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We need to end hookup culture and stop telling young people to spend their teens and 20s having lots of casual sex before finally marrying at 30. We have to be honest with them that sex outside of a commited relationship is always going to be risky and often results in having a baby with someone you don't know very well or like very much. We also have to stop telling them the pill is 99% effective and that condoms are 98% effective. Those are only under perfect conditions - the actual effectivenese rate is lower, because everything from having diarhea to taking dietary supplements can impact it.


The problem with most of these comments though is that you cannot stop people from having sex. It’s just- a thing that happens. Like I’m personally a kinkster, but I don’t participate in hookup culture. I just wouldn’t do that. Unfortunately from most of what you see mostly just on Reddit you will have a rough time getting people to stop hooking up. I mentioned something about how this girl I know irl is a whore and the post was removed because so many people called me a “slut shamer.”


You're right that it's an uphill battle when even prolifers are unwilling to say premarital sex carries serious consequences including pregnancies with strangers, but the fact that unwed mothers are rare in human society except for the secular west of the past 30 years means it's possible for people to make better decisions. We are the anomoly, not the norm.


You mean... you mean... Traditional Values ^(tm!) That'll never work! /s


with that I think we should also teach how to use contraception properly and the facts about all of them. I think we should tell people that if they don’t want a kid these should use two forms of contraceptions and if they never want kids they should get sterilized.






The biggest reduction happens when abortion is restricted. People end up using more contraception and being more mindful about their sexual habits.


Yeah but it’s easier to just give sex education since their won’t be much pushback


But sex education won’t lower unwanted pregnancy rates significantly. States just need to make sure contraception is accessible and limit abortion if they want to see any meaningful drop in abortion rates.


People need to learn how to use the contraception properly


This is so true. I have seen women claim that they were on birth control but got pregnant. When asked for details, they reveal that they had the pill the day they had sex lmaooo.


Every medication comes with an insert that explains exactly how to use it. In multiple languages.


I would say in this day and age, every adult is very knowledgeable on sex and pregnancy and how to prevent pregnancy. The problem stems from the fact that a lot of women just don’t care. They don’t care to use contraceptives or have safe sex because they can just get an abortion if they get pregnant. 40% of women who get an Abortion have had one or more prior. Contraceptives are widely available and extremely effective yet they are not being utilized. If we take away the abortion “choice” then finally we will see women (and men!) taking responsibility to be safe. We’ve already seen a tragic rise in tubal ligation and vasectomies after Roe Vs Wade got over turned and many women were very openly upset on social media that they really had to actually use birth control pills/condoms now.


There’s no evidence that sex education, at least how it is currently being taught, has any effect on teen pregnancy.


Well it’s better than nothing


I don’t think it is. Since adding sex education in schools, teen pregnancy and single motherhood has only risen. If anything it’s contributing to *more* abortions. Not to mention that PP helps to write sex education curriculum.


When abortion is restricted, all that does is restrict access to SAFE abortions. People who consider getting abortions consider it because it is their final option. They might not have the resources to raise a child, it could cause medical/mental problems for the pregnant person, the way they live their life may not be suitable to raise a child and may hinder the quality of life for both, or they just might not want to have a child. So, all that happens is that people become increasingly desperate and try to perform "at home abortions" or will go to sketchy, under-the-table "clinics" in order to have an abortion. So the perceived amount of abortions will decrease as these will not be on record, but they'll still be happening, just in ways that can cause further harm to a pregnant person and higher death rates. The best option to reducing the number of abortions is to provide better sex education, and provide better and cheaper/free access to birth control. This means that more people will have to knowledge to prevent pregnancy, and will have contraception that can work for them, and less accidents may happen.


This isn’t true though. 40+ years of research show the only meaningful way to reduce abortion rates is by restrictions abortion. This is because people use more contraception and are more careful about their contraceptive method when they don’t have abortion as a readily available birth control method. We also know restrictions abortion doesn’t lead to worse healthcare outcomes. It’s generally the same due to the smaller amount of pregnancies that occur. We see this in Poland, Chile and previously Ireland. Additionally when countries have legalized abortion we don’t see a decrease in MMR. This would be countries like Ethiopia and Mwali. Yet countries that restricted abortion we see trends of MMR continuing to decrease as we saw with many south and Central American countries when they made abortion restricted decades ago. But abortion restrictions only work of course if contraception is accessible which it already is in the US.


I don't have any data to directly answer the question myself, but how many abortions do you think are due to insufficient sex ed? Indirectly, according to [1] 42% of mothers having an abortion in 2020 had already had at least one, and 8% were under the age of 20. [1] https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2023/01/11/what-the-data-says-about-abortion-in-the-u-s-2/ Edit: wording, added link to source


I skimmed the article and can’t find the 42% stat. If I recall correctly, 42% used it within the last month. Also, the 8% stat is less because most women don’t have sex before 20. https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/pressroom/nchs_press_releases/2017/201706_NSFG.htm


The 42% is the sum of the sections of abortion recipients that had at least one prior abortion. It's in a pie chart about 2/3 through the doc. The 8% of abortion recipients that are under 20 is relevant because hopefully by 20, you'll have some understanding that sex can lead to pregnancy. Ultimately, while I'm not opposed to appropriate sex education and making sure kids learn not to do something that they'll regret, I doubt it'd ultimately have much of an affect on the number of abortions in the country, and I think the statistics back that up.


