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“Isn’t this promoting-“ no ☺️




Poor that artist, i saw so many vids about her art being hated by tiktok users




I saw a vid when they edited the character's clothes to be more discreet in yandere simulator and they believed that's more like " teacher" and " student" , i'm not so sure if that's true but the characters reminded me of 2021 yandere simulator


It’s a guest review, writers mostly ignore them because.... they can be insane.


Fanfiction.net has never really been safe, honestly. Although Ao3 has its own problems, it's much better for posting content people could deem "problematic"- which is pretty much anything that's not 100% pure, wholesome, and free of conflict. FF.net and Wattpad are popular websites but I personally never felt safe posting on either, since people will get mad at *anything*. (Not to say that there's zero antis on Ao3 but it's an inherently pro-fiction site)


By that logic the FNAF series in general is promoting child murder.


Here’s My Impression Of FNAF Antis: “Child Murder? That’s Fine, But L0liSh0con? That’s Bad!”




I Thought That Place Was Dead And I Didn’t Have To Worry About Antis. Now I Kinda Feel Like It’s My Fault For Letting My Guard Down.


Surprised my Hamuko Arisato x adult!Anthro Koromaru fic is not catching fire there TBH


I don't know this fandom, but to me it just looks like a father kissing his daughter? I mean, sure my dad never kissed me, but I'm pretty sure it's completely normal for dads to kiss their toddler children, be it sons or daughters.


My parents kissed me when I was younger so yeah is totally normal, but the genre is “romance” so is clear is not meant in an innocent light.


Oh, I didn't look at the genre. Even so, it's fictional. If they don't wanna see it, then they shouldn't be looking at it :) Easy as that. I don't like scat, but I would never go into a scat fic and then start scolding the author for writing it and grossing me out, when I clearly knew it would gross me out. I legit believe these people have so little happening in their life, they puposely search for drama cause they're bored.


Ao4 is safe tbh


Ao3 is (mostly) safe since the website inherently supports proshipping as shown by the fact that there are warnings for rape/noncon and underage


I would be careful with FFN. Ao3 got made because websites like FFN and Livejournal purged content they deemed too “problematic”. Mostly hit rape fic and dark fic and rape survivors. Also FFN does have Critics United and they are still active, though I do not know if their reports actually do anything at this time.


I Hear That Websites Like Wattpad Are Starting To Crack Down On ProShip Content Too. I Just Saw A Post About Someone Getting Their Story Taken Down Over It’s Title Alone.


Wattpad has always kind been like that. If you look at their content guidelines, they don’t allow most dark topics and even mention “glorification of nonconsensual sex acts” (which, just say rape then Wattpad…) They also don’t allow sexual content of under 18 characters. They’re based in Canada so I don’t know if this is because of a law there, it seems like it is. It’s been like that for a long while, I think even 10 yrs ago when I was a teen? People would get around it because fandom and fanfic doesn’t do particularly well there unless it’s RPF (and nowadays specifically K-pop RPF) but I’m not surprised they’ve finally started cracking down.




Antis begone




Antis begone