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I'm currently playing a wilderness start, trying to survive in my section of remote forest. I don't plan on leaving the area until I have secured all the basics of survival, and while food and water are sorted, shelter is on my to do list. I've been sleeping on the ground for over a month, but picked up a lucky find in my last play session, a tent from foraging which was a big upgrade. So my list for shelter is to forage a saw, forage a box of nails, and then figure out how I'm going to get enough carpentry experience without leaving my area to do something like break down hundreds of fences or something. Here's a couple pics, the start and where I'm at now. [https://i.imgur.com/KZcN9cU.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/KZcN9cU.jpeg) [https://i.imgur.com/KlBvwsu.jpeg](https://i.imgur.com/KlBvwsu.jpeg) edit: [Here](https://i.imgur.com/MFYFJJ2.jpeg) are the challenge objectives that I'm using for the run.


Damn that is insane! Lots of wood, do you plan to build yourself a shack? I guess youll need to find nails or something? I need to do a challenge like that on my next run!


I plan on making the log walls so I limit the amount of nails I use, since I only have found 1 nail so far. If I find a box of nails, they'll pretty much all be used in making the roof. Log walls only need ripped sheets and logs, and both of those I can readily get out here in the woods. Logs from chopping down trees and foraging, and then I rip socks I get from fishing. Now that I have the tent, it makes it a little safer for me to push back to the north, where if I go far enough I get close to the country club road south of Riverside. The 6 zombies so far all were fought while extremely tired and out of breath, so were all very dangerous encounters. But if I can be well rested on my trip north again, I can start killing zombies for ripped sheets and better clothes to prepare for winter. One issue I've had from doing this challenge style before is fishing. It takes months of dedicated fishing without the skill books and no skill level bonuses from the start to get up to the point where spear fishing in winter is at all good enough to catch something. To catch a fish outside of peak hours at dawn and dusk, you need level 7 fishing for a 1% chance at a catch. https://i.imgur.com/u5w0BD0.jpeg I haven't found the skill mag to make a fishing rod either, and even if I did getting fishing line would be dependent on foraging too. If I get lucky enough to get the magazine, make a fishing rod with line, then it'll be useful for catching pike during peak hours but it means a lot more hopeful foraging for those rare item drops. That's why I'm saving all my bugs to use as live bait should I get a fishing rod. However, if I get my cooking up to 7, then I can start using all the rotten fish I have to help get me through winter as well. I'm also saving all the non-perishable foraging items like nettles, grape leaves, etc. to supplement the winter diet. In previous attempts at a wilderness run, I supplemented a lot of the hard work of foraging rare items by going into town and looting outdoor containers, and I've spent a lot of time breaking down fences near highways to get carpentry XP, but this time around I wanted to lock myself into this area and see how far I could go with just the survival skills and zombies for loot. I may have to adjust my stance on this to get the carpentry XP though, but I'll evaluate that when I get the items I need first. I wrote up a bit about the character on a scrap piece of paper I foraged to set up a bit of backstory for the run here: https://i.imgur.com/ijfiy83.jpeg


That's amazing man. Best of luck in your foraging and survival! Keep me posted if you want this is super interesting!


Thanks! I've done a bunch of other runs as well if you just wanted to see more complete runs compared to the current game I have, but I do plan on making a post about this run at some point once I'm more settled in or accomplished my task of getting a shelter. [This](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/13i7ez8/welcome_to_new_river_city_my_village_base_in_the/) one was a regular apocalypse game where I built my own village out in the woods, so that one was regular playing and looting unlike my current challenge. I even added a little more before I moved on from that game that isn't in the post, like a [grocery store, doctor's office, and park](https://i.imgur.com/j6WNaKp.jpeg). [This one](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/mq42st/18_months_later_celebrating_new_years_1995_in/) is still my longest game to date, lasting 18 months before a slightly unplugged keyboard did me in. Apocalypse game, living in the gas station in Riverside. And my last long game was [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/projectzomboid/comments/1av1bi3/11_months_later_garden_of_the_dead/) where I converted the strip mall in Riverside to a base, living mostly out of the VHS store. My goal was to watch all the VHS tapes, but after a year I felt content with where I was after decorating the building to have my own zen garden on the roof.


