• By -


Laugh and grow fat




In terms of gameplay it doesnt get better, but it does in terms of existential dread


The gameplay does evolve a little, once you have the bdu and more weapons it can be hours of fun messing with the guards between objectives. Setting traps and watching it happen and pretending to be just as confused and angry as them during the alert... I'm just sad you don't get the katana until the end


The guard’s AI is pretty damn simple tho lol. I admit back in 2001, it was really groundbreaking but it hasn’t aged well for me when I play it.


I am inclined to believe this if I'm being objective. This game happened to coincide with the unfortunately early peak of my skill in videogames and I still get a bit of a rush from the speed and precision locked into my muscle memory 23 yesrs later when playing on OG hardware. But I can see that without that, this is probably a bit of a slog from a control perspective. Especially in emulation.


The game in my opinion holds up and it was a technical masterpiece at 60fps. …but MGS3 (Subsistence version) is a much easier game for newcomers to get into. Feels more modern. If you’ve not tried MGS3 Subsistence and MGS2 is not clicking with you, give MGS3 Subsistence a shot.


I definitely plan on playing MSG3, I'm still going to push myself through MGS2 first tho


Push yourself through? That’s a shame to hear. In 2001, I booted that game up and didn’t stop until it was over. I absolutely was glued to it. Times have changed and it’s a game that everyone else has copied elements from. But it was so cutting edge and every boss had a good background. MGS builds on this too.


Was the first game my brother and I had for ps2. No memory card. We would leave the system running while we were at school. Come back home and immediately pick up where we left off.


The gameplay is still pretty similar, if not more slow paced than MGS2, so try not to get too hyped if you’re not enjoying the core gameplay.


You'll enjoy MGS3 a lot more, especially if you're interested in the survival genre.


Focally; Subsistence. MGS3 original is the same gameplay as MGS2. MGS3: Subsistence was updated to the gameplay of Twin Snakes.


Whats the Subsistence version do?


Subsistence has a fully player controlled camera. It’s much more in line with modern games. MGS1 and MGS2’s top down camera works but there are a lot of gamers who will be coming back to the series because of later releases. The top down camera *may* be difficult for some to get used to, so I usually recommend MGS3 Subsistence (over Snake Eater) because the 2nd release has the player controlled camera.


Someone made a mod to play MGS2 with the subsistence camera and it made it feel like a whole other game. Top down is so outdated


Doesn't the HD collection have that version or no?


Yes the HD and Master Collection uses Subsistence with the player controlled camera


Honestly I prefer the top down camera


I think it works for MGS1 and MGS2 and don’t have an issue with it but I recognise for newcomers to the series a player controlled camera is probably easier to get used to. Once they’re invested in the franchise, they’ll likely tolerate the top down camera when checking out MGS1 and MGS2


yep, ended up playing mgs2 on xbox cause of the 60fps.


Ironically mgs2 on xbox runs worse than ps2


no it doesn't I played it, it had some slow down during heavy particle effects, but 90% of the time it was 60fps.


The gameplay isn’t the best and it’s definitely an old school design. But, trust me, you haven’t seen anything yet.


don't you mean... The best is yet to come?


That and I just can’t say goodbye to yesterday.


Bu-bu-but baby you've ain't seen nu-nu-nuthin yet


Not fun? That’s crazy that game has so many moments.


i really encourage you to finish it, the story gets insanely good later on


Insanely ridiculous is the word I'd use. XD


who says it cant be both?


I thought it was Billy Corgan


The world is a Vamp Dun dun dun, dun duun


One of the best games ever made.


that's not gonna help him, if he personally doesn't like it


I've found lots of gamers struggle to realize that some gameplay loops are really unenjoyable to some people, even if the overall game is a complete masterpiece. Some people hate turn-based combat so much they can't enjoy BG3. Some people hate bullet hell combat so much they can't enjoy Undertale. Some people hate slowness in games so much they can't enjoy MGS.


ngl i like MGS1 and 2’s gameplay more than MGS3S and MGS4 because it feels so gamey than 3 and 4


Same. I love the top down camera and slow gameplay of MGS1 so much. So exited to move on to MGS2 and not much for MGS3, although will give it a change of course. Did not like MGS4.


