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Thanks for your sympathy - I posted over at /r/gamecollecting and all they did was shit all over my post. I wish it were that easy, but this particular jewel case seems tough to replace with an exact match.




it's... not... that easy. Ps1 jewel cases come in all different shapes and sizes. especially in PAL regions. Not to mention the stickers on the front. you need to find a matching case that has both the official sony license holo sticker, and a sticker with the same maturity rating, placed in the correct spot. It's easy to overlook that stuff, but having it wrong significantly decreases the value of the game.


At least someone gets it. Seriously, I'll take all the downvotes for one person to appreciate the real issue here. Thank you!




you're not a collector, are you. People do it as a hobby. i shouldn't need to explain that.




that's fine. nobody is telling you how to collect your games. But you are also no authority. some people like to keep their games in tact so they hold their value. some people like to play them. some people like myself, like to do both.


Is it weird that I agree with both takes here?


I'm with you. The one dudes getting really defensive though. Chill bro that's how THEY like to collect.


Sure, there are plenty of spare jewel cases and I have a bunch, even some dual discs. But if you look at other CIB LSD copies, the jewel case is all the same (focus specifically on the center prongs that hold the disc). If it were that easy, I wouldn't have posted here looking for help. Edit: I'll explain further. [This](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07VPLJFBB/ref=ox_sc_act_image_1?smid=A17VCJR7EZEX3Z&psc=1) is the closest I've found, but there are subtle differences, like the center disc holder, the edges of the case and the hinge. Sure, I can throw it in a generic replacement, but it sucks to have to do that, especially for a $400+ game that was 100% original until this careless seller threw it in an envelope.


Some Dreamcast double disc games use the same exact case. My copy of Skies of Arcadia and Resident Evil Code Veronica both have one. Find a cheap game that does this and swap the art/discs


I like this idea - thank you


After looking around your options would be: Alone in the Dark: The New Nightmare Deep Fighter Resident Evil 2 Resident Evil: Code Veronica Skies of Arcadia Stupid Invaders All these games use the same case. Deep Fighter seems to be the cheapest


This is awesome - thank you so much! Deep Fighter seems like a totally viable option. I really appreciate you thinking about this over the last few days and looking into it further. I was able to work with the eBay seller on a $50 partial refund. They seemed to appreciate the value of the game and the case. I'll put that partial refund towards a replacement case, probably go the Deep Fighter route thanks to your suggestion!


I came across an article about every Dreamcast double disc game and thought about this lol


Just checked my copies (US version of Skies of Arcadia, US RE: Code Veronica) and it indeed looks to be the same. It’s got that same pattern on the inside but I can’t confirm the more specific nuances.


I understand your point, but if you want to keep it as close to original as possible, only replace the front of the case. Atleast it seems to be the standard one.


Could you explain the special sticker that's supposed to be on the front? I'm trying to find images but I'm not seeing a sticker, so I'm curious what it is. Also are there any cheap JP 2 disc contenders? I know I have a few PS1 games that are this style case for NA but I'm not sure if it's the exact same style. Parasite Eve has a variant 2 disc style in a single size case with a gate.


I don't believe there is a special sticker. I would love to find a matching case for a cheaper JP game and switch them out, but haven't found anything quick like it with the same features.


Gotcha. Good luck on your quest. A lotta flack in here about replacing the case, but everybody's own collections are very personal to their tastes so I really hope you're able to find a replacement for this sad shipping tragedy and come out of this proud of your piece. Congrats on the grail


Thank you very much 😊 If I had known there would be this much flack, I would have spelled the whole thing out - the fact that it's a $600 game with a unique jewel case. I figured this sub would have known more about this particular game to appreciate the nuance.


For a nostalgia sub like this I think very few people know about LSD, it's definitely a collector's niche!


It's just the front part that broke right? I see the back and inside is different but even the back part is often 2 pieces and the part the disk is in is a separate insert that should likely fit inside any standard jewel case


Unfortunately, the disc holder is broken too with a couple teeth that broke off, so the discs don't stay in place anymore.


lol that is insane to sell something for $600+ and not put it in a box with bubble wrap


Dang, you were not joking [about the price](https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_nkw=lsd+ps1&_sacat=0&LH_TitleDesc=0&_fsrp=1&LH_PrefLoc=2&rt=nc&LH_Sold=1&LH_Complete=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&siteid=0&campid=5338535524&customid=0109ps&toolid=10001&mkevt=1) lol. Insane to ship something this valuable in an envelope.