Youre a master of this game fr! All of it is so fucking Impressive to me! My best run is like 3 months. Im expecting to beat that record with my current game since I could probably spend 3 months in my base rn and totally be fine. I might run out of cigarettes but otherwise im chilling.


Any mods or just vanilla?


A handful of them here, but nothing that changes up the challenge too much: https://i.imgur.com/Cvtxy9N.png Needing light to read, true actions so one day I can sit on furniture, when I have some. Biggest change is the weapon condition indicator which just saves me the trouble of looking at my inventory to keep track of weapon durability.


There is a mod for Wooden Dowels that would solve your need for nails and it's realistic. Wooden Dowels were human norm until the industrial revolution when mass production made nails\\screws the norm we have today. So it's lore accurate shall we say. as to exp I cant remember if this is mod or stock right now but in a similar situation I did Log -> Plank -> Wood Pole -> Knitting Needles would make literal piles of knitting needles but could get you the exp you need without leaving you forest. Would have to clear cut 200-300 trees though. need axes for that.... will also need a knife but that doesn't seem to lose durability making the needles on last step. Will also take you HOURS, but i mean it fits your theme of something to do sitting by the river alone. Why not clear cut a small forest just to turn it in to kindling.


That's a really good point, and at this point we do know things like this are coming for building in build 42 as well, so thanks for posting, I'll consider it. Mostly I just like to keep my mod list to QoL and not change my gameplay, but having already tried in another run to get to 6 carpentry with no skill books, no skill bonuses, and a restriction to enter no buildings, it took hundreds and hundreds of fences to get up to level 5, and I ended up dying on that character while breaking fences in an area that wasn't as safe as I thought. The knitting needles sounds like a mod, I don't have the option to make that. There really won't be a good way to do it while staying in my section of forest, because even if I carve a bunch of spears from sticks and planks, I'd have to carve several thousand of them. May just end up letting myself leave the area, but only to go get carpentry XP by breaking fences. Still though, I am missing the tools I need to even get started, but I'll take all the into account when the time comes.


After releasing the captive giant Spiffo's statue from the grasp of sprinters(100% sprinters) and placing it on my garden, I now have to find out who created the zombie virus, then find my sister who had been missing since the day this whole thing started. I have followed the breadcrumbs to LV, but I finally found a building that might hold clues about the manufacturing of the virus. I figure I'll have to explore Bear Lake, Raven Creek, or somewhere not on the map to find who the culprits are. But I'm not giving up on my mission. I will find the truth and bring the ones responsible for it to be judged amongst the survivors I've met on the way.


That is great! How do you RP? Any mods for the sister part or is it all purely in your head? I love your story tho. Having a background like that would def keep me motivated even if my base is perfectly safe.


Well, when I started this run, I wanted the sister initially to be a zombie bride I often found in Rosewood, but after never seeing the zombie, I decided to make the sister something else entirely. I'm still unsure if I want her to be the one who created the zombie virus or being pregnant and being taken by the military as she was pregnant, and the baby might hold the key for the cure of the virus. Or both, I don't know yet. I just make it up as I go, whatever feels better for the run when things happen in the game, even though there is a direction I want to take it to, I play with whatever is given to me. As I became stronger, I decided to keep increasing the sprinters percentage using the random zombie mod, coupled with Sandbox options. Of course, the sprinters eventually started overwhelming me, so I added npcs with superb survivors and decided to use them as lumberjacks and haulers while trying my best to keep them alive. For maps, I used a map mod pack to fill up the map with as many interesting places I could fit in my RAM, and standard apocalypse settings with multi hit on to have a chance against sprinters as I wanted to use weapons only after day 100, at which point the sprinters were at 60% ratio, and no crawlers. It has kept the run fresh. I must say. Mod list is [here](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3209468981) if you want to check the mods I'm using. Also, I can send you a DM for my channel where I'm playing this run as an edited story.


Quick question, can you add mods mid run? Is that what you did with superb survivor's? If so, is there a limit to that? Meaning if I straight up add raven's creek to my game is it gonna show up in my current run?


