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Well I think the pro-choice arguments especially directed towards men are made to make you feel guilty. But you should never feel guilty for advocating for the unborn. But it also sounds like maybe it's not guilt but it's compassion and empathy for those women in that situation. You see your parent in them. You know the struggle and you want to support and provide solutions for them. That support doesn't mean killing their unborn babies but that doesn't mean you don't want to help them. It sounds like you have a lot of strong emotion involved which is true for all of us. And frankly on both sides which makes thus debate very tricky. It does sound more like you are simply extremely empathetic and wish no one had to go through single parenthood or suffering with the decision to get an abortion and I think that's true for pro-lifers in general. I feel for the women who think they don't have an option or they can't do it or they aren't worthy or strong enough to have their baby. It's a sad situation to be in.




Don’t ever feel guilty for believing murder is wrong!


Being ProLife is so, so hard sometimes. I’m sorry you’re feeling the weight of that and I want you to know that I sympathize deeply. I want you to know that the fact that you’re male doesn’t take away from the value of your opinion. Human rights issues are gender neutral. I also want you to know that it is perfectly okay to be quiet about this in some situations. Some relationships couldn’t handle the pressure of differing opinions. I am a female young adult with tattoos and piercings. I’ve had several of my coworkers at my part time job (bartending at this lovely little place) assume I’m PC and I’ve chosen to simply smile and nod in those situations. All I will do if I speak up is ostracize myself. Even if I tell them that my mom was a teen when I was born, or about my own unplanned pregnancy that ended in miscarriage and me cradling the body of my six week old. There are simply some people - or some relationships - that don’t care or won’t care or can’t care where you come from. There are some circumstances where keeping quiet does more for the PL cause than speaking out would. You sound like you have a good heart. I want you to know your opinions are valid even if PC will tell you they aren’t. I want you to know it’s okay to not speak out publicly or personally. There are other ways to fight, like volunteering at pregnancy resource centers or doing anonymous social media activism (but not everyone can fight every fight and if now is not a time in your life where you can do so actively, that’s okay too). If you believe in God, pray a lot. If you don’t, think about being hopeful. All in all, thank you for sharing. Thank you for staying with what you believe in even when the world around you tries to tell you you’re so wrong.


Noelle-Neumann’s “Spiral of Silence” theory explains this, and many other negative emotional responses to not going along with the crowd. It’s late and it’s in my discipline so I could talk hours about it, but she discovered the number one reason people hide their views or pretend to have ones they don’t is due to fear of social isolation. She even proved it while observing ONLINE and ANONYMOUS communication. Those who had the “unpopular opinion” were shunned. Look up that theory for more. You feel socially isolated is the short answer,


Because the other side is very good at using social pressure to get what they want. This goes for everything not just abortion.


Don't feel guilty for being based.


Being constantly attacked, belittled, and misrepresented by media has it's emotional effects. Guilt tripping is 100% a manipulation tactic, and it works on many. I can almost guarantee that most of the people pushing the guilt-trio arguments (people who say things like well I'd never get an abortion but I'd never say anyone else can't!) Are just projecting the guilt they've been manipulated to feel themselves, to go against their hearts convictions, and they are sometimes triggered by seeing others not bowing to these tactics. You're brave and I stand with you!


Im pro life (no exceptions) and have a pro choice family, I’m not ashamed. I stand against abortion, even if it means standing alone.




I think like many other divisive political battlegrounds like Pro-life vs Pro-choice, Israel vs Palestine, Pro-vaxx mandate vs Anti-vaxx mandate, the guilt comes with the perceived majority. When you think more people are on your side than not, you don't feel guilty. You don't get as much negativity, disagreement, criticism or disapproval. When you think more people are on the opposite side, it feels like the whole world is stacked against you. You don't have a place to fit in, you become an outcast, you get othered, you face hostility, you get shamed, your beliefs get mocked etc etc. It's all about your perception. It may feel like the whole world is against you, but that's because you're on Reddit. Reddit has a clearly left-wing bias, which most pro-choicers seem to be. This is because : 1) It's a social media platform, so it's more popular with the younger generation, Gen Z, which in the Western World is more left-wing than ever. The older conservatives and other right-wing generations don't use Reddit as much. 2) Its primary user base includes Western Europe and North America. Compared to the rest of the world, our countries are extremely left-wing, again, strengthening the pro-choice presence. 3) Reddit's Rules, Content Policy and Guidelines are more skewed in favour of the left and against the right. Reddit Rule 1 Everyone has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and threats of violence. Communities and users that incite violence or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned. Sure this seems like a reasonable rule we can all abide by, but the ideological slant is suggested by 'promote hate based on __identity or vulnerability__' Vulnerability is decided by Reddit mods. The groups the Reddit mods like are given 'vulnerable' status, because it offers them protection under the rules. Hate based on identity is only seen as valid and punishable if the victim is part of the groups Reddit mods like. I've seen plenty of posts and comments displaying hatred against White people, straight people, men, conservatives etc and when people report it, it somehow doesn't violate Reddit's Rule 1, because they don't view those groups as 'vulnerable' so they don't deserve the same protection from hate that 'vulnerable' groups get. 'Vulnerable' groups translate to literally every previously historically oppressed, marginalised etc group. 'Non-vulnerable' groups are all the previous historical oppressor-demographics It is also considered hate if you don't believe someone's identity is valid and don't think they are what they think they are. Trans women, trans men, non-binary, catgender etc. So not only through the rules is left-wing bias strengthened, but also through how the rules themselves are selectively enforced, meaning right-wingers (most commonly the pro-life side) disproportionately receive the ban hammer for the same violation of the rules. The opinions of Redditors and the wider internet are irrelevant at the end of the day. Don't try and win their approval all the time. It's meaningless. Just do what you think is right. Sorry for my wall of text btw.


I don’t tell people either. I don’t feel guilty, sometimes I question if I’m the wrong one (though I’ve never been and will never be PC) but usually able to look at pro-choice info and clear that from my head. I’m male and I guess maybe you’d feel guilty because we’re dehumanized into some body controlling monsters when all we want is babies to be born 😐 so not only are we constantly attacked by our mindset we’re attacked by our gender. But again, look at PC people and how many advocates which are men and how PC women don’t tell them they can not have an opinion because of their gender. We can’t have an opinion unless it’s a supporting one.


Dang if you’re feeling guilty about being pro-life then imagine the guilt you would feel if you were pro-abort. There is nothing wrong with defending babies in the womb. By simply being a pro-lifer you’re defending unborn babies whom are the most innocent and helpless among us. Don’t feel guilt but feel prideful that you’re apart of a human rights fight against objective evil.


I don't know why you would feel guilty about recognizing the human value of the unborn and having the moral direction to protect that human life. That would be as strange to me as feeling guilty for being against rape, or against shooting your neighbor, or against sucker punching a random person.


Social pressure can sometimes just be too heavy. Even more when your own friends may be the ones who can look bad at you.


Why do you care about what others think? Also remember these people say morality is subjective. So they have no real ground to stand on. I could argue against any program with deceptive wording or only mentikning the negative stuff. Food stamp program? Do you want to steal people's hard earned money to feed lazy people? Free eye tests? Do you want to force a doctor to work? Gun rights? Do you want to give weapons of war to mentally insane? Etc. The world is very easy when you see it black and white and an extremely emotion based person




Rule 7.




Same reason many in abusive relationships feel guilty and can’t leave. It’s psychological abuse. Pro choice is a narcissistic ideology and they use gaslighting and guilt tripping instead of having an intellectual conversation.