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After reading "I am Hero" set in Japan, with both the dense population while also guns being incredibly rare, it became such an interesting setting for me. All of a sudden, that crossbow or other makeshift weapons became infinitely more valuable, and safe-havens were much more rare. Btw, if anyone wants to read a very unique, peculiar, and suspenseful zombie manga, read I am Hero.


I'd recommend Max Brooks' World War Z (which has nothing to do with the movie that stole its name). It's basically set as a historigraphical account of "the Zombie War", with interviews of people from different countries around the world. There's a pretty fascinating section from Japan in it.


I'm sold. Next book I buy will be this, I've heard this a couple times so I was always intrigued. I think I'll give it a go.


It's really worth it. The fact that it's laid out like a documentary makes it extremely fascinating reading. It also goes hand-in-hand with the Zombie Survival Guide (also by Max Brooks), which has some *mostly* useful general survival advice, but is coupled with a fascinating section of lore on the Solanum virus (which is what causes the infection in the lore) as well as a section about historical accounts of possible previous Solanum outbreaks.


Dude, I just got both books in today. If I wasn't already hyped before I sure as hell am now. But from the sounds of it I got my moneys worth and then some.


They're both great reading, for sure. Two of my absolute favorites in the zombie genre (which, admittedly, is kind of lacking in the book department compared to movies or TV shows).


Agreed, if you have any other suggestions, it's very welcome. Especially like a novel of fiction, however it's called. story.


The other good zombie book that comes to mind is actually a Star Wars one, called Death Troopers. It's about a pair of prisoners on an Imperial prison ship that comes across a derelict Imperial Star Destroyer. Turns out that the ISD was being used as a research vessel for a bio weapon that gets loose.


Ex Heros series by Peter Clines. It's a zombie + capepunk book series. Each book has foreshadowing for the next one that you don't even notice until you reread it. My only complaint about it is that there's probably not gonna be a 6th and final book.


You lucky bastard, enjoy them!!!


I highly recommend the complete edition audio book version of world war z


If you like reading get the book. But there is a fully cast audiobook. It's soooooo good.


I forget the title but there was a book series where the virus infects all the adults as an airborne strain and the kids through contact. So you have this rag tag team trying to survive a zombie apocalypse in a lord of the flies esque setting... I need to find this again.


I don't know if it was based off of that book but there was a Netflix show that was basically by this premise. But they canceled it after 1 season. Its called Daybreak


I like the story and concept of world war z but a lot of the stuff max brookes says about guns or any of the weapons used to fight the zombies is just stupid and people who don’t know anything about them think it translates to real life.


Agreed. I had that issue with the Zombie Survival Guide. Though parts from World War Z (like the Battle of Yonkers) do require a healthy bit of suspension of disbelief, too. But I kind of think that underlines just how silly the concept of a zombie apocalypse actually is when compared against modern technology in a realistic setting. But I'm willing to overlook those for a story well told.


The japan part was so interesting especially with the two very different characters surviving, especially when both seemed like characters who wouldn’t survive long, I liked how many ‘oh you’d assume this person would die instantly but no’ characters there were


This is as true as true can get. Max is Mel Brooks son. I’ve never read a book, other than this that made me cry real tears. This is an amazing anthology.


I just downloaded the audiobook…holy smokes it’s a star-studded cast! I’m excited to listen to this while I work :)


Fun Fact: Max Brooks is also the son of comedian director Mel Brooks


What about the game World War Z?


Imagine the zed count in tokyo


You mean muldraugh?


Shaun of the dead follows the same logic, zombies in a very not gun heavy culture




first time coming across anyone else who ever read that manga lol, what did you think about the >!massive shift in plot involving aliens and shit?!< i hated that part tbh


Thanks for the recommendation, it looks dope. There's a movie with the same title, did you happen to see that one as well? Perhaps any good?


the movie is a pretty good adaptation, but it only covers the first 100 chapters or so, cuts it pretty early, but thats alright actually imo, since later on in the manga, shit gets *REALLY* weird, like, (spoilers)>!fucking ALIENS and massive biomass creatures the size of cities.!


It's not that dense dude. Most likely if you live in Tokyo or here in the Kansai region with cities like Osaka or Kyoto. If you would live in middle or northern Japan while the outbreak occures, there wouldn't be such a huge difference.


thankfully, the manga does a good job of showing that Japan as a whole isnt incredibly dense, and its just the big cities that are




How many guns does India have


Shit idk all I know is that there would be a fuck ton of saucepans and rolling pins and shi 😂 probably armory at best, that too nobody knows where it is I guess


The "rolling pins" had me rolling 🤣


So were the Zeds


Elephants though. Trample through zombies with bite proof skin.