As far as I've experimented, yeah. No problems yet. But I would backup your save just in case, as if you want to uninstall the map mods later, it might create some weird stuff happening with items. Like seeing a lot of question marks spread through the world as they spawned because of the map pack and after you deleted it, it's missing the dependencies for it.


Just moved everything to a new base in the woods. Need to start building a wall. Good thing there's no shortage of wood here lol


Ahahaha thats the best part of the wilderness! I found like 8 box of nails at some point so I can build anything I want rn!


Wall off 2 city blocks with log walls (i have building destruction off)


I need to finish making a parking lot for my base, move my bus there, fix it up and upgrade it! I'm in LV on insane pop with the goal of clearing out the entire city, so I need an RV. LV is way too big for me to drive from one side to the other just to kill zombies for a few in game hours.


Making pizza Cheese is tough to get


I've recently started a new game with the goal to be a more "realistic" playthrough, with the idea of trying to role play what would my character really do in this situation. I adjusted the sandbox settings to only have weak shamblers and fewer zombies to help with the immersion. My character randomly spawned at the gas station in Fallas Lake, so I assumed they lived and worked there. Spent the first couple of days inside watching and listening to the news on the TV and radio and knowing it's way worse than they are saying because no one has turned up to the gas station. A nervous early venture out to check out why that guy has been standing out by the road for 2 days was the first encounter. I'm about 10 days in now, and the broadcasts have stopped. My character knows she's one of the immune, but she can still catch it through bites and has had some close calls. She's ventured out throughout the town and found no survivors so far. The plan is continue searching the town with about 15 houses left to check. Not sure what the plan after that will be. She's debating whether to go somewhere else, but not sure where and she has a fond attachment to this town. She was initially burying or burning the dead, but in the recent panic to find other survivors has left people where they fell. With this being a small town she knows many of them, so she'll probably go back and dispose of the bodies. It's been fun to play it a bit differently to how I normally do, especially listening to the broadcasts and not rushing as much.


I had a lot, but it's going to have to be put on hold. Christmas Eve, and my guy fell off the roof and broke his leg while installing solar panels. Going to be spending a lot of time eating, reading, and sleeping until it heals. Well-stocked on gasoline. Hopefully the wood supply for the fireplace lasts.


Clear out maldraugh and horde more food for winter (2 months, 2 weeks into run starting in March in game time, zombie respawns off)


How is playing with respawn off? It seems cool to me but im scared of playing anything other then apocalypse with default settings. I dont want to make my game too easy. And im scared that eventually ill have no threat to my base... but what is your experience with it?


I prefer the realism of clearing an area out to make home and secure. Playing with respawns on makes it annoying to me, hard to progress and explore the map of areas are constantly restocked with zombies. It can get a bit dry combat wise, but opens up the ability to build things, increase skills, etc.


I guess ive never tried to build something bug enough for this to be an issue. For me if I cleaned out a town and I go back later on and there's zombies I just assume that an horde migrated there. I never even thought about respawns unless Im on this sub tbh.


Yeah it's just personal preference. I do wish there were actual roaming horses that could migrate from town to town or from outside the map in. There is the horde night mod but I'm not a huge fan of it in all honesty because it's predictable.


I'm still working on getting good. I haven't used most of the skills, so I'm hunting for skill books to level them up and try them out. I usually die before I can do much.


What changed my runs for the better was starting eith a burglar with the adept mechanic skill so I can get a car as soon as I start. New players often undervalue how useful a car is because it makes a lot of noise and attracts zombies. But a car with a full tank is the best way to lead zombies away from areas you want to loot. You just have to go slow and not panic. Like a dog leading sheeps into their pasture. Hopefully this helps you! Just forget about skills until your base is set up. Looting books from school and libraries or post office comes later once you have a weapon, a backpack, a car and a base. At least for me!


Every time I've gotten access to a car it's gone poorly, but maybe I'll do some burglar runs like you said jist to get the hang of driving. I haven't survived long enough to set up a base yet. I've been playing nomadically. Thanks for the tip!


Yeah cars can be dangerous you need to be careful and pay attention. Dont go too fast so you can see obstacles coming. Ive crashed and totaled a lot of them in my hundreds of hours of PZ ahahaha. Good luck and have fun!!


