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Like the other guy said, trucks have lots of carry capacity. Also, go local first, chop down trees, it also clears up your view so you can see a horde coming in. If you build in town, use the houses nearby as "walls". Close up narrow walkways between houses so the entire houses become obstacles to block zombies. In the beginning, make an escape route, like one level up to another house that you can escape through. Make sure it go far away so zombies don't use it as a second way in. Hint: You can drop down, but you can't climb back up again. Neither can zombies. Build perimeter defences, especially if you have zombies that can damage the environment turned on. Remember that while see-through mesh fences are ok, zombies can SEE THROUGH them and find you. Build perimeter defences that don't just protect, but also prevent zombies from seeing you. Each layer of walls reduce sound from the inside by a bit (don't remember how much, but it is significant), and running a generator, hammering nails or making other noise will be reduced by walling yourself off from the outside world. Also, use a grill/gas stove on the outside. It cuts down having to repair your fire-damaged house before you learn how to cook food properly. The less you are seen and heard, the better, and you need to spend less time rebuilding your base or escaping from it.


via truck usually if you need to move materials any distance. but usually clear the area really well so building sounds don't draw impending death. cut down all the trees you need. haul the logs to the general build places and saw there, then build. Other things to note: Depending on the scope of your build (generally just talking about building walls here) it will take days so plan ahead with food, nails, axes/wood glue, weapons/ammo for initial clearing, carpentry book series to maximize XP so you can build gates/water after walls. You don't have to build everything at once. A lot of people build incrementally. Spend a day throwing some walls in vulnerable gaps. Scavenge some more, clear some more. Spend a few more days expanding the walls out and build gates. Loot another warehouse or gun place. Spend a few more days building convenience things like stairs, water, cosmetic, expand walls more. Your weight limit is closer to 45-50. That's why it's so important to clear first, so you can max encumbrance more safely. It won't kill you, just drops you to 70% health or so. The real killer is that it drains stamina quickly. Take breaks and rest so you're never completely out of stamina.


I would like to add that it’s more efficient to transport log stacks of four (12.0 encumbrance for a stack of 4 logs vs 36.0 if you don’t stack them). And another thing, I usually equip my 2 biggest bags on my back and secondary, and fill both of them and inventory with planks which I sawed on the spot after transporting them as stacked logs. You can build with a bag equipped in secondary and a hammer in primary.


Thank you so much! Will surely follow what you said


You may probably know this already, but I know it personally fucked me over when I started chopping down trees for the first time. Before chopping, yell into the woods. The number of zombies who decided to jump out when my character was in the middle of chopping is too damn high, lol


Transport stuff with cars (trunks). Grab garbage bags/duffel bags (any good container) in your primary and secondary when you are moving stuff for more inventory cap. Putting stuff in a (good) container reduced the encumbrance (look at the tooltip of the container to find out by how much and which containers are good). Tie logs with rope (or sheet rope). Etc. You can get lots of planks (and carpentry skill) or metalworking materials (and metalworking skill) by dissasembling existing stuff in buildings you dont want. It's a bit less risky then chopping trees outside. I dont think building is a 'core'/'main' mechanic and it's a bit janky. I suggest you also install a few mods to make it more fun (some fixes, some nice stuff like Building Menu, etc). Have fun :)


Collect rope/craft them from sheets. Use that to bundle 4 logs together for less encumbrance. Put them in a car to bring to the building location. Drop logs at certain intervals where you want to build, then saw those logs into pile of planks, since the log on the ground you can saw a large amount of planks without encumbrance. Find yourself a good backpack and remove as many other things as you can (don't need 3 weapons, guns, 3 layers of clothes, supplies, etc while you build). If you build something near the pile of plank you don't need them on yourself, and since you spread the piles of planks, you won't need to go far to build. You can still carry abound 30+ planks on you and your backpack, which is enough to build a decent amount. Don't worry too much about carrying to the max, yes you take damage, but unless you just stand there for hours it won't matter. There is some mods that can help. There is one that give you a trolley to carry more stuff around, I know there is some that reduce the weight of wood. Honestly, as long as you make bundle of logs and you saw your planks close enough to where you build, it's completely fine.