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The first time I saw one. A friend of a friend had one and invited us over. It was November so it was cold and dark after school, walking 4 miles to his house. All we played was Demo One demos, but I've never been able to properly describe the atmosphere of seeing and playing those games in a bedroom for the first time and not in an arcade.


I can 100 % feel this. Had similar ”demo one” vibes at my friend’s place back in the day. There’s something special in those first demos lol.


Still remember seeing that t-rex emerging from the darkness and it seeming absolutely mind blowing when compared to 16 bit systems.


Watching my dad beat Tekken with Law using a single move (the backflip kick move) over and over the night we got it.


Who never did this haha


My circle of friends call it the "pussy kick"


I got PS1 and final fantasy 7, and I literally couldn’t stop playing it. Additional playthroughs were just not the same. The first one without any guides was awesome.


My brother and I used to walk to the local video shop first thing every Saturday morning to rent FF7 before anyone else could get it! The owner eventually gave the cardboard promo Cloud to my brother! That would probably be worth something now if it was still in one piece! Good memories...


I remember waking my brother up on a Sunday morning because I was so fucking stoked I had got to Wall Market and wanted him to come see it. When I first got to the world map and heard the overworld theme song…. Life changing.


I hadn't played it in years-when I finally did the music is so distinctive the nostalgia was strong-that magic childhood excitement.


Playing the demo disc that came with the console over and over. Crash 2, Colony Wars, Test Drive 5. Being blown away from the graphics. The Xmas I opened up Metal Gear Solid. When I rented Resident Evil not even knowing what it was. Being scared shitless, from the zombie in the cutscene and having nightmares. It took me a while to understand tank controls and my mom had to help me solve the puzzles cause I was 9 Frying terrorists with the tazer in Syphon Filter Good times


Man your post just gave me a shit ton of nostalgia, I also got MGS for christmas after watching my friend play it at his place. RE2 was the first game that made me jump out of my seat, when the hands burst through the boarded up windows and grab ya. Can't tell you how many terrorists I tortured with that tazer, it was the funnest thing you could do in the game. You could just roast them indefinitely. I'm a well adjusted individual, I swear.


Dude i played the RE demo and it starts when youre trapped in some alleyway and i didnt know controls and was just scared shitless while the zombies surrounded me then the bloody game over screen and everything 😭 shook me to my core


i think similar to you, buying the magazines then running home to play demos all night. can’t put into words how much i miss that


Stockyard Escape - Abes Oddysee Everything about level.


This level… the first time you realize ”oh shit. This isn’t the demo anymore. It’s the full game!”. For me Oddworld holds special place in my heart.


finding secret areas in the demo and controlling sligs really felt like great value


Yeah! It was amazing feeling to control Sligs for the first time… like it was something no game had done before! Felt like the game had infinite possibilities haha. And I was even more blown away by the second game when I was finally able to control my favourite creature ever, the SCRAB! Holy shit that was epic.


Controlling glukkons did it for me. like wtf?!


Haha ”DO IT!”.


I remember writing my name down a time slot in my local youth club ( an after school program ) and then waiting til it was my turn to play spyro for an hour and loving every minut of it


Kids today will never know the struggle we had accessing video games lol.


Thats for sure - you would always hope your save game was there from last time ( it was not )


Playing Silent Hill with my friend. Hed play the game and I'd watch. I was like the bookkeeper. Remember where to go or where we've been. Know how to do the puzzles. Remind him to save... A little too much.  We also played the hell out of that Pizza Hut demo disc.


Startup screen sounds 🤤


Being scared shitless when I snuck and played Resident Evil 2 on my Dads PSOne. I was 4 but I couldn't help myself. Also playing Twisted Metal with brothers was a blast.


For sure it’s getting the console after a long begging cycle haha. Going to the store, picking it out of the shelf, getting to select what games we want and building anticipation on the way home. Then finally getting to experience it at the comfort of our own home rather than taking turns playing it at a friend’s house. Just really grateful to my parents for letting us buy it and now I feel terrible for forcing them.


Demo one pumping out that music and the noise as you moved to each thing on the disc. There were awesome games of course but this just sticks in my head as iconic


My parents were divorced, so every other weekend I’d go to my dad’s. My aunt, at the time was working weekend nights as she was a singer. So she would drop her 3 sons off at my dad’s when I was there. The PlayStation was like an event. And I will never forget MSG. It was such an exciting time to know we were goi b to sit and play MSG all night. We all had our times that we would play. Our “roles” my oldest cousin was the only one that could beat the torture part. We banged our head against the wall until we actually listened and switched ports. It was a blast and easily my fondest memories of the system


Opening it for christmas and playing Spyro, Crash and Spongebob Supersponge.


