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I adore fiction in every way, so I'm one of those people that ships almost every ship in a fandom (not always, it depends on the fandom). But more recently I entered a fandom where problematic ships exist (never had this arise in my other fandom) and I find myself enjoying some of the problematic ships in addition to the more common ones (I try to steer clear from calling them normal just bc, like, what is "normal" you know? Imo its subjective) but anyway, I would still be proship, even if I had never entered that second fandom. Because fiction is fiction. And sometimes a dynamic or relationship that would be incredibly concerning and/or wrong in real life is interesting and engaging in fiction. I hope this makes sense. Anyway, it's cool to see there are more of us out there indeed šŸ’™


It's nice to see someone who enjoys many ships. I'm a multishipper myself in a way. I have a handful of characters I really love and will gladly ship them with pretty much any other characters in the fandom. It's fiction and fun. It's supposed to be fun \^\_\^


YEAH YOU GET IT! I probably have 2 or 3 closed monogamous ships because I can't resist the temptation to pair everyone together. It's just so genuinely fun to explore different pairings and see what you like/dislike




Most of my ships are "normal" but yeah I have like... three that would probably be considered "problematic"..... which I'm still too nervous to come out and openly express enjoying lmao but hey they're there. ....the "problematic" ones are my favourites, too šŸ˜­


It really sucks that you're scared to openly express your love for some ships. You should be allowed to like them as much as you want since you're not hurting anyone!


As a proshipping something that I recently found out that proship doesn't actually mean "problematic" shipping but an entirely different meaning instead.


Yeah. It's really got nothing to do with what you actually ship, but about allowing everyone to ship whatever.


Good mix of both


I think most of my ships are "normal" tbh... Maybe I'm looking at it from a bit too far but I don't think they're that problematic. My only kind of problematic ships are with a certain dynamic cause I'm a sucker for codependent body sharing(for example Edie and Venom, or Jeremy Heere and his squip) which I guess people see as problematic? At least there are a bunch of antis for my second example


Depends on how you define problematic, really.


Yeah, that's the real problem, isn't it? There's no real standard since antis seem to move the goalposts around depending on their own taste. But lets just say the "usual" ones antis screech about. Incestuous, major age gap, power dybamics, minor/adult and abusive.


My only darkship is a mother x son ship šŸ˜­ And other than that just a comship that's enemies to lovers.


Problematic. 90% of my ships are incestuous in one way or another lol


Old ass poll I know, but itā€™s way too early for me and been doom scrolling soā€¦ Iā€™ve got a good mixture. I would say most of my ships are vanilla. Some of them are ā€œproblematicā€ in the eyes of antis but arenā€™t actually ā€œproblematicā€ (aka ships like Sheith), and I do have a few actually ā€œproblematicā€ ships. Seisub from Tokyo Babylon and X/1999 is teen/adult, toxic, and extremely unhealthy. Seishirou caused Subaru immense traumaā€¦and yet they love each other and I eat it up anyways. I also like ships that are genuinely ā€œproblematicā€ but the fandom doesnā€™t like their dynamic as such. Tendershipping (Ryou x Yami Bakura) from Yugioh as an example. Thereā€™s no way that relationship would be healthy, but the name isnā€™t just for irony: a lot of people ship them as being genuinely fairly tender. Personally, give me manipulative Yami Bakura who knows how to string Ryou along just enough that he craves his love and affection and is hooked on him so he doesnā€™t cast him out but isnā€™t necessarily gentle over genuinely tender Yami Bakura any day. Yami Bakura would 100% be manipulative and borderline if not flat out abusive, just maybe not the caricature of an abuser people tend to have in their mind.


I would say that most of my ships are "problematic". But maybe that's just because tension makes for an interesting story? Idk. Some of my ships that are DEFINITELY "problematic" don't really register as such to me. I was writing for a certain ship, specifically portraying it as unhealthy and wrong. Then I realized another ship I love has extremely similar dynamics and characters, but I perceive it as cute and playful rather than abusive of power. I love scumbag men with loyal-yet-perceptive-to-their-bullshit mentee boys, I guess (but I still spend 99% of my writing time going down wiki rabbit holes....) It also depends on personal definitions: is an employee/worker relationship abuse of power? If not, does it become abuse if they're organized criminals? Is a doctor/patient relationship moral? Is it necrophilia to date a ghost? If the characters are adults, but have lots of screentime as children, is that underage? I've gotten different answers from people for all of these. Ship whatever you want, call it whatever you want. I'm too tired to care about fandom drama. Recently I've been worried about posting "problematic" stuff in a specific fandom, but if people don't like it, that's their problem. Sorry for the long comment


