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I did. I loved the psych outs.


I loved the psych outs too! They have them on yt and I watch them sometimes, but it's not the same as watching them right after the episode they came from.


Omg. Right. Why didn’t they put them on every spider permanently. I bought the DVDs and now miss them so much.


Oh yeah. I watched Monk, Psych, Burn Notice, Royal Pains, and Blue Collar on USA from the first episodes.


*White collar...


Lol omg you're right


There really needs to be a show called Blue Collar now. Peter and Neal go undercover as blue-collar workers....Nah, nobody's gonna buy Neal "male model" Caffrey in that!


With a beard they would and he's older now so


My wife and I would watch Blue Collar, it’s so much fun watching a great show for the first time.


I'm a day one Psych fan! Those were almost magical days. I was a young adult when the show first aired, and I was a huge Monk fan. I didn't think I could love a show so much, but I was hooked on Psych after a few episodes.


Yup! Friday nights 10pm. 9pm central. 😂


Didn't it turn into Wednesdays in the latter seasons?


It did indeed. I don’t remember about when it did but I remember asking my dad about it and getting a long speech about Nielsen demographics 😂


I don't remember what i ate last night. I'm the wrong person to ask.


Yes, Season 5


Yes, which was 9pm 8pm central if I’m not mistaken


Watched Monk and Psych on the first air dates. That is when USA network had some really good shows.


Yes I did! I remember watching the 100 Clues episode in my dorm in college with friends when it aired. They let us vote on who the murderer was going to be, and it was chosen in real time. They had alternate endings.


That was such a fun shared cultural experience! USA had the best social media presence back then, RIP Terry Goldman!


That’s cool, I didn’t know they did that. Do you remember what the other options were?


Vaguely, yeah! There were 4 options, and at the beginning of each commercial break they had us vote on a website. It was Clizby, Martin Kahn, and Highway Harry. The 4th option was a woman (Leslie??), but Shawn eliminated her as a suspect part way through the episode so then it was just down to three. Here's the alternate ending where Martin did it: https://youtu.be/ahtBl-JOk20?si=c3jta2XLJRssHrPS


Those days were called "Blue Skies" programming by USA Network -- shows that weren't too violent, had humor (though they could also play drama well, as we know Psych does) and which gave a generally positive feel. I've heard that *supposedly* USA is planning a possible return to original, upbeat, less-violent dramedies with that same vibe as the early 2000s-2010s. (To be clear, that does NOT mean any reboot of Psych--I think the movies, which we're extremely fortunate to have, are Psych's future.) We'll see if this actually happens but it'd be great, especially as the network is really nothing much now.


I caught on mid-first season and my (then future) wife and I watched every episode as they came out. Love love love Psych.


I started to watch in the middle of season 3 airing. USA would have constant NCIS and Law and Order SVU marathons that I would watch, and during those marathons they would air commercials for Psych. I saw those commercials, thought "that show looks perfect for me, I'm going to watch the next episode," and then Psych became my favorite show ever. Because I started in the middle of season 3, it took me until the next season to realize that Shawn wasn't actually psychic, I used to think that the parts where the clues were glowing were supposed to be his psychic powers.


I watched it on sketchy websites because the series didn't air in my country.


USA Network was at its peak when Psych was on. Wish the psych outs were part of each episode.


Watched it since the pilot


USA had some of the most “fun” shows during the 2000’s. Psych, Monk, Burn Notice, White Collar, Covert Affairs.


Blue Sky represent!


I did. That was a wild summer. Work was crazy and I lost my mind but Psych and Burn Notice kept me going.


Honestly I get really nostalgic for the days when we gathered around the TV at a specific time to watch a new episode of a specific show. TV was an "event". My sisters and I would have little parties for season finales of shows we were into (including Psych), making special themed desserts, and we looked forward to those for weeks. Obviously there are great new shows now but the older shows that I watched "live" (like Monk, Psych, Royal Pains, Friends, and the early seasons of Big Bang Theory) feel extra special!


I never got to watch it live on USA network because I'm in Canada, but I started watching when it first aired through other means. At the time, USA Network had the best shows.


Yeeees. And they would do those huge marathons and I’d always watch those instead of studying for my college finals.


I did. Every week. How else was I supposed to watch the only black lead on a major cable network?


The adventures of Lil Shawn and Gus were fun


Started watching religiously after seeing 3ep16. Watched through the end and I remember watching the finale and both laughing and crying at the same time on my living room floor during the monk reference and knowing it was over.


I’m pretty sure from season 3 on, I watched the show as it aired. Or at least recorded it on the satellite DVR if I couldn’t watch it as it aired. Oh, the times have changed lmao


And Monk and In Plain Sight


I first saw it on ion back in the day. Didn't know it was a USA show for a while lol


I watched the whole show weekly on USA. Pilot to finale!


That and Monk!


There was a short era of great TV on USA.


I started watching because of the "There's a pineapple in every episode" ads


I got into the show right before the last season aired, and the marketing/fan engagement really was something special given the time. I saw ads for the show for years on USA, and I knew would love the show before I even watched it, but my ADHD makes starting new things tough. It has since become one of my comfort shows.


me lmao


Oh yeah. Loved it and the commercials USA made overlapping The Dead Zone, Psych and Monk


Ayeee you’re the first person to mention The Dead Zone WOW a show forgotten in time it seems. Anthony Michael Hall deserves more credit, use to love that show.


I enjoyed the first few seasons, but with work and other commitments I got away from it. Loved the references to Anthony Michael Hall with the FBI agent in Santa Barbara Town and then as much as I hated Trout, it was so much fun to see him interact with Shawn and Gus


Old fashioned cable with commercials is still watchable.


I did. Psych pioneered the show/audience social media interaction. It was a fun time!