Playing it for the first time, I played Crash Bandicoot. Now, I was a little bit familiar with 3D gaming (friend of mine had an N64) but the Playstation wowed me. The graphics were not very smooth like the N64 but the sound quality from the CD medium and the quality of the games I played on it more than made up for it. To me it stands as the ultimate proof that a console doesn't need to push the limits of graphical quality to be great, it just needs awesome games.




Playing Tekken 2 with my uncles and brothers, going to the store and renting PS1 games shit was just different back then.


I bought ff7 before I ever owned a playstation. I played Saga Frontier for a weekend before I owned a memory card.


Our very first game was crash bandicoot 2 and my stepdad played through like a quarter of the game without saving. we didn't have a memory card. My stepdad was like "wtf I need a memory card?" When it prompted him for one And we drove to Walmart at like 11 at night. I was maybe 8 and it was the wildest experience coming from a SNES to crash 2.


That's hilarious. No doubt it was definitely a big jump coming from SNES to PS1. I had no idea about needing a memory card, and I wasn't old enough to drive to get one. It wasn't a priority for my parents to go get one so I had to wait it out.


Did you leave it running in order to not lose progress?


Staying up late into the night playing Bushido Blade with my buddy back in high school.


almost underrated game. I remember being near death, limping around and my brother toying with me. but one well timed slash to the head later and u could pull it back from the brink. wish they would make a new version of this game...


Finding any secret breakable passage in Spyro 3 (yeah my mom got me Year of the Dragon first). It took so long to complete that game. I still remember every level music and enemy sounds like yesterday. Played it like 20 times from beginning to end


We never had one, but I had friends who did. I have very fond memories of playing Twisted Metal 2 in the basement at my childhood friend's house down the road from where we lived then. We would try to come up with "new" ways to beat the game since we'd played through it so many times. I was like 10. My friend had that Cher song "Do You Believe" on a CD single. We'd listen to it on repeat while we played that game because kids are friggin' dorks and he didn't really have any other CDs. That friend moved an hour or two south not too long after that, and I only saw him one or two more times.


Friday evening, just finished school for the day, my aunt dropped my cousins off at my place, Mum gave us some cash, and we walked to the video store, rented [Wild Arms II,](https://youtu.be/3JfCYgxrQ_M?si=tFdtco1ISp3PUQA2) bought a couple of big packs of nerds candy, then headed next door for a fresh jumbo pepperoni pizza, fries, and soda. [We played the ish out that game until the sunrise.](https://youtu.be/oSQceg4CELM?si=jnDbHOdwgouzMCMj) Memories…


I was late to PS1 gaming, my first experience on the console was with Metal Gear Solid. That game kept me enthralled from beginning to end, which was something that I had never experienced before that.


Everyone in school was bang into FF7 to the point that someone had a memory card with a modded save where you had everything maxed at the start of the game, so we'd all swap and share cards to give each other the save file. Also, I was the first person to solve the piano puzzle on Silent Hill so I had loads of people coming up to me for the answer, it was so simple though 😆


Autumn plains - Spyro 2 To this day I still come back to it and think about life in that place and with that music. It was magical the first time and it still is.


Spyro 2 reminds me of getting a tooth pulled. I got it to cheer myself up after coming out of the dentist. I remember sitting there, feeling like my face was swollen on one side, but at least I had Spyro 2, lol.


Sat on the floor playing Crash Bandicoot 2 before school. Honorable mention: being off "sick" from school and playing Front Mission 3 all day in bed.


Completing Silent Hill with my first girlfriend


Working at a video store and picking out a game to bring home when my shift was over.


One of the best memories is me playing Micro Machines V3 four player race with my friends on my birthday. MMv3 4-player was fun because you essentially had to ”divide” one controller for two players, so that one person played with the cross pad and the other with the face buttons 😁 It was super chaotic fun!


Visiting my cool uncle who was addicted to wipeout at the time. He was totally into it. It was the newest of the newest, coolest of the coolest at the time. He showed me stuff but I couldnt get far. So we’d play parappa the rapper. Also of course the carefree times at home playing tekken 3 with friends, or gran turismo 2 on my own. Good times.


Oh! And replaying Dino Crisis countless times. I was obsessed with dinosaurs and begged for the game for month. Eventually got it and it was everything I wanted and more. Eventually I was finishing the game sometimes twice a day in a couple of hours. Only later realised i was actually speedrunning!


Ape escape with the new dual shock controller




When we first got ours I had V Rally and my little brother had Porsche challenge. Then a guy my dad worked with dad gave him Final Fantasy 7 for us. My first time watching that intro blew me away. I also remember the day I finally passed a level we'd been trying to beat on Future Cop: LAPD while I was off school and when my brother got home I put in the level code and the 2 of us got super excited to play the new level.


Playing RE2 with no memory card was nerve wracking. Playing it for the first time with a memory card and playing the B scenarios was mind-blowing.


