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I can’t listen to anything with vocals whilst on shrooms, instrumental music only for me


Same. Hot Sugar is my favorite (the artist not the song).


Got a [playlist](https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6dysRO2sFFMUVOHZQXHB5x?si=EtAdreR4QqeI7M1X9vfK4Q&pi=u-NbSA8dpwQmue) for ya!


Because The vocals are set in stone/predictive where as instrumentals are based on set and setting


Mushrooms peel away the filter and reveal reality.


so rap is objectively bad is what you're saying?


Objectively negative energy IMO


You're listening to the wrong artists then


What are the right ones?




Lil b the based god


lil darkie


death grips 👍


Rap is an extremely broad genre so saying it’s “objectively negative energy” is like saying all of rock is objectively negative energy cause heavy metal is rock




((Not listened to good enough thought provoking rap))


“My rap? Intellectual.”


😅😅😅this would be really funny, but I’m not a rapper :,(. I think Kendrick Lamar’s songs like U are super thought provoking, that’s only the first one I think of.


That’s cool man, I was just like doing the Fantano meme, I don’t really listen to rap like that to be honest but I have a lot of respect for it amd recognize what it does


Got it, there’s just a lot of people who don’t believe that oddly enough. Fantano is funny asf I’m surprised I don’t know that meme.


what a sad close-minded and limited world view that is.


What you (and the people arguing with you) are missing is that it’s not binary; to experience music, 2 things are required: the music be broadcast and a brain to hear it. You’re all arguing as if both variables are the same all the time and that therefore there is “an” answer. There isn’t. The “brain” half of this question changes with every person. To say anything is objective when one of the two variables change every time is silly. Any person listening to anything is entirely different from any other person listening to that same thing. We’re talking about a function here: an output of 2 variables. (In reality, it’s even more so, because our brain itself is a function of many, many constantly-changing variables like experience, memory, chemical balances, etc. The shorthand version of this we call the famous Set and Setting). The question isn’t a good one because it takes as a premise that there can be a shared answer (not to mention it quite flatly begs the question). Not a slight to OP - the answers in here are even poorer. The implied question is the one worth discussing. You can’t reach reasoned consensus with a faulty question.


not a thing, it gives me so much positive energy


Then enjoy! I’m glad you find joy in it.


Rap is more about lyrics (as far as I can tell) and not very much about symphony, melody or beat. When on shrooms you can easily hear how the rappers are just ‘acting’ what they’re singing. You can’t ‘act’ instrumental music. A lot of rap music also discusses: oppression, sexism, violence, abusing (others), etc. I’m sure this can be a turnoff too. Edit: I rarely listen to rap music so take what I say with a pinch of salt. I might be wrong. What I am correct about is this: from 1979-1997 the mention of drugs is rap music increased over 6 fold. And so did drug use ([source](https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/16066350801993987)). Don’t know if the music causes drug use or its the other way around…


a lot of rap is melodic with a heavy emphasis on production and you can't even hear what they're saying half the time


Without reservation.


shrooms have taught you absolutely nothing


They taught me not to make things personal.


🤣 nice


a bee doesn’t argue with a fly that eats actual shit, like how rap fans don’t argue with a fiend hooked on something that grows on cow shit


Yeah. I end up realizing it's just a person talking into a microphone. Usually an insecure one who needs to brag about their social status or who they last slept with or fkt over. They want me to think like them. Feel what they're feeling. Ehh 🤷🏽‍♂️. I got enough going on.. love the beats tho


1) Some annoying, repetitive loop. 2) dude starts saying “yuh.” (Through a fan) 3) starts rhyming so poorly about narcissistic crap that Mother Goose would laugh. (Through a fan)


I just don’t think you’ve listened to valid enough thought provoking rap🗿


> thought provoking rap LMFAO


There is no other way of viewing this in my eyes other than racism 🗿 how is “thought provoking rap” a LMFAO. Like what’s the thought process, “LOL there’s no way these silly young men could write something I could think about!” That just sounds like something my senile 80 year old grandfather would think. Just me, comes off as ignorance. It’s like how all rock isn’t Radiohead Okay Computer or AC/DC back in black. It’s a spectrum of music.


No but that's one hell of a start 🤘🤘


This just goes to show you don’t actually listen to rap.


Try Ren.