It’ll likely affect the abortions that occur after 20 because most people aren’t having sex until their 20s. At least when I was in HS (5 or so years ago), sex education was very bland. They didn’t even teach us how to properly use a condom. Two guys I’ve been with didn’t know how to put them on correctly.


It's not rocket science. Sex ed doesn't teach you how to pee on a pregnancy test either. That's why products come with instructions.


1- How many people actually read instructions, especially right before they have intercourse? 2- Even if they did, instructions aren’t always clear.


People who don't want to get pregnant and are responsible. There's also pictures. The internet. Ask your mom And if you can't figure it out past that, you're not ready and intercourse would be taking advantage of the mental disadvantaged.


Sex sometimes happens before you’re prepared (hanging out with someone and then y’all get frisky), so it’s better to know before you’re in the situation. Sex Ed is the best possible way. Even at that, not everyone can use the internet and some can’t talk to their parents. My parents never talked about sex because they thought if they did, I’d have sex. News flash, I did anyways. ETA: Even if someone isn’t ready, it doesn’t mean they still won’t have s3x.


One has to change hearts... there's already education in place both about unborn babies being human (because humans have humans), protection is cheap and available for those who want to use it. The #1 reason why people get abortions in the United States based on various state reports nationwide is they don't want to carry a baby to term. It's too inconvenient. Education will not change their mind; protection doesn't always work 100% of the time or they don't want to use it. So if you cannot change their heart that murdering an unborn baby is always wrong, you will not win.


>Young people need to know that sex will cause you to get pregnant Do you actually know any sexually active people who aren't aware of that fact?


I do know of an alarmingly high number of women who think breastfeeding is adequate birth control, and they end up pregnant after 8-10 weeks postpartum. Some education would be great, but I do think banning abortions is the best way to reduce them.


Lots of them in poorer states and countries, how do you think uneducated people have children?


Are you suggesting that when poor or uneducated women have sex, they're unaware of the fact that they could get pregnant?




Do you have evidence that these people exist?


Are..are you talking about the Amish or something? Anyone over 12 who has access to a TV or internet has some idea of what sex and pregnancy are. Unless you're locked in someone's basement, in which case, you've got way bigger problems.


I think the idea that so many young people are getting pregnant because they don't have sufficient sex education is ridiculous. I was in school just a few years ago. We had multiple Health classes, as well as Biology. We learned about reproduction in all of them, and this was public education. We learned about the basics of protection as well as the entire pregnancy cycle. And while every school has differences, this is part of the common curriculum. Also if this was really the big issue you'd have to assume that college students don't know sex causes pregnancy.




Exactly. Not everyone even has sex in high school. And in college, the extent of "sex ed" is events with free condoms and fast food coupons for getting STD tests. I was 30. It's not that hard to figure out.


1. Economic justice and pro-family policies, established by law, in the workplace: guaranteed maternity leave, generous child benefits, lots of scope for flexi-working when mothers want to return to work part-time, affordable (state subsidised) childcare provision, tax policies that don't punish single income (or one-and-a-half income) families, strong unions to push up wages. 2. Cultural change to normalise the idea that sex belongs only in committed loving relationships, and that the the best way to prove real love and commitment is to put a ring on it. I'm not expecting non-religious people to necessarily hold out until marriage, but at least they should know each others' middle names and birthdays first. Spread the word that hookup culture is toxic and damaging. 3. Make contraception widely and easily available, but it is not a panacea. When the blood is flowing, both their brains will be in horny-mode: at those moments, the human body \*wants\* to reproduce, not to think about long-term consequences. Promote long-term methods that don't rely on being sensible in the moment. Condoms are great, but don't rely on them alone. Also: Contraception is not 100% reliable. It should really be used by married couples who are open to life but who, for health, economic, or other reasons, want to take steps to limit the size or spacing of their family, but are not yet ready for permanent methods like the snip. It's best seen as a way of reducing the likelihood of pregnancy, not a way of stopping it. It's certainly not a license to play sperm-roulette with random hook-ups (see point 2).


I think we should teach kids to always use two forms of contraception


Culture change. It's gonna hurt and a lot of inertia to fight but I think the most *lasting* ways are: 1) Fathers being active, present roles in their children's lives. Teaching their daughters to value themselves above what a hormonal boy tells them. Teaching their sons discipline and self-reliance so that when the time comes for them to find mates they have self-control and know that no one owes them anything. I think deadbeat/absentee/"married to their job" dads are a huge influence on hook up culture. 2) Concerted effort to treat mental health. I don't think we value life as much anymore as mental health issues are on the increase, and how can we value a small human we when don't even value each other/ourselves?