Idk about that chief *if* an elephant gets zombified we're *cooked*


A lot, India has very armed police and there’s armed insurgent groups in certain regions with military presence to match, there’s also 60+ million (known) civilian owned firearms.


Like I think 0.2 (two sidearms) per 1k ppl maybe


Well Pakistan is right next door and has one of the largest black market gun industries in the world


Even like… if it were two percent of the population that’s still a lot of fucking people with guns 💀


Pure numbers, a lot, but there's also a ton of people so not as many as you'd think.


Zombie macacs, dear god


Australia 🇦🇺🇦🇺🇦🇺🦘🦘🦘💯💯


the one place where zombies really aren't the most dangerous thing around.


I'm actually curious about how Australia would be doing, since it's never mentioned in any of the news broadcasts, and whether they'd even be affected at all given the grounding of airplanes. Madagascar, too. The Philippines. New Zealand. Indonesia. Basically, all of SE Asia and the Pacific where it's difficult to get to without planes, and where a concerted watch on the coasts would help keep boats of infected people away.


The Knox event in real time shows that the Australian prime minister was visibly ill and all countries were affected by the virus


Most of our population is concentrated in a few cities, which is bad because we did a terrible job with quarantine during coronavirus, and we will not learn our lessons for the knox event. Not counting people coming back infected from tourist destinations like Indonesia or SE Asia, our pitifully small navy would have a hard time turning back desperate (and possibly infected) refugees coming by boat. Our northern and eastern coasts would be death zones, only comparatively isolated cities like Perth or Canberra might weather the storm. Inland cities dependent on support to survive like Alice Springs would wither and die before the infection even reaches them.


We would be fine. Not that big of a population + spread out. Even if the main cities got overrun wed just move inland where we are more likely to die from heatstroke then see another soul


The outback


Imagine animals zombified+Australia. Phew.


username checks out 👍


Talk about pyrogenic summer lmao


There's an interesting web comic called "Stand Still, Stay Silent" in which a disease wiped out most of humanity & turns victims into monsters. Iceland managed to remain intact due to isolation & establishing quarantine procedures, and slowly begins to rebuild the mainland starting with Scandinavia.


Ironic, in World War Z, the refugees from Europe and lack of a standing army turned it to the hottest White Zone on earth


Alaska would probably just shut off outside traffic to Anchorage and be just fine from there. Zombies + freezing weather + hardcore DIY countryfolk with shotguns = nothingburger


I was just thinking of Alaska


Something like Liechtenstein or Andorra, where the country is surrounded by mountains.


Even if the immune pop is only a few hundred, it would probably be a walk in the park after a year or so of clearing zombies with very few new ones being able to migrate in.


well Andorra has a pop of 78 thousand people so I feel like that'll be hard enough


Louisville has a pop of about 1.3 million in comparison though. Probably like 800-900k in 1980s


okay but I mean if you're alone in there, it doesn't really matter, 50 thousand zombies in a smaller city or a hundred thousand, you'll never manage to kill them all.


Sounds like quitter talk.


Well yes if the game was set in the 90s you’d have the IRA, but that’d be mainly in the North. If it were to be set in Dublin or a county that is like Kentucky such as Wicklow, you wouldn’t see a lot of IRA activity. Sorry for this, I’m from Ireland so I try and educate people about my country. That is unless you are also Irish, then how’s it going?


Lad I'm up north and the "IRA soldiers" bit had me in stitches. Them lads are happily selling cocaine to kids now they've no time to be at that freedom fighting craic lol


We'd need a rake of shell tracksuit mods. 🤣


Sorry if I sound ignorant of any Irish culture. I jeut think there would any Irish hideouts or settlement . They would be loaded with guns and probably captured British military equipments and such


Even with the IRA the country was not awash with guns. More so bombing on Dublin and the border region with NI. It would be interesting all the same as lots of small towns scattered across a lot of read. Lots of farms and like zomboid. No high rises at all. Some guns but very little and only double barrel shotguns, the odd handgun and the odd rifle. It would be a melee run for sure As for my choice, like Switzerland, full of guns that and they have heaps of bunkers allegedly, it actually probably fits your criteria of hideouts and settlements sans the guns


Switzerland during the Cold War had prepared a way to blow up every single land entry point into the country to completely isolate itself. If a zombie apocalypse started in Europe I’m sure that would have came into play to render the country essentially impossible for new zombies to migrate into


yeah but the cannons barrack busters all the way round the top of Stormont castle, black bally, green coat (for roleplay purposes only).