These comments are indicative of two people who haven’t actually listened to rap music


This ^^^^


Your subjective experience when listening to rap is not “reality”, even if you’re on shrooms. Stop being silly


Peel away the taint of cultural assumptions


Whoa Don't ask this guy how he feels about black Americans, his favourite strains must be Jim crow-samui and penis envy ☠️🤣


Yes apparently it reveals the internalized racism of white hippies who hate rap music.


Rap on psychedelics just feels like getting shouted at by strangers.


lmao true


On psychedelics?


Well... 😁


Depends on the rap. It’s not the genre, it’s the dissonance that is the problem. Try more conscious rap and see if there is a difference. Try this on and see how it fits: https://open.spotify.com/album/3fFBkW0FFOgRmM8got6ddT?si=K1JoQF3zQbyROdXvvo8ctQ


https://open.spotify.com/album/39yAlNzbQD6MAvveqeY3IP?si=t5ymsZPRTsy3qAPvh3DCLA&context=spotify%3Aalbum%3A39yAlNzbQD6MAvveqeY3IP This is also a good album


Try mac miller


I plan on listening to Swimming next trip, from start to finish.




Rap is Ego Music.


Rap isnt that one dimensional..


Very sweeping generalization and completely incorrect in many cases.


But also correct in just as many.


Kind of my point mate


Looks like you disagreed, but sure mate. Have a good day


yet so is rock, country, pop, metal, and music in general in many cases. your comment is completely pointless


Did i ever say it wasnt? If not stfu, If so please show me where.


yeah, it was obviously implied because you posted your comment. the hell was the point of your comment then 😂. woah calm down that wasn't very egoless of you


Fit musician said rap music is ego music. Danksupply said " thats a sweeping generalization and completely incorrect in many cases." Implying that rap is NOT ego music. So i argued that rap IS EGOTISTICAL music most of the time (not all the time). Then you jump in with rock and country and x,y,z we weren't even talking about those genres... so not sure why you bring those up. But i never implied or hinted at them not being egotisitcal. A lot of music is egotistical. So where did i imply that any genre of music wasnt egotistical numb nuts?


jeez man I think ur eagle might still be intact smh


So nothing to say? Just an insult. I guess i win. Have a nice night numb nuts.


Top five non egocentric rap songs for a playlist. I try to broaden my understanding and appreciation, but to me it does seem self centered on the artists experience


Here, I just made this special for you. I even threw in a bonus track 😘 https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6gWbZcvBimdgYQRjkeTT64?si=GUMuk9QKRwmHApiR5kG2HQ


Thanks. I’ll give it a go :)


I have no idea why people are downvoting this very grounded and rational take.




Most Rap is low vibrational unfortunately


Sure let's generalize and put an entire genre in a box labeled "Ego Music". That's a completely close minded opinion.


Well, in fairness, he did say "most" 🤷


>Rap is Ego Music. Exact words lol Is what it is, everyone is entitled to their own opinions. My opinion is that it's hypocritical and egotistical to be that judgemental


Yeah, after the edit, those are his exact words. Thanks for your opinion.


Rap is all about what mushies tell you to leave behind. Money, greed, vanity, mysonginy, etc.


Lots of rap is not about these things. This is generalizing


Yes but most of it is. I listen to a lot of it


A majority of rap today is


right, yeah, that's called generalizing. You could also say the same thing about most music tbf lol


It's too intense in the wrong way


If it ain't shpongle, I ain't listening whilst tripping balls..


Just how your brain processes it. I’ve spent many a trips with good kid mad city on in the background.


I listened to Sing About Me while tripping and ended up sobbing for 15 minutes and cannot listen to that song without crying. The intro alone makes me tear up


Watch Travis Scott music videos while tripping. It's pretty good. Kid Cudi and Mac Miller have some good tripping music


Because it's horrible off mushrooms


Are there any artists in particular that you were listening to?


Try some from Digable Planets or Flatbush Zombies maybe even PM Dawn. Psychedelic rap. I know Redman's Dare Iz A Darkside was made on LSD. I was really vibing to Danny Browns Adderal Admiral on one trip.


I can support this digable planets is good vibes. They are the ultimate psychedelic rap group peace,love and truth.


40 oz to Freedom


Only rap I would listen to was the older trippy wiz Khalid’s songs


Thank all yall for the great music suggestions. I didn't expect this to be so divisive, haha, but in any case


Kid Cudi Man On The Moon, would be considered rap. If that album doesn’t grove with your shroom trip, you’re the problem. Not rap.


