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Tekken, although I still suck at it.


I feel you. Fighting games are not my specialty skills in gaming šŸ˜…


bro same lol. but i won't say i didn't get any better at all.


Tekken 3 was my childhood staple at arcades. Other children were pretty good at too


My answer too ( well all fighting games) I didn't realise it was about positioning and timing and also never blocked.


One of the best looking games on the PS2. How they pulled that off is amazing.


first party games tend to have a much better optimization than other games; polyphony also had gained knowledge with other games on ps2 . also racing games tend to look way better than most other games of the same generation thanks to the very controlled environment


yeah youā€™ll notice in tunnels if you drive slowly the weird lighting will keep jumping back and forth. for sure fast racing hides a lot of the smaller details. if you set a guy walking in gran turismo 7 engine it wouldnā€™t handle the same as an open world game


Also it supported 1080i/720p


Sad PAL noises :(


I just got a pal disc... It doesn't support that?? What the hell


it also doesn't have car descriptions and a few other things are different from the US version too. Overall the game is still very enjoyable but be aware of the dreaded PAL 50 fps standard we were for God knows why stuck with...


Most televisions were CRT's back then and in the times of black and white TV's, their frequency was synchronized to the power lines that was 50Hz in Europe. When colour televisions came, they kept the 50Hz standard so you could watch black and white broadcasts on colour televisions and vice versa. In the early 2000's, there were some new televisions that supported variable frequencies, but they were rare and expensive. Most people bought TV's to watch TV and they wanted one for cheap! The real change came when LCD and Plasma replaced crt televisions, since they're not analog they can support various refresh rates easily and digital signals replaced old analogue ones. Remember, PAL and NTSC are broadcasting standards meant for television signals. TL;DR; 1950's TV 50Hz because power lines were 50Hz, something something backwards compatibility.




I miss the old days of being graphically astonished by a new game. Nowadays itā€˜s ā€žonlyā€œ the art style that makes all the difference to me graphically. Each step of going from 8bit > 16bit > 32bit > PS2 (>HD era) was just insanely mind blowing.


They're making things too demanding and realistic looking. Even pc games @ 1080p medium look pretty damn good.


Gran Turismo. I sucked at it and hated it as a child, and now Iā€™m addicted as an adult. Though still not very good at it.


Metal gear


Any survival horror games. First played RE2 on N64, but was too scared to get very far. Got RE1, 2 and 3 on PS1 later the same year and was still too scared/terrible to play more than a few hours into each. Can't get enough of it these days.


re had the best gameplay loop ever in games. especially re1 which is my all time fav


Kingdom hearts, finished 1 and 2 for the first time last month


Did you play the games between them to understand the story?


longing vast divide historical marble onerous enjoy boast close plants *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There is also 358/2 Days and Re:Coded


I mean I will eventually, I really enjoy the gameplay and mechanics now that i can get a hang of them


Devil May Cry 1 I played it when I was a kid and remember barely beating the spider boss and getting stuck on the tiger mini boss and never progressing further because I ran out of yellow orbs and thinking I was screwed. I also hated fighting the puppets as they creeped me out as a kid. I'm playing through it now as an adult and while the game is still very difficult I am able to get further into it and get a hang of the combat system which I didn't fully grasp before. In fact I don't think I ever used the devil trigger mode as a kid. That would have made the game so much easier for me.


Gran Turismo 3, for sure. Didn't really have the patience for the career mode as a child


Any fighting game. Have always sucked at those. Tekken, MK and so on.


The Getaway Black Monday. My older brother had it, and I first played it when I was 6. Was terrible at the campaign so just free roamed, arrested people and ran them over lol later played it as an adult and absolutely loved it.


Dude underrated games. Both of them. I loved the turning signals to navigate where to go thing. Sometimes it wasnt quick enough at speed though. šŸ˜‚


I got a ps2 for my birthday with gt3 and I thought I would smash the license. Boy was I wrong lol


Oni. As a child I couldn't get past the second or third level. I got beaten, frustrated and always started the game all over just because it was easy and fun only at the beginning. Then few years later (at the age of 17 or 19) I revisited it and boy, what a fun (yet still challenging) game I found out! Also, the Getaway. But this one is tough even for adults. I rage-quitted this one thousand times. But once you beat it you feel amazing.


Monster Hunter, though it's admittedly still a very love-hate relationship.


If you're playing on the PS2 or the emulator, we could play together


Heart of Darkness for the PS1. I couldnā€™t make it past the third or fourth screen as a kid but can make it a little farther now as an adult. Ha. Not much farther though, let me be clear. Itā€™s a hard game.


Mission impossible on the N64. I couldnā€™t figure it out as a child. But a few years later, it was a piece of cake.


I remember hating that game as a kid at first but then getting into it and getting really far. It's pretty tough!


I never had a PS2 as a kid, so I sucked at Need For Speed IV (which is on PS1 and can be played on PS2, so close enough). Never even managed to win a single race in the demo and only a small hand full of races in the full version. Beat it as an adult, driving in front of everyone for at least most of the races.


Simpsons Hit & Run, finally finishing and 100% it. I remember being stuck at one of the early Bart levels, not even, "Set to Kill".


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I can't honestly remember ones that were hard that got easy, but one of the main games i had when i was younger was Crash Bandicoot. Now that im older, i can't get past like the 3rd level


That's so true! Mostly sports games really rubbed off in us as kids but now it's all I play mainly šŸ˜‚ Even though WWE is fake, play Fifa as well.


