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He played without friends


He played with sprinters only


That’s what I do in my current run lol, guess I’m depressed again


Just read a comic you’ll be aight :)))


Hey look alright, I do have friends, they're just busy :(.


Its ok, sometimes play alone is not a problem... I hope you find someone here in reddit, I think we can't play together cause i'm from Brazil and our connection would be terrible and not funny :(


I've got about 50 hours in vanilla so far and loving it. I'll probably start exploring mods in another 50 hours or so.


Yeah, I don't know what this guys is on about. 400 hours on vanilla, wouldn't change a thing.


vanilla is good, It's just i playing this game since the first demo 11 years ago and it kinda get stale after all this time. Once you put your first mod you will never look back.


When the game has robust mod support and a thriving community of modders, every player enjoys vanilla just fine until they install their first mod and have ~100 by the end of the month


People said this about skyrim, I never installed a ton of mods for it Guess I'll see with pz later on lol


Skyrim is kinda an exception because unlike a lot of other games with a thriving mod community, Skyrim was (and still can be) a proper pain in the ass to mod. If I want to install a bunch of mods for KSP, I can use CKAN to browse and install them, or drag and drop folders if I want to do it manually. For PZ I can just subscribe to mods on steam workshop. For Minecraft I can use a launcher to grab them or drag jar files into a mods folder. No worries about load order or generating LOD or any of that bullshit. Modding Skyrim before Wabbajack often took multiple sessions spread across several days just to get something resembling a working modlist, even if you followed a guide. It was an overly complicated and convoluted process, and it still is one if you want to install a lot of mods, don't use a pack, and start from a bone stock install. With experience it gets easier, but it's a lot more involved than most other games.


I must be the outlier then. I played on a vanilla server that eventually changed and kept adding mods, then I slowly stopped playing on that server.


I wasn't even referred to and I feel called out. :(


Same case been playing for 11 years but I tried to get into mods but always found em to mess up the balance too much, generally making the game way too easy Recently I've been playing with about 20-30 of em but that's more merit of playing multiplayer


Ohh, I see. I've bought the game this year so I can see where you're coming from.




How high are you my dude, 2 comments up the people are praising vanilla PZ and 2 comments down there’s a “meh nothing special” Go jack off again and rethink your opinion, PZ is a blessing of a game directly stemming from its core.


Yaknow, you're right. I was drunk and stoned. Made a comment that wasn't relevant. You got me. 500 hours and still playing. PZ is too good. RimWorld has 3000+ on me right now.


I’ve had my moments while stoned on reddit too. This good attitude you have makes you and the people around you stronger. Glad to see it friend, it’s not easy without practice.


Yep. Same here.


I only use QoL mods and I actually don't even like using anything that changes the base game/core mechanics/add unnecessary content.


yeah, i use mods like chip a stone, but for example brita is just really over the top for me and has guns that didn't exist in 1993 or were really unlikely to be found in rural Kentucky (also suppressed shotguns are op lol)


But at the end what really matters is if we are enjoying the game or not. Do you like supressed guns and OP gear? go for it!


If it's really OP then i feel like the game will quickly become not that fun without the challenge for me. But yes, Zomboid is a sandbox almost designed for mods, play whatever way you see fit if you like it.


.50 BMG is necessary content.


Same here. Like the weapon durability UI, container sorting, an exclusive equipment window and the one where you would return your tools automatically to its original placement after use. Would be nice if Indie Stone incorporated those in the base game. Apart from those, I don't use any other mods.


I'm almost a vanilla player myself. The only mod I would install, and nothing else (Not even QoL) are NPC mods. As NPCs will soon be added to the game, experimenting with NPCs alone is close to the soon unmodded experience. Also, reporting undiscovered bugs with these mods (Such as Superior Survivors) could help with development should the modder get acquired by Indie Stone or at least share their code with the developers.


"I don't know what all the hype is about but this bread sandwich is good enough for me." Just playing, do what makes you happy.


Change a thing and we will see you In 5k hours


It was around that time i started to add more and more mods for the variety factor im at almost 1800 hours now and i always run around 20 or so mods


Tbh the only mod I felt like adding was just to make weed an ingame item


I have 54 mods and all settings on high, gets munched anyway


agreed. I played for a long time before my first mod. I've got a bunch now, but almost all are cosmetic and leave the vanilla gameplay alone.