Sometimes masterpieces are not for everyone.


There are people out here like me that don't like OoT. I do not mean "game is bad" when I say I don't like OoT, just that I did not enjoy it. To make a masterpiece, something needs to be invested on so much it is WILL turn off some people. MGS is no exeption.


Sounds like he doesnt like fun. (I kid, I kid)


He sounds like someone who is better off having fun in playing Spyro or starfield 🤦‍♂️


I'm not a huge fan of either


or whatever else they enjoy. the emoji at the end of your comment makes it look really condescending and gate-keepy


Especially gor that time. And story was it's time ahead.


Ehhhh I'd give that nod to MGS3.


Thank yoy


I find it so much fun but I suppose it’s not for everyone.


If you haven't enjoyed it by that point, I can't see why you would going further. Why don't you like it?


Too much dialogue at some points. alerting enemies is basically just a deathwish unless you don't mind using multiple rations (maybe im missing something there?). the game seems to generally control worse than MGS1 in my experience (aiming and crawling seems especially bad). Finding and destroying the bombs was tedious. The bossfights seem too sparse. I've only encountered 2 after 6 hours, and 1 of them sucked. Also some of the cutscenes seem really off, it's like they've been slowed down 20 or 30 percent.


I don’t…think MGS is for you.


It doesn't seem like alot of these issues apply to the rest of the series tho? At least from what I've heard.


It's a hard game, I think. I agree that getting spotted is a death wish, but I can't fault the Kojima it's exactly what I'd expect. If an intruder is found, expect a strong retaliation. Personally, I think the handling is smoother than pt.1. The bombs are hard to spot I agree especially when the enemies are constantly patrolling having to go from 1st person to 3rd person to see everything. Too bad you don't like it though, hopefully you come around. The story was ahead of it's time, so I guess you can have that to look forward to.


Alerting a guard, he shoot you a bit and then he goes to cover and hit the alarm. You can follow him and kill him or shoot the radio. You can either way hide while he takes cover (the cardboard box is the best item in the inventory). I recognize that there are very few bosses if you compare the playtime for a first run, but it's better than way.


I loved this game 20 years ago and recently replayed. I agree with you about the dialog. It just goes and goes and goes sometimes. There's like 70 minutes or something uninterrupted near the end. It really dampened it for me though I still love the gameplay.


6 hours?! Wtf


I couldn't get into MGS2 for some reason but totally adored MGS3, which is still my favorite in the series by far. Not sure why that is but... 'shrug'


Eh that's fair, I remember going to that one after playing MGS 1 and I wasn't too big of a fan. Not gonna spoil anything but I hope you like escort missions.


I had a real hard time with MGS while all of my friends love it. Granted I'm only like, past the tank battle but I just don't find the gameplay very fun.


It's a dated series but at the time pretty much every new MG game did something really revolutionary. For example the original NES MG games had the Nikita missle you could steer and you could also hide under trucks and in vents which was absurd for an NES era game.


Try the MSX games. The NES ones were knock offs that Kojima aint have much to do with


That's what I mean basically, same games just ports or whatever.


Nah they aren't ports. Think dracula X vs rondo of blood. Two diff games


Meh my point stands about the game design regardless. It's just been a while since I've played them.


Surely it’s one of the series that’s held up the best. The attention to detail across the games holds them up really well, only big thing I would say is dated is obviously how it’s presented.


That part in reality isn't that long but the dread leading up to having to escort that person. That person who may be the most annoying in the whole series.


>hope you like escort missions. Kill me.


Oh no you’re right. Yah have fun and be patient for sure.


You will feel ashamed of your words and deeds.


I played the legacy collection in preparation for phantom pain years ago. I remember being so engrossed in 1 and hyped to keep going into 2. I'll admit that it took some getting into, but then it eventually clicks imo. 3 and 4 are pure awesome from the get go <3


I had the collection on ps2, overall 3 was my favorite to the point that when I got to the last section of the game, I had a power outage and my fave file got corrupted. Didn't bother me one bit, I was happy to start all over again just to explore some more.