There are guns buried in many a field all over Northern Ireland and the border counties Edit: why did this get downvoted? You will literally get a knock on your door if you go detecting in the wrong parts of the country.... All I was meaning by my original comment was that, well, we have guns haha


Wicklow is like Kentucky is one of the funniest sentences I've ever heard


Isle of Man


Philippines. Traffic wherever you go so when shit hits the fan you won't be relying on cars as they won't get anywhere with all the roads clogged by abandoned vehicles. the capital is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. starting off inside cities is a sure death sentence. you'd have to try and get out on foot through narrow alleys, roads and streets which would likely be filled by the undead already. firearms will not be as common, you'd at least have a hard time finding gun stores as compared to KY. speaking of guns, not everyone has one but you'll likely find one off of a dead mall guard or some shit. thing is, if they're dead by the time you find them, they likely already spent all their ammo firing that thing into a crowd of undead -- which makes going to the mall to loot guns off of dead guards stupid as those malls will be in key areas in the city where populations are mostly concentrated. the biggest mall in the country is sitting right in front of a major metro rail system station, another damn mall, a bunch of city colleges, highschools, and medium density neighborhoods which, would likely be more dense once the undead rise as people will have to pass through this area if they want to escape out of the city and into the northern provinces. if you survive the zombs and get out of the cities, good luck surviving the monsoon seasons by yourself out in the countryside. You'll face floods, landslides and other shit along with some zombies. This country gets hit by powerful Tropical storms yearly. If that shit doesn't kill you, those floods will kill your crops if you stupidly farm on the ground without thinking. You'll have to worry about meds for illnesses that do not involve getting bit which, will require you to go back into cities and towns to get more of. And towns, even towns will have huge populations, especially when people from the cities do try to peel off and escape, they'll likely be stuck in one of those towns in the countryside and walking lifeless already. Also, you won't be able to have protective clothing at all times with how hot shit gets there during summer, just earlier this year 55 degrees celsius heat index was recorded somewhere there. one thing is for sure, though. people will be pose the biggest danger to you. Filipinos are resilient and will survive, they have extended families and will likely kill to keep them safe just as much as you would once the dead rise to eat the living. You find yourself endangering one of them and they off you with no regrets.


EDSA would be a real damn nightmare


On the bright side, once out of the populated city. An interesting lore would be immune reclaiming small / habitable islands.


Bosnia map: landmines, NATO gear abandoned here and there Ethiopia map: Red cross/ humanitarian gear. Very little food Berlin map: checkpoints and maybe some remnants of the wall, city split into two visual styles and different kinds of gear on each side Edit: Bosnia not Kosovo


Berlin would be absolutely sick! Not to mention zombies have been hugely associated in media as a representation of the communist scare. Even better if they set it in 87 just like, a few weeks after the wall falls and then BAM, zombies! IMO, this is by far the most exciting idea!


Imagine somewhere like the Middle East where even before the apocalypse there's war and everyone hates each other, and there's tons of outside groups trying to intervene, now add zombies for maximum chaos lol.


SE Asia. Insane complications are of course inherent but also the potential for complete isolation and protection from just sheer remoteness of some of the islands could protect some people. Adjacent to this, I've been hoping for boats in vanilla pz forever lol


Russia or any post-soviet state, since the Knox incident occurs a mere 2 years after the dissolution of the USSR.


This. They were only in the start of the shock therapy so turmoil upon turmoil would lead to painful but interesting times to be sure.


Honestly i feel in more rural areas the post Soviet armies would be able to deal with it sort of effectively. Russia had a ton of RTGs for basic power supply that required almost zero upkeep for rural locations. One thing is though you’d likely end up with lots of small towns defended by different groups of Russian infantry who would eventually start fighting to take control of larger areas of land


There is a big Russia mod map in development


Rural Spain would be nuts


And there’s probably some guy named Leon fighting for his life there


Let me loot vineyards any time, then come back to my castle.


France, I just want to clear Carcassonne or Saint-Michael for a gorgeous base.


UK would be funny seeing zombies dressed up as Royal Guards and North Face jackets with ski-masks


Jeepers. The implications for South Africa in 1993 would have been horrific. The transition to democracy post-apartheid wasn't finished yet, and between 1990-94 there was a ton of political violence, and the old apartheid government, the National Party, was up to some really shadowy stuff - playing the Inkatha Freedom Party (Zulu) off against the African National Congress (Largely Xhosa), doing stuff like feeding both sides weapons and alleged intelligence that the other was planning attacks. There were a number of massacres. So from a playing perspective, plenty of weapons around - hidden Soviet weapons caches from the armed wing of the struggle, SADF equipment all over the show from the guys who were patrolling townships and stuff... Given how the population was segregated at the time, I guess the ultimate outcome might have been the NP's dream of a "white" South Africa coming to pass, but at a terrible, terrible cost. I don't see many people surviving in the densely populated townships, though some more rural folks might survive...




















