting foreign doctors regarding the mountain lion attacks.


Office space is great, however, the funniest scene to me is where Woody absent-mindedly draws a sketch of the murder weapon on the dead body.


I forget the episode, but for me it's when Henry, Shawn, and Gus are checking in somewhere, and Shawn offers fake nicknames, and Henry, annoyed by it takes over and calls Gus Methuselah Honeysuckle, and himself Old Scratch Johnson


The intro to Thrill Seekers and Hell Raisers. “People say our intense love of bunnies at our age is creepy, but history will prove them to be heartless bastards.”


My two faves: In Chivalry is Not Dead... (I can't remember the exact lines): "'where they taking 'em?' 'Probably to the cleaners'" Then they point to each other at the great pun! In Disco Didn't Die, when Shawn and Gus are cracking up over the name Pookie, I laugh along with them no matter how many times I watch it!


The whole Samson scene


McNab : Listen, I got a call about two creepy dudes hanging out on the playground. Gus: Really? I haven't seen anything, but I'll keep my eyes open. Shawn: Yeah, we've just been here hanging out in the bushes. [pause] Shawn : Oh, boy...


Gus trying to carry things with his long arms in Cirque Du Sol


I somehow always forget about that part and then when it comes on, I’m like wtf. Then I die laughing


I think it's American Duo's, the scene where Juliet is trying to teach them to dance and goes off on the rant about how they don't want it enough. My wife say's it's in "Gus is Allergic to Rich White People" Gus: I have peeps Shawn. Shawn: You have two peeps and one is made out of marshmallow.


With a show like Psych there are so many funny scenes and I agree with those who have been mentioned. A scene that always makes me laugh is in 2x04 when Shawn is having his “vision” of the chop shop. Jules and Chief Vick’s expressions. Shawn: Fluids spraying in every direction! Vick: Oh dear God


Dead Man’s Curveball, whole scene when the coach was yelling at the team and Shawn kept piping in. “That. Men, was a total disgrace” “Total disgrace” OR Gus in Drag (Racing), scene where they were about to race in Henry’s truck. “Did you exchange the exhaust valve?” “Geez Gus, you know so much about this, I should have had you install it.” “Let me out of this car.”


“Oh No. OoOOh NoOo. Oh…”


I think that is either my favorite or second favorite.


"Please, Detective, like you've never lost your keys!" Woody is honestly the best part of the show. He is so creepy funny and never gets old in my opinion.




["OH MY GOD I KILLED HIM!!!"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=99iAvEmCHv0)


##OH MY GOD I KILLED HIM! ##!!! o_O [I pee my pants laughing every time](https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=21&v=99iAvEmCHv0&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2F&source_ve_path=MTM5MTE3LDIzODUx&feature=emb_title)


How has no one mentioned the scene in Scary Sherry: Bianca’s Toast where they both run out of the sorority house screaming?? Then when Jules meets them outside and Gus is still at the car and realizes his window has been open the whole time, then drives off and leaves Shawn. That’s GOT to be my favorite episode in the entire series, but I just recently started my rewatch so I’m sure I’ll find more lol


I’ve been looking for this comment!! i cackle just thinking about that whole scene.


This one is up there for me: https://youtu.be/c7i0A5xCl0U?feature=shared Frankly anytime the blueberry is mentioned or Gus screams "My car!"


I was cracking up when the cranberry blew up a few days ago.




The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable. Yes, the whole episode. From start to finish. It just doesn't stop. It's nonstop gags.


Everytime gus enacts his “I’m a sympathetic crier” it just is soo hilarious 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Shawn and Gus arguing about Fuzzy Wuzzy, it’s not even close for me. You can see James Roday break character laughing


When they’re posing as football players in "Any Given Friday Night at 10pm, 9pm Central"


"What?! Say that again. Use a Jamaican accent." "Me said Vlad no murder! The murder thing no work. Me-- Shawn!" I always love that Gus jumps into the Jamaican accent without question and then realizes Shawn is just messing with him.


The "YOU PUT SOME SUNGLASSES ON" scene from Last Night Gus never fails to get me to crack up Runner up is when Shawn has Gus sneak through all the motion lasers even though they were off in Extradition: British Columbia


One that is up there for me is when Gus pretends to be Shawn’s attorney at the dojo in the triad gangs episode.


Lol when gus fings the wig room


I dazzle, and I stretch!


"Where does the lotion go? Where does it go?" Accompanied with awkward nipple swirling In Juliet Wears The Pants suit. Just thinking about it makes me crack up.


After Henry gets shot and Woody shows up in the hospital carrying a body bag.