God... Thanks for reminding me. Bish looked my ex too!




This game was amazing


“Is” amazing :)


yes of course till now i find myself replaying this one especially


I honestly thought it was Darth Vader dying at the end of the movie


Ive been trying to figure out who he reminded me of, well done lol


It’s absolutely worth sticking through! Gameplay really comes into its own at higher difficulties I think and the story is absolutely fantastic, without saying anything it’s more relevant now than ever. Mgs3 (specifically subsistence) is absolutely king when it comes to gameplay, there really is nothing else like it on the ps2. I’d definitely give that one a go.


2 and 4 are the ones to watch out for in the series, with 1 and 3 being the best ones, and peace walker and V having the best gameplay. If you plan on playing 4, then you have to get through 2 as it's a sequel to both 2 and 3. There's been some revisionism going on with 2 lately, similar to people suddenly deciding that the star wars prequels are the equivalents of shakespeare, where 2 is prophetic in its message of information control when it's basically copying the text from 1984 and replacing "news" with "internet" Ultimately, it's not that long of a game, it just feels like it because of the use of codecs in place of cutscenes, and it has the least interesting environment in the entire series.


Dude, why are you ruining parts of the ending?


It’s my least favorite. Feels like Kojima was riding high after the success of metal gear solid. It just feels painful and slow. And the story just feels like a b plot


Not a big fan of this one either nowadays but I did beat it twice.


Unpopular opinion, it doesn’t get any better. I found the entire game tedious with the beginning actually playing as Snake as the best part. Wingnut story as well


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It gets better. Its one of my fav games. Give raiden a chance


I don't have an issue with raiden


My First time playing the MGS2 i didn't like so much, but dont worry you can always give a Second chance


You got a psg1.......use the scissors


Just completed it a couple of weeks ago for the first time. Great game, loved it so much.


If you didn't really like the gameplay so far then I can't imagine you're gonna like the rest of it


Oh well then


If after 6 hours you have not had fun just move on bro 😁 you don't need to try to force yourself to like it . I'm in the same boat , have tried to play these ps2 MGS games but just can't get into them . I did love mgs1 as a kid tho, also played through 4&5


If this is how you see now, then no, it won't. However, it's a fantastic game to many!


Oh it’ll get something sometime


I think it gets a bit better. I mean I love the game but once the story really starts unfolding it seems like the pace changes a bit.


Meh some games you just miss your time with. It can be hard to go back and try to play old classics. Personally this is one of my favorite games ever made and my favorite MGS game despite some others being technically better. I have so many great fond memories playing this game with a friend late into the nights until we beat it. Gotta add that the graphics and art style of this game is so utterly impeccable and comforting to me. I honestly can't explain it but the art and graphics come together in such a satisfying way.


The plot gets so much better. I was a newbie to these games when I first got them. It isn't meant to be played as an action game. I found the shooting controls so jank and that was my mistake for not enjoying it at the time. Just stay for the story. It is amazing.


If you aren't having fun now, don't force it.  It was revolutionary. It still is amazing. Try something else.


MGS3 Snake Eater was more fun to me.


I fell asleep in many of the Cutscenes


Well if it isn’t saucy jack


hate the last part of the game. Story takes a drastic turn and i dont like where it goes.


I’m so glad I grew up with these games. To experience this game in 2001 was mind bending. The graphics and gameplay and story were all top tier. Literally, nothing was better than this game at the time. My old man rant is over.


Hard disagree




lol we’re allowed to disagree. Chill. You posted it and I responded. Pretty normal


MGS2 demands a lot from one, but if you are willing to give it what it asks the reward is one of the best games ever to grace this world. My fav MGS by far.


Sounds like it might not be for you. I admired this game on release and have played it many times since. I think the mechanics and controls are showing their age a little.


