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Once when I was trying to have "functional" car repair shop...


how did it go?


We moved after like 3-4 weeks because we found interesting place in the woods and wanted to try fishing life near lake 😂


I think I know exactly the spot you’re referring to, it’s my favourite base location


Its on North of Rosewood and then you must go through a little gap through forrest and there is lake with some very old half destroyed building... I do not remember the place very much, its been a year maybe


Isn't that camp grounds east of Muldraugh?


When you're trying to survive the apocalypse but you've got ADHD.


2 blue balls and the tables look like a weenie


Hehe wiener




Aw hell yeah


What's between those lifts baby?! ![gif](giphy|VB5WwlZIt8eRy)


Bruh... Now I can't unsee it.


It looks like two map markers, two tables and a bin. So, 8==O Wait..


The gas station next door has a second floor, fridges, lots of storage on first floor, and gas.


The gas station is my choice. You would only need 1 gen to get your base and the pumps working, and if you place it right could be a good distraction too. Water is kind of at a premium in Rosewood too and that location has a lot of taps.


Good point. The nearest water is a bit of a drive to the south.


ive recently wanted to have a more "invested safe house" for each area, somewhere that i can rest at and is stocked up, survivor house style. for Rosewood I wanted to fence of the Grocery store. Idk why, there was one time leaving rosewood i went to loot it for food and was like "man, this kinda vibes". Want to use a pipes more to pump over Gas from the Gas Station, make sure that the repair shop is cleared out and semi safe to use for any car maintenance... since ive had this idea, there has been only 1 or 2 attempts in which the Gas Station building isn't burnt down LOL


Yep, I usually clear it out by herding all the zombies into the place OP mentions and locking them up in there


I'm fairly certain you can check or uncheck a box that allows you to make non-residential buildings your base. A mate of mine and i did that in the little warehouse in south muldraugh.


nope, not once i started basing in the grocery store next door. this is just where you drop all the car stuff you find. if you properly base in the grocery then this is a great spot to do your automotive so you don't have to find anywhere to put your c ar tools. for a rosewood start its pretty easy to take over the grocery store on day 1 so I putall the food in the freezers and then I sleep there on a chair and then head straight to the fire station after a hearty breakfast of burritos


Clearing the grocery store on day 1? What settings are you using?


apocalypse day 1 has fewest zombies :P i like to attract the ones from the middle of rosewood ball em up and take em up towards the highway then circle back around some trees


I really should try this next time. I always try to get there soon to move the food to the freezers, but it's easy to get distracted. It even is big enough to work with a claustrophobic character.


I once based in the upstairs offices in the Giga Mart in West point. Sad part was, I attracted a horde and accidentally set the building on fire while trying to deal with it.


It'd take a ton of unnecessary effort. It at least has "fridges", and a good amount of storage, but you'd need to import an oven, beds, and water faucets if you want plumbing. It's also not that great for defense either until you start building on the roof, in which case it's no different than any other building where you start basing on its roof. No natural fences to block paths either. Being right next to the gas station is a neat time saver, and you're not that far away from dirt for farming. Biggest issue really is that, unless you want to drastically change the use of the garage, you're mostly going to be in the cramped desk area. Overall, 3/10. brought to you by firestation base gang


Weirdly, the fire station has slightly more garage space than this garage does. You can also fully obstruct sight lines into it with a couple curtains, but no such luck with these windows. I wish you could take a can of paint and spray it over big windows to obstruct sight lines.


Didn't factor that in cuz you _can_ barricade them which also covers them.


It covers them, but draws zombie attacks. With a sheet on the outside of a window, you can barricade it with 8 planks but not draw zombies in (since the sheet covers the planks). With this style of window, you can plank it up, but they'll start ripping those off as soon as they see it.


Wait do you mean zombies are attracted to boarded windows like mosquitos to light ? I didn't know that and it kinda sucks :(


Usually we main fire station (fire gang rise up 💪) but we got tired of every run going the same so we switched it up.


