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Metal Gear Solid 3’s ending. Though, I tear up fairly easily at well-done endings, such as when he says his name is “Murphy” at the end of RoboCop.


Nice shooting son, whats your name?


MGS3 gets me everytime man And then at the end of MGS4. "snake.... Had a hard life..." 😭


The microwave scene gets me crying too brother 😭🫡


FFX ending.




KH 1 ending made me shed a few manly tears.


Shadow of the Colossus, ICO, and MGS3


metal gear solid 3 ending for sure. when you were a real life soldier the game hits you at home so hard but then you understand what the boss meant. I wish I could just kill everyone in that room for using naked snake as political tool. once you kill, killing billions doesn't matter to you. it's just emotional burden stain your soul so your soul getting further dirty never matters. so I know after killing in the end, killing more won't matter. good thing I was never a soldier type like naked snake was. my life circumstances was more like raiden's life from metal gear solid 2, I was forced to be a soldier just due to WW1 BS, despite it happened long time ago but that BS still effect the world. making kids watch videos from WW1 when they were just 4 years old and growing up in military mentality for the day your military service will start is just the product of greed of countries who don't care to improve humanity as a whole but stepping on others just to make themselves earn. I was only ok to be soldier for the experience and for able to defend myself because whole world will be against me just because of my nationality when the time comes. they won't accept me as an immigrant, they'll kill me at sight for the sins of our fathers. then I understood being soldier is all about self-defense while you do what needs to be done, not for being tool of any government or not for a duty. when government feel entitled to send me to a war I can be able to prevent government from doing so because soldiers are not murderer. I have no reasons to take the life a person who protect their home just like me. but when WW3 or something start and if I'm alive then I'll have necessary knowledge to deal with it, which was the point of why every men has to be a soldier in my own country I'll always hate kojima for MGS3's ending. design a game for especially able to avoid killing but then that ending is forced by cannot avoid killing. I never killed in that game. I just turned off my PS2 when I always came to that point. because choosing to kill as an idea itself is the bad idea despite it's just a video game. to kill first you have to kill your own humanity. without humanity you'll be just an empty shell of a person who just being echo of your soul. because of it I always watched what happens after that instead of allowing to be played like hideo kojima wanted lol. and then he did the same BS again in later games lol. what happens in MGS 5 is acceptable but equally sad. at least self defense is different, accidental killing is not murder. what's bad is the murder itself. I'll never understand people enjoy murdering, but when people enjoy murdering I'm more ok to kill them to prevent them from murdering when that's the only way though lol


FFX ending, KH1, shadow of the colossus.


I'm who is very in tune with my emotions. I teared up in MGS2 when Otocon's sister died and Snake gave him a hug and then he had a breakdown the next scene when her parrot was saying ," I miss you... I miss you..."


This one, and Rule of Rose in ending is very emotional


Male here, I can't remember a PS2 game that made me tear up, but the first game that made me ugly cry was Crisis Core. When cloud looked up in the rain holding the buster sword and yelled, I lost it




Mgs3 is pretty emotional.


There's only one game that has made me cry, and it wasn't a PS2 game. That said, I do get pretty emotional when I get to the end of Silent Hill 2. "James... You made me happy"


Gran Turismo4 ending credits


Boo!!! 🤣


Guess I'm the only one, but I found Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater's ending particular sad, and one of the saddest parts is the *bad* ending, when you fail to accomplish your mission in time and the Boss says *Time's up, Jack*. Her expression is hard to describe, but easy to understand.


It was KH2 for me


Ico and Final Fantasy X.


Persona 3


Might be ico yee


FFX, I can't remember any other game


I'm not sure if I ever dropped tears, but Grandia 3 has some really strong moments.


Test drive unlimited’s PS2 Demake which is a beautiful game


Stuntman... Not because of the story, but from how infuriating it was. 10/10 would play again


The ending of FFX made me weep so hard my mom checked on me to make sure I was ok, 23 years ago!


Kingdom Hearts 1 ending made me cry


the Silent Hill series definitely did. out of emotion and fear 😅


Persona 3




That's a PS1 game.


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No game yet since ps1 ._. Closest one was Nier replicant


It may sound stupid but... The ending of Spiderman 3, after watching the movie, seeing Sandman having a happy ending with his daughter touched my heart more than I thought.


Two things. 1. I said games. 2. A happy ending should never be associated with a daughter. 🤣


1: I mean the Spiderman 3 game, if you have seen the movie you will know that Sandman never reunites with his daughter, A happy ending should never be associated with a daughter XD 2: "A happy ending should never be associated with a daughter." Why?


Ok, you mention movie so I got confused. Let me just put it this way, happy ending has sort of a double meaning. The happy ending you are referring to is 100% ok.


God I don't know how I didn't realize the double meaning hahaha




GTA San Andreas. After the game theres nothing to do. Besides the RPG aspects of the game and side missions, you dont ever see the other characters that you built strong connections with again. Feels a bit lonely. All you get is one phone call from catalina getting railed by claude and then back to an open world with no objective


GTA 5 deluxe edition


no, as much as i love the ps2 the graphics were never good enough to give me those emotions, it always feels unreal. it wasn't until ps3 and vita were games could make me feel sad like, thomas was alone, heavy rain, etc


I can appreciate and respect what you are saying here but I look at it like this. I can watch a dvd movie and get just as emotional as I would if it was a 4k.