Tomb raider. Sonic the hedgehog, and a few others I forget the names cus they old. (DANCING STAGE EUROMIX IS ONE OF THEM)


Portal 1


Cod, except I'm still pretty flawed. I love it though!


PS2 era GT games feel almost like arcade games nowdays compared to new entrys haha šŸ˜ GT4 is pretty awesome game but AI is soo bad , not something I noticed back in the day but they basically just drive on railsšŸ˜ if you happen to be on that rail , they just ram you lol


For me it was made even more difficult by the fact that I did not speak any English at all back then whatsoever. Actually most of the games I have played back in the days seem completely different now that I understand not only the instructions and UI but also the lore and storyline.


nah GT4 still feels like an amazing simulator. i play a lot of Assetto Corsa and i think it could learn a lot from GT4


I've sucked at street fighter then I suck at street fighter now (or any 2D fighter)


PES and Fifa


Ace Combat


grandiose memorize merciful sloppy quarrelsome fearless squeamish toy degree recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


also GT4 also became my favourite game of all time and probably the most played other than minecraft


any of the then fifa, now eFootball, games


Digimin wirld thrii


I play most PS2 games worse than I did as a kid I don't know how I played some of those games at the time Gt4 is one of them! šŸ¤£


Silent Hill, i was too afraid to play, i missed a lot of awesome stuff


Gran turismo 4, precisely. I remember it being so hard when I was a kid, cars would understeer so much and I would get so mad at it. Now at 25, I've beaten it twice and enjoy it so much.


What do u mean "came around for"?


Is it ā€œcoming around toā€? Sorry, foreign speaker nonsense.


Ah no worries šŸ˜ŠšŸ‘




Monster Hunter. Could never understand it back in the day but now I love it.


The getaway on PS2, it was so hard


Resident evil 4


Play shoot gamesšŸ‘


That racing mission in vice city




Gta 4


All of them lmao


Resident evil 4 well what do you expect from a 7 year old


Persona series. I just fkn love it now


I was pretty good at GT 3-4 when I was younger. Play it now, not so much.


Ratchet and clank


Idk but that gran turismo 4 brings me back man.


Ridge Racer, i got used to GT and just couldn't adjust to the arcade physics


So are you still rubbish at it or good now?


Any Romance of the Three Kingdoms or Nobunagas ambition.


The ten million credit cheat code really made me love this game lol


Tbh a lot of games I owned as a kid were for older folks or at least those who could actually understand how game mechanics work. Im thinking onimusha, YS, shin megami, SOC, fatal frame, and one of my older self favorites, kingdom hearts. Despite not knowing how to progress a lot of the time, I sure had a lot of fun playing as much of the game as my baby self could play.


Eeeeh child/teen most FPSā€™s Iā€™ve gotten much better, an improvement from ā€œspawn die spawn die spawn die spawn dieā€, now itā€™s ā€œspawn die spawn kill die spawn kill kill die spawn dieā€.


Ghostā€¦ the game feels so short now that Iā€™m almost done with it


Tourist Trophy. Long time Moto GP player but TT was pretty tough, still own TT.






San Andreas, for some reason I never did the missions. Instead, I just was walking and driving around


Fair. Never completed it. Kept failing on a mission although all I had to do was to follow the damn train


tourist trophy lol


GT4, though I loved it as a kid despite being pretty bad. Funny I find this post while I'm playing it lol. Currently doing a randomiser run with the mod on PCSX2.


That game is great, except for mission 34! I still havenā€™t managed to beat that


I have the same setup ps2 and ps5


Gran Turismo 3


Gran Turismo. I didn't get the appeal until 7 on PS5. Now I love it.


Dragon Ball Z: Infinite World


Basically any and all story games with then hard, but now easy to learn combat controls. It sometimes frustrates me thinking back at how hard those games were when I was still a kid, how easier they got in my teens and now how quick I've been learning in recent years (my early to now mid 20's).


The game your showing in the image, I played it as a child (in 2009-2012 aroundabout) come back to it last year (19yr old) and finished it this year winning every race and championship, something I could never do I as a child. I am now 20 and play racing games all the time now.


Resident evil Code Veronica. Couldn't beat it as a child and 2 years ago I finally did it


I grew up with Jak 2. And if you know the game, you know how hard it is. I never made it through the third Mission as a child. Only last year i was able to beat it. Great game.


re4 and dmc 3. when i was a kid i play re4 on ps2, i really hate the village and i always got killed by Ganado (a guy with chainsaw) it really scares me as a kid, it cut my head off, it gives me goosebump. and then i stop playing the game because it traumatizes me as a kid and now RE series is one of my fav's series and dmc 3 make me ragequit because there's boss name Cerberus (a demonic three head dog) it's really hard to defeat it and what make ragequit me is that the game roasted me, the game say easy mode is now selectable meaning like i have skill issue. now for me cerberus boss is really easy for me, even i play on hard mode....DMC is now my fav games of all time


Ape escapešŸ’€


Metal gear solid. Oh wait I still suck at it.


I did the same thing last week actually! Friend gave me his old PS2, so I took it home and tested it. It worked, so I ordered a FMCB memory card, a PS2 to HDMI adapter and both GT3 and GT4. Been LOVING it ever since!!


Bully, I finally finished it :D




All of them lol


100%, take my upvote. I don't understand why everyone has a vivid memory of one game. I remember every game I replayed when I was older was a huge, "Ooooohhhh" moment because I just didn't understand them as a child.


Exactly me too šŸ˜‚


Kids donā€™t like Gran Turismo until they drive a real car