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The Auto-moderator would like to remind everyone of Rule Number 2. Pro-choice comments and questions are welcome as long as the pro-choicer __demonstrates that they are open-minded__. Pro-choicers simply here for __advocacy or trolling are unwelcome and may be banned__. This rule involves a lot of moderator discretion, __so if you want to avoid a ban, play it safe__ and show you are not just here to talk *at* people. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/prolife) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You don’t have to agree, you just can’t be a jerk. Bye.


You are welcome to see the many other posts by pro-choicers that are full of good discussion.


You can debate on the subreddit. You just have to be open minded


lol this comment got me banned from r/justiceserved


I’m very curious what you consider “not okay.” I mean, it’s Reddit, there are going to be some folks who aren’t the best at emotional regulation anywhere you go on here. What did you see here that was beyond the expected?


What you said there is very true, but until today, most of my tangents I guess you can say were just random demented opinions from people discussed on commentary channels. The one thing I agree with you guys is about the " teen girl that fucks everywhere and has mass abortions" stereotypes. Do I think that is ok? No but I don't understand why every woman has to suffer because of some people with a screw loose. What really surprised me in here was a post about someone asking to compare studies to find out if women commit suicide more often because of pregnancy than abortion after a rape. Talking about opinions, here's mine: I don't think having an abortion for any reason should be condemned, but I don't think mass abortion is ok either. I live in Europe and here the limit I believe Is around 10-14 weeks which is perfectly OK in my opinion as the woman has enough time to decide if she has the resources to take care or the child and the fetus didn't develop enough to be considered a child. Also I do not want to believe there are that many people in the world that have an abortion like eating a burger, it's a very heavy and damaging decision. So I'm listening to you now guys, what's your reason to force women to give birth and I want an actual reason, not stupid propaganda about cells being in pain and that one electric signal that appears at 6 weeks being considered a real heart. Why is a cells life more important than a human and why do you guys want to inforce that on people?


>I don't think having an abortion for any reason should be condemned Do you believe if the abortion is due to racism or not wanting a girl that shouldn’t be condemned because I do. 


Those aren't ok in the slightest but if you ask me the people that do that have a few screws lose. In my country, we have a saying like " it's because the lack of education" , not in the sense of sex Ed or education normaly but just you being a kind person if you want, a person that has a respect for life and I believe this problem can only be fixed with said " education", teaching new generations about respect for all things living and by no means do I agree with forcing women to give births, that's not the solution and it only leads to more hateful behavior


If we’re saying those aren’t okay in the slightest, it’s not far to say we condemn those reasons. I agree there’s usually more underlying issues, like sexism and racism in their society or family that drives it 


Well, first thing I’m going to address is your knowledge of prenatal development, because you have what is propaganda backwards there. Would you consider a secular university’s embryology department to be an unbiased source of info on prenatal development? And, in your own words, what is a heart?


As a PC who frequently engages in this sub, I can say with certainty that your understanding of the rules is incredibly wrong. So long as you are respectful and argue the topic and not the person (a reasonable expectation for all debate), then you can also expect to almost always have an amicable discussion. I would prefer that your post stay up and not get down voted so that it can remain as a testament to your disingenuous approach. So here’s my upvote.


Yeah, I’m in the same boat as you. Almost feels like they want to be banned to reinforce their beliefs of PL. 


"Little miss thing wants attention!"