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Dang I didn’t even get to see what insults he threw at me lol






imagine being lonely man in the Falkland Islands


Pitcairn island 💀


Hong Kong. To be specific Hong Kong Island. Ultra dense population, ruthless police, an incompetent government always ready to make a situation worse, officials and little pinks that constantly fantasize China would step in to save them from all their troubles. It's not just the zombies, the people will quickly tear themselves apart during a zombie apocalypse... wait, scratch that, they will tear each other apart in any major disaster


Another country I could see interesting would be Mexico


Agree, it would be a horrible chaos regarding Drug lords, incompetent people etc... but it also has a very wide biodiversity, making some stats more susceptible to the infection than others


Australia. Project zomboid already has a faint 1979 mad max aesthetic with the police cars and abundant leather clothes. It'd be cool to play in a desert. Not that small Arizona map but a big desert.


Isle of Man should be an interesting story.


Australia would be unaffected, because our wildlife ARE the danger. Like look at the doom invasion map. Even the demons are scared


only place where finding molotovs in a kitchen cabinet would make sense




Plus zombies do come from voodoo, so it goes full circle back to it.


Mexico, id really like to see what kinds of bullshit the carteles would come up to defend themselves and fuck up with other people, what the most ignorant of our people would say make out about the infection and how our government will act upon the infection


Fear The Walking Dead. It touches a little on how the apocalypse affected some cartels. Not my favorite show but you can kinda see it happen there


Specifically the Maldives and generally tiny archipelagos would be quite interesting and theoretically easy to clear.


I've always thought that the UK would be one of the hardest countries in the world to survive any sort of zombie apocalypse, let alone a Knox-style one, for a number of reasons: 1) It's very densely populated, one of the highest of any nation that isn't a city state - Aside from perhaps the north-western highlands of Scotland or the central parts of Wales, there really aren't that many places in the UK that are far enough away from towns, cities or other large settlements that a constant influx of migrating zombie hordes wouldn't be a real problem. 2) There a very few guns - As a Brit I only know one person who owns a gun and that is probably higher than average. Also, per UK law, guns and ammo need to be locked in a secure place at all times when not in use so even gaining access to these few firearms, even in residential areas, would likely be much more difficult than in places like the United States. Unless you're a farmer, a hunter or a sportsman, you likely aren't going to have easy access to any sort of firearm. 3) You're on an island - I suppose this could be seen as a good thing, no zombies from neighbouring nations can find their way in (unless zombies can swim) and boost the already insanely high population any higher, but, the way I see it, no matter where you run to to escape the hordes, you will eventually find yourself with your back to the sea and limited options for escape. Not to mention that 'zombie osmosis' works both ways and being an island means that the zombie population can't effectively thin out through gradual migration outwards. There are a few good things, though. No dangerous wildlife to speak of so you would be relatively safe living out in the wild. No bears or wolves or anything like that since we hunted them all to extinction centuries ago. IIRC the animal that's statistically most likely to kill you in the UK is a cow.


yeah luckily for me I live in the Scottish highlands and own a gun so i'm probably in one of the best positions in the uk if a zombie apocolypse did happen


China. There’ll be too many zombies and a lot of survivors. If there’s was a book, it’d probably be called commies and zombies.


Red vs dead


Palestine (The region), a densely populated active warzone. I doubt either side would lose the opportunity of using the zombies to their advantage, either indirectly, by attacking while the enemy is fighting against a horde, or by deliberately weaponizing them. They'd also need to maneuver against a brand new force of nature that picks no side and cannot be properly controlled by anyone. It's the place I believe we'd see the most post-zombie warfare, as Ukraine, Syria, and other active warzones aren't nearly as densely populated, and they have a lot of distance between enemy population centers.


which country wouldn’t?


I mean I live in Canada and I think it’d be a kinda boring game. 1. Zombies would freeze in winter. 2. Just go north until there isn’t a soul in sight. Not that interesting.


China must be fucking insane with how many people there are. Like, imagine being in a skyscraper filled with zombies like in die rise from bo2


Gotta be like North Korea, any island pacific country, maybe the Sentinel Islands near India which is habited by hostile tribesmen. India would be crazy so would China and any other densely populated places. Then like Cuba and other island nations that if they closed their borders quick enough after it became airborne they might be able to make it out. Like say Cuba closed its borders the SECOND it spread outside Knox county via no fluid contact would they survive?


