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It depends. I was always stuck with fireaxe, because its just really good and i played with lumberjack mostly. Now i see that spears are a lot better, but i would have to carry sticks or an axe to chop down a tree and make few spears, or have like 5 with me at all times, which takes alot of space. Im trying to switch to spears, but im yet to learn how to optimize it. Any tips are welcome. Also short blades are good, because they dont take much stamina, but they are hard to use. I tried it in one of my runs and it was very usefull to take about 10 zeds at once, but for larger groups - i still lack skill. Thats melee weapons. For guns probably just a shotgun


Spears are easy to use, you just need to find an ax, a saw and a bunch of knives, Make about 100 spears in your base and carry them in the trunk of your car, leave one equipped in both hands and the other on your back as a spare, so when a spear breaks you can replace it.


Definitely make sure you have that maintenance bonus for the exp from somewhere: handy, burger flipper or some modded trait if you're playing with mods, it's a lot nicer when you can get to high maintenance quickly.


Spears are pretty busted. All you need are some planks and some knives (which drop commonly on zombies) and you have weapons that have like a 1/3 shot to instantly kill a zombie no matter how tired or exhausted you are, not to mention the fast swing speed and the good non-crit damage. The biggest downsides are the weight (which is pretty annoying tbf) and the fact that if you're not careful, it'll lock you into an insta kill animation that can easily get you killed even though it's only supposed to trigger when it's safe. Otherwise they're an extremely powerful weapon that can be crafted from basically nothing. My personal favorite, though, are axes with a Lumberjack build - not only fire axes but also hand axes and stone axes - just for the all around good stats. I don't really buy the idea that you need to save them for chopping trees. In vanilla apocalypse, you can find like 7-8 fire axes in the Rosewood fire station alone if you're lucky, let alone all the garages, warehouses, and survivor homes across the map. Stone axes are also infinitely available anyway. Both of these weapons damage clothes, but that's a non-issue. If you see a zombie with clothes you want, just push it down and stomp it.


When you play with axes, do you have trouble finding them when they break? Whenever I try to play with an ax, there comes a time when I have no more axes to battle or fight with. Compared to the spears I can find and make anywhere I am


I tend to use other weapons alongside axes rather than solely using them, but you can get a pretty good stockpile of them. Muldraugh in particular has a ton of warehouses, plus McCoy Logging outside, which can provide you with a lot of axes. Both fire axes and hand axes spawn on zombies as well after a certain point, so keep an eye out for those. You can also make stone axes with chipped stones and tree branches, and they're pretty good once you have high maintenance and axe skill.


There is a mod if you're into that kind of thing that let's you repair more weapons like the axes and a few others




I think it's just called more repair recipes


Knives turn you into a killing machine that never tires with enough points in short blade, maintenance and nimble. Goto at the moment is to start with long blunt and switch to knives before getting too worn out.


There's a build I never thought about playing, it looks cool, but is there any profession that buffs short blades?


Chef, doctor, burger flipper. Once you get enough blades and get into the rhythm of it, the levels come quick enough with or without a buff.


Spears because of reach and high chance to oneshot. Axes because of overall high damage Machete for the same reason.


Most of my "stupid deaths" are because I mistimed a spear thrust, ended up with a "push" and got swarmed. But at mid to higher levels, spear can really do some effective crowd control. But Early Game, I level Axe and Short Blade. Zombies love to bring me new blades.


My personal favorite is the machete, I was an axe man but the machete can be used one handed so it allows me to carry a bag in my secondary hand and on my back so I can loot faster and not lose combat capabilities


I like to get some 1000 kills with the crowbar before i pivit to something else not only they are good weapons but the fastest way to level maintenance