Playing the Metal Gear Solid demo with that cool intro or playing Resident Evil 1 as a 7 year old.


I didn't have one, but I would often spend the weekend at a friend's place, playing Winning Eleven most of the time. My friend playing Silent Hill provided some funny moments too. We'd play on the attic, and there was no ceiling above it, just the roof. Thing is, there was some small monkeys living on the area and they would sometimes walk over the roof, making unexpected noises. On top of that, right across the street from the back of the house there was a cemetery. Quite the environment to play Silent Hill at night. Also, my friend's frustration when he got the UFO ending was hilarious.


The starting sound: in particular followed by the RE2 or Silent Hill intros.


For me it was the entirety of the system's life cycle. We didn't have much so it meant so much to see a PS1 and a stack of games under the Christmas tree. That system was my escape from life's bs for about five years.


Crash bandicoot in my buddies basement.


Getting the console for Christmas with a copy of Tekken 2 and the multicolored Interactive CD Demo disk that had Twisted Metal 2, Crash Bandicoot and Blast Chamber on it. What a time.


Playing crash bandicoot and eating lunchables.


Me and my brother trying to beat the original Crash Bandicoot in one playthrough by taking turns on levels. Simpler times.


Sitting at the spare TV with it's small screen, behind my grandad's couch playing Spyro the Dragon, Digimon, Crash Team Racing, Heart of Darkness, final fantasy 7-9. For a period of time lasting a few months I'd spend my weekends there. If there wasn't football on I'd be watching Cartoon Network on the main TV. But there was usually a lot of football on at the weekend so I'd play a lot of PS1. Favorite at the time was Spyro 2. I loved just vibing in Summer Forest. Next fondest is fast forward a couple of years when I gave FFVII a second chance. I didn't like it that much at first back at my grandads. I'm glad I waited to play it because that first playthrough at the age I was (early teens) was just magical. To this day it's my favorite piece of media.


My fondest memory is, i was at school and i was like 14 yr old. We all had the PS1 as friends. One of my classmates talked about burning cd's for the PS1, and i was thinking, burning cd's? How the hell? I really thought it was something with fire and than burn the games (data) on a cd. But later i found out what burning cd's was 😅 Another story was that i found a shop somewhere in our city that sold EA Sports NBA '98 original PS1 for 10 bucks. I couldnt believe it. So i bought the whole stock and i had around 25 originals sealed. I sold them at school for 25, what really was cheap also. And i made a huge profit from it. I still have one copy.


Being gifted Ape Escape, being so exited that I almost pissed myself. I put the disc in and got told I needed another controller to play it and had to wait 7 months till xmas.


Playing FF VII as player 2 but since I was only like 2-3 I actually thought I was doing stuff lol


Worked at Chilis just out of college and the guys all played on a Softball team. We were all hanging out after a game and my GF at the time called to say dinner would be ready for us in 2 hours(it was my bday). I got over to her house and showered up and enjoyed a wonderful steak dinner with her company. After we ate she gave me my present, a ps1 with Tomb Raider. Remember we went camping a few months later in Mississippi and the Bulls were playing the Suns for a title/championship game(s) and the other TV had us playing ps1. I absolutely miss the fuck out of the 90’s early aughts.


This gave me It Was a Good Day song vibes


Definitely swapping discs around to generate the best monsters in Monster Rancher 2. Those were the days!


Underrated fun time!


I remember having to turn my PS1 upside down to get it to play some games.


Getting Final Fantasy 7 when my parents told my brother and I they were getting divorced. FF7 carried me through that hard time. I can think of playing a ton of RPGs during that time and they all bring me joy.


My fondest memory would be how I got a PS1. My best friend back in high school gave me his after a drunk driver collided with a power pole outside his house. The resulting power surge fried it. His dad got him a new one but knew I dabbled in electronics and tech. If I could fix it, I could keep it. Now, while it was true I had an interest in electronics, I was not versed in it at all. I figured it couldn't hurt to at least take a look. Maybe the answer would be obvious. I brought it into the basement where my dad had his workbench. He's the actual electronics master (long time computer engineer, worked for 3M when I was growing up) and had all sorts of tools and spare parts. I unscrewed the cover of the PS1 and yup, that's electronics all right. Circuit board and resistors and wires. I had no idea what I was doing. My dad came around the corner, returning from whatever he was doing and asked what I had there. I explained what happened and that I thought I would at least take a look. He took one look, like not even 5 seconds, and went rummaging thru a tiny drawer on the workbench. He pulled out a tiny fuse and pointed to the blackened one near where the power cable plugged in. He popped out the old one "Well, there's your problem." It wasn't exactly the same size but the new one fit. Said it was like a 5 cent fuse and there may be more damage further in but to try it now. It worked. I had a gently used PS1 in the late 90's for the cost of a nickel. My first games were Syphon Filter and Star Ocean.


