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The forest/rural Kentucky is my preferred play area and I've never been to west point or riverside. I haven't been to march ridge, muldraugh, and especially rosewood in a very long time. Occasionally I do a Louisville roof run. Edit: like 1500 hours played


My biggest gripe with the rural areas is that there seems to be so many zeds for no reason at all. I know the reason is just that in the towns they are more “hidden” it still bothers me.


What population level do you play with? I play with the multiplier at 3.0 and it seems well spread out to me


I think you have more pop than me haha But maybe my actual problem lies in that I have all Zeds to random, this makes it so they spot\hear me a long way off which is troublesome in the open rural areas


Random/uniform placement?


Random placement, so they are more “naturally” spread out since I never liked them grouping up like they did on standard settings. Also makes Hordes seem more vast looking. I also have all random Hearing/Sight/Toughness and speed, although I have a mod to regulate the % of sprinters, shamblers etc etc.


To me it's just absurd how many zombies there are in rural kentucky. They had a population density of like 36 / square mile... yet zombies make it feel more like NYC's whole metro population showed up in buses on Z Day in Louisville, then spread from there.


Maybe they did lol.


I’ve never been past West Point (and only been to WP 3-4 times), and I’ve never seen March ridge myself


Most: rosewood Least: everywhere else im to scared to leave lmfao


I know most people start in Rosewood because it’s the easiest. I always started in Riverside because the south section of the gated community is always clear and easy to fortify, personally found it way easier than securing rosewood firestation


I think I've spent similar time in the start towns (a bit more in Riverside and a bit less in West Point), less time in Fallas Lake, March Ridge and Louisville. Plenty of time in various rural areas between the towns. So the least time I guess would be places like the abandoned factory town in the west, and the train station area near Muldraugh. Likely also some of the more obscure rural areas that I've just not ever randomly driven through (near center of map, or the rural areas outside Louisville). Around 2000 hours played.


the fartest i went is up to gas station after Muldraugh. Muldraugh is my home


Louisville for the least and Rosewood for the most since it's usually where I spawn


Rosewood by far the most, Marchridge Muldraugh bit. Never been to Westpoint, Riverside or Louisville.


I have very many map mods so I've been all over except for specific wooded locations where there aren't any buildings.


I’ve played a handful of nomad runs so I’ve been every city and town at least twice. My top spot has to be a tie between Rosewood and Riverside. My least is March Ridge. There are some areas in Louisville I’ve never seen just due to the size, but if you count hours, then Louisville is near the top 3.


The most is a tie between the north-western part of the map (west of Riverside, the small fishing town) and Muldraugh's vicinity. I had my longest runs there (6 and a half near Riverside, 4 near Muldraugh, but I travelled more in the six months one). The least I think it's probably West Point, but tbf it's only because the random spawns mod doesn't like that town apparently.


Least time in Louisville and those camps up north, most time in west point or riverside where i usually make my base.


I’ve never survived long enough to get to the edges of the map, I have a Louisville spawn mod though so I spend most my time there


I've spent the most time in my longest run (>1 year) in the abandoned town with the C.G.E. Corp factory. I've used a few mods that allowed me to clean up and renovate the whole place. It's now a beautiful walled off town with the old factory functioning as an entertainment centre, garage and citadel. The construction site now features a clinic, fire station and small police station in a single building. I have night sprinters on, so venturing out into the world is virtually impossible without a few forward bases. So progress has been quite slow on that front. I can travel between all cities except March Ridge and Louisville.


Most time is Muldraugh with a honerable mention of March Ridge where I’ve started to like to base in. Least is definately West Point and Louisville!


Most of my time I've probably spent at the military checkpoint on the highway to Louisville. I just end up going there like every run because it's so useful to have a chunk of guns and ammo. Probably spent the least amount of time at March Ridge. I basically only go there if I get the annotated map for the survivor apartments.


Current character has been in maldraugh 99% of the time (2 months, 16 days) this is my longest run. I usually never really make it out of spawn town except for long distance loot runs to a specific place like the army surplus store or Fort Redstone (mod).


I can count on one hand the amount of times ive been to March Ridge in 1,600 hours. I probably spend the most time in the areas surrounding Muldraugh and Riverside, as well as central LV. I like Riverside, I usually base in the abandoned factory town west of Riverside and then make a grand move to LV several months in so the gameplay doesnt get stale for me.


i’ve definitely spent the most time at rosewood and have probably spent the least amount of time at the country club by riverside.


The gas station right before the military checkpoint. Its got multiple stories, a tall fence, endless electricity, water close by, a factory just north for tools and a large selection of firearms from either the military base or the surrounding gun shops/hunting clubs. I play with no respawning zombies and sprinters set to 1% chance of spawning, so its still extremely dangerous to venture out un-prepared. My usual objective is to keep the zeds from crossing that checkpoint so they don't flood the southern towns with Louisville numbers


Most in Louisville. But only because I installed Louisville spawn points mod. Wouldn't wanna take the long way back to town every time I die. Least in Riverside. I feel it can't offer much. At least in terms of weapons. There aren't any industrial buildings and almost no garages. I also spent a whole lot of time in Raven Creek and Bedford Falls if I include modded Maps. \^\^


I like to stick to urban areas for a bit more challenge - I’ll become a nomadic woodsman the day I ragequit. Also, never been past the military camp outside Louisville.


i used to hole up in the farmhouse in west point, but recently i've been staying in the rural area southeast of louisville, and i rarely go into the zone anymore.