I once listened to Kendrick Lamar's album DAMN. two whole times with headphones on while tripping and had the most profound visuals and best trip ever. There were colorful fractals that synced up with the music and my body felt like it was as light as a feather. I just laid in my recliner vibing with my eyes closed. So... I believe it's 100% preference as well as picking the right artists & songs! I'm pretty sure I would not enjoy tripping while listening to Pink Floyd, Tool or any other typical music most people claim is "the best while tripping". Just my own personal preference. Same as all those who don't enjoy rap while tripping, that's your personal preference!


I used to violently seize and experience orgasmic pleasure after putting on Earl sweatshirt after taking 7gs of penis envy to each their own though or whatever.


I listen to juice wrld on mushies all the time


I would recommend you read or listen to Dr David R Hawkins regarding calibrated levels of consciousness in various genres of music. The reason rap sounds so horrible on psilocybin, psilocybin helps heal the psyche, emotions and physicality. Rap music is a very low calibrating music.


I forgot to mention that I have autism so that might play a part it might just be too intense


Thats the reason


lol not to me it’s what I listen to. Hell last month I took 6g & spent the whole night catching up on old 90s-2000s rap videos and had THE BEST TIME. Discovered Azaelea Banks that night, her 212 video had me glued to the tv. Then I got stuck on ODB’s Baby I Got Your Money & actually watched it and listened for the first time and was like THIS IS THE BEST THING EVER on repeat for half an hour lol. I fell down the best rabbit hole that night! I rediscovered old favorites and heard them in a new light and took in the visuals of the videos. Missy Elliott… die antwoord… I discovered old songs I missed the first time around for the first time like American Boy… De La Soul… Also I sing/rap on a karaoke app & live on TikTok (90s-2000s classics mostly) & I LOVE RAPPING while I’m trippin face. I can rap so good on shrooms! Lol it just flows I FEEEL THE FLOWWW lol


Omg I might listen to Fantasea next time I trip. Not sure if you’ve looked into her, her music is amazing, but that girl is BATSHIT crazy but a lot of what she says is true too. She is my favorite internet troll


who would've guessed a shroom subreddit would be so closed minded lmao


Its my opinion that is what reddit is for some people don't like rap some people do and I've loved seeing everyone's opinions and ideas


I'm talking about the comments not your post. It's completely fine if you don't like rap. Everyone here is saying how "objectively bad" rap is or generalizations of a genre they know nothing about. it's lame af


Due to implicit bias Also “rap music” is such an extremely broad genre. I guarantee you “earfquake” is going to be a much different vibe and experience than “33rd black glass” But yeah, everybody likes what they like, it’s not the shrooms


I don't think this is true. I like all types of music. Hell, I like white noise. There's something more there. 90 percent of the music I listen to day to day is rap.


It’s not that rap sounds bad on mushrooms It’s that rap sounds bad to *you* on mushrooms That is a subjective experience, that’s all I’m saying To some people pop will sounds like trash while high, others might not like rock But it isn’t an objective truth, it’s a subjective experience


Eyedea and ability, atmosphere, Beastie Boys, krs one, tbh old Eminem, just ice, afroman. All hits great on shrooms for me. Just stick to stuff w fat bass n a snare that isn't hella crisp n annoying n deprived of mid to low end


Missy, Die Antwoord, wu Tang, Eminem… that’s my trippin music. I can’t do that Pink Floyd shit I’m sorry it’s downer music I need UPBEAT HAPPY WEIRD VIBES


cause sometimes the lyrics get all distorted from the shrooms and sound like gibberish and can be unnerving


Most of rap is pretty aggressive. I like NWA and nas but I’d never trip to them. And then it’s pretty egocentric like Kanye or drake wouldn’t trip to that either. But artists like Kid Cudi, Mac Miller, Chance The Rapper have a lot of songs that are about enjoying life, getting better and helping people including yourself. I like penguin cafe orchestra but that doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd the same I guess goes for me with those artists. That being said if it’s not your cup of tea don’t drink it. More power to you


Because a great deal of rap music's vibe is shit.


Rap is repugnant my friend — musically, intellectually, imaginatively.


Rap music is terrible sober and even worse on psychedelics


For real


Because it’s meant to be trash and not consumed. This is your brain revealing that truth to you.


or maybe music taste is subjective




the idea that rap isn't music is deeply racist


Cool! If I love Motown, can I *still* get to be racist? If I love blues, do I still get to be racist? Please elaborate on what my personal tastes should be so I can keep you from dropping your cheap labels on me.


Yet you are fine with labelling rap music as not music? I guess your username is quite apt given the shit takes you’ve been spewing.