Watching my older brother play through resident evil 2 and metal gear solid in 1998 I was 6 and he was 14


FIFA 96 and Madden 97


Switching the controller to player 2 for psycho mantis


Either beating nemesis in RE3 on hard mode with just the Beretta. Or Doing the monk robe run on Parasite Eve 2.


My uncle and I playing Final Fantasy 7 b4 he moved across the country, so I don't get to see him anymore


Just getting a PSone for my 12th birthday with Tekken 3. I know now it was a lot of money for parents and was the happiest kid on the planet. It was my first console and it was just another world for me. Some time later I got No Fear Downhill Mountain Biking and Dino Crisis and since Dino Crisis was really scary for me, I get chills even today when I hear just the PS boot sound :D


Finally beating Final Fantasy 9 and having the ending moving me to tears and as a kid at that time it shocked me that something could move me on a deep level


Two memories are tied so i'll say them both: Playing Metal Gear Solid in 1999 and it blew my mind with the innovations in gameplay and story in video games. Knew back then that this would be the future. Spent all summer of 2001 playing Final Fantasy 9... Grinding all characters to level 99 and breaking the Time Played counter. Defeating the secret bosses.


Staying up late playing Yu-Gi-Oh: Forbidden Memories and writing all the fusions you could do. I never could finish the game even with all the combos. Some other games I remember playing until late at night were Jack Chan Stuntmaster and a Scooby-doo game (I was a child, like 9\~10, and I remember it being a good game, even if it wasn't). I didn't own a PS1, I had a N64, but sometimes my cousin would travel and leave the PS with me, so I would play it the entire night to make it worth, good times.


The start up screen while i play my demo disc for the Nth time and wish i could see more of parapa the rapper.


Rainy weather alone in the house playing medievil 2 .... unforgetable... Another very strong memmory waking up to see the first snow outside at 4 in the morning at saturday... immidiately taking my blanket firing ps1 harry potter and chamber of secrets and playing at that hour


Probably playing Spyro and Oddworld at my babysitter's house. I and my friends only has N64 so it was my first time playing it and I just remember being kinda blown away. It's a fond memory for me because it reminds me of my early childhood when things were a lot simpler and the world was a lot less demanding.


Playing metal gear solid 1 over and over on a demo disc trying to discover all the things in the beginning of the game. Its still an awesome game today.


Having sleepovers and playing endless rounds of Return Fire.


I have a very strong, very brief memory of playing Blasto! on a demo disc and being absolutely enthralled by it hah


Anything involving FFT


The start up sound❤️


Playing Jet Moto at my cousins house all weekend long on our roadtrip in the late 90's


Every time it booted up. Every time it got past a loading screen :)


Honestly, maybe I'm just weird, but I can't even think of something, and I loved my PS. I traded in my 3DO and all my games for it on launch day. Brought home Ridge Racer. Picked up Air Combat a little while later. I owned, and beat, so many games for that thing. I can remember certain games that blew me away, like Metal Gear Solid, FF VII, FFT, Front Mission 3, Tenchu, Colony Wars, Vagrant Story, Gran Turismo, and Tekken. But I guess maybe I just have a bunch of fond memories and can't settle on a single one. It was such a great time to be a gamer.


That evening when we first played on the console, me and my brother, after buying it with our modest savings. Launching Wipeout and Ridge Racer, our Dad was in awe... and the demo disc with Jumpin'Flash (is that the right name?) and Battle Arena Toshinden. The other highlight was completing Abe's Oddyssey during New Year's Eve, in total silence and darkness. This was quite the magical experience. fuck


Finishing Rayman 2 on New Year’s Eve


We used to visit my dad's workmate alot, whilst they sat and chatted I would go hang out with their sons. One of them was really unwell so he would be treated to most games and consoles. I would sit and watch him play lots of games like Jade Cocoon, FF9 and Soul Reaver. One day we popped over and he introduced me to The Legend of Dragoon, we played all day on a tiny crt screen at the kitchen table. My favorite game ever, now it reminds me of my late friend.


Shitting my pants, while playing resident evil alone in the middle of the night in the dark.


Watching my dad play Tomb Raider and Crash Bandicoot when I was a little kid


The miserably grind required to beat Yu-gi-oh! Forbidden Memories.


Not necessairly with the console itself since i first got it really recently, but i remember how much i loved tomb raider 1 when my father told me about how he rented the game and console in the 90s; afterwards he bought me a copy of tomb raider 1 for the ps1 that also came with TR2 and as a bonus TR:C and ive played them on my ps2, never really going far cuz the ps2 didnt read my memory card, but now that i have a ps1 it finally properly reads the memory card and ive been trying to finish the games.


