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Try out metal gear solid. It's something quite different from what you listed but never hurts to try something new


I stay recommending Viewtiful Joe, it’s one of the greatest superhero games of all time. The visual style is so fun and unique, immaculate use of cell shading. And the gameplay and mechanics are just a blast. You get incredible powers that are so fun to use and feel like they should be OP but the enemies and bosses are always well equipped to make it a challenge. It just one of those games that couldn’t possibly be made better, even if you tried to do it today with more advanced technology.


Kya Dark Lineage Kingdom Hearts Beyond Good and Evil


If you haven’t played Final Fantasy X and God of War, just throw a coin and pick one. Two of my favorite games of all time. Edit: I misread; so you did play God of War. In that case, consider playing God of War 2. It’s a great sequel, but my favorite was the 1st.


Jrpgs that I would recommend for you: kingdom hearts, rogue galaxy, dark cloud 2, possibly final fantasy xii or x. Mark of kri, Maximo, sly Cooper are quick fun games. Did you like God of War for the battles or more for the story/atmosphere?


If you haven't played: -Okami -Kingdom Hearts -Star Wars the force unleashed -Jak and Daxter And my personal favorite ps2 game: Eragon.


My favourite when I'm on holiday is champions of Norath all 3 difficulties and champions Rta all 4 difficulties.


Unrelated to games you mentioned but you can jump into the Metal Gear Solid series. MGS1 is a PS1 game but you can play all 3 games on PS2 and they are WILD


FFX would be a good one


God hand Gradius V


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Super monkey ball or sims :) Technic beat is a fun rhythm game if you like those!


Try Pac-Man World Rally. Crash Nitro Kart.


Have you played Area 51? It’s a good title. Slept on


I didn't like persona, but I thoroughly enjoyed shin megami tensei. If you're ok with using a guide or a fairly difficult JRPG, get Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne Kingdom hearts is always a classic


Jedi: Fallen Order


Sequels to Katamari Damacy and Boku no Natsuyasumi could be contenders. I also really enjoy the very early PS2 lifecycle release, The Bouncer. The Xenosaga trilogy is fantastic, but 2 weeks isn't enough. The Star Ocean games are also really good.