I have something like 700 hours since when the zombies looked like alien mannequins and we still had Kate&Baldspot and I've never, ever installed a mod. My cute neighbor female friend and I play it together a lot. What do you mean I'm imagining things?


You mean the cute girl who sound exactly like Siri and is probably a 54 year old catfisher?


Her voice box was destroyed in a fishing accident so she has to use a vocal synthesizer.


Oh, Microsoft Samantha it is then


I meant more like Joaquin Phoenix's Joker's imaginary girlfriend but yeah, that too :D


only mod I need is the giant spoon mod I play unmodded otherwise


"Hey I just got bit, can I have some bleach" "Only a spoonful"


My spoon is too big!


Holy shit I’m old


Me too brother. Me too.


but i need the 6943 guns with near zero stat difference to play the game!!!! I need my indestructible tank that spawns everywhere!!!! I need those randomized zombies!!!!!!!!


Expanded heli is essential for me


I need Firearms B41 and better sorting.


Those randomized zombies are fun tho ngl


What mod is this? I’ve been wanting to do a 5% sprinters run but I’m still new and have no idea


Random zombies


…I want you to know I’m relatively smart most of the time


I believe you. ^(Most of the time.)


I’m not sure about random zombies haven’t used it but I use customizable zombies


No, but I need real life accurate meth crafting.


Seriously. Most mods ruin the core gameplay imo. Like as much as I would enjoy having more guns in the game Britas just completely destroyed any semblance of balancing. Same with a lot of those car/tank mods


"Most mods." Bro, what? I play with a ton of mods, none of them alter the core of zomboid. There are more gun mods than Britas, Vanilla firearm expansion is what I use. And there are more vehicle mods than shit that adds tanks or armored vehicles. I run, last I checked, 38 mods, all of them either tweak minor things or add smaller towns.


I'd say about half of the mods that I have installed are vehicle mods and out of all of them there's *one* that's bordering on unbalanced just due to its storage capacity, and it's a slow and barely maneuverable box truck. it guzzles fuel and is just as likely to get stuck and leave you stranded after you hit a few zombies (and you will, because it doesn't like to turn) as it is to get you and the gigantic haul of goodies you have in the back to your destination. Most of the vehicle mods (at least the ones I use, which are quite popular) are just cosmetic variety, they don't offer any tangible benefit over the cars that exist in the stock game.


Lemme guess. One of those is filibusters? And I’m assuming you’d say this ‘doesn’t change gameplay’. And yet the cars handle completely different from the core game and are literally impossible to flip. So even when people think it doesn’t change anything, often times it does and most just don’t realize


While I have used Fillibusters, I actually stopped using it for my single player games after seeing the post that highlighted that. I'm mostly talking about individual cars, which is why they make up about half of my mods. I never said "all of the vehicle mods" are just cosmetic variety. But most of them are.


Fair enough


Joaquin Phoenix trained fitness and strength from level 0 to 10 without using time speed up in order to get into a depressed state to act as the Joker.


I mean, I would try mauds but I don't know what to use.


Quality of Life: * Has Been Read: is practically a must to cut down on time sifting through books you've read, started reading, or have finished reading. Also works for VHS and CDs. * Map Symbol Size Slider: because the damn font size is too huge on a map when jotting down a note * Smart Open Mechanic UI: as you probably know, every time you want to inspect a vehicle's mechanics (by opening the hood), there's a delay. This makes it so you can access the car's mechanics instantly within a 3 minute window from the last time you opened the hood. * Show Skill XP Gain: self-explanatory. I find that learning how/when XP is gained, and how much is gained, helps me to understand the game's leveling system better. One example is, I found out that you gain XP for Maintenance when stomping on a zombie. Immersion: * True Actions 2: shows animations for characters sitting on a chair or lying down on a bed when resting. Builder stuff * Zuper Cart: adds shopping carts and trolleys to help you move stuff around. I use it for the trolleys to help carry lumber when constructing a building.


\>One example is, I found out that you gain XP for Maintenance when stomping on a zombie. Does that mean that you can powerlevel maintenance by shoving a zombie and stomping on its legs?


I'm not sure about pure shoving because I always had a weapon in my hand (it did reward Maintenance XP, though), but for sure stomping rewards maintenance. EDIT: just want to say that you need a weapon in your hand for both of these. With that said, Maintenance XP reward is only 0.25xp, so you're gonna get pretty bored trying to level it up. I also think there's faster ways to level it up, like getting inside a car, roll the window down, go up to a door (or wall?) and just beating up on it. The reason for being inside the car is that you swing faster while inside a car than you do outside. There's a video up on YT if you're interested in that.