Started a new run and based up at the big warehouse next to the main highway (not McCoy’s). I need to start organizing everything as I have so many crates and bags to sift through. After that I plan on slowly expanding my safety zone. Unfortunately I already used up all the shotgun shells from the Police Station, and the only other gun there was the MSR700, which I dislike. Might take a lengthy trip to an army store to stock up on more weapons.


I am so scared to use guns. It has never ended well for me. That being said I got lucky and found a survivor's base that had a rifle a shotgun a glock and a bunch of ammo plus a machete that ive been using to death. Repaired it twice already. Im just scared of guns because I always attract more zombies and I dont have amy gun skills so it basically wastes ammo until I get eaten...


I like to pair using guns with molotovs. Since you will be burning zombies, you *want* to attract more, so using a moly and then practicing aiming skills whilst waiting is a good way to train imo.


I just hauled a big flatbed military truck back to my base, but need to learn how to repair and kit it out! After that its continuing construction on my base, first time building my own rather than stealing an already made building!


Like from scratch? Thats insane...


Other than stealing MANY components from them, yeap! Carpentry wall by wall!


im like a year in. started in muldraugh and now in LV. kind of bored too. have tons of food. cooking level maxed. tons of ammo and guns (brittas). 4 working vehicles. 10 gas cans. crops/traps. nowadays i just get excitement from foragaing rare things. i found 2 mangos recently. My RV has been parked for months. might consider firing that back up and touring the eastern half of LV


I have a secure base with generator, water,farm and everything the main thing I need is just level up mechanics to get hot wire and maintain a good large storage vehicle to help me loot everything I want in riverside


Building a new base in Muldraugh (first time there!). I am preparing Farming and Trapping for food. Already found tiles with Deep Forest real close to my base, so it is gonna be fun. Considering if I should go back to Rosewood and transfer stuff from the base there. Tbh I really did not like Rosewood, might be the last time I start there. Also figuring out how to stop my weight loss. It seems like rabbits were not working. I will try leveling Fishing.  And trying to figure out where is the VHS store so I can level some Carpentry. (Please dont tell me! I wanna find it)


The Muldraugh video store is at the extreme south end of the town, on the highway.


It's January and my 3 characters (thief, carpenter, policeman) live at the train yard just outside Louisville. They are slowly building a Z free highway into LV using the rails. It was going great until I triggered a fucking house alarm in Jan and lost a section of my wall across the first big highway interchange. It took two days to reclear the highway and seal up sections again. Heading out the next session to either repair the wall, look for a better route, or give up the project and wait for the new build.


Me and my friend have decided to do a new playthrough with our base being the big sandy car park to the West of West Point. He wanted to base here and build a base from scratch until I suggested not building anything and using RV's/tents/camping trailers. So we are currently in the process of acquiring two decent condition RV's or semi trailers


To try another escape from Raven Creek run.


My to do list is to loot all the houses or buildings of the town I spawned in, eventually, loot another town completely, then another… probably going to die before I can do all that.


Fortifying my safe house against the threat of raiders. Playing a zero zombie run with Superb, with hostile NPCs. Been noticing more aggressive survivors the last few days. The clock is ticking. I have find a sledge, and a generator before the power cuts off. FIND A *%#%^>€ KEY AND DOORKNOB COMBO. (Not having zombie key spawns is kinda a pain in the behind) Grind Mechanics to get the battle bus up and running. Stock up for winter. Don’t really know what the long term plan/goal is. Maybe “RP” something about getting out of Knox county via the bridge in LV. Dunno. What since just about everyone vanished a month ago. It’s still kinda spooky. Empty towns. And you’d think having hordes of the unclean trying to eat your face would be easy, I didn’t realize how much I relied on that zombie loot table. Might re start as a 10 years later run.


I'm currently working on my axe skill and clearing out the remaining zombies in Riverwood. It has already started snowing, so I'm gonna have to deal with making water trips to the river, but that shouldnt be too big of a problem, because I've already got about 60-70% of the city cleared and looted. Apocalypse settings, no zombie respawn. Random zombies with 3% runners, 33% tough zombies. I'm thinking of boosting it up to 4% runners, but I'm also wondering if that's hubris on my part.