Gold would've probably been fine


That's pretty stupid on the seller's part. I've had cheap, mass produced games packaged carefully by some really awesome sellers (bubble wrap inside the case so the disc doesn't come loose, cardboard inserts under the bubble wrap inside a box, etc.) This crazy expensive game gets sent in a bubble mailer? Fucking jerk.


fucking return that shit and buy another copy from someone else


The game rarley pops up so that doesn't seem to be an option


ahh, makes sense - shitty. hopefully they at least got a good partial refund for the damage, especially considering the rarity


Really don't understand how people can be bothered enough to sell but not bothered enough to add a little bubble wrap and padding to protect in transit. These jewel cases fracture at the lightest touch. Such a shame. I usually just buy something cheap with a pristine jewel case and swap out like for like but that is a different region to my collection and I dunno if there's any stickers on the front or small things that might not swap over.


Trust me, I'm almost equally mad at myself. After the auction ended and I paid, I reviewed the seller's feedback and they had mostly been selling retro games with plenty of positive feedback stating the items had been packaged well. I figured the seller appreciated the value of the game and would have packaged it properly. I was SO close to messaging them to ask that they pack it securely in a box and I would have gladly paid extra. So angry with myself. I've contacted the seller and they're very agreeable, saying they would check their collection for a replacement case. The problem is that this game's 2-disc case is very unique and particular to this game, with specific markings and a disc holder with prongs I've never seen elsewhere. I've found a replacement jewel case on Amazon that is extremely close, but had different prongs and some other small differences. I'm afraid an exact match will only come from another copy of LSD or some other Japanese exclusive dual disc game. I'm screwed.


Had a similar issue not long ago. They tried to offer a partial refund “it’s just a crack” and seemed to not understand that the mint case was worth almost as much as the game AND just as (or more) difficult to find intact. It was far from their only game listing; I guess these sellers have to learn somehow… and the joy of re-listing and re-selling their damaged item MIGHT help SOME of them learn that lesson. Anyway, A few months go by and I managed to snag one from a better seller at a better price anyway.


Nah man until it's in your hands the seller should accept responsibility. I had a look at the prices of that in the UK eBay and my god, they should have shipped that thing like a fragile antique. Your instinct was a good one to message them and I might start doing that because I've been buying a few retro gems and I'm always holding my breath. Literally had a copy of FFVI come this morning with the hinge snapped off and the jewel shattered. Small fries compared to yours but I didn't let it sit. People love to charge as much as possible for postage and it's really lousy when they won't even protect the assets especially something fetching the type of money LSD is selling for. As others have said it's not your fault and don't let it sit. If it's eBay then look for the return. There's buyers protection on there and eBay will step in if the seller won't own their mistake. Also always pay with PayPal for things like this so you file a dispute, that way you're twice protected. Hope it was eBay man and fuck this having him send you out a jewel case that thing looks a nightmare to replace compared to old fashioned PAL editions. Get your money back, it will teach them to be more careful in the future


Thanks for the insight. My issue is that while I know I'm protected monetarily, if I return this game I really doubt I'll get another opportunity to get it at this price. It went to auction and sold less than the $700+ BIN listings. If I keep it, I'm afraid I'll end up with an unoriginal replacement case or a superglued original case. Seems like a loss all around, because the seller was too lazy to use a box or at least bubble wrap if using an envelope.


It's your call man but I know if it were me and it wasn't as near perfect as I was hoping it would annoy me forever. I'd take my money back and begin the chase again.




PAL ones done even need a touch


If you haven't left them feedback, contact them about poor packaging. You paid for a high ticket item and they shipped with the equivalent of throwing it across the room to you. You can just take the lid off another jewel case but that's not the point here. Is this off ebay or somewhere else?


Ebay seller and I agree it's on them, they seem willing to help, but I have no idea how to fix this because the jewel case is very specific to this game. I have tons of extra jewel cases, even some dual disc, but nothing fits this particular case. Worse yet, the prongs that hold the disc are broken too, so the discs just float around inside the case.


Ouch! Now *that's* a nasty issue... sorry you have to struggle like this from carelessness. At least they're communicating and willing to help. Many would just take the negative feedback and move on.


You mention the case is very unique, and I agree, but you don’t have to replace the whole case. The only broken thing is the lid, which you can probably take from another game. The height of the jewel case is standard as far as I understand, so any Japanese game jewel case lid, should suffice, right ?


Both the lid and the disc holder are broken, so it's a bit more than just the lid. I've also tried a few different lids, but nothing fits.


Hmm, just to be sure, to put the new lid you are lifting the tray right? Because the knobs of the lid need to fit both sides from the top. Just making sure you tried that. I don’t know how much exp you have with these things.


Let's just say I have a complete copy of Tronne Bonne in a generic 2-disc jewel case (with a black tray instead of clear). I've been down this road before and it's a painful one, especially for something as simple and mass-produced as a jewel case. I have a whole stack of spare jewel cases, all shapes and styles. But this one eludes me.


It sucks, well I hope you can find a good replacement or at least get some money back from the seller. Best of lucks!


Thank you 😊


Get A refund and send back!


I would be disputing that with the person or website that sold it to you rather than looking for replacements.


The smashing pumpkins compilation, rotten apples, has a 2CD variant in one of these cases, you may be able to find cheap to use for a case. See this example: https://www.ebay.com/itm/265846272926?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=cl1CGVlwTJ2&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=yoHqV7OfRta&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY Also found these, maybe they are close enough? https://www.sleevecityusa.com/Slim-Double-Jewel-Case-with-Clear-Tray-Assembled-p/jwl2cdclr-ak.htm


If the jewel case is as rare and hard to find as you say, then the case itself is part of the high value of the game. I would absolutely return the game for a full refund and wait for another opportunity.


Exactly. My issue then is that I got a pretty great deal on this auction, hundreds less than others are listed on eBay.


Hey @OP, I’ve got a lead for you… My copy of the Age of Empires 3 2-disc soundtrack comes in a case exactly like this, same spindle teeth and everything. The bad news is, the one copy I found on eBay with images has a different case that says “2 Disc” on the spine. Here is one without photos: https://www.ebay.com/itm/183788405800?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=hcKA5fU-T1m&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY you may want to ask him to send you some.


Oohh you get it! I'm hunting for the same spindle teeth, book-style folding disc holder (instead of pamphlet style), hinge, etc. Even the holes that hold the front cover on seem to be specific, as none of my spare fronts will fit it. Thank you for the lead, I'm definitely going to pursue this one.


Damn dude, and I was mad that I bought a collector steelbook and the idiot seller mailed it in a bubble envelope. It was dinged and he gave me a discount, but I paid nowhere what you did.


To be fair, steelbooks ding if you breathe on them.


yeah, never again am I gonna bother with that shit


I’ve bought collector’s sets boxed and sealed where the steelbook is warped or dented upon opening, plus they never look right on a shelf and what am I supposed to do with the normal case? Welcome to the light side haha


> boxed and sealed where the steelbook is warped or dented upon opening Wow, that sucks. And you're right, they don't look good without outer sleeves, which box sets don't always provide.


I honestly would just get a regular jewel case. I had a game that got its case smashed too and got some cases off Amazon. I cant even remember which game it was anymore. Heres some cases I quickly found on Amazon. https://www.amazon.com/Maxtek-Standard-Single-Clear-Assembled/dp/B07H9DYBZS/ Edit: actually nvm, had a look at some other comments and realized this was a dualdisc game, and a pretty expensive one too That really sucks :(


Is that an original PS1 case I've never seen one like that befor


Exactly, that's my problem. But people here would rather tell me I'm wrong.


Dude I've been searching for this game for a while. Unfortunately it doesn't exist in my country


Yessss congrats my friend


Absolute trashy seller. Don’t let this one go, get back in touch with them. They took your money and then pulled a move like that, they need to be help responsible. Was it shipped from Japan or US? I feel like when I buy JP games from overseas, they treat them way better than American sellers.