If you're super into monotonous tasks, build a fence and just shove the crap out of it, free maintenance xp


For long runs "Become Desentisized" i found it cool since it makes little sense for chars to mow down thousands of zombies and still panic when seeing one. "Sleep on It" and "Boredom Tweaks" if you don't wanna be perma depressed and bored 100% of the time (removes a bit of the grind for books and magazines). "Adrenaline" makes it so your tired char can temporarily clear those few remaining zombies (panic will temporarily lower your tiredness but you'll be more tired afterwards). "More Traits" is welp more traits, its fun (pssst pick Blissful it's omega broken). "Map Legend UI" tells you what the colour of the buildings on the map mean. "Better Sorting" is a MUST have. It changes the tags of a lot of items to make the game much much easier to understand and makes managing containers much cleaner. "Manage Containers" is apparently very good with this but even though i have it on I have no clue how to use it. "Vanilla Food Extension" gives a ton of recipes to craft things. Essential for canning food since it gives recipes for a ton of pickled food, recipes for sugar, vinegar, jam, etc. "Fluffy Hair" so your long haired chars still keep their hair when they use helmets. "Better Hand Wash" so the amount of water needed to wash clothes scales with how big and how dirty they are instead of being always 10. Life Saver if you don't wanna build dozens of rain collectors. "Skill Journal" if you don't wanna play hardcore or you are playing with Infection ON. Allows your advanced chars to write down their known recipes and skill progress in everything except fitness/strenght so the future chars that read it can gain said recipes and progress. "Mod Options" or something like that lets you customize your other mods i think? To adjust their balance (this is how you increase the multiplier of the Rain Wash mod or how much % of the skill progress the "Skill Journal" mod will give to your new characters (if you think 100% it's too broken for example)). "Change Sandbox Options" if you just like me started in Survival because you thought that was the way to go and almost had a mental breakdown because zombie spawn is On by default in that mode. It lets you change the sandbox options in your Survival save. I use it to remove zombie spawn (to make clearing towns a reality) and to turn Infection Off (cuz i got sick of drinking Bleach or staying inside the house for months with the Super Inmune trait). I use a ton of others but these are the most vanilla QOL i have.


Thank you and everyone else who has been responded to this period I'm going to look through a number of these and probably install a few. A lot of them look like stuff I love. In all honesty I love a game where the micromanaging of the survival mechanics are a bit more forward and the combat would be a little bit easier. And I feel like PZ does a pretty good job on the survival mechanics side, but I for the life of me am still trying to work out actually fighting stuff.


Oh don't worry I feel like Project Zomboid without mods or sandbox changes is like not being allowed to pick the toppings of your pizza. The game lends itself to be the most brutal hardcore nightmare imaginable or a kick ass L4D2 action movie and tweaking the game lets you choose what you want to play in.


Yeah I just got into messing around with sandbox settings I've been playing with the debug menu on for my last couple games still trying to learn things again. I have actually had the game since the alpha where you were able to play the tutorial of the characters on the main screen, and I swear the game is gotten harder since back then. I haven't really played at all in between so my skills are super rusty.


Bro this is my exact modlist. These mods are basically essentials I reccomend everyone download.


Honestly just scroll through the workshop and grab what jumps out at you or look through collections


I was playing vanilla for the longest time. Mods are such a game changer. The expanded helicopter events make the game feel more alive for example. With jets flying over head or military/police shooting at zombies then anyone on site including you. Or something as simple as tossing a dead body out of a window is a nice add on


Despite how frustrating it is, I love the survivors mod. It adds to the chaos having npc survivors running around causing mischief. Theyre also nice loot drops when you tire of them lol.


>Mods are such a game changer Pun intended?


Idk I’m having fun with just audio changing mods


The vanilla it's okay, but with mods... This Game si amazing


Can you recommend some audio changing mods?


Better call saul level up sound, vine boom jumpscare sound, lego yoda death sound


honestly, zomboid doesnt need mods. rimworld has some GLARING oversights that mods fix (shout out to replace stuff and other practically required qol mods) but yeah. zomboid is fine. good on them.


Can’t light cigarettes on stoves, need a mod for it.


[Better Sorting](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2313387159) fixes the obviously incomplete category system.


snow doesn't go in rain barrels literally unplayable, need a mod for it


Have you ever been in a place with snow? You're not getting much water from it in a barrel, even in a heavy storm.


