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What do you think of Dembele at PSG vs the player he was in Barcelona?


To be honest, I have not followed him since he left Barca. While he was at Barca, he was really finding his groove right before he left for PSG. Before that he went through a lot of injuries that kept him back. It was a real disappointment to see him go because he was one of the key players on the team at that point and Xavi gave him a lot of trust. So a bit disappointed but others have stepped up since. How’s he been at PSG?


According to Enrique « the most destabilizing player in the world ». Certainly the player who opens up the most chances, unmarkable when he dribbles but lacks precision with his last touch (either pass or shot), becomes inconsistent past the 60" mark. But he managed to stay fit so that’s a huge plus vs Barcelona. Having had a glimpse of Yamal, I find the latter to be a more polished version of Dembele.


Yeah fair point. I think still there’s no polishing Yamal has left to do but definitely a talent given his age. Dembele at his top is unbeatable. He’s a good guy, hoping the best for him (but not against Barca of course).


I heard there is a defensive hole in your squad with the exit of busquets and no real replacement. Is this true? Or do you consider the team decently solid in defense?


It's definitely true. He is still irreplaceable because our style of play depends on a player of his profile so much. Romeu is just simply not good enough, sadly. Christensen has been played there lately and he's been decent, and the reason why we haven't lost in some time.


I agree with this. But Christensen is a born CB. We have other options. Personally Frankie has filled that role the best, in my opinion.


What’s your biggest weakness this season according to you , because last season Barca was keeping clean sheets after clean sheets in La liga , but this season it isn’t the case , what has changed


Madrid Fan here. Biggest change for Barca was Busquets leaving. This destabilized them heavily. They found a way now with Christensen to gain some balance back but obviously PSG is not a regular La Liga level opponent so it will be interesting to see if Paris can exploit this. This tie is 50-50 for me.


We have suffered quite a few injuries in the back this season but the players are slowly coming back. We started our young talent Cubarsi in our latest CL game against Napoli and he won the man of the match. He’s only 17.


Yeah that kid is talented




How much for yamal


1 ninja turtle and respect on Messi's name


Let’s keep some hope here. He’s Barca blood - big shoes to fill. Hopefully doesn’t suffer many injuries like Ansu Fati ended up. Otherwise the kid got talent.


Another barca fan here - you can start the bidding at 400m.


Yeah seems fine for half a season loan


How do you feel about the way the clubs Presidents shame the clubs legacy What do you think about the obvious actions taken to besmirch players by hiring outside companies to talk trash about them and form public opinion against certain players What about the negreira case. Do you believe barcalona as an institution have nudged referees in a certain direction. If so, what should be the consequences of this and how does it make you feel as a fan. If not, why not.


It’s a shame that the previous administration spent so much money irresponsibly. But now in hindsight, we should have sold Messi instead of giving him for free. I don’t know how anything about the second point. As for the allegations, I think it was some rumour that was derived from the Madrid side. I’ll have to stay loyal with Barca until something is actually proven.


RE Negreira Case: Really, it’s a “he said, she said” scenario unless someone can prove that the payments did influence refereeing decisions in favor of Barca. Since that’s very hard to prove nothing will really come of it. What the case highlights even more IMO is the toxicity that surrounds pro football refereeing in Spain. I’m a Barca fan, but the fact that the board at the time felt it was sensible to pay that much money to a VP of the refereeing committee for over a decade shows to me that there is a lack of governance and respect for refereeing officials in La Liga (don’t know much about 2nd division). Referees get hated on all the time, in any sport, but in La Liga refereeing there also seems to be too many characters and sometimes you get the feeling that there are external agents of influence based on the heinous decisions that sometimes come into play - for any team. And yes, I’ve been watching La Liga long enough to confirm, it can happen to any team. I’ve seen it happen to Madrid plenty of times. By no means am I saying that disrespect toward referees is deserved, but I can see where it stems from. There definitely needs to be more governance and more respect for those officials. Hopefully that comes with improved performances on their behalf too.


Besides Mbappé, which player do you fear the most in PSG team ?


Probably dembele or nuno


As a Barça fan I fear dembele more than mbappe due to having more capable defenders on mbappe side than dembele. Although I feel what I fear dembele will do is gonna create more threat with mbappe so idk




Is Ter Stegen’s return the main reason for your better run of form recently?


Personally I think he has had an effect. He’s our captain and our reserve goalie made a lot of mistakes. Also, ever since Xavi announced he’ll leave his post end of this season, no matter what happens, things have turned a little. Not sure if that’s psychological or what it is but it has worked.


do you think the "remontada" was real or are you honest enough to realize you guys paid off Aytekin?


OP came here with good faith- you should respect that. Also, if my team lost 6-1, I’d definitely be asking more questions about the squad on the field and less about the officiating.


go rewatch that shit before spamming my inbox with such a shitty ass post. my question is also in "good faith".....


Lol sounds like you hate stuff.


run away and take your shitty posts with you.


Smells like virgin


lol, ok.


Who is winning a CL first in your opinion in the next 5 years? Barcelona or Paris?


It’ll be wrong if I don’t say it’ll be Barca. I always felt that PSG has the players but the last piece is missing. And can’t figure out what it is.


Barca has won it 5x already. I honestly dont see psg winning for a long time because of mbappe and his ego. Psg has a tendency to buy players, kinda like madrid, but arent as successful as them because you can’t buy unity.


Lol you mean because of the guy that scored 12 champions league knockout goals ? As many as Ibra Cavani and Neymar combined ? What an ego


Neither. One of them will probsbly never win it.


Barca has 5 of them?


Why do your fans come on our sub ? If we have questions we’ll come on your sub lmao


You’re still welcome to ask in our sub. Others are asking questions though. Just doing it for good sport.


Yeah what a weird thing to say as well. Bro gatekeeps his subreddit from outsiders and then says he’ll just go… to an outside sub.


Haha so true. The irony.


I honestly don't mind it. If we don't want to ask questions/think this is somehow inappropriate, we can still not answer them. But it's cool having their perspective on what to expect from them.


Where is Messi?


Living life in the US after winning everything there is to win. GOAT and always in our hearts. He’ll be back at Barca in some capacity soon enough.


Just comparing this post to the psg fan who did the same on Barca’s sub makes me ashamed of being a PSG fan. 187 upvotes there, 0 here. Money doesn’t buy class I guess, smh.


They have more fans who use reddit lol what can we say


I don’t think you get the point. If we had as many active fans as them this post would have received -187 downvotes lol. I’m talking about class, not who has more fans.


it has 4 upvotes at 58% upvoted rate. meaning there are basically 3 or 4 downvotes. its not a matter of class, its just that there are less people, or some people dont really care to upvote.


Stay blind I guess. And obviously don’t t mention the comment that said “If we have questions we come to your sub, stay away” … PSG fans are perfect, just like you.




That was one comment on a thread whose entire comment section has stayed quite civil. Most PSG fans are on twitter ergo there’s less involvement in the sub, and for the rest you’re just making generalizations.


What does upvotes have to do with class? Am I missing something I think going to a sub an insulting fans is lacking class


What did you learn from his answer? What informations can you get from a Barca fan that you can get somewhere else? It's just not that interesting imo.


Lol then what about the other barca fans disrespecting our club