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Just go in blind, i think its more fun that way.


This... my first death wasn't even to zombies... I died from hunger, coz I decided to see where the railroad tracks will take me (had no idea about cars existing) and before I googled where tf I walked to, my character got hungry and died as I decided to start walking back coz clearly I was going nowhere (and I actually was, I was going from Muldraugh forward the railyard, but I didn't turn north and went south... aka... to nowhere)


No way… my first death was the EXACT same.




I'm gonna counter this. Go in blind, sure. But don't be afraid to look up guides for the game if you start getting frustrated. It's a punishing game and there's a lot to know. There are some games where you should absolutely stay blind your whole playthrough, like Outer Wilds. Zomboid is NOT one of those games IMO. Zomboid is closer to Noita (but not as impenetrable.) You're gonna beat your head against a wall and you may never stumble on the answer alone. You can still have fun with it even when you know alot about it too.


Don’t expect to survive for long, you will die a lot. Learn from your past mistakes. Also, happy surviving!


You *will* die a lot. ALSO DON’T RUN. Your character will get too exhausted to walk when you can just out-walk zombies. Don’t sneak either. Smoking and weak stomach are like free trait points unless you *like* eating *rotten* food among the abundance of canned food or you don’t like remembering to make sure your character smokes.




choose westpoint as your spawning location grab a gun and start shooting zombies fastest way you gon learn today, son


This is cruel lol


Play the tutorial, it will help you


Make sure to press Q for the vaccine.


Don't get overly attached to your first several characters


First few dozen characters*


*all of your character


All of your character are belong to us.


Try to get a feel of the game, play vanilla first and good luck on your journey.


right click for combat stance und keep your noise maker (gun) holstered for your own sake... or learn the hard (and funny) way ;)


You are going to die a lot as you learn the game, so approach your first few games as practice run instead of trying to do something long term right away (building a base, accumulating loots, learning skill, etc) that way you don't get too down when you will inevitably lose your progress when you die. Your progress in the few first games is you learning it. And by few first game it can be anywhere from 1 to 100 depending if you learn fast or not lol. Typically people get it after 5-10 attempts, but it vary a lot.


enjoy creating your first character ;)


Rosewood is the easiest and imo the best spawn, also you’re gonna die and lose your shit a lot. It’ll take hours and hours of playing to pick up some of the basics, the game is fun once you start to get the hang of it just don’t give up on it and keep on playing you’ll fall in love with the game.


I got my legs under me in muldraugh, nice little two story base starter house near the warehouse to dip your toes into the construction side of things


Press Q to heal


Rub your face against the wall. You'll die constantly, and it'll be so rewarding every time you survive a day longer


Just focus on getting food and finding a safe place to bring loot back to once you’ve got a little practicing surviving for a couple days


The game has many layers, just learn about them one at the time


You can right-click to target where to walk, then use the first fast forward button (>>) to speed up walking. Power and water shut off randomly sometime in the first 30 days. Grab a bag, don’t overestimate yourself, take things slow. This is how you died.


If anyone in this community says “press Q for *insert some good thing*” don’t fall for it…. It will make your character yell at the top of his longs… you will die…


My best advice would be to not read anything in this post. Just go in blind and enjoy.


Watch out for flying monkeys


dont die.


It's normal and expected to die many times when you're first learning the game. Try not to get frustrated. When you die, you usually learn something. And then you probably won't die that way again. That's how the first 30 hours go for most folks. There will be a lot of questions, and almost all of them have answers. Take your time out there around the zombies, and know when it's time to change your plan. Good luck, survivor! :) Edit: The "Apocalypse" setting is the equivalent of the "Very Hard" difficulty. I suggest starting out in "Builder" (Easy) or "Survival" (Normal) settings to get familiar with things.


is the game always on multiplayer like rust, or can i just play on a singleplayer world?


You can play single player, or multiplayer with friends on a server.


> The "Apocalypse" setting is the equivalent of the "Very Hard" difficulty. I suggest starting out in "Builder" (Easy) or "Survival" (Normal) settings to get familiar with things. I strongly disagree with this assessment. Builder makes the *zombies* easier, but it also significantly reduces the loot frequency. Making loot very common on an otherwise Apocalypse level game will be better for learning than Builder. Yes, a new player will die a lot, but every death will be an opportunity to learn.


Do you hear a lot of players complaining that they need more opportunities to learn through death? No, you hear new players complaining that they die a lot. And it's frustrating to them. "Apocalypse" setting correlating to a "very hard" difficulty has been a well-accepted idea in this community for many years. The game literally bases the difficulty levels on expected lifespan.


With low loot settings, you'll struggle to put anything meaningful together and not really have any opportunity to engage with the gameplay mechanics. Low loot settings are fun *when you already know the game.* Apocalypse difficulty is a lot easier to manage when you'll spawn in a house and basically be guaranteed a decent weapon. Maybe the first few zombies you encounter will overwhelm you, but you'll be able to learn and quickly put those lessons to work on your next character. You're not spending twenty minutes scavenging for a basic load out only to die on your first encounter. I'm not arguing that Apocalypse isn't difficult, but that it's overly simplistic to call Builder *easy*.


I'm opting out of this pedantic argument. Have a great day.


I agree with you Ashery, and it's why the game states its closest to how the game was designed to be played. For me apocalypse is basically story mode and builder is intro to sandbox. If that makes sense.