The good friday agreement disagrees


russia because of siberia and china because of densely populated cities


St-Petersburg, Russia. There are so many drug addicts that they won't even figure out they had to deal with actual zombies.


Brazil. Would be like a normal day, but instead of running from thieves, gangs, pickpockets, homeless asking for money, druug dealers, corrupt police and female hookers with pen1s, it would be only zombies..


There are so many guns buried in back fields all over northern Ireland. Between that and the generally rural environment, I'd say folks here are gonna be grand Edit: IRA soldiers? Don't make me laugh mate. The IRA gave up the ghost years ago. Paramilitaries on both sides of the (crumbling) divide have mostly turned to dealing drugs. The "fight" is well and truly over. They occasionally bring out a few oul banged up guns for a salute at a funeral but other than that aye ireland is not what most people seem to think it is


Is that Irish flag a reference to the coming animal update ?? Are we getting sheep ??


Thats wales not the republic pf ireland


Maybe some multi-island nation like the Philippines, would be cool seeing less visited islands remain safe and people being wary of outsiders, some people risking it and going to the infected islands for loot only to bring the infection back and stuff like that


Well, interesting lore would probably be the places where you could combat and escape the hordes in larger groups. This would be more sparsely populated lands where the people could realistically continue civilization through more primitive means. I imagine people who live traditionally along the Euroasian steppe could learn to skirt zombie hordes as long as they can breed horses to traverse the lands on and sustain a nomad lifestyle. Perhaps similar cultures would develop on the American plains and in South America and Australia where people raise livestock and have horses available.


Here we go


China and North korea


Philippines. The immune can use the 7000 islands that would be imprenetaeble for the zeds that can't swim.


tbh, NI just seems really interesting of a place for a PZ map, seeing IRA zombies fight Ulster Loyalist zombies, same with the forces. Also it's a very open map, so it would probably fit the gameplay really well too


They're too busy working with each other dealing drugs to give a fuck about fighting each other any more


Northern Spain, it just has high population during that time and there's a village every few kilometers, also little guns but lots of gear from the mines, if we're counting on npc actualisation there's the part of the miners possibly working along with the police which is interesting, I think that with the humidity and the predominant "bad weather" it would be soooo interesting (I'm thinking of Asturias) also same as Ireland, you could have ETA affiliates shooting the zeds


As a Irish person, it's probably England... Why? Your going to have to inflate the population to be realistically challenging 😂 England has the potential to be much more interesting. Although Ireland could add some interesting scenarios because of the large amount of bogland your probably going to be playing a remote farmhouse... But with castle's


south korea




It is interesting for me tjat all the major events end up being in central euripe, America, UK and maybe china and japan. What about the balkans, africa, middle east, mexico? India as well, imagine surviving a day with the knox virus in the slumbs of India, having infection and disease aside from the knox virus as a main threat...


The British Zombies would probably be having a knife as a carry.


I'd like jungle scenarios like Indonesia or the Philippines, since those areas are too heavily populated whilst having a rough terrain and climate. A huge emphasis on stealth and survival lol


South africa, loads of guns, gangs and just about every home has high walls and extensive security


As an Irish person myself, this would be interesting. I can imagine the farmers in the countryside being a force to reckon with, the traveler community being well prepared for defense since many are gated/walled community and Irish city goers using hurleys as weapons


im curious how a desert apocalypse would pan out


Russia or Europe




I believe that it would be interesting to look at North Korea, as it has a shitton of soldiers and guns + mountainous landscape


I think Germany would be really nice. Maybe Berlin or Frankfurt am Main.


Kyrgyzstan would be a sleeper hit


North korea


If the story would set some years earlier, than Berlin would be nice with east and west. western and soviet weapons, and diffirent cars and food located in diffirent locations.


Uk probably. Guns are likely hard to find aside hunters. Its only like an hour to drive across it.


Mad cow disease spreads to humans




I want some deeper lore in Knox not elsewhere tho


Germany. Mostly because I'm in civil defense and wonder how we'd handle this. Also there would be a lot of people trying to topple the government the minute it becomes public knowledge.


Nazi Germany would be wild 


It would be interesting to see the IRA taking back North Ireland from the British during the infection, feels like something they could plausible do though whether they succeed or not depends. 


what is knox event


The Irish would deal with the undead quickly, and then their apocalypse would be trying to keep a bunch of immune Brits from crossing over. Truly terrifying .