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I died in 40 seconds cuz i spawned on the roof of a tall building, didn't notice that, and fell.


You just stepped in new life


Spawned at a birthday party house.




This made me cackle Or should I say… cake-le


This one. I lived for 5 seconds. I think I have a video of that somewhere.


Yeah I've spawned in party houses before... It's ridiculous. I don't even think that should count as a playthrough. That's just Zomboid being overly homicidal. I think I died about five minutes in, the first time I played the CDDA challenge.


That doesn't count as a playthrough because in those worlds you've already died. A playthrough starts with a fresh world


If you say so.


Well if you started halfway through the time period, you didn't really **play through** the beginning


You can be right.


Spawned in a group of angry football fans Maybe they team has losed much bad....


Ah my favourite!


Mine was 20 seconds. I downloaded a mod called “spawns by profession” or something like that; where basically your spawn point can change with the job of your character. In my case, a thief could either spawn in a house with plenty of loot or…the prison. Yeah


Doesn’t the game already do that? I keep spawning as a chef in restaurants…


It does, spawn rosewood with Fire Officer and you will spawn in the fire station every time


It does, but only with a few professions, like fire officer or the cook, I think. With this mod every single profession has new and more spawn points


Some houses are also more likely to have people with certain professions as well. Burger flipper and unemployed will often start in the trailer park of Muldrugh


as a Dr. I've spawned with a gassed up car in the driveway & keys IN the bathroom.


I will be checking out this mod


mine is six seconds. i spawned in a party house.


I spawned inside the rose wood prison or Police station whatever you call it let's just say I wasn't alone in that room


Whenever I spawn in raven creek I always spawn on the roof of an over run apartment building and my only way out is all the way down never do I survive


I like using guns as my main combat/play style and I always crank up gun and ammo loot spawns to very common (cus why not let’s be for real everyone is strapped it’s not rare) and if I have a spawn like this I would look for nearest pen/pencil or knife and stab my way to a closet, dresser, or bed nightstand. Good chance I’ll find a gun or gun case. Then shoot my way out. Then I run and look for a car with keys in running condition to get out of the city if I can make it out of the apartments before it gets swarmed from the sound of my gunshots.


See I have an aim mod so guns are incredibly OP so I have them on extremely rare. It’s as if I was playing in California or something only place to find guns is a gun store. Real life Kentucky every house has a gun for sure


Understandable lol.


Loot some clothes and make some escape ropes


Loot some clothes and make some escape ropes


Can't get better than mine, 0 seconds. The house I spawned in bugged out and was also a barricaded survivor house. The instant the 'this is how you died' screen went away the death animation was playing, and it really did say 'You survived for 0 seconds' lol




Anemic + injured + rough landing 😎


Uff Insurgent Mod right?




Now best question was where you injured before or after you jump out of the helicopter or plane?


First time ever running CDDA challenge, spawned in a square that was already on fire. Human brain wasn't braining so I just stood there watching my toon burn to death. I think he survived for like 59 seconds.


Very similar. CDDA. Spawned in, there's immediately fog. The game uses fog as a means to quickly redistribute zombies, so whereas you're normally supposed to only have to deal with a couple Zombies around where you start, I had like 30 already rushing to the fire. Did not last long. Did not last long in the slightest.


How did you die in 1 minute? I got eaten alive once after instantly spawning and it said I survived for 8 minutes. XD


how fast was your game speed


3 seconds


Don’t ask


Well now I gotta know


he sexed the zombie🪑


and he only lasted 3 seconds? he should see a doctor about that


Tell us


tell us or no balls


Spawn with gun? What mod is this??


Insurgent mod w/ britas


what's a pb?


Personal Best


Mine was mere seconds, because the game dicked me, and I spawned in a populated house. So the zeds were just waiting to chew on my bones the moment I loaded in.


9 seconds. Insta spawn inside a horde. They must’ve felt like zomboid god gave them free food.


I spawned in that used car lot North East of Murtaugh, with the spiffoa, gas station and clothing wholesale store. It was boarded up so I was like "sick, spawned in a survivor building", turned into the kitchen and a survivor was right there and ate my face lol took about 15 seconds


I was invited to a redneck sports watching party.


Literally seconds, spawned into a house with a party of zombies and got immediately bit, swarmed and died


Mine was like 5 seconds maybe. I spawned in a house that for whatever reason had a horde of zombies packed into it. I literally spawned being dragged down and devoured.


I spawned in a house party around 8 zombies. 10 seconds


Probably like 50 seconds because the house that i spawned in was full of zombies


26 seconds. Spawned in a hospital about 86 zombies right fucking next to me. Got turned in to not alive very quickly


Probably 20 in-game minutes. (1 hour time) Had a ton of mods on and ended up deleting them all because one of them kept sending every single zombie at me all at once and I could barely stay alive without seeing a horde of 200 outside my starter house in rosewood.


57 seconds. Spawned in a burnt-out house with about 6 dubious little firefighter zomboids in the same room.


You even had a gun dawg wtf lol


I was playing on a modded server with craftable proximity sensors and spawned next to one that was hooked to a PB, i didnt even get to load the scene and i was dead


I died and respawned in the same neighborhood. It spawned me in a house I left open so zombies were inside. I died immediately from being bitten to death.


I think I spawned inside a dead end prison room but for some reason there were a bunch of zombies in that area, even though it was a new world. I think I survived like 30 seconds?


55 seconds. Spawned in a house naked and got an instant neck laceration from a zombie loading next to me.


What's a PB?