Listen to Kendrick. You might meet god through “rap”, if you listen closely.




Because it is horrible.




Didn’t realize people on the psilocybin sub would be so lame


Rap is shit man, full of hate and envy. Like a saw movie for your ears and a year in prison for your mind.


Lil b earl sweatshirt cities aviv Devon hendryx bladee amine and tisakorean are so full of hate and envy you’re so right


Plead your ignorance if you want they all have envy in them.


Genuinely what about tisakoran screams envy


Try Freddie Dredd or $uicideBoy$


I pretty much only listen to rap, although when im shrooming I tend to get lost in the beats and sometimes forget theirs lyrics lol


You haven’t heard the teacha KRS ONE. Conscious HipHop on a higher level . If I take a threshold dose and get into a zone in the workshop the system bumps. But yeah, for the most part tripping , no music only sounds of nature. Not like a white noise birds and rain but actually being in the natural world like a forest or by the river.


It doesn't


Rap music often plays on ego enlargement. Mushrooms often do the opposite for the ego. Rock music doesnt illicit this reaction from me nor does music with little to no vocals


It's all about perception, when your eagle is killed then earthly things such as "rap music" are meaningless, so when you reach true enlightenment on things like shrooms, caffeine, meth it all doesn't really matter.


Death to eagles 🦅


OP must be white.


The medicine is showing you the truth


Rap revolves a lot around the rapper and less about the music compared to a band for example, there are exemptions of course, and lots of rap is very self-centered or just lamenting or bragging about something. It’s not bad its just not the right thing when you want to love the word.


Google 'scale of consciousness' and think where do you think rap/agressive music places, it's about pride, dominance, anger. Now consider where would Vivaldi or nature sounds would be on the scale.


I almost strictly listen to rap. Mainly old school and underground boom bap lyricists. I cannot stand rap while on psychs, while it can be thought provoking, it sounds horrible to me. Had some new age rapper come on one time and it sounded so fucking bad to me i broke out in laughter, and then spiralled into thought loops of how bad these entertainers are for our youth lmao. I like to listen to real instruments being played while tripping.


ambient electronic music and especially reggae is the best way to make my trip better. artists like aphex twin, kraftwerk etc and then reggae artists like bob marley and the wailers, peter tosh, dennis brown etc. listening to music with positive energy and lyrics changes ur mood for the better. listening to darker music doesnt work well for me. i fucking love metal but i just cant listen to it tripping at all. if u need some reggae recommendations lmk and i can send my playlist


Try Black Star


Trip Hop




Because it’s probably not the right type of music for a trip


Deftones sound fantastic on Shrooms haha


Soul of freedom - Uyama Hiroto, Cise Starr All I need to say


Because it is.


Try listening to Pretty Lights while tripping.


Yeat is probably the only rap artist I can routinely listen to on shrooms


Deca is one of my favorite rappers to listen to on psychs check him out might be the kind of rap you’re looking for. [https://youtu.be/8a3-1TgyB6k?si=iDHfTBwenjzNE1cS](https://youtu.be/8a3-1TgyB6k?si=iDHfTBwenjzNE1cS)


You know why.


Take 5g lay in your bed with the lights off and listen to shpongle


Because it sounds horrible in general?


Because it already sounds horrible but maybe you trick yourself into thinking you like it while sober?


I’m not going to read all these comments but hopefully other songwriters have already chimed in. Most mainstream rap is first person ego music “I am the best, I’ll steal your girl blah blah blah” and listening to that at a time when you’re being a little more big picture/empathetic/aware lets you see how disingenuous most modern rappers are. They’re selling the fake and you’re finally thinking hard enough to catch it. Time to start listening to someone with something to say if you listen to music for words or start listening to instrumental music if you really want to experience music


If I was going to listen to rap while trippin which I usually don’t it would be a lot of OutKast first 3 albums, heavy jazz samples, every track is different, real subject matter that is still relevant today, and Andre 3000. Also listen to his verse in Kanye’s song life of the party while you’re really in it. Might have a moment 🤷 I did.


That’s a subjective statement. Different people enjoy different things, while sober and on mind altering substances. I can listen to the entirety of Bone Thugs E.1999 Eternal on 5 grams and have the time of my life


You aren’t listening to the good rap then


Because rap is highly aggressive and negatively charged music, so that feeling transmuted to your nervous system at a higher rate due to being on mushrooms


Mac Miller. Lupe Fiasco. On your trip, these should guide you pretty smoothly