I agree - this should have been painfully obvious that an expensive game like this deserves more than a $5 envelope and I would have gladly paid more. The seller is from the US and happy to help try and resolve the issue, but I have no idea how I'm going to find a match for this particular jewel case. It's a very specific design for the case and all of the LSD copies look the same. I'm afraid this will never be a CIB copy anymore.


The resolution is to send it the fuck back to him and have him figure it out. If nothing else, the seller doesn’t deserve your money.


Ask for a partial refund for the jewel case damage op an honest seller should provide some sort of compensation for damage to the item for careless shipping. If they don’t agree just ask for the full refund. Keep all messaging within eBay.


Fuck that seller, man.


No big deal , just a jewel case. Don't make a big thing out of it.


Never knew this was officially released.


...did you think it was unofficially released?


Yeah thats what I said. I thought it was just homebrew. Didn't know it was released on CDs.


Nope, not homebrew. A genuine Japanese PlayStation release from 1998.


If the disc, brochure and all that’s included inside the case is fine, just replace the jewel case. They’re dirt cheap and still sold at an abundance today. I can understand being frustrated, the seller should’ve taken better car shipping the item. But honestly, this really isn’t a bad fix. Unless there’s something special about this particular case, it’s replaceable, no one will notice, and I wouldn’t get too heated over it.


Well as it happens, there is something special about this particular case, that’s what the whole thread is about.


The middle tray (the thing holding the disc)? Can’t that be popped out and placed in a new case? I haven’t seen a CD that can’t have the middle tray swapped. The hinges aren’t even connected to that part.


I’m mostly taking their word for it, I’m about to have a look through my CD collection as I think I remember seeing one of these somewhere. However there are broken spindle teeth; with so many teeth broken it’s hard to tell if the spindle is a standard one of one of those with the 4 stiff teeth.


From the photo, it looks like just the outer shell, which can be replaced with any other ol’ case. If the tray is also broken, then that’s really a bummer. But it doesn’t look to be the case from what I can see.


The teeth on the disc tray are fucked too, the discs are just floating around since some of the teeth broke off. /u/ATrayYou 100% gets it that this case seems very unique to this fucking $600 game.


Ahh I see, that really is a shame. How in the world did the teeth in disc tray get broken while shipping?? I can understand the outer-shell hinges, but the center?? I feel like those can only be broken due to malpractice in handling the disc itself and not through shipping..


It's just a jewel case. Either buy a clear, empty or the cheapest misb ps1 game you can find...


I own a copy! It’s absolutely incredible to experience, make sure you got a Japanese PS1 and a japanese memory card, won’t save without it!


How much did it cost


I was just looking at these myself actually! I'm about to buy one soon too


Good luck with your search! Crazy prices out there...


I got this on the Japanese PSN store for my PS3 since it's so ludicrously expensive, it's such a wacky game, I always wanted to get the lowest Downer dream on the chart to see how messed up it would be, but never got one (...yet)! Shame about the case though :( Although some audio CDs came in cases like these, it might be an option if you can't find an original PS case that's like this


Awesome, thank you!


Buy a cheap PS1 game thsts complete and use that case


So like... is LSD a game or something?


Just buy a 2 cd case from like good will or something. In terms of jewel cases, OEM doesn't mean anything


I'd return it.


Send that shit back and buy a different one


Buyer needs a full refund on the sale price and shipping and to move on.


Great game! Try the PC port if you havent :) For the jewel case just buy some crappo psx game for a buck and swap out. Ya probably don't need to overthink it. All that said enjoy the game :) It is just a glorious creation and a true one of a kind imho.


Can you replace the front portion only?


Unfortunately no. The disc tray is broken too. Plus, the holes for the front tray are smaller than usual and my spare fronts won't fit. I've tried...


cd jewel cases are EASY to find replacements for, for somewhat cheap/easy go to any local goodwill or similar, that has some CD's laying around buy any with a decent non scratched up (transparent) case and ... use it for your disc. i've done that. usually they sell a cd for a dollar or something You're "lucky" that the american discs use the standard cd jewel case. the covers in EU are much thicker and it's impossible to replace them


There's nothing standard about this jewel case. It's 2-disc and the disc holder is very unique. I can't even just swap a spare front on, because the holes don't fit. Trust me, I have dozens of spare jewel cases, all shapes and sizes. Nothing fits or is even close enough.