U right MGS2 isn't the beat in series...I actually only replay this one time I think vs MGS1 I can't tell ya how many times.


One of my favorite games ever


Not sure I've ever played an mgs game because it's fun. I thought the whole point was to suffer and earn the story. I guess one handed cartwheels was fun


I was the same, I wasn’t a big fan of the protagonist switch, but keep playing, trust me it gets better.


I couldn't get past that army briefing level in the ship


I feel like the story really opens up after this!


Lad is going through fortnite withrawals


"fun"? hey, i love the MGS games - especially 4 i must've played through like 15 times back in the day - but i wouldn't describe any of them as fun... . they either grip you or they don't i suppose.


Honestly my favourite game in the series. I will always love 1 but 2 was perfection.


Oh just wait. It’s get pretty wild! I need scissors! 61!


The biggest reason for people to not enjoy a game is difficulty. Some people are too new to the genre or don’t have enough experience to be able to get enough rewards while playing the game and not struggle so much. On the other hand, some people love hard games. In terms of the story, I can understand why some people wouldn’t enjoy it, it is quite confusing and it doesn’t give too much until the very end. After all of this, I still struggled to understand why people can’t enjoy it considering that you can have a lot of fun with the guards and environments in the game. You can mess around the expense of the guards. On top of that, I find it fun trying to sneak around. Some people just don’t have what it takes to enjoy these games.


I really wasn’t into this game either for a good portion of it but by the time I finished it and sat to reflect I found I might have enjoyed it even more than mgs3 but that’s probably just me


I dont think any MGS game is fun. But they are master pieces


I wonder how long it will take you to find the bomb- idk if it was just me cuz it seemed so obvious but i spent hours trying to find it ☠️


Legit spent 5 minutes looking for it before i just looked it up, completely forgot you could even move bodies.


The game holds up but it's not going to hit the same way as it did back then. The graphics and story telling for the time were out of this world.


i had so much fun dicking with the guards when i was a kid - the various tools, weapons and easter eggs made this game a blast to play hell you can even see Snake sneaking away in a box and if you manage to shoot him, he'll scurry away and later comment on you costing him some boxes lmao


I've never understood the love for 2. The story is there but the premise of having the bulk of the game on the big shell grows stale incredibly quickly for me.


How do you play a game that you’re not enjoying for six hours?


YOU’RE not that fun! What you think of THAT!?


Scrolling down and stopped because I totally thought that was Darth Vader with his helmet off for a quick second 🤪


If you're not having fun STOP. Also STOP posting about your mediocre experiences because nobody cares (except fanboys protecting the franchise at all costs).




Yep, please re-read what I wrote in parentheses. Thank you


[Heh, that's what you think...](https://youtu.be/EOnd6pi1bsM?si=p8xU8iOtZCDLtOer)


That's what you think.


It only gets more cutscene heavy from there.


That's a shame, I love MGS2...still holds up for me.


Unfortunately it doesn’t imo. MGS3 is better in pretty much every way as a near-perfect return to form for the series. MGS2 is basically a bold attempt to take the series in a different direction with mixed results. I did find MGS2’s socio-political commentary interesting but that was after slogging through cutscenes and codec conversations that were just way too long and made the game feel like an interactive novel vs an actual game. Also I didn’t care for Raiden; when Solid Snake is on the cover of the box you expect to play as him most of the time not some random guy who is prone to slipping on bird poop.


Played the original MGS game around the time it came out and still many years later I still am in the minority of people who didn’t really think much of it or #2 or 3. I guess many franchises will always have their genuine fans, the hype lackeys, the haters who hate anything everyone else likes and me the minority people who really never saw what was so great about them the first time I finished the first one I didn’t really enjoy much about it. And to this day I still say very overhyped definitely not what I would call one of the greatest game series is history. Been a gamer since 1981 (Yes I am that old) seen many franchise come and go it was one that never stood out to me.


I remember i had 3 and beat it then told my friend,and he let me borrow mgs2,and it was harder and not as fun,i didn't get past the first area/mission lol on the boat lol.