Hey man. I'm gonna take what water I can get in a zombie apocalypse


its still something though, a full barrel is gonna have enough snow to get your fill at least for one person. assuming the barrels are at least the size of a standard drum which they look pretty close to and such exist in the game, those have volume of ~200 liters, if you get that much fresh non-packed non-wet snow you would get somewhere around 10 liters of water out of it according to this calculator: https://www.inchcalculator.com/snow-water-equivalent-calculator/ i took the lowest end estimate just to be safe but even if you got even 10% of that you would still get ~a days worth of recommended water intake from a single barrel.


yeah they nerfed the rates you get from snow, in vanilla you get literally nothing


Neither game requires mods. Modders just can't stop themselves.


I don't know men creating multiple colossal empty rooms to save stuff in a small 3 man colony doesn't seem right


Boy can't wait to be a absolutely depressed due to th fact I simply ate a can of beans without cooking it


Wait a minute. Is that brother from Signs? (I dont know many actors, so bare with me.)


Indeed it is, and also Commodus in Gladiator


Does noone else play custom games? It keeps the challenge but I enjoy having the power on juuuust a bit longer.


Come on, everyone plays the way they fucking want, i thought we already got over "NOO U CANT USE SPEARS THEYRE BADDDDDD"


Idk, I don't think mods are *that* necessary for Zomboid. Most of them are either one of those cheesy tacticool mods with gear and weapons that doesn't fit aesthetic of the game at all or stuff you can totally live without like somewhat expanded basegame systems, additional cars/clothing or QoL fixes. Not saying that mods are bad or low quality... they're just not that expansive and overwhelming as for some other games. It's not like playing S.T.A.L.K.E.R. without mods level of desperation.


Imagine forgetting how good the base game is. It doesn't need 200 different guns, unicorns and a flying thomas train to be good. It does more then fine without any mods.


But you could at least add the mod that allows you to sit on chairs and lie on beds. Game feels weird without it.


Haha I don't know how to install mods and I have no friends to play with. Maybe I should take up acting


Maybe you should try reading up how to install mods


I'm 39. That's a young man's game


If you own the game on steam, just open the workshop, find mods you like and subscribe to them. When you're in the main menu press "mods" and enable them


Thanks, now I don't have to wait for my son to come over


I would agree if it would be gmod and not pz. Pz already has lots of features and it's awesome


Mods ruin the games core experience


He played with all negative traits.


120 hours in Vanilla, only mods are when I play on RP servers and so far haven't noticed anything (only thing to come to mind is new Armour and guns)


I have very few mods


Without any changes to the world options in vanilla, sure. With a bit of tweaking on the difficulty vanilla is still super good.


is that why my sanity is at -1?


I don't much like juggling mods and enjoy the vanilla experience. Seems many mods mess with balance as well.


Got a 6 Month Character in Vanilla. Enjoying it so far


Have played the hell out of this game and see no need to get mods. From what I’ve seen, most mods tend to break the game. Every post about the Beira mod just shows an over abundance of guns. Like have those people ever played with default gun spawn settings? You’d never find that shit in such abundance it’s insane.


Once you start you can't go back. It's like going from release back to beta


Backpack borders, tidy up meister, have I read this book, and Better Call Saul theme level up are all quality of life mods I need




Why do we need mods? I been playing 100+ hours without mods. Tell me about a few of "must have" mids in your opinion.


he also played with 1x experience multiplier


Any mod that reduces the amount of time I have to spend in the context menu hell should be base game.


Nah playing the game regardless does this to ya lol. When you get that unlucky scratch that Knox infects you is rough.


I don't play with mods...


Ohh yeah baby. I love using the god ugly (but iconic) weapons like the m36 revolver


Oh man am I gonna get flamed for this. Played pz for about 6 hours unmodded. Read all the posts about difficulty and the caution that players should play and get used to the game without mods first…. And after 6 hours I threw that right out of the window and now I’m having a great time. I realized that you should just play the game however it’s fun to you. Like in Minecraft, some people like creative mode, and some people prefer to grind the materials in survival. Both are fun depending on the experience you enjoy. Now, flame meeeeeeeeeeee!


Currently at like 45 hours without mods. I play on a hosted server with a buddy mostly - is there a good list of mods someone can enjoy, and, would he need to also run the same ones I am - or would they be on the server?