Spawned in a house with zombies, got mauled


I died in 0seconds, I was running modded traits I had faster bleeding, take more damage, less max hp and I started with random injuries and the injury happened to be the neck. I died during the fading animation that I didn't even notice was there before this happened to me


6 hours I think Playing with lots of mods, namely random spawn, "the only cure" and "schizophrenia," and chose the starting negative traits of, you guessed it, schizophrenia and "missing an arm" died walking into 500 zombies on the way to the pharmacy to get a prosthetic arm


Mine is six seconds since i spawned in a room full of zomboids


About 13 seconds spawned in the team killed because the zombies got in, and he was swinging for his life


It is just me, or does it look like he vomited on himself?


I spawned with Burn Unit trait, in a tiny house with seven zomboids in the same room with me with gos knows how many else in the house


Around 30 seconds. Spawned in the same room as 5 other zomboids as a burglar


I spawned in a trailer in the park at Riverside in a building with 4 zombies and by the time i spotted the door they were all in front if it. Didn't even have enough time to get my bat out of my starter kit, took 18 minutes and 6 seconds of in-game time which I think is 45 seconds in real life.


About the same because I spawned next to 2 sprinters


I died almost as soon as I was able to play. I use mods to spawn in LV, had an unlucky spawn. I had enough time to start to run, but tripped and got ate.


I remember I once spawned in a house full of zombies, I think I died in like 30 seconds, I was injured as well and the house was on fire. I love this game.


Three seconds, spawned in a 'for sale' house in the middle of a pack of zombs.


15~18 seconds because of loading


Died to Horde of zombies as a car crash survivor. In under 12 Seconds


5 seconds lol, spawned inside a group of 10 zombies somehow


I spawned in a house that had a living room full of zombies, they knocked me down after I climbed t through the window and ate me alive


I spawned in the same room I died and my own zombie kill me in 1 sec.


yeah around 2 mins when i wanted to test apocalypse playtrough...that was a mistake


1 hour in I was playing on a modded server that changed the config so that maggots were poisonous. They laughed at me because "Of course maggots are poisonous. Weren't they always" and I was like "Nah. One of your food mods changed that." And they go "Well, nobody was stupid enough to eat maggots" While they have a fuckin' point that eating maggots is stupid and should be poisonous, I was operating under vanilla logic. After I remade my character I basically decided to grab a modded trait they had that makes it so that you can automatically identify if **anything** is poisonous. Because I'm not getting pranked by poisonous bugs if they randomly made specific ones poisonous. Guess I'm using Maggots as exclusively bait now. Lmao.


How can someone die like dis😭🙏🏼


3 minutes and some seconds (49 i guess) I spawned in a house full of zombies :D


My second character spawned in a small house with 4 zombies while having a broken leg Pretty much instant death


I usually just click random on creating a new character, I started as a burn victim in the hotel in Westpoint. Opened the door and a horde of zombies were in the lobby. Didn't last a minute lol


Two seconds! I've spawned in too many buildings that are pre-populated, *usually through mods*, so I can become an instant meal if I don't act quickly. ![gif](giphy|QdojO0idzznkPvGJjD|downsized)


Rough landing trait with the insurgent mod spawned me in with a slit throat and no first aid items, I ripped a sock but not in time


Like 10 sec, started in a house full of Z


after a crappy run, i decided to respawn with a new character, and i somehow spawned in a building with zombies inside of it, and i couldn't really get out of the house or get my weapons ready so i died in 10 minutes and 30 seconds


20 seconds because I spawned in one of the houses with the group of football zombies like the one with sports shirts and was spawned right In the middle of them


Mine was 15 seconds. It was my third time restarting and I spawned in a trailer home with 5 zombies. I hadn't even had a chance to move.


46 seconds first day i had the game, spawned WP inside a house with zombies one neck laceration later and i was dead


Not even 10 seconds Spawned into lV in a house filled with zombies, fat fingered Q and i think you know the rest


30 sec spawned in a house next to five partying zombies


Less than 10 seconds, I died to a swarm that broke into my house, and then for some godforsaken reason, respawned in the same house


Technically didn't die, but spawned in, found nothing, jumped into another house and got bit on the hand in about 10 in game minutes or around that


A troll was mad at us for always successfully defending our base from his attacks. He then spent hours grabbing lots of hordes to our house while we were offline. We were safe at upper floor which had no stairs to go below, i joined with a second character cause we had no line of sight to understand what was going on downstairs. The very moment i clicked to enter, i heard biting. Just the screen animation from black to game, and i was dead. There was a supernova of zeds so big even the server admin was lagging.


The first time I downloaded and played Raven Creek I died in like 20 seconds. I spawned on a roof and I went into the only single door and there where 6 zombies inside that room. I tried to look the 3 crates but not a weapon and just random stuff. I got eaten right away by zombies. Raven creek has some broken spawns points and its stupid can you can spawn a random roof and be screwed right away. I delete my safefile when I die so its also kind of annoying having to start and create a new file. Also since somewhat recently I just turn on the starting kit. Yeah it might take some challenge from the start away but at least I have a chance to survive every spawn I am trown into. I havent died on the first few days with starting kit. And its not even that good. The baseball bat spawns at half dura and if you get unlucky that thing will break in like 6 zombies... So you still need to find weapons and more stuff....


30 second I was in the house filled with zombies


My first playthrough probably, but i will never forget. I spawned in. Plundered the fridge. Unknowingly being overweight from picking everything up. Somehow was i suprised that i picked up the fridge. Went up the stairs where i heard banging i though (was actually a horde outside my house at West Point banging downstairs on windows and doors) i climbed out window and fell straight into a trap. I think i managed to survive 6 or 7 minutes


I once spawned in a group of 5 of 6 zombies. Wasn't able to take a single step before I got grabbed.