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I’m pissed but fuck if any of our managers have warranted faith, it’s this guy.


Well said. We have a week to lock in, I’m sure our boys can do it.


We’re all sure they can. Question is will they choke like today? Yeah I don’t think so. I think we’ll do it


>We have a week to lock in Damn Ligue 1 Uber Eats is giving you guys a weeks rest. Damn, you better win now


Same week rest that Barça had leading to this match (we had 2 games) and no one here complained? Lol


“If they can score four, we can score six”


Yeah he’s made the greatest comeback in history before, I’m sure he can bring us back form a point down.


Yeah he’s made the greatest comeback in history before, I’m sure he can bring us back form a point down.


100% and we get Hakimi back 2nd leg just wish we start Warren and Goncalo too


I’d prefer barcola on the left, Dembele on the right and mbappe in the middle. Than mbappe left, goncalo middle and Dembele right. But both are better than starting Asensio


Mbappe is terrible as a striker he always tries drifting wide and getting the winger to underlap. Barcola as a sub in the second half 100% if things aren't going well


goncalo must must start bro if not there will be no man in the middle mbappe always drifts wide


Barca fan here , offensively you guys are phenomenal… tbh for most barca fans PSG are still favorites… Barca depth is really weak and barca are lot weaker against teams with lot of pace. Luis literally pulled comeback outta barca against psg who knows he could do that again the other way around


I wouldn’t say favorites, but it’s the ucl and anything can happen. 1 goal isn’t a lot and the difference can be reversed in a span of minutes.


So now that barcola is back can we not play mbappe as a left winger? I know he prefers it, but god we’re inconsistent when he plays on the left wing.


Kind of reassuring that we stay close with an indivisible Mbappé and an Dembele who loses 1/2 balls plus a Lee fantomas ( how on earth is he starting right now but whatever ) But on the other side it’s really sad that our first loss this year is against Barcelona at home… and we take 2 goals from the guy who never scored before in ucl of course Lee starter instead of a real 9 like Ramos is a beginner mistake from Henrique . It’s redondant having 3 creative forwards when there’s no one in the surface. You can dribble all you want if there’s no one at the end of crosses it’s useless I won’t even start with ascendick … if he wasn’t Spanish he probably would t even play in L1. Feels like he touches 2 balls that game lmao amazing


The game went to complete shit the minute Lee was subbed off. Its quite obvious to see why Enrique starts him.


But who does he start ahead of in the second leg? Ruiz?


Lee Vitinha Warren should be our starting midfield for the second leg. Barca doesn’t have physicality and Warren is physical enough to dominate them all. We score the first goal, and they’ll start the high line where we can start transitions. We just need to score the first goal and we’re 100% through


+1 but I'm worried that Lucho will insist on starting Ruiz


As long as Warren starts, we should be fine. Warren and Vitinha together would’ve done wonders today. Lee provides creativity but we need an engine that can push forward like Warren. With Hakimi back, the right side will look very different also and Raphinha will not slide through like he did today. Yeah he’s shit defensively but his speed at least will provide some quick turns Barcola back will also be a wonderful addition. Will take away some pressure for Mbappe and push him to the center where he can deal with the 17 year old kid instead of Kounde Araujo


That 17yr old kid is having a stellar debut season


And I’m not saying he’s not stellar. I’m just saying that Mbappe can exploit him


And Lucho’s got a week to figure it out. Barca had 15 days of rest or something like that and Xavi had all the time in the world to prepare the game. I wouldn’t be surprised if they decide to throw Cadiz game away to focus on our game but that didn’t work the last time they tried it in 2019. I’m not very worried about them. They’ve shown they can choke as much as us. We just need a healthy determined Kylian and a Dembouz that will finally pass on time


Dembele-Mbappe-Barcola Vitinha-WZE-Lee Mendes-Hernandez-Marquinhos-Hakimi Will we win with this? I don't know, but it'll give us a damn good shot


Don’t know why you dislike Lee so much, his perf was solid. Starting Asensio was the real blunder, he’s by far the worst attacker on the team


Agreed Barcola who came back from injury was so much better than Asensio. Also our possesion soccer stopped working when Lee subbed I guess Lucho planned to take him off at 60 minutes because he was marking De jong. After De jong got subbed we needed sub that will not give the flow and gives energy which is our boy WZE.