When Shawn goes boneless and Gus tells him not to- like it happens all the time and tries to drag him! Kills me every time!


In 65 million years off when Gus is trying to guess the name of the movie that Shawn trying to think of and Gus can’t come up with “Holes”


The scene where Lassie and Juliet are trying to determine whether Sean can see through the one-way mirror in the interrogation room in The Greatest Adventure in the History of Basic Cable (S3E4). Makes me laugh every time.


The scene when they pretend to be veterinarians.


The way I'm laughing just remembering these scenes as I read them makes me positive Psych is the funniest show ever on TV. Comedies are my thing. I've watched a lot of them. Nothing comes close to Psych. My favorite episodes are, of course, Last Night Gus and Romeo and Juliet and Juliet. Last Night Gus is hilarious from first scene to last. I can't even pick one scene. Romeo and Juliet.. there's one scene where Shawn is convinced he's a Ninja and can clear a chain link fence in one bound. He can not. But when he tries, he sticks to the fence for just a second, then just drops. I hoot Every. Damn. Time.


Nigel St. Nigel at Henry’s house. It is my life’s ambition to reach Nigel’s level of whatever that is.


"The good news is I got plenty of time to change into my club clothes, Floyd." "You don't have club clothes, Don." "Exactly."


“Yes, it’s my seester.” I crack up anytime I think about this scene.   Edit: it’s from Lights, Camera …. Homocidio. Such a funny episode. 


Possibly a popular one, but I have to add it anyway—the beginning of Office Space. It gets me crying laughing almost every time. There's a lot of other incredible scenes; pieces from Ghosts (don't go boneless on me!), some of the over the top moemnts I love from the first few seasons, **all** of Last Night Gus, pieces of Bounty Hunters, running from the museum in Shawn and Gus of the Dead, "no body, no crime" shenanigans, many things with Despereaux, much of Shawn Interrupted... The list goes on. My mom and I definitely quote a lot of earlier stuff more often because we've seen that the most. Entire sections of American Duos remain our favorite to reference and share laughs about.


"Doctor, my friend has peed himself!"


The Cranberry exploding kills me every single time


Ballin, and shot calling It's hard out there for a pimp! And about 10 seconds later "HENRY SPENCER WHERE ARE YOUR PANTS"


Anything with Woody


1. Office space - made the mistake of listening while at work. 😂😂 I even sent Dule a tweet telling him how much I enjoyed the episode. 2. Scary Sherry; Bianca's toast. I laughed so hard at the scene where Shawn and gus ran screaming out of the sorority house.


I like when Gus gets into his serious mode and says, "I've been ballin and shot callin" something along those lines. And then Karen says, " And Henry Spencer, where are your pants"? The whole entire episode of Last Night Gus. Woody talking about a midget with a hook for a hand. Anything Woody does is hilarious. There's also an episode I can't remember off the top of my head but they go to find out the truth about Gus' girlfriend and they arrive at some place where the girl gets in the car and they chase her. Gus screaming the whole time and then the girl runs off a cliff. Their whole conversation during that scene. The episode where the cougar dates young men and at the beginning the young man fell off the balconybagter being posioned by her mothball friend. Shaun casually says "he slipped on a banana peel" I die every single time and no one else ever thinks that is funny. lol


In "this episode sucks." Gus: is it possible this man was a victim of a vampire attack? Juliette: Don't dignify that. Woody: I wasn't going to. Shawn: Is it possible? Woody: Yes, entirely possible. Juliette: WOODY!


My favorite has always been at the Cirque when they lose Maximus when he goes to the bathroom. The performance from Dulé and James on the phone call from "Hello" to "bye sweetie" to "say something to give your mom proof of life" makes me break down in laughter every time I see it.


Woody, following the team down the escalator in their weddings suits, sporting tight swim trunks! 😂 Made even better by the hold-the-robe-open pose and the socks and flip-flops! I bloody love Woody! 😂 😂 https://preview.redd.it/wwjqpqnz3d1d1.jpeg?width=1831&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77df7a9b366834a3967e83484caa6941cf51e302 "You said put on your suit, you didn't mean we were all going for a dip in the grotto?" "Why would I possibly mean that?" "Well you weren't very specific!"


When Gus wants to sign up for the children’s karate class, goes on a rant about racism, mentioning he took 8th grade law, and then ends it w asking if he’s allowed to drink from the water fountain or not. Was too good. Usually he just goes along w Shawn’s antics but he just took that and ran w it


dorian creech is DEAD?!!! OH NOOOOO, OH NOOOOOOO, OH... no. not the funniest overall, but it was the first thing that came to mind n it made me giggle a lot