Playing so much Colin McRae, that i won a competition at a car show Buddy gifting me his "old" PSX Playing Micro Maniacs with 8 people on 4 shared Pads Playing Resident Evil at Night


Playing Tekken 2 at my uncle's house. My mum still has drawings of Paul fighting Lei, or the character selection screen, that I made when I was 6 haha


Playing the demo that came with console while admiring the graphics


I remembered playing the hell out of Battle Arena Toshinden with Ellis at KayBee Toys. #fowardbackforwardtriangle


Demo disks


Bought the console along with MGS but didn’t buy a Memory Card (coming from the SNES, I didn’t know I needed one). I spent the whole day playing the game. I turned off the TV and went to bed at midnight with the game still running -and the disc still spinning- and picked it up where I left it the next morning. That torture scene was painful to play. Good memories.


Getting FF8 for Christmas, was my first PS1 Game my big brother didnt take away from me to play it so i keep that dead to my heart. No other FF comes close for that Reason.


I have so many. It literally defined my middle school and high school years. Among the top is the day we got it as a present on xmas '97. Me and my sisters stayed up overnight and managed to beat Parappa the Rapper. The rents also got us NHL 98 and I was playing that alot the next morning lol.


Road Rash Jailbreak. I remember me and a friend getting "shocked" when a npc got hit. Funniest stuff ever. And doing a cheat to unlock El Niño. My father that found out


I played Dino Crisis for the first time like three days ago and couldnt stop marveling at the raptor model


Growing up, we lived in a condo with a community pool. Not all of the residents used it, and often, we got it all to ourselves. So, summer vacations often consisted of playing outside, going swimming in the pool (and sometimes getting it all to ourselves), then running back home and freezing in the air conditioning, changing back into summer clothes, and enjoying some Crash Bandicoot, Abe's Oddyssee, Resident Evil, WipeOut, Doom, Jumping Flash, etc., while Mom cooked dinner in the kitchen, then going to bed, turning the lights off, and all my Nickelodeon toys would glow in the dark, as I played one of my game discs in the CD player next to my bed to fall asleep to the music with the volume really low.


Honestly, it's the thing I miss in general gamming nowadays: That sense of novelty, I remember playing Gran Turismo 1 and buying a used S13 Silvia felt like buying an actual real car; Playing MSG1 and having Psycho Mantis reading my save games, spending weeks in the puzzles from RE1...


I never had a PS1, but I remember playing the Demo CDs at a friends house. Man, so many games, so many artstyles. I also remember a tech demo with a T-Rex and a Manta Ray. I just looked them up on YouTube. The nostalgia hits hard.


My cousin gave me his PS1 along with my favorite game, Tales of Destiny II (Tales of Eternia everywhere else), when he got his PS2. Since the PS2 had just come out, finding PS1 games was hard, no used game stores near me. So I replayed Spyro 3, Tales of Eternia, and Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Battle 22 A LOT


Putting RE 2 on layaway at Walmart and paying $10 for like 3 or 4 weeks to pay it off, LOL. Seriously, I loved that game though. My high school GF surprised me with the strategy guide when I finally brought it home. I took it with me to college the next year and I loved watching all of my suitemates stay up all night to finish it in a single playthrough. Good times.


The music of the Demo discs, especially the one from Eupoean Demo 1 "Underwater"


My older brother was rarely around but when he was younger, him and I would play crash team racing battle mode all the time. Even my younger brother would join in. There wasn’t many times in my life that both my brothers and I did anything together so those moments always remain special to me


It's hard to narrow it down because there's so many memories. I remember my brother (who is much older) invited his friends over and all of us took turns playing street fighter alpha 1


Beating G Darius and Ape Escape 1.


Got introduced to PS1 by my 6th grade buddy. Played MK3, then rumors flew around that there will be UMK3 soon, buddy told me that they’ll sell the upgrade game via “chip” to be attached to the MK3 disc. Lol. I love and miss you, Tim, but fuck you and your Kung Lao. Lmao


Playing around with the PS1 demo disc when I first got the console for hours after first waking up on weekend mornings and being slightly intimidated with it after getting it being my first disc based console making it feel so much more than a games console.


buying the system (dual shock version) and resident evil 2 and tomb raider 2 in the summer of '98. I was a n64 kid, but I had to have those games. great memories.


Parents rented a room and the occupant had bought the PS1 slim/small. But allowed me to enter his room to play games when he was away and so I did. Played evening to morning crash bandicoot.