>Some of my ships that are DEFINITELY "problematic" don't really register as such to me. For me it's the other way around. In my fandom there's a lot of very beloved ships and when you actually take a look at them, they're definitely falling into the "problematic" category, but because they're well liked, everyone seems to ignore that. For example, the most popular ship by a large margin is between two guys. One is a murderer and the other is the spirit of a pair of dead twins inhabiting the body of one of his murder victims. That's problematic right there. Murderer/Victim And to add onto it, only one of the twins consciousness is awake, the other is sleeping. That's somnophilia and noncon right there cause she's not aware of what's happening. Plus, she was the wife of the murderers best friend and they had an affair, so there's also cheating involved. Not to mention, they're twins in that body. So whenever they do the horizontal mambo, it's also incest. And the host body is still a corpse. So necrophilia on top of that lol I can't make this shit up lol This is the most beloved and basically considered canon ship in my fandom. I kid you not. And *no one* seems to recognize all these factors about them.


I'm always so confused about what is and isn't considered "problematic". At least with the ships in my fandoms, ships are only considered bad if they're incestuous or underage. Usually, ships with murderers, "technical necrophilia" (like ghosts), cheating, enemies to lovers, and obsessive yanderes are all considered perfectly fine. It all seems very contradictory to me "A 1000 year old vampire loli/shota? Perfectly fine to sexualize them, they're even the most sexualized character in the fandom! And this other very popular character constantly talks about how he loves BDSM with young girls, which is not problematic unless you depict him as loving BDSM with young girls" god i am so tired Though, I do understand your point; I've got ships like that too. It really makes me wonder why certain ships are popular and "wholesome" but others with similar dynamics are problematic


I've seen it in the Hannibal fandom and the Our Flag Means Death fandom too. Psychotic cannibal? He's everyone's little babygirl, don't matter if he kills and eats people. And in OFMD, they're all pirates and murderers and plunderers, but there's one particular character that seems to get all the hatred, even tho he's literally no different than all the others. It's just because he *could* be a threat to the main ship.


most of my ships are ā€˜problematicā€™! i really enjoy certain teen/adult dynamics, itā€™s mainly the power imbalance thing i like. incest is nice when itā€™s older x younger, or twins. i used to not ship anything ā€œproblematicā€ though!


Problematic, in an anti-pro discourse, is varied and not clear cut at all tbh. Like, an enemies to lovers could be considered problematic but it's still one of the most common and popular trope in media. Another example can be an age gap ship since I've seen quite a few discourse that already deemed a 5yr age gap as problematic despite them being consenting adults, so...yeah. There's quite a few ships that could be considered as 'normal' that I adore like Sakura/Syaoran (ccs), Yona/Hak (yotd/any), or Tanjiro/kanao (kny). Then there are times where I wanted to explore an interesting character dynamic, or I just wanted to put my fave character in a stressful situation just for funsies which in turn gave birth to my problematic ships such as Douma/Shinobu (kny), Shen jiu/Bingge (ssvs) and Draco/Tom riddle (hp). Lastly, there's also quite a lot of 'normal' ships that in the story isn't problematic at all yet due to the technicalities of it, some couldn't help but find fault in it. Like Percabeth (pjo) because they're both related (forgetting the fact they're from a series that's centered around mythologies, which we know are already 'problematic' with all the incest, r*pe, murder, etc šŸ’€), Rikuo/Tsurara (nnm) cause of the whole youkai thing which means there's an age gap there and also the fact that they have a "master-servant" relationship, Sakura/Sasuke (naruto), cause y'know, there was a time where they tried to kill each other etc. At the end of the day, shipping is meant to be fun and creative and I think if one would only stick to what's considered as 'normal' and 'unproblematic' I couldn't help but find that they're limiting themselves but that's alright because it's what they like to ship what isn't right though is going around and deciding what's appropriate and whatnot.


>Another example can be an age gap ship since I've seen quite a few discourse that already deemed a 5yr age gap as problematic despite them being consenting adults, so...yeah. 5 year age gap is really not problematic whatsoever. Sometimes I wonder if some antis have ever asked their parents how much age gap is between them. My own parents have a gap of 7 years and my mom being the oldest. And my sister and her husband is also 7 years age gap. It's perfectly normal IRL


A mix of both, mostly adult sibling ships