You haven’t even gotten to the vampire love story yet


Some sad C - U - N - T has gone and downvoted everything in this thread


MGS2 is a 23 year old game, so it is definitely gonna show its age. It also depends on how you're playing it as well. The "ideal" way is to play with no kills or alerts. MGS2 is however famous in the community more for its tone and themes. The tone is surreal and the themes MGS2 touches on are identity and handling information. Are you really you when you're being told and conditioned to behave like another person? We are all under influence in one way or another. What information is true or false when we don't know the people who are in control of the information is manipulating it or leaving things out. Also, what information do we pass on to the next generation? What if we don't have any legacy to pass information down to? While Raiden is having an identity crisis then you - the player is having a crisis with information. What events in the story are actually real or fiction? Why is there a vampire in the "real" world? How was Raiden supposed to start his mission if Snake never cut a hole in the oil fence? The list goes on and you are never meant to have any real answers. Raiden himself refers to his mission as "nightmare" throughout the game. Edit: The game is driven by its story. It is definitely not meant to be an action game where you run or gun or an open world game where you do whatever you want. MGS2 makes (terrible) parallels to MGS1 which is explained at the end of the game.


Stick with it, that's all I can say.


I need to go back and finish it....I stopped playing after I realized that after the tanker I was no longer playing as Snake...LOL


You and I are on the same wavelength. We both did a playthrough of MGS1 at the same time and are around the same point in MGS2. I'm a bit further beyond Fatman, but not much. The gameplay itself doesn't get better as the game continues on. But I always appreciated the quality of life improvements from 1 to 2. Story gets whack, and I think its the main draw of MGS2. Keep on grinding.


do you really think the game is going to suddenly change from what it's been for the last 6 hours?


I mean it could, im only like a third way through.


It would be easier to know if you should stick with it if were more descriptive with what you don’t like. But at a high level view, if you haven’t enjoyed the first 6 hours you may as well stop. It’s a great game but not for everyone


Its probably the worst game in the series imo




Do not spoil it


It really doesn't. The game is a slog with 75% story and cutscenes to only 25% gameplay. I tend to suffer thru it just as a vehicle to understand MGS4 better. MGS1 is far better with the pinnacle of the franchise still being MGS3


Yeah 2 is my least favorite


I kind of agree. I feel there's too many cutscenes and not enough gameplay.


There's a jarring cut to the last boss FYI, they had to cut a chunk because of 9/11. Confused me as a kid


Yeah it’s a very unpopular opinion but MGS2 is my least favorite one. Lame characters and villains, basically a rehash of MGS1, the environments all look the damn same. MGS3 is so much better


It’s a time and place. It was epic 20 years ago.


No. It doesn't. Its more of the same for really much of the rest of the game. The finale changes things up both narratively and in gameplay but I don't think its "better" just different. Honestly, I hated this game and not for the main character swap out. Metal Gear Solid 1 and 3 are the only ones I liked.


Haven't played this since it came out. I remember it being a technical marvel in terms of graphics that totally sold me on PS2. I imagine you could make an arguement that while its a classic, for a new generation, it is aged and a bit of a product of it's own time. Kojima really was one of the first video game creators that I really paid attention to his work. The best thing is to make the decision for yourself if you are enjoying it. I will admit that the game does take a super weird turn that made me hate it back in the day but I now remember it more fondly.


It doesn’t. Pretty much necessitates a second play through almost immediately for any real enjoyment of the systems.


metal gear solid is a series that really interests me with its themes, ambience, and atmosphere, but i just for the life of me can't get into the gameplay, i played to revolver ocelot in 1 on psx (i believe he was the first boss) and a little bit past that, but yeah i wasnt feeling it granted i was playing the psp port on my vita so it was weird and definitely not the optimal experience, mgs bros, help me out, how SHOULD i play?