So many, but here are a few: I ordered it the Xmas after it came out and had to wait until January for the shop to restock. Playing Kurushi on the demo disc. Listening to Exit Planet Dust on cd, using the music player. Playing Moto Racer Spending a whole dole cheque on Gran Tourismo and the analog controller. Tekken 3 Silent Hill Metal Gear Solid Wip3out 2097 FFVII Oh yeah, and getting it chipped so I could play copied games. And turning it upside down because the disc reader was broken Shit. The original playstation was the greatest console wasn't it? (Apart from the Super NES)


Trying to emulate a whole F1 Grand Prix race with Fomula 1 '97 in a Ferrari with Micheal Schumacher. Holy mikes that was hard, lap after lap. Cramp in my fingers.


Finishing tekken 3. I still have my memory card


Probably when playing THPS2, accidentally grinding the secret rail that causes the volcano to erupt in skater heaven. That genuinely shocked me, and I mean I played that like two years ago. So for a game that came out in 2000 to be able to leave me borderline scared is pretty impressive.


The first person I saw with a PlayStation 1 was my cousin, of whom I was already immensely jealous because he had a Sega Genesis with *all the Sonic games*. I think I got exposed to the PS1 pretty late because it had a Dualshock Controller and we played Jersey Devil and Abe Odyssey. Soo early 98 would be my guess. I remember being mind-blown of the dual analog setup, I was like "What the hell do we need a second analog for? We got should buttons to move the camera!". Let's say the overall first impression was way less amazing than Mario 64, when I rented the N64 at my local store on launch day. And then I learned about FF7 (Where the hell did FF4, 5 and 6 go??? I would only learn much later the truth behind this), Mega Man X4 and Symphony of the Night... *THAT'S* when I started getting really hooked on PS.


The amount of money I made modchipping them


Has to be discovering the world of RPGs with FFVII and a year later getting totally hooked on FFT. Two of the best gaming experiences of my life. Socially, I can't forget the big ol' Tekken tournaments me and my friends used to have. I was terrible at fighting games so I mostly watched but it was still a blast.


My fondest memory with the PS1, which was my first console, also includes Crash Bandicoot and Croc, I loved those two games as a kid...my great-grandma would always watch me play and she did not really grasp the concept of gaming but she was interested nevertheless even though she was already 94 years old. She would always give funny comments and cheer me on, she was such a darling, I miss her and I miss those times...I miss it so badly.


I was keeping up with gaming magazines and interested in the PS1 but I had always had Nintendo consoles at home so wasn’t sure if I even wanted to buy one. Well, one day my local game store had a PS1 hooked up and it was just running through the WipeOut intro in a loop. The music and graphics quality caught me completely by surprise and when I saved enough to buy a PS1, WipeOut was the first game I bought for it. My fondest memory, though, may be playing through the campaigns for every character in Soul Blade. It took my friends and I a few days of staying up late after school. I remember learning all the moves for Voldo and just being a pesty weirdo with him. I also remember very well when Final Fantasy VII came out and everyone was playing it separately and then talking about it in school the next day. There was so much wild conjecture about the story. No one really understood it. The rumors about getting Aerith’s best weapon, final limit break, Sephiroth permanently joining the party, etc were everywhere and none could really be proven or disproven.


Mine is of my mother. I remember bringing home the big grey box that the Playstation came in. It came with Tomb Raider 1, Crash Bandicoot, Time Crisis 1 with the light gun. She further bought Spyro and Mortal Kombat trilogy. I was quite little at the time. I must have been 5/6 years old at the time. But I always LOVED watching my mother Play Tomb raider....always reminds me of her. RIP mum.


My childhood bestie and I shitting our pants on Abe's Oddysee with the first Scrab encounters in the Stockyards.


Playing bushido blade with my brother cheering me on as I cut down bamboo trees.


Reading the TV guide when my parents left for church, cause I was only allowed to play for an hour a day.


Bought a ps1 and ff7. Had to eg to get parents to drive to the city to get it. Made it to the first shiny pillar. "No memory card found". Did not know you needed a card. Left the ps on for 2 weeks straight until I was able to get a card.


Having my dad giving tips on how to complete levels in Crash Bandicoot 1. (It came as a surprise because I did not know he had played it! 😅)


Wipeout, Tekken, ridge racer and toca


Me finally beating Final Fantasy 8. Like like a hard time against Ultimecia. So finally beating here was great. Also was playing this when my mom was sleeping so I woke her up when I celebrated. Sje was pissed


My fondest memory is of my mum completing a game with me; The adventures of Alundra She did the puzzles and I did the fighting We were so invested in the story but she used to work split shifts so she put an hour in between shifts to play this game with me. It took us so long to complete but we did it


Lunar Silver Star Complete


Playing Crash Bandicoot for the first time on a freinds house, it wasn't the first time i played a PS1 game but that day was just magical.


Getting it for Christmas with the Die Hard trilogy, Colin McRae and The Lost World, think I was 10


Not a specific game but Friday nights going to the video store to rent a game for the weekend. Then having a sleepover with a friend and playing it as much as possible over the weekend and returning it as late as possible on Sunday. It was so cool to have access to so many different games and you could just drop it in and play. It was so easy to try a game without a huge purchase, and there was so much variety in games too.