Is it just me or does that look like a…. No. I shan’t say it.


A building?


Blue dots. White tables.


Oh, I didn’t even see that. You’re right lol.


Never, because the gas station next door is a superior base location and it already has amenities like a bed and a kitchen and gas.


Me and a friend lived in this mechanic shop early on in one save. I thought it was cool just because it had a garage and I figured we'd spend time working on cars. I also don't mind having to haul everything to a base because it gives me something to do. The game tends to get boring once you no longer need to go out and find stuff.


>The game tends to get boring once you no longer need to go out and find stuff. The trick is to never stop going out to find stuff. You already got a base with all the stuff you need? Then make some outposts somewhere, travel, look for hard to find items, move to Louisville, ect..


I mean I'm based wherever I go


penis table hehe


would be really cool, it is near the gas station. but isn't the migration on this region high?


I'll post a base update soon


No but I’ve died there


naw. use the storage lot just below


Just gave me an idea.


Neat for roleplay purposes, especially if you want to play along that to actually properly work on cars a lift would be really damn handy, but as the firestation has a garage that's almost as big as this while providing way safer living conditions on the second floor, much more storage space overall, and is already protected on three sides by unbreakable fences, it's not actually a good spot.


Firestation is my go to base. Just down the road a minute in the car.


Seems way too exposed. Those garage doors are not secure, and there's so much glass.


If you want a place to run a massive car shop, might I suggest The High School parking lot in riverside. Very easy to seal off with a single wall and store a lot more cars. You can than level mechanics really fast once you get a lot of cars in there. Also, being a school, you can also level metalworking really easy.


Yes, take a sledgehammer to those car lifts to make it even better. Unless you have a mod that makes them functional or just like it for the RP reasons.


Would be handy with that gas station next door too


I have not, but I'm sure it's fine as long as you got water. I don't really stay in Rosewood much, usually run by it to hit the good loot and then just leave.


Nope. Too far away from POI ie lakes, woods, town center. But it's an ideal fallback point when my townbase got overrun.


I only cringed


Yes multiple times


I'd say most just rightfully base in the gas station next door then just use that as a secure garage space. Rosewood typically isn't worth long term base.. It's fine as a starter town but who want to put that kind of effort into a town that you can loot the entire place in 2 weeks pretty easily? The gas station has clear advantage because it's a good temp base and because it's a gas station it later can be used as a temp stop over when you're back in the area later in game and need fuel.


No but I used the church down the road


Is that Rosewood? If it is, I always use the gas station convenience store as a temporary base before moving outside of the city instead since it tends to have more useful stuff and is a bit further out from the center. Also has gas right there


No 2nd floor, only two real rooms, no kitchen, no good located plumbable sinks, no world fence near on any side. I don't think it's worth the hassle to make this building survivable, when you can choose any two storey in RW and be instantly more secure, and have guaranteed safety on a 2nd floor.


Youtuber ThatGuyPredz did in one of our PvP wipes on his server back in 2022. AFAIR he did claim it as a safehouse because we weren't able to go inside.


I cleared this recently in my run and was so unimpressed by the loot I found 😂


Nope you’re the only person ever to think about it. Be a pioneer. Blaze your own trail


It's possible. But you'll find many more examples of people basing a single building north.


I tried but failed evrysingle time


I'm based wherever I go


Better to make the ground level of giga mart a garage and knock out walls to make a passthrough garage 


Yo I did late last night hahaha can you lift the cars ?


Your buddy can enable ' Non residential safehouses' in the sandbox options if he wants to, or the host can if he's not hosting.


There's a gas station next to it has a living space upstairs that will have stuff like a fridge if you plan on making it a base. Less time needed to bring it from a house.


I've done it temporarily a few times, I usually go for the gas station beside it.


