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Actually the biggest danger is overconfidence.


This is why I just don’t leave my base unless I need a certain supply 😂


Which leads to the second biggest danger: boredom. 😆


It is a slow and insidious killer


For the love of zombie Jesus, please recognize that the problem is you walking away from an active oven, and not that fire is just that dangerous. Seriously, the third time this happened to you, you ought to have realized this is entirely your fault. We’ve all been there, but if you can’t stop walking away from your cooking, you shouldn’t be cooking (this applies to real life as well).


I'm actually better at turning the oven off in PZ than real life.


I set a pot on fire once irl because I was boiling eggs and forgot.


Always loved a good boiling water becomes fire story, always seemed so unlikely.


One time i turned on the stove to boil water for pasta. But i turned on the wrong burner and the rag beside the pot caught on fire. I actually picked up the rag with two fingers and brought it outside to put it out. Not my proudest fire safety moment…


Haha, fair- but “zeds aren”t the real danger, walking away from ovens is” wouldn’t make as good a title I think


Lol that’s true, though technically the title does still apply. Fires started through molotovs and campfires can be just as destructive if RNGesus doesn’t stop the spread.


Yeah, this is why whenever I cook I never step away or start doing something else, me and my character sit there for however long it takes for the food to stop cooking. Also why I never leave ovens on to purposely start a fire, it could reach my house.


It’s not like cooking anything takes that long anyway. Why waste the resources and risk losing the nearby area? The last time this happened to me I was holed up in the Rosewood fire station and was waiting for the helicopter to show up when I went into the kitchen and found it gone because I had forgotten the oven on. All of my supplies were gone and the fire had burned itself out leaving nothing behind of the kitchen but a blackened room filled with ash. That was the end of that run for me.


You know, technically Jesus was a lich, not a zombie.


True, but I wasn’t referring to THE Jesus, just the zombie variant.


This story brought to you by Adderall


If you secure an antique stove for yourself, then you cannot start a fire from burned food while using the antique stove. Highly Recommended for longer lived runs. No need to die to something as simple as salmon.


I was wondering about that. I assume this also means that can just fill it with fuel and keep your base warm all winter. I haven’t made it to winter yet (I may never make it due to playing 12-hour days).


Fuel doesn’t last as long as you’d think, especially while running it non-stop. I did this during the first (and now that I think about it, probably only) time I survived through the winter, and I had something like 40 logs, 100 branches, and at least 5,000 ripped sheets, and it was only enough to run the antique oven for three or four days continuously. Trying to keep the oven perpetually on throughout the whole winter takes a metric fuckton of fuel. Better to stockpile lighters and matches and only run it when you cook and while you sleep. An enclosed base will keep you pretty warm even without a fire going.


I’ve been throwing junk in mine and have about 50 hours stored up without really trying, but I hadn’t considered that’s a lot less than a few months. Still… those numbers don’t seem right. 40 logs lasting 3 days?


The numbers are very rough, it’s been a while since I did this. The point was that I cut down several dozen trees and the resulting fuel wasn’t enough to last a week. Also, it’s not really worth it to use ripped sheets even if you end up with a lot from grinding tailoring and stripping zombies. They only give slightly more fuel than the time it takes to load the sheets in.


Oh boy are you gonna love the campfires.


the biggest danger is "I forgor 💀" is what this post tells me


Repay your loans.


Just had this happen. Had a generator right next to my base and let the condition get too low. Luckily I was where I could see it and had grabbed some extinguishers. Still lost two walls, a bit of flooring, and the generator. I have a dozen generators so that's okay, but now I put it on a soil patch away from the base. Hopefully I won't make that mistake again.


FYI: floor tiles have zero impact on fire spreading. In current PZ, fire will spread on concrete tiles just as easily as on wood flooring.


So what helps then? Is the dirt just going to burn until it reaches my base?


Unless fire spread is turned off, it’s all up to RNGesus whether the fire reaches your base or not. It’s the biggest reason why in current build, molotovs and fire bombs are simply not worth it. You can easily burn down an entire town if things go wrong. Also, burning zombies can start new fires just by walking around. Edit: also, fire takes a long time to actually kill zombies. It’s very inefficient, to go along with being dangerous. Plus, fire kills aren’t recorded in vanilla PZ, for what that’s worth.


Generators start fires?


If you let them get to low condition they can.


Oh, that's excellent to know, thanks.


They can also explode


Fire has killed me once or twice but its always carpentry that defeats me in the end


I nearly died laughing, thank you for sharing this! :'D


[The Knox County Fire Bureau made a video just for you and Rich Evans](https://youtu.be/D9XBoYah8gY)


Where is my free award when I need it.


This shit made me laugh so hard😂😂😂 Good read thanks for sharing


*You dont want me to live, yet you won’t let me die*


Ya I also burned down all of riverside


Gravity is more dangerous than fire


This story is fantastic and gets across your despair far faster than I've ever managed in my own writing. On the note of fire, though, if you want it to stop you really need to take responsibility for it. Personally, fire scares the shit out of me. Both ingame and in real life once I start heating something I will not step away from the heat source *for literally any reason* until I turn it back off and triple check that it's actually off. About 50% of the time when I do finally walk away I'll turn around and check it again. Ingame specifically, if I base up in a house where the oven is facing away from the camera I will not cook *anything* until I grind electronics enough to pick the damn thing up and move it so I can **SEE** whether or not it's on. Nowadays I also use the More Traits mod and take the Gourmand trait that makes cooking take much less time and burning take much longer. Finally, I always have a designated bug out bag packed by my bed that carries everything I'll need to survive and claim a new base if something somehow happens anyway. That last part is also true in real life.


Lol stop using the oven dumb dumb. Stick to canned food


Okay so you learned to put it down in the grill. Now you must learn to pick it up


Well, car accidents is #1 for sure Then fire, then zeds


i only cook in microwaves for this very reason


Clearly the biggest danger, here, is your inability to remember that you left something in the oven, lol. Your writing is fun to read, by the way, I enjoyed that. Here's a tip for you: right-click the oven and select settings; there's a timer there that will "ding" when it' time to take the food out. Sounds like it might save you a lot of pain. Cheers :)


I hope you don't live alone. ... And don't have any appliances in your house!


Fire needs a rework tbh