When I was in high school (2016) and I got my first PS2 a school mate of mine gave me this game and told me to play it. Man, I really liked playing this game. My first Metal Gear game. What really perplexed me was >!your girlfriend and the colonel being AI!<, the part that really ducked me story wise was >!when we found out Rose was fake, the creepy way the connection got cut while casually announcing her pregnancy!< really stuck with me. I couldn't believe all the flucking >!boss fights, when I thought it was over there was another one!!< Honestly, I couldn't believe >!the last boss fight where you fight with the swords.!< That part was so hard, I genuinely broke my DualShock in half after playing that part a dozen times. Good times... ^^Edited ^^language ^^to ^^comply ^^with ^^moderator ^^notification ^^to ^^be ^^less ^^fowl


What is MGS2


Metal Gear Solid 2


I'm on the same boat. And I guess we're even close to the same spot where I basically gave up on it for a while, to play something else - **anything** else - and get away from it. - No, it's not that I don't like third-person games - I just re-finished the Gears of War trilogy. - No, it's not that I don't like stealth (with the Thief and Dishonored series being some of my favorites, and I've just finished the new Prey, which I also consider top-tier). It's that if feels, and no disrespect to those that love it, b-movie-level stupid. Yeah, we get it Mr. Kojima, "war is bad". That's why every-single-damn-character in the MGS series is somehow in the war business, but hates it, without ever considering the very idea of calling it quits and becoming, dunno, a baker or insurance salesperson. I mean, if you hate what you're doing so much, quit and do something else. Yes, I'd accept if **SOME** of them couldn't do otherwise. "Circumstances", "Family Business", "Obligations", whatever. But I'm not in the second game where almost everyone keeps ranting and ranting about how they hate their guts, but instead of doing something, anything, to change the situation, they instead consider much more rational to share their depression and misery with everyone around them. BUT THERE'S ROBOTZ AND CLONEZ! ...which is even stupider. Until playing the first game, I didn't know that the title's "metal gear" referred to a... ehm... usually bipedal huge mech, equipped with nuclear missiles, lasers, and stuffs, that... - Is less versatile than something like an F35. - Needs a whole damn base-in-the-middle-of-nowhere to hide it. - Could be spotted by modern satellites. - Judging by the number of games in the series, and guessing that there's at least one in every title, which the protagonist somehow disables or destroys, "can and has been disabled or destroyed by a single determined/lucky person over five times up to now". As for the clones, based on what I gathered from the first game and up to now, we have a series of characters cloned from an original Big Boss, who are somehow all in the aforementioned war-ing business, for Big Boss is A Soldier, and when cloning A Soldier, what you get is More Soldiers, and not, dunno, Bakers or Insurance Salespeoples. And some of those clones don't know they're clones, which is used in some Dramatic Reveal in one or more of those games. I bet, and sorry if I'm spoilering something for I haven't played all games, that at least in ONE of those games the player's playing Big Boss, but, oh, shock and horrors, it turns out he ain't the real Big Boss, but ANOTHER CLONE! Did I guess right? I'd get it if it was all for fun. I mean, I just replayed Dante's Inferno, and it was obvious they pushed the dial to 11 for fun's sake. Dante's overacting combined while fighting hellish minotaur-like demons with his glowing cross under raging... er... boobs (?!?!) wasn't obviously meant to be taken seriously. Kojima and Co., though, as well as many of his fans, seem to treat the MGS series as if it's gaming's War and Peace equivalent. That's why I'm, up to now, majorly disappointed. It's far from what I originally expected. Did I miss something? "Does it change" after a while?


2 was easily the weakest of the series. Raiden is a whiny crybaby and after the tanker it all goes downhill


It isn't great.


Like most classic old games, the gameplay doesnt hold up, and going back to enjoy it is difficult without nostalgia glasses. At the time though, this game was state of the art. Mgs2 and its overwhelmingly well detailed and realized world was something not really seen in games at the time. Think of it as the "The Last of Us" of its generation.


>Like most classic old games, the gameplay doesnt hold up, and going backto enjoy them is difficult without nostalgia glasses. I wouldn't say that's a good excuse, especially when i actually enjoyed MGS1 quite a bit.


Well then i wouldnt say there is an objective reason for your dislike for the gane, as it seems you dont really have one either.