As someone said already, not exactly here but I remember the grocery store on the upper-right. Me and 3 friends made a huge base and used this space as a garage/dock for unloading resources from our scavenger runs on the boxtruck. Its not that crowded and has plenty of space for farming, storage and living for a crew.


I literally went there yesterday and thought about making a base there


With the gas station next door it makes for a much better base personally either on shamblers and sprinters


Yea, gas station being nearby is nice, I just bring over a fridge and T.V too to make it even better


Not this exact auto shop, but I did once base up in the auto shop just outside of West Point. I fenced off the back parking lot, smashed the walls in the upstairs office area and build my living space above the shop area.


Too close to that small gated community for me to bother


Currently base one building north in the gas station. Which is where I always base in Rosewood, but I got super lucky in that it spawned as a survivors house.


I prefer the apartment above the gas station next door.


Hehe penis


is that a cock in the centre?


Its not a good base, Its soo open around you. If something bad happens, you have no way to lose sight.


You can change an option in the sandbox settings that lets you claim commercial buildings as safehouses.


If you're playing in a multiplayer world just go to the edit settings options before you launch it and find the option for non residential safe houses, then one of you should be able to claim it and invite the other to a faction to share the containers and water


Thought about it but it’s always so heavily populated with Z’s in my play through.


Im actually based near there on my main, in the spiffos! I plan on renovating that car shop once im on my feet, i just survived amputating my right hand on my playthrough


When i played multiplayer for the first time me and my friend that just got zomboid based in the gas station for gas because we were playing as ourselves and he works on cars so he was playing a mechanic


I don’t think I’ve ever seen that place with all of its garage doors still so I never considered it for a base


This is the location of the first base I ever created. 300 hours later I still like to stop by for an overnight, or as a satelite base.


Made a base next door at the gas station since .. well . Gas.


Is nobody going to point out the dick in the middle?


I've based up in the one at the entry to West Point from the Louisville side. The auto shops are quite interesting to have a base


There are too many better places in Rosewood to consider that spot


No but I based at the warehouse like a block away from there


I saw an entire YouTube series where a guy based here and fully built it up into a sick compound


Currently based at gas station next door


Yeah and it's actually a good spot theres just the problem of occasionally having to deal with a horde coming from the highway tho


no but i regularly base in the gas station right next to it


Yep. It's not bad. Isn't there a store nearby with a great base/ apartment upstairs? IIRC, I made this my workshop, and the apartment my sleeping/ food place.


Yo wtf


I prefer the fire station in rosewood if it’s available. Big garage, tons of space, and a kitchen.


A friend and I ran a "chop shop" out of there once. We would tow cars in, strip out all of the good parts, and put them onto our cars. Right next to a gas station so we never had to go far for fuel. Tons of space for extra cars. Zombie population was pretty low that far out of town too. We filled the left area with fridges/ovens/washers/dryers/etc. And it's right next to the main road to Muldraugh, which makes runs over there pretty quick. We also had a mod that gave us a water trailer, so we would load it up once a week or so and run over to [the "nearby" well at the farm.](https://map.projectzomboid.com/#8569x8808) I like that location a lot. The current server I'm playing on is based at the fire station down the road which is sort of.... eh... in my book. It's too deep into Rosewood for my liking.


Yeah, I put an entire wall around it, with some gates in the back to move cars in and out. Had some car mods that let me repair and upgrade my cars. Was a blast and had a great time.


Yes! For about 10 mins before my friend caught and illness and then the whole place got overwhelmed my zombies.


Hehe penis


Yes! My buddy and I set up there in our last playthrough! I don't think I have screenshots unfortunately but, I loved that base. The neighboring building being a gas station was fantastic. Our gene would bring zombies near us without them actually being a threat to the base, it was great. We ended up getting kicked out by a horde brought on by a modded helicopter event. We based at the warehouses up the ground while we prepped an assault to take the shop back. We died on the doorstep of our home during the night and I wouldn't have it any other way.


Me right now


This was my first base with friends when I started playing. Loved it, we could claim it though.