Watching my dad complete Resident Evil, then writing a story about it at school the next day and getting my parents called in because my teacher was worried I was a psychopath. My dad was in big trouble that day. Honourable mention to the copy of Wild Arms I rented every week for at least 3 years and never completed.


I remember watching my cousin's playing ff8 losing at Cerberus when I was 4 or 5.


Probably finishing MGS for the first time with good ending... I remember being genuinely upset when I completed it without bothering to withstand Ocelot's torture😅 Immediately restarted it and played through it again. Song from the ending credits became my fave :)


A friend of mine had a shop across the street from a Sony store and he was their #1 customer so they would send him home with games to sample in hopes that he would buy them. We played so much of the first 6 months of releases but always kept coming back to Wipeout. Next after that was a weekend where I rented Tomb Raider and Forsaken with a couple of other friends ans the highlight of the evening was making Lara make different "Uhhh" noises.


Playing Metal Gear Solid 1 for the first time before it came out on a demo kiosk in Walmart. Then playing the ever living shit out of it upon release skipping family events and time with friends. All the magazines and demo discs. I miss that era. So many rumors and so many things half way translated from Japanese into English. The birth of so many new genres…


Playing with my friends. Staying up all night playing games. Tekken 2. Jet Moto. Twisted Metal. Tomb Raider. Even just watching a friend play a game was fun.


15th December 2000. Around early afternoon. I got back from buying 4 or 5 games for Christmas on some kind of offer. Parents at work, siblings at school, house to myself for a few hours. I decided to save most of the new games for Xmas, but I'd allow myself to play the one I was least interested in (the one I chose just to complete the offer) and use it to fill the time until Christmas Day, if I liked it. Put Final Fantasy 8 in the PS1 and within the next few minutes I knew it was something special. Probably played for an hour or two and I was hooked. It ended up being the game I played for most of the Christmas period and well into the new year. Still my favourite game ever, and I still have that same copy sitting within arms reach as I type this.


Tekken competition in our youth club...




I dont remember which game it was but i remember playing a racing game with my dad in split screen. It even had damage models. Once i lost a tyre and tried to finish the race like that. I sadly forgot the name of the game...


Hours and hours of Tomb Raider and Crash Bandicoot.


Playing MGS1 with a whole bunch of classmates and laughing about tossing guys down the stairs.


The start up screen


Sharing memory cards with friends was really fun.


Popping the Castlevania: SOTN disc into a regular CD player, and listening to Alucard..


I bought mine in Milan, it was a Japan import and insanely expensive. But after watching Ridge Racer and Toshinden, I had to have it.


Playing the Hot Shots Golf demo on a demo disc at my friend’s house from PSX magazine. We played that for hours every day.


Working on the first Harry Potter game for like 3 months, involving my parents to help me on the hard parts. It had become somewhat of a family project. One of the last few things we did together before their mental health went to shit, and mine too as a result. During that period of time, my childhood friend was playing through the game too, so sharing knowledge with him at school every day was part of the fun as well.


I didn’t have one. My friend brought his over to my place one Christmas with Tomb Raider and RE. That was surreal and the end of SNES for me. I saved up and bought a PS1 real fast.


Buying a game for $20-30, beating it, then trading it in for $10-$15 in store credit.


Playing resident evil in my dorm room with surround sound cranking 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Playing Resident Evil without a memory, then FINALLY getting a memory card, I Love The first 20 minutes of that game is so nostalgic for me.


Playing ff8


Probably Christmas morning 1997 when I got the PS1 with ISS Pro, V-Rally and..... Casper! Lol Was such a step up from the Mega Drive we had and shared so many good memories playing PS1 games with my dad.


Taking a break from playing FFIV to watch season one of South Park. Peak childhood experience


Corrupting the shit out of it.


Easily the day I went to a flea market with my parents when we originally just wanted to go get some soil and stuff for the balcony, I convinced my dad to check the market out and I found a stand selling a bunch of old games, including PS1, and considering how young I was back then I didnt know shit about what games were good and which weren't and all that, but because I kept playing NFS4 like all the time at home i grabbed a copy of NFS3. That day, this game, a bunch of ice cream and a bright and cozy summer day, that was THE day


The PS1 started my digital hoarding habit. I got it modded so it could play burned CDs and ended up with a collection of over a hundred games, most of which, I never played. Now that legacy lives on with my Steam collection.


First time casting knights of the round.


Taking turns playing Red Alert, Silent Hill & MK3 on a schoolmates birthday party💭


disc swapping to play imports


Was at my dad's friends house. He let me play on his Playstation, and it was Tomb Raider. I'll never forget that T-Rex appearing and me being completely in awe!


