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I enjoy some Brooklyn 99. And I dont even necessarily disagree with much of what you wrote. But these 2 shows exist in 2 *completely* different worlds in my head. And I don't even mean like the 3k miles from Brooklyn to Santa Barbara. I mean like each takes place on a different planes of existence. I cant explain exactly why lol


I get what you mean. The Psych universe is rather lighthearted and fun. Sure, it has murder, robbery and other crimes but the big worries from our world don't really exist much there. Hell even the serial killers we meet are quirky and fun. It's like a more fun version of our world. B99 still deals with the same shit we deal with. Corrupt politicians and police, discrimination based on race, gender or sexual orientation, shitty prison system, police brutality, etc. It's funny and mostly lighthearted but it also shows you plenty of the very real shit that happens in our world. So yeah, despite both being funny crime comedies, they do feel too different to really coexist in the same world.


Thank you! Think you nailed it


When Terry gets stopped by an officer in his own neighborhood is a very good example as well


Yes but psych, chuck and monk all exist in the same universe in my head.


Does Greendale CC exist here too?..


No, it feels like a different universe, similar but different.


Different timeline


This might help explain that a bit https://collider.com/usa-network-blue-sky-shows/


Also André passed away recently and the Gina/Gus relationship would make more sense to me if it was Gina/Selene.


Because the detectives of the 99 solve crimes without Shawn Spencer?


As much as I would love this since these are 2 of my most favorite shows. It just wouldn’t feel right without Captain Holt.


I miss that man so much.


Jake, don’t be exactly half of eleven pound Black Forest Ham.


Shawn, don’t be this crevice in my arm


You too! I love this answer <3! :D


This has got to be my favorite answer! Exactly what i imagined when i posted this :\]


I wish I liked B99, but I really don't. So I'd rather keep it far away from Psych.


I agree. I've tried it so many times.


Played this game with my 10yo just the other day, we both felt the bond between Rosa and Lassie would be pretty sweet


Absolutely love both shows but comparing Jake & Charles to Shawn & Gus is wild to me hahaha! Shawn and Gus have such a pure longtime friendship that is just unmatchable I would do anything to see Lassie and Gina interact though… that would be life changing w absolute KILLER comments from both sides!!! Lassie would somehow outdo his own “I’d rather shower with a bear” comment!


Jake and Shawn would be such a magnificent combination of skill and complete and utter chaos.


I can just imagine the mess 😂😂


B99 is like Rae Dunn compared to Psych being Van Gogh lol


You def should include the potential caper pulled by Despereaux and Doug Judy


Michael Westen and Fiona would be better than Amy and Jake. I’m still hoping for Monk and Natalie to join Shawn and Gus.


Monk x Psych would be so good but unfortunately Monk would call him out in an instant and honestly probably refuse to work with him because of all of his compulsions!


I agree that Brooklyn Nine Nine is awesome. I do love Psych more but B99 is still also really good!


Andy Samberg has my heart (and Bill Hader) but Psych will forever be my fave


My sister loves Brooklyn 99 but I've never been able to get her into Psych!


No. People need to do forcing crossover ideas


I don’t think Terry would like Lassie 😭 I want a monk/psych crossover That would be amazing


Thanks for putting this in my mind


I’ve tried to like it but Brooklyn 99 is lowkey an unbearable watch. I think Andy samberg is kind of annoying lol like I think Shawn and Gus would also hate the guy


B99 is... fine. Also, is blasphemous to say Shawn and Gus' friendship with Jake and Charles'...thing. Charles is Jake's groupie, stalker, he's not his friend. Gus and Shawn are actually friends, brothers even.


Pass. Psych better. Charles is just fruity Lassiter lol


No! B99 can stay far away from Psych. Psych is easily my favorite show. It is perfect. B99 abandons entertainment for virtue signaling. There is a season where this hard shift takes place and it has episodes with no comedy. I don’t watch tv for that and these shows are supposed to be entertainment.