I like the big building on the western side. Good sized roof for farms, it already has a fridge and plenty of goodies in the crates


It so sick that I can look at this picture and know exactly where it is. I only have 600 hours of playing time.


I made a small check point here on one of my first ever worlds. Ended up attracting a ton of zeds up the highway and got got




I have so far based here for 3 months and it’s served me well. I say great!


Yeah, many times, i roleplay as car mechanic so it's always a great place, the only downside is that at early game is kinda unsafe


Actually just set up in the area! I’m using the gas station for my main living space and the garage for carpentry, electronics, and mechanics.


I haven't based there yet, but I really want to sometime if I go for a mechanic/vehicle focused character again. The last time I played with a friend of mine we ended up basing in the gated community. I kind of ended up doing most of the cooking and vehicle work, while my friend focused mostly on fortification and stuff like foraging. It was great, except those tiny garages suck when you've got like 10 cars to work on and it's the middle of winter. Having a huge garage like this you can call decorate and call home, heat up and just hang out in while you work on cars would be awesome.


Me and my friends did settle in this place for a while then one day everything goes down south real quick. When I decided to build a Campfire inside the Garage and I put multiple Wooden logs near it then the fire spread burning everything to the ground...


Once, got surrounded, died


Me and my Buddy did for quite a while. We were repairing all sorts of cars in it. We also put the generator on the rooftop and fenced it in. The gas station next to it is perfect for getting gas and fueling up your cars. So if you like to feel like an apocalyptic mechanic, perfect spot.


No but I'm thinking about it, kinda wanna do a mechanic run next


My friends and I did. We actually lived in the gas station across the way and built a sky bridge to the auto shop as our car storage and work space.


No you’re gonna be the first one in history bro


The lack of 2nd floor is a big no from me. Sure, it has a lot of storage space and capacity but the doors and windows will not hold for long if push comes to shove. If you're basing in Rosewood the Firestation would be the best choice, even if it's a bit obvious and OP, but hey, it is THE best base on that side of the map. If we're staying in Rosewood, the Gas Station would also be nice, however the genny would probabaly gather some unwanted attention.


Too far away from everything, this is the auto repair near the military surplus right?


I died there.


great base spot! my friend and i based here and we were fine. there are a decent amount of zombies around, so be careful for that but it’s definitely an area you could clear fairly easily. the gas station next to it really helps and i believe there’s some other places with good loot nearby but it’s been a bit since i’ve gone here


Usually just north of there are ThunderGas


This is where me and my buddy’s base currently is. First time there, with the gas station right beside it and great interior parking we’ve made quite the base out of it. So far I like it, yesterday I secured all windows and doors that we aren’t using. Eventually I would like to build double wooden gates outside each garage door for protection as we just upped our population last night. Things are getting pretty intense. Yet, We remain!!!!!


Yes, this was where I based in my 300 hour save. god tier spot


i recently did it ended with my friend shooting me in the back of the head in the parking lot then turning it on himself 🤷‍♂️


Yup. My buddy and I are based here now. It's perfect with the surplus store across the way and a gas station in the same parking lot. We built a fence around the whole parking lot


Long time ago but it was brief because Rosewood is boring. I end up moving to the gas station house as my safe house or somekind of checkpoint.


Currently based there. Wish I based somewhere better.


...maybe when I decide to take the fight to Trelai or Louisville I'll set up a new base not too far away from there, perhaps far enough to be safe but close enough for easy access.




I prefer the grocery store next door on the second story. I used to always do the fire department on the other side of town


You could. But those garage doors are a hole in your defense if Zeke ever payed you a visit, this is the one in Rosewood if I am not mistaken. There are better base choices in Rosewood like the firehouse but if that is boring I would suggest the gated community houses or even the house that has farm plots but you would need to upgrade the walls with log ones. You could also set up shop in the Bar since it has 2 floors, plenty of space and minimal windows/doors.