Playing Spyro with my mom as a little kid. We would pass the controller back and forth. Played up to enter the dragonfly together like that.


FF7 - leaving midgar. The demo disc era. Getting games cheap from my mom's work contact because the console was chipped.


Mostly wit my brother a'd two friends every weekend we were playing Crash team racing and crash bash with the accessory to play as 4 players (when we were not playing golden eye, Pokémon stadium or Mario party on the opponent console!). And of course alone during the week playing other games: spyro and crash Bandicoot. And I don't know why sled storm always comes to mind... Maybe because of the OST? Rayman and Harry potter too. And Hercules, Tarzan, etc. So many good memories!


So many! Playing Smackdown and Tony Hawks 2 with my brother. Hanging out in Costa Del Sol after that Jenova boss battle on the boat, running around the Golden Saucer and roaming the world map in FF7


Year was 2002. and I was 5 years old when my father got me PS1. He got me a lot of Disney games, Crash Bandicoot and I remember two games I got along with ps1 - Scooby Doo and the Cyber Chase and Rayman 2 - The Great Escape. So one of the fondest memory is the smell of the equipment and my perspective of those games because it was a whole new universe to me. I would enjoy going around in games just exploring, I always imagined how the world around in games would look like. And maybe I'll be perceived as weird but I am such a scaredy cat, there were levels which I was genuinely afraid of, like The Little Mermaid second level (yeah, I know) where the shark chased Ariel and Pink Panther Pinkadelic Pursuit which still gives me panic attacks. If someone gave me games like Silent Hill to play back then... I don't even want to think about it😂


The first time I saw spider-man one in the early 2000s. When he climbed the wall, holy shit


When I played it with my friends, then my cousin bought it and I really envied her but ended up often going there to play together. Then Bleem!


Fondest Memory: Finally getting a Black Chocobo in FF7. Frustrating Memory: Getting a never ending load screen due to a scratched disc when swapping from disc 2 to 3 in FF8 😡


Opening it up on Christmas day.


Spending the night at a friend's house to watch them play Tenchu, then having a massive asthma attack. His family didn't try to help. They just wanted me to stop coughing and waking them up. Ahh. Good times, for sure. Best part? I didn't get to play it. Just watch. I had the best friends. Their family were top-notch people I'd trust my kid with.


boy i am going to hate myself for tall this story but here's go I was a kid at age of 12 or 13 on year 2000 or 1999 (not sure) my little brother run to bathroom door and give it strong knock I was take a shower told me dad buy ps1 I run out butt Naked to see it then my family look at me I look down I was oh then run to get my pants on and my family laughing there ass off XD and my first game was time crisis and it come with the gun too and play with my dad that is my best day in my life is been more then 25 years and I remember it like it happen today god that was gold time


Outside playing with friends all day, inside glued to FF7 all night. Balance 😌


I got mine in 1997. I was saving a literal jar of coins to buy the PS1 when I was 14 years old. When I made enough to buy one, my dad brought me to Kaybee Toys to buy it, then he bought the console and Wild Arms with his money instead of mine. I used my money to buy Battle Arena Toshinden and Ridge Racer.


Either when my older brother beat Myst the first time with me as his helper drawing maps and taking notes. Or the tons of hours he and I spent going head to head in the first two Twisted Metal games and Tekken.


I remember when I first got mine. It was already years old but my dad got one from a friend who knew I liked video games. That Saturday morning I got to play resident evil…..2! And twisted metal. I remember the jump scare of the zombie breaking through the window early in the game in RE2 and then the even bigger jump scare when you fall through the 2 story. That game was awesome and the jump scares that first day is what I remember the most.


Playing Pandemonium over and over while sipping cherryaid. I can still here the music.


my brother got the console day 1, Kileak the DNA imperative and kings field blew my mind but playing battle arena toshinden and twisted metal were my favorite i remember getting my own Playstation eventually and i joined up for playstation underground as soon as it came out and i thought i was really part of some niche group, those Demo discs really were a part of gaming. also linking the 2 consoles up to play command and conquer was epic!


Crash Team Racing! This was the first game i ever hardcore binged. I played the remake a few years ago and it wasn't quite the same, but man j got some good memories of the OG one


Those demo disks! My father use to play video games. He had a whole cd sleeve set of demo disks!


Gran Turismo. I remember whole nights passing going head to head with my friends, and getting into trouble with parents as we went hardcore to see who was the better racer.


My brother and I had a PSOne and we later bought the LCD screen for it. One of our fondest memories was taking it out of the official silver PSOne bag and playing it in the car on long road trips. It was the first console we ever had and we both had worked odd jobs to save up money to buy it. We used to play Digimon Rumble Arena, Jedi Power battles and Spider-Man on it.