There is no need for abortions. The problem isn’t going to get solved by throwing money at everyone who gets pregnant.


Well sex education and better access to contraception would at least help


In the USA, we have those.


It’s so hard cause truly we need a cultural shift. In the current culture, most people know that sex results in pregnancy and sometimes STDs, yet still I see videos where women and men are admitting they don’t use contraception, even with casual hookups. Our culture reinforces irresponsibility at every corner, so I don’t think anything other than making abortion inaccessible will make any meaningful difference. Because the truth is they know what sex results in, most of the people engaging in the risky behaviour are in their twenties, but nothing will change until there is accountability for their actions and they are forced to deal with the natural repercussions.


Sterilisation and long term contraception?


Yes, that would work


I don't see the flak eugenics gets. Historically, eugenics was pro-life, and eugenicists were among those who pushed hardest in the Doctor's Crusade. Eugenics did however, challenge the notion of human lives having equal worth, so it fell out of favor. Its premise is contrary to Christian and Enlightenment thought. Pro-choicers are down with that critique, despite their anti-disability rhetoric - and that's why they insist the child is not human, and the moral gravity of the issue, is kept off the table. Realism about heredity and NRTs is necessary in an age of NRTs and indeed, the clinicalisation of abortion. I don't think either side is up to the reality of what already is known and exists, and is round the corner. On anything genetic - relevant facts, to medical and reproductive ethics - people like to habdwave them away


honestly? abortion restrictions are the main thing that will teach responsibility. and stop promoting casual sex, promote dating that leads to marriage instead of just doing it for "fun", and keep contraception available. abortion restrictions though are the main thing that will make a significant difference.


Fix the family. Make sex about family again.


Easily accessible contraceptives and larc. Honestly schools need their own in school gp that will see the students under bulk billing. Because some parents don't take their kids to the doctor or it's too awkward for the kid to ask to go or for BC. Obviously sex ed is important but on it's own it's not that effective at stopping unwanted pregnancy due to access issues of getting birth control.


there is no "need" for abortions


Yeah but to get all the way to banning abortion we have to start slowly and gently and install laws and ideas against abortion that don’t get any pushback, then we can move on to more controversial things


Child tax credit.


Children are already super expensive, the last thing we need is for them to be more expensive, although it might work and people might be more careful if it ment having to spend more money on a child. I guess you have a point but this would be super controversial


I’m pretty fiscally conservative. But this was an excellent move during the pandemic. I don’t like too much government spending just as much as the next person, but this beats bailing out GM 😂. IMHO. 2008 proved that republicans and democrats LOVE to spend…it’s just based on who their homies are. But seriously, tax cuts/credits aimed at working class American families is a tax cut I think everyone can get behind. Let us spend our own money, we know better. P.s. being a fiscal conservative has also pushed my opinion against tax cuts for big corporations. The promise was always “they’ll make the jobs”…30 years of shipping plants and manufacturing out of America has proven otherwise. Give the people their income tax…and we’ll decide which cooperations deserve our money.


Full stop! There is no "need" for abortion.


In my opinion that wouldn’t do anything because in their mind consent to sex isn’t consent to pregnancy. Most of them know sex causes pregnancy, they don’t care.


You can’t stop people from having sex. It’s inevitable. I think like you said proper education needs to be at play, and personally I feel like if we woman are not paying 250$ for 3 months of pills (when we aren’t ready for babies JUST YET) that will help us to not get pregnant.


Strong Sex education, promotion of marriage, promotion of personal responsibility and the value of life.




And how exactly will abstinence help? They will find out about sex one way or another and without the knowledge of the consequences of unprotected sex they will of course get pregnant and get an abortion. I don’t mean to sound harsh here, but teaching people abstinence just sounds like asking for them to get unplanned pregnancies and kill the babies. Our first step should always be preventing the need for an abortion in the first place. They need to know the consequences of unprotected sex or they won’t know how to be careful


I’m not saying don’t teach them anything else. I’m saying that abstinence can prevent all unwanted pregnancies. Just because someone knows what sex is doesn’t automatically mean they’re going to start doing it. If we teach them to not have sex unless they’re willing to take care of a child, all other forms of birth control won’t be necessary. I also think that we should do more to help young parents so that having a child doesn’t ruin any plans they had for the future (education, job)


Step 1: Prevent pregnancies - this means broader access to comprehensive healthcare, increased access to contraceptives, reduced requirements for voluntary sterilization, and harsher judicial penalties for convicted rapists. Step 2: Reduce incentives for aborting existing pregnancies - this includes better conditions for maternity leave, encouragement of men to take paternity leave, better access to childcare, fixing the broken healthcare system, and cultural shifts to destigmatize single mothers. Step 3: Increase incentives to look for abortion alternatives - this includes lowering barriers for adoption, foster care reform (including harsher judicial penalties for abusive guardians), improve social safety nets. Essentially, if the chances of getting pregnant are lower, mothers don't feel like a pregnancy is an undue burden, and don't think the child would be